Berlin Museum Egyptian Collection in Germany l Facts pharaonic Egyptian Antiquities, artifacts, Ancient Egyptian Papyrus, Mummy, artifacts, How many Egyptian artifacts are in the Berlin Museum and more… Discover the most important Pharaonic Egyptian Monuments and collectibles in the hall, ancient Egyptian antiquities, ancient Egyptian civilization, historical facts you never knew before, and more Ancient Egypt History.. Berlin Museum Facts It is a museum of Egyptian origins located in the

Osireion Temple in Sohag, Egypt | Facts Osirion Pharaonic Temples in Abydos, Map, History, When was the Osirion temple built, What was the purpose and more.. Facts and history of building the most important ancient Pharaonic temples, what are the secrets that were discovered about the Osiris temple, working hours, entry ticket price, and more. The Osirion Temple, where this famous archaeological temple is located underground, and this is what

Fifth Dynasty of Egypt | Facts Female Pharaohs and Egyptian Pharaohs kings of Old Kingdom of Egypt, History | Who Ruled pharaohs the 5th Dynasty, and more about Ancient Egypt History. Facts, history and secrets of family 5 in the Ancient Egypt, who is the founder and most important of the Pharaohs and antiquities, and what are the most important achievements of the period of that family’s rule of the

Twenty-fifth Dynasty of Egypt | Facts, History the Kushite Empire, the Black Pharaohs Nubian “Napatans” | Who Ruled pharaohs the 25th Dynasty, and more… Facts and history of the Pharaonic civilization and the secrets of the Twenty-Fifth Egyptian Dynasty in the civilization of Ancient Egypt, who is the founder and most important Egyptian Pharaohs kings, Pharaonic Egyptian Monuments and the Pharaonic queens of Egypt “Female Pharaohs“, what are the most

Thirtieth Dynasty of Egypt | Facts, History | Who Ruled pharaohs the 30th Dynasty, and more… Facts and history of the Pharaonic civilization and the secrets of the 30th family in the civilization of ancient Egypt, who is the founder and most important Egyptian Pharaohs kings, the Pharaonic queens of Egypt “Female Pharaohs“, the Pharaonic Egyptian Monuments, what are the most important achievements of the period of that family’s rule

Twenty-Sixth Dynasty of Egypt | Facts, History | Who Ruled Pharaohs the 26th Dynasty, and more… Facts and history of the Pharaonic civilization and the secrets of the Egyptian family 26 in the civilization of Ancient Egypt, who is the founder and most important Egyptian Pharaohs kings, the Pharaonic queens of Egypt “Female Pharaohs“, the Pharaonic Egyptian Monuments, what are the most important achievements of the period of that family’s

Ernesto Schiaparelli – Egyptologists | Facts, History, Secrets life of the most important Italian archaeologists and Egyptology and more… Discover the lives and secrets of the most important Italian archaeologists and Egyptologists and what are the most important archaeological discoveries he made in Egypt Archaeological Sites to learn about the history of the Pharaonic civilization and more Ancient Egypt History.. The archaeologist Ernesto Schiaparelli, who was born on July 12,

Prince Taz Palace in al-Khalifah, Cairo, Egypt Facts and Islamic Egypt History Building the most important Islamic Egypt Archaeological Sites and heritage landmarks from the Mamluk era and the interior architectural design of the palace and more. The most important Egyptian Islamic heritage landmarks and monuments “Islamic Egyptian Antiquities” from the Mamluk era in Cairo, Egypt, the history of the palace’s construction, the story of his martyrdom, entrance ticket prices,

Qalawun complex in Al Muizz street in Cairo, Egypt Discover the facts and Islamic Egypt History to establish a mosque, a school, a dome, a mausoleum and a hospital of Al-Mansur Qalawun from the Mamluk era to rule Egypt and more about the most important Islamic Egypt Archaeological Sites. Qalawun complex Facts Or the mosque, school and dome of the hospital of Al-Mansur Qalawun in Al-Muizz Street, Cairo, Egypt. The

Mosques in Al Khayama Street in Cairo, Egypt Facts about Islamic Egypt Archaeological Sites and the history of the construction of the most important Historical mosques from the Ottoman and Mamluk eras and the interior design of the discovery of the history of Islamic Egypt for the mosque of Abd al-Rahman Katkhuda, Sultan Inal, Jamal al-Din Mahmoud al-Istadar and more before starting your tourist visit to the Islamic Egyptian Antiquities

Mosques in Al Saliba Street in Cairo, Egypt Facts and history of the construction of the most important Historical mosques from the Ottoman and Mamluk eras and the interior design of the discovery of the Islamic Egypt History for the Salar and Sanjar al-Jawli Mosque, the Prince Sheikho Group, the Sabil Umm Abbas, Qani Bay al-Muhammadi, Lajin al-Sayfi, Ibn Taghri Bardi, Sarghatmish al-Nasiri, the Sabil and Kuttab of Abdullah Katkhuda

Mosques in Bab El-Wazir Street in Cairo, Egypt Facts and Islamic Egypt History for the construction of the most important Historical mosques from the Ottoman and Mamluk eras and the interior design of the mosque of Itemesh Al-Bajassi, Ibrahim Agha Mustahfizan, Ahmed Al-Muhmandar, Al-Salih Tala’i bin Razik, Jani Bey Al-Ashrafi, Al-Sayis, Al-Tanbugha Al-Maridani, Janem Al-Bahlawan, Suleiman Pasha Al-Khadem, Umm Al-Sultan Shaaban, Khayr Bey, Qajmas Al-Ishaqi and more before starting your

Ptolemy III Euergetes – Egyptian Pharaohs kings – Ptolemaic Kingdom Facts and history of the most famous kings of the Pharaohs, the Ptolemaic era, in the ancient Egyptian civilization, secrets of the ancient Egyptian civilization, a biography, achievements in the history of the Pharaonic civilization, and more Ancient Egypt History. Ptolemy III Euergetes Facts The Macedonian king, or as he is known in Greek, Basque Ergetes, means the ruler, Ptolemy, the doer of

Queen Meritamen “Meritamun, Merytamen, Merytamun, Meryt-Amen” – Female Pharaohs – Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt – The New Kingdom Facts about the New Kingdom of Egypt and the history of the most famous Egyptian Pharaonic queens of the Egyptian Nineteenth Dynasty. Secrets of the Ancient Egypt civilization, a biography, its achievements and its Pharaonic antiquities, a tomb, a Mummy, the life and death of the queen, and more about Ancient Egypt History. Husband: King Ramses

Alexander the Great | Facts Alexander III of Macedon & History life of The Greatest of King of Macedonia and more Ancient Egypt History. Facts about the civilization of ancient Egypt and the history of Emperor Alexander III of Macedon, the most famous king of the Pharaohs from the Greek-Macedonian dynasty, To discover the history of the Pharaonic civilization, secrets, biography, Egyptian Monuments, achievements and more about Dhul-Qarnayn… Alexander the

Imperator Diocletian “Iovius, Gaius Valerius Diocles” – Egyptian Pharaohs kings – Greek-Roman era Facts of the most famous kings of the era of the Roman Kingdom and the history of the Roman Emperor Diocletian, the most famous emperor in the Roman Empire in the civilization of ancient Egypt, secrets, biography, achievements and more from the Ancient Egypt History. Imperator Diocletian Facts The Roman Emperor Diocletian of Meteoi ruled the country from 284

king Userkaf | Facts Old Kingdom of Egypt & History The Greatest of Egyptian Pharaohs kings Life in Fifth Dynasty of Egypt | Secrets, Biography, Accomplishments in Ancient Egypt, Tomb, Mummy, Life and Death of the King and more about Ancient Egypt History. Facts and history of the most famous Egyptian kings of the ancient Pharaohs | Secrets, biography, achievements in ancient Egypt, tomb, mummy, life and death of the king,

King Amenhotep I – Egyptian Pharaohs kings – Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt – The New Kingdom Facts about the civilization of Ancient Egypt and the history of King Amenophis I The most famous famous kings of the ancient Egyptian Pharaohs in the New Kingdom of Egypt. Secrets, biography, his achievements and his Pharaonic Egyptian Monuments, tomb, Mummy, life and death of the king and more about Ancient Egypt History. King Amenhotep

Imperator Augustus “Octavian” – Egyptian Pharaohs kings – Greek-Roman era Facts of the most famous kings of the Roman Kingdom era and the history of the most famous emperors of the Roman Empire in the civilization of ancient Egypt Secrets, biography, achievements, tomb, mummy and more to discover Ancient Egypt History. Imperator Augustus Facts Augustus Caesar, that great ruler known to the whole world, was born on September 23 of the

Queen Ahmose Henuttamehu “Ahmose-Inhapi, Anhapou” – Female Pharaohs | Ancient Egypt History & History The Greatest of Egyptian Pharaohs Queens Seventeenth Dynasty of Egypt | Secrets, Biography, Accomplishments in Ancient Egypt, Tomb, Mummy, Life and Death of the Queen and more Egyptian Antiquities for queen. Queen Ahmose Henuttamehu Facts Husband “Spouse’: King Seqenenre Tao “Egyptian Pharaohs kings“. Biography: She did not rule or participate in Ancient Egyptian Government. Antiquities: Tomb

God Imentet “Ament” | Facts Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses | God of the fertility and rebirth in Pharaonic Civilization & Most Important Ancient Egypt Deities, Mythology Symbols, Definition, Temple, Photo and more about Amentet or Imentit… symbol of fertility and rebirth for the ancient Egyptians and Pharaohs | Facts and history of gods and religious beliefs in the civilization of ancient Egypt and more. Amenet is a female deity

God Bes “Beset” | Facts The Egyptian Gods and Goddesses | God of the fun, joy, childbirth, and the protector of children in Pharaonic Civilization & Most Important Ancient Egypt Deities, Mythology Symbols, Definition, Temple, Photo and more… symbol of fun, joy, childbirth, and the protector of children among the ancient Egyptians and Pharaohs | Facts and history of gods and religious beliefs in the civilization of ancient Egypt and

God Atum “Atem, Tem” | Facts Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses | God of the creation in Pharaonic Civilization & Most Important Ancient Egypt Deities, Mythology Symbols, Definition, Temple, Photo and more… symbol of the creation of the universe, the creation, appearance and facts of the ancient Egyptians and Pharaohs | Facts and history of gods and religious beliefs in the civilization of ancient Egypt and more. The god Atum

God Seshat “Satet, Satit” | Facts Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses | God of the Nile River, hunting, fertility and love in Pharaonic Civilization & Most Important Ancient Egypt Deities, Mythology Symbols, Definition, Temple, Photo and more about Satjet, Satjit… symbol of the Nile River, hunting, fertility and love among the ancient Egyptians and Pharaohs | Symbol Facts Satis and Satyet, History of Gods, Religious Beliefs in Ancient Egypt, and

God Heka “Hike or Hekau” | Facts Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses | God of magic and medicine in Pharaonic Civilization & Most Important Ancient Egypt Deities, Mythology Symbols, Definition, Temple, Photo and more… symbol of magic and medicine for the ancient Egyptians and Pharaohs | Facts and history of gods and religious beliefs in the civilization of ancient Egypt and more. The ancient Egyptians cared a lot about magic

God Hapi “Nile god” | Facts Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses | God of fertility, prosperity and happiness in Pharaonic Civilization & Most Important Ancient Egypt Deities, Mythology Symbols, Definition, Temple, Photo and more… symbol of the Nile, fertility, prosperity and happiness among the pharaohs and the ancient Egyptians | Facts and history of gods and religious beliefs in the civilization of ancient Egypt and more. The god Hapi is

God Tefnut “Tefnet” | Facts Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses | God of moisture, moist air, dew and rain in Pharaonic Civilization & Most Important Ancient Egypt Deities, Mythology Symbols, Definition, Temple, Photo, Who was and more… symbol of rain, water and moisture for the ancient Egyptians and Pharaohs | Facts and history of gods and religious beliefs in the civilization of ancient Egypt and more. The god Tefnut is

God Taweret | Facts Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses | God of childbirth and fertility in Pharaonic Civilization & Most Important Ancient Egypt Deities, Mythology Symbols, Definition, Temple, Photo, Who was and more about Taurt, Tuat, Tuart, Ta-weret, Tawaret, Twert, Taueret, Thouéris, Thoeris, Taouris and Toeris… symbol of birth and fertility for the ancient Egyptians and Pharaohs | Facts about the symbol Ipet, Ipet, or Ibe, the history of gods,

God Set “Sutekh, Seth” | Facts The Egyptian Gods and Goddesses | God of desert, storms disorder, violence in Pharaonic Civilization & Most Important Ancient Egypt Deities, Mythology Symbols, Definition, Temple, Photo, Who was and more… symbol of chaos, violence, war, desert and storms among the ancient Egyptians and Pharaohs | Facts and history of gods and religious beliefs in the civilization of ancient Egypt and more The Pharaonic legends.

Al Hussein Mosque in Cairo, Egypt Facts and history of the Imam Hussein Mosque and Shrine, the establishment of the oldest historical mosques and how to reach it in the Islamic Egypt History. The history of the establishment of the most important Islamic Egyptian Antiquities & monuments and Historical mosques in Cairo, Egypt, information about the Imam Hussein Mosque and Shrine from the inside and the Fatimid architectural design, what

Law in Ancient Egypt | Facts What are the main laws in Pharaonic Civilization, Crime & Punishment, The Legal System, Egyptians sanctified justice, History The laws of Maat and more about Ancient Egypt History. Discover how the judiciary, right and justice were in Pharaonic Egypt, the legal institutions and courts of crime and punishment, the law of morals and the facts of the laws of Maat and the judiciary in

Ancient Egyptian science | Chemistry among the ancient Egyptians in the ancient Pharaonic civilization of Egypt, mathematics, Technology, calculations, and metrology among the Pharaohs, biology, and what was taught in chemistry in the past, and what were the measurement systems in ancient Egypt civilization? The history of the development of animal and plant sciences and more about Ancient Egypt History. Ancient Egyptian science Chemistry in Ancient Egypt Facts How was

Ancient Egyptian Metallurgy | Gold of the Pharaohs | How did the ancient Egyptians Extract silver and copper in the Pharaonic civilization of Egypt, What metals and precious stones were used in making Statues and Egyptian Antiquities, Building Mortuary Temples, and more about Ancient Egypt History. Facts and history of the most important minerals used by the ancient Egyptian pharaohs, such as silver, copper, iron, the most important gold mines

King Amenemhat III  “Amenemhet III”| Ancient Egypt Facts, Twelfth Dynasty of Egypt in Middle Kingdom of Egypt, History life of the Egyptian Pharaohs kings, Secrets, Biography, Pyramid, Accomplishments, Mummy, Egyptian Antiquities and more about Ancient Egypt History. The history and secrets of the lives of the most famous famous kings of the Pharaohs of the Middle Kingdom, the Twelfth Dynasty of the civilization of ancient Egypt, and what is the

Geography of ancient Egypt | The ethnic origin of the Egyptians – Pharaohs, the facts of writing Ancient Egypt History, a complete map and the names of the regions of the Egyptian Pharaonic civilization, and more… Facts, History, What are 5 geographical features of Pharaonic Civilization, Religion, worksheet… Maps of borders and cities in the Pharaonic civilization, and what are the names of the upper, middle and lower Egyptian regions

King Sneferu | Facts Fourth Dynasty of Egypt, history, and secrets of the most famous Pharaoh kings of the ancient Egyptian civilization. Discover the Pharaonic antiquities, achievements and life of King Sneferu, secrets that you did not know before about the king’s wife and children, antiquities, deeds and achievements that he performed during the rule of the throne of the Pharaonic civilizationand more about King Snefru “Snofru” Facts and Secrets

The Black Pyramid in Dahshur, Saqqara, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs Facts about Egyptian tombs and the history of building the pyramid of King Amenemhat III in ancient Egyptian civilization, why was it called by this name and what are the working hours and entry ticket prices and more to discover the Ancient Egypt History and what are The Secrets of Pyramid Construction. The Black Pyramid Facts King Amenemhat III, the

Temple of Amenhotep III in Luxor Egypt | Egyptian Temples The most important Egyptian funerary Mortuary Temples and what is the secret of its connection to the legends of The Colossi of Memnon, the history of the pharaohs and the facts of building the temple to discover the history of the Pharaonic civilization and more. Discover the history of Pharaonic antiquities and the secrets of the most important Pharaonic funerary

Egypt Historical Sites Map

Egypt Historical Sites Map | Egyptian Monuments

Egypt Historical Sites Map | Egyptian Monuments Discover Facts, History Ancient Pharaonic Civilization, Pharaohs Tourist attractions, Museums, Activities , Places to Visit , Best Time to in Cairo, Luxor, Aswan, Hurghada  Egypt Historical Sites Map Note: Facts and secrets of the history of the Pharaoh kings will be added soon…   Egyptian Tombs | Pharaonic Tombs Egyptian Temples Egypt Archaeological Sites Egyptology | Egyptology Egyptian Monuments Egyptian Antiquities    

Tomb of Kheruef “Senaa, Sesh” – TT192 in Tombs of Al-Assassif – Theban Tombs, Luxor, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs The most famous Egyptian Pharaonic tombs in the ancient Egyptian civilization, he worked in the royal court and ruling in ancient Egypt “Ancient Egyptian Government” during the reign of the Egyptian Pharaohs kings of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt in The New Kingdom of Egypt. Ancient Egypt History and the facts about the

Bent Pyramid in Saqqara Dahshur, Giza, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs – pyramid of King Sneferu History of Pharaonic civilization and facts about the construction of the most important Ancient Egypt Pharaonic pyramids and Egyptian Pharaonic tombs, how much is the entrance ticket price, official working hours and more to discover about the Ancient Egypt History. Bent Pyramid Facts The pyramid was named the radiant pyramid as a symbol of the sun’s

Pyramid of Menkaure – The Pyramids of Giza– Pyramid of King Menkaure in Cairo, Egypt Discover the history of the Pharaonic civilization and The Secrets of Pyramid Construction, the most important Egyptian Tombs and the ancient Pharaonic pyramids of Egypt, how much does an entry ticket cost, official working hours, and more about Ancient Egypt History. The Pyramid of Menkaure, or what is known as the Pyramid of King Menkaure, the most famous

Pyramid of Khafre – The Pyramids of Giza– Pyramid of King Khafre in Cairo, Egypt Facts about ancient Egyptian civilization, the history and The Secrets of Pyramid Construction, what is the Curse of the Pharaohs associated with it, the most famous Pharaonic Egyptian Monuments throughout history, how much is the price of an entry ticket, official working hours, and more about the history of Pharaonic civilization “Ancient Egypt History“?. Pyramid of Khafre Facts

Bazaraa wikala “Bazar’a Caravanserai, Wikalat Bazar’a” in Cairo, Egypt Facts about the most famous Islamic Egypt Archaeological Sites and the Islamic Egypt History. The Kikhia Agency building is one of the most important historical heritage sites in the Gamaleya district in Old Cairo. How much is the entrance ticket, official working hours, and more about Islamic Egyptian Antiquities?. Bazaraa wikala Facts Bazaraa Agency is located in Al-Tambakshiya Street in the

Lahun Pyramid in Fayoum, Egypt | Secrets, Facts Pyramid of King Senusret II, History, Map, Entrance Ticket Prices, Opening Hours and more about The Pyramid Of El-Lahun in Al Fayyum… Facts and history of building the pyramid of King Senusret II and the oldest ancient pyramids of Egypt, how much is the entry ticket price, official working hours and more. Al-Lahoun is one of the villages in the Fayoum Governorate

Meidum Pyramid in Beni Suef, Egypt | Secrets, Facts The First Pyramid In Egypt, History, Map, Entrance Ticket Prices, Opening Hours and more… The facts and history of the false pyramid, the secrets of building it from the inside, the oldest ancient pyramids of the pharaohs, how much is the entry ticket price, official working hours, and more. The pyramid of Meidum is considered one of the mysteries of the

Abusir Archaeological Site in Giza, Cairo, Egypt The most famous Egypt Archaeological Sites | Facts about the Abu Sir pyramids and the history of building the oldest pyramids of the pharaohs and the secrets they contain, what are the working hours and entrance ticket prices and more. Abusir Facts Discover the facts about the ancient Egyptian civilization about the Egyptian Tombs and the discoveries of the mastabas of the ancient

Ali Labib House in Cairo Egypt Facts and Islamic Egypt History for building Dar Al-Malatili or the House of Egyptian Architects, the oldest historic house in Old Cairo and the most famous Islamic Egypt Archaeological Sites, how much is the entrance ticket, official working hours and more. Ali Labib House Facts Ali Labib’s house is an ancient house and one of the most famous Islamic Egyptian Antiquities. It was located

House of Jamal al-Din al-Dhahabi in Cairo Egypt Facts about the most famous Islamic Egypt Archaeological Sites and the history of building the oldest ancient houses in Old Cairo to discover the history of Islamic Egypt, how much is the entrance ticket, official working hours and more about Islamic Egyptian Antiquities. House of Jamal al-Din al-Dhahabi Facts House of Jamal al-Din al-Dhahabi is located in the Hawsh Qadam neighborhood, which

Speos of Horemheb in Gebel el-Silsila, Aswan, Egypt – Egyptian Monuments Facts and history of the Pharaonic civilization “Ancient Egypt History” to build the most important Egyptian Tombs and Egypt Archaeological Sites, how much is the entrance ticket, official working hours and more. Although there are many archaeological sites in the Gebel el-Silsila area, the shrine of King Horemheb is considered the main shrine in this area. This shrine dates back

Tomb of Mereruka in Saqqara Egypt – Egyptian Tombs. Mereruka Tomb in Saqqara Giza Egypt | Facts about ancient Egyptian civilization and the history of the Pharaonic civilization to build the most important ancient Egyptian Pharaonic tombs, how much is the entrance ticket, official working hours and more about Ancient Egypt History. The tomb of the minister Mereruka, who was an important minister in the Ancient Egyptian Government during the reign of king

Tomb of Serapeum in Saqqara, Giza, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs Facts about the ancient Egyptian civilization and the history of the Pharaonic civilization to build the most important ancient Egyptian Pharaonic tombs and the secrets of the Pharaonic Ancient Egyptian Coffins and the enchanted crypt in the tomb tunnel and the Apis bull, how much is the entrance ticket and official working hours and more about Ancient Egypt History. The

Tomb of Queen Meresankh iii in Giza Plateau, Cairo Egypt – – Mastabas Of The Old Kingdom of Egypt The history of the Pharaonic civilization of the most famous Egyptian tombs and mastabas of the ancient Egyptian kingdom in Giza and the facts of the ancient Egyptian civilization to build the most important royal tombs of the Pharaohs, how much is the entrance ticket and official working hours and more

Tomb of Khonsu “To, Ta” – TT31 in Tombs of Sheikh Abdel Gorna – Theban Tombs, Luxor, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs The most famous Egyptian Pharaonic tombs for the nobles in the Ancient Egypt civilization and more about Ancient Egypt History, The tomb of the famous scribe Khonsu was discovered in Luxor, which was abundant in Qurna on the West Bank in the city of Luxor, where there were a

Anfushi Tombs in Alexandria, Egypt | Egyptian Tombs History of Egyptian Tombs and Facts of Ancient Egyptian Civilization to Build the Most Important Tombs of the Greek Era, the Greek-Roman era, How Much is the Entry Ticket, Official Working Hours, and More about Ancient Egypt History. The Anfoushi archaeological cemetery is located in Alexandria, or the archaeological cemetery for discovering the history of the Pharaonic civilization. It is one of

Meir Tombs in Asyut, Egypt | Facts The Necropolis of Meir, History Pharaonic Cemetery, Map, Entrance Fees, opening hours and more Tombs of Mir. The history and facts of building the most important tombs of the Pharaohs, how much is the entry ticket price, official working hours, and more. The capital, which was designated or specified to rule Egypt, had changed through different times. Hurghada lovers Offer Luxury Hurghada to

Mustafa Kamel Tombs in Alexandria, Egypt | Egyptian Tombs History of Egyptian Tombs and Facts of Ancient Egyptian Civilization to Build the Most Important Tombs of the Ptolemaic Kingdom Era, How Much is the Entry Ticket, Official Working Hours and More Ancient Egypt History. Mustafa Kamel Tombs Facts Mustafa Kamel archaeological cemeteries, where these cemeteries, which belong to the ancient Ptolemaic era, are located directly next to the area of

Catacombs of Kom El Shoqafa in Alexandria, Egypt | Egyptian Tombs The history of Egyptian tombs and the facts about the construction of the Catacombs of Kom, the most important tombs of the Roman Kingdom era “Greek-Roman era” in the Ancient Egypt civilization, how much is the entrance ticket, official working hours and more to discover the Ancient Egypt History. A historical archaeological site located in the city of Alexandria

Fraser Tombs in Minya, Egypt | Facts Tihna el-Gebel Necropolis, History Pharaonic Cemetery, Map, Entrance Fees, opening hours and more about Tomb of Ny-ka-Ankh. The history and facts of building the Tahna El-Gabal cemetery, the most important tomb of the Pharaohs, how much is the entry ticket price, official working hours, and more. In fact, specifically in the middle of nature and in the midst of those picturesque and charming

Beni Hasan Tombs in Minya, Egypt | Facts the Tomb of Kheti in Beni Hasan, History Pharaonic Cemetery, Map, Entrance Fees, opening hours and more. The history and facts of building the Bani Hassan necropolis, the most important tomb of the pharaohs for the nobles and princes, how much is the entry ticket price, official working hours and more. The tombs of the Bani Hassan area are an archaeological area

Al Muzawaka Tombs in Dakhla Oasis, Egypt | Facts Roman Necropolis “Al-Mazouka” in the New Valley, History Pharaonic Tombs, Map, Entrance Fees, opening hours and more. history and facts of building the most important tombs of the Roman era, how much is the entry ticket price, official working hours, and more. Al-Mazouqa tombs are located approximately 5 km from the village of Al-Qasr, which is in the same valley, approximately

Tombs of El Shatby in Alexandria, Egypt | Egyptian Tombs History of Egyptian Tombs and Facts about the Construction of the Necropolis Cemetery, the Most Important Tombs of the Greek and Byzantine Era in Ancient Egyptian Civilization, How Much is the Entry Ticket, Official Working Hours, and More to Discover the Ancient Egypt History. Shatby Tombs or those tombs known as the Necropolis Tombs are considered one of the most

The Western Mountain Tombs in Asyut Egypt | Facts The necropolis, History, Map, Entrance Ticket Prices, Opening Hours and more… Facts and history of building the most important ancient tombs of the pharaohs for the nobles and rulers of the civilization of ancient Egypt, how much is the entry ticket price, official working hours and more. The tombs of the Western Mountain in Asyut were known as the cemetery of

Temple of Hibis in Kharga Oasis Egypt | Facts of New Valley Temples, History, Map, Entrance Ticket Prices, Opening Hours and more… Facts and history of building the most important ancient temples of the Pharaohs, how much is the entry ticket price, official working hours and more. The Temple of Hibis is one of the most important ancient Egyptian temples and also important tourist attractions in the Arab Republic of

Hawara Pyramid in Al Fayoum Egypt | Facts Pyramid of King Amenemhat III, History, Map, Entrance Ticket Prices, Opening Hours and more… Facts and history of building the most important ancient pyramids of the Pharaohs of King Amenemhat III of the Twelfth Pharaonic Dynasty, how much is the entry ticket price, official working hours and more. It is one of the Pharaonic pyramids of Egypt, and it was built by

Deir el-Hagar Temple in Dakhla Oasis Egypt | Facts Roman Temple in New Valley, History, Map, Entrance Ticket Prices, Opening Hours and more… Facts and history of building the most important ancient temples of the Pharaohs, how much is the entry ticket price, official working hours and more. In fact, the temple of Deir al-Hajar, the subject of our conversation today, is one of the most important archaeological sites that

Dush Temple in Kharga Oasis Egypt | Facts New Valley Temples, History Temple of Qasr Dush , Map, Entrance Ticket Prices, Opening Hours and more… Facts and history of building the most important ancient temples of the Pharaohs, how much is the entry ticket price, official working hours, and more. The ancient temple of Dosh is located approximately 120 kilometers from the city of Kharga. The “Dush” temple is also

Temple of God Amun in Siwa Oasis Egypt | Egyptian Temples Facts about the Temple of Revelation and the history of building the Temple of Revelation of the God Amun The most important Egyptian temples of the Pharaohs and the most famous archaeological sites in Egypt, how much is the entrance ticket, official working hours and more to discover the secrets of the Ancient Egypt History. Temple of God Amun

Ghweita Temple in Kharga Oasis Egypt | Facts Qasr al-Ghweita Temple in New Valley, History Kasr El-Zayan, Map, Entrance Ticket Prices, Opening Hours and more… Facts and history of building the Temple of Qasr Al-Ghuwaita, the most important ancient temple of the Pharaohs, how much is the entry ticket price, official working hours, and more. The temple is considered to be the safe haven that enjoyed the trade routes in

El Zayan Temple in Kharga Oasis Egypt | Facts Qasr El-Zayyan Temple in New Valley, History Kasr El-Zayan, Map, Entrance Ticket Prices, Opening Hours and more… Facts and history of building the Qasr El-Zayan Temple, the most important ancient temple of the Pharaohs from the Ptolemaic era, how much is the entry ticket price, official working hours, and more. The temple of “Al-Zayan” in the Kharga Oasis is a meeting

Mosque of Abu al-Dhahab in Cairo Egypt Facts and Islamic Egypt History to build a mosque, a school and a hospice, one of the most important Historical mosques and historical Islamic heritage landmarks “Egypt Archaeological Sites“, how much is the entrance ticket price, official working hours and more about the most important Islamic Egyptian Antiquities. The intended meaning of the Muhammad Bey Abu al-Dhahab complex is the mosque, the school

Sultan Al-Ghuri Complex “Mosque and Madrasa of al-Ghuriya” in Cairo Egypt Facts about Islamic Egypt Archaeological Sites and the history of building a mosque, a school and a fountain of Al-Ghouri, one of the most important Islamic historical heritage landmarks to discover. The Islamic Egypt History, how much is the entrance ticket, official working hours and more.. Sultan Al-Ghuri Complex Facts Sultan Al-Ghuri Complex or that large archaeological complex that

Karanis‬ in Fayoum, Egypt | Facts Archaeological Site from Greco Roman era, History of The Lord`s Town in Kom Aushim, The Temples Of Karanis, Map, Entrance Fees, opening hours and more. The history of Karanis and the facts of the most important Pharaonic archaeological sites, the era of the Ptolemaic Kingdom, the Greco-Roman era, the most important temples and monuments that were discovered, what are the working hours, the price

Citadel of Qaitbay in Rosetta Egypt | Facts Fort of Qaitbay in Rashid | Islamic Egyptian Antiquities History of Islamic Egypt and facts about the construction of the most important Islamic Egyptian monuments and archaeological castles and the secret of discovering the Rosetta Stone and what are the working hours and entrance ticket prices and more about Islamic Egypt History. In fact, Qaitbay Citadel in Rashid is considered one of

Salah El Din Citadel Taba in South Sinai, Egypt | Facts Castle of Saladin in Pharaoh’s Island, History Salah El-Din Fortress, Map, Entrance Fees, opening hours and more. The history and facts of the construction of the most important archaeological castles on the island of Pharaoh, what are the working hours, the price of the entrance ticket and more. Salah El-Din Castle is located in Taba at the head of

Castle El Quseir in Red Sea, Egypt | Facts El Quseir Fort, History The Ottoman Castles Map, Entrance Fees, opening hours and more. The history and facts of building the most important historical castles and monuments from the Ottoman era, what are the working hours, the price of the entrance ticket and more. In fact, Al-Qusayr Castle, that famous or ancient castle near the coast of the Red Sea, was

Qila al-Dabba Tombs in Dakhla Oasis, Balat, Egypt | Facts Mastabas, History pharaonic tombs in Western Desert New Valley, Map, Entrance Fees, opening hours and more. The history and facts of the construction of the most important pharaonic tombs and archaeological terraces in the Western Desert, what are the working hours, the price of the entrance ticket, and more. Hurghada lovers Offer Luxury Hurghada to Pyramids Tours | El Gouna

Qasr Qaroun Temple in Fayoum, Egypt | Facts, History Pharaonic Temples “Greek era’, Map, Entrance Fees, Opening Hours and more… The history and facts of building the most important ancient Pharaonic temples from the Greek era to worship the god Sobek at the Pharaohs, what are the working hours, how much is the entrance ticket, and more. The palace of the Qarun Temple, which is located directly on Lake Qarun

Manasterly Palace in Cairo, Egypt Facts about Islamic archaeological sites in Egypt, the history of construction of the most important Egyptian Islamic monuments and antiquities, Islamic Egyptian Antiquities sites in Old Cairo, the price of the entrance ticket, working hours, and more Islamic Egypt History.. It is an architectural masterpiece that was built on an area of ​​approximately 1000 square meters. It was also located in that specific southwestern corner

Prince Youssef Kamal Palace in Qena, Egypt | Facts, History Archaeological Islamic Monuments in Nag Hammadi, Map, Entrance Fees, Opening Hours and more… Facts and history of the construction of the most important historical and archaeological Islamic monuments and shrines in Luxor, how much is the entrance ticket price, opening times and more. Prince Youssef Kamal Palace is a huge palace located directly on the banks of the Nile River

Dead Hostage in Saqqara Giza, Egypt – Egypt Archaeological Sites The most famous archaeological sites in Egypt, Facts about ancient Egyptian civilization and the history of the Pharaonic civilization The most important Pharaonic archaeological sites in the Saqqara and Dahshur areas, the price of the entrance ticket, working hours and more about Ancient Egypt History. Dead Hostage Facts This great history of ancient Egypt was not limited to one particular capital,

Qubbet el-Hawa Tombs – Tombs of The Nomarchs (Governors) in Elephantine “Dome of the Wind” Aswan, Egypt | Egyptian Tombs Facts and History of the Pharaonic Civilization “Ancient Egypt History” to Build the Most Important Egyptian Tombs for Nobles and Rulers in Ancient Egyptian Civilization, How Much is the Entry Ticket, Working Hours, and More about Egypt Archaeological Sites. The Dome of Air is a mountainous area that is considered

Ain Asil in Dakhla Oasis, Egypt | Facts Ayn Asil, History Pharaonic Archaeological Sites in Balat, New Valley Governorate, Map Qila el-Dab’a, Entrance Fees, Opening Hours and more… The facts of the terraces of the castles of the Dabba, the history of the most important Pharaonic archaeological sites in the oases, the price of the entrance ticket, working hours and more. Ain al-Aseel Castle is an archaeological site located in

Temple of Amada in Aswan, Egypt – Egyptian Temples Facts about Amada Temple and the history of building the oldest Egyptian Pharaonic temples from the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt in The New Kingdom of Egypt on the shores of Lake Nasser and how much is the entrance ticket and working hours and more. The Temple of Amada is one of the oldest Egyptian temples located in the land of Nubia, bearing witness,

Shunet El Zebib in Abydos, Sohag, Egypt | Facts, History Pharaonic Archaeological Sites, Map, Entrance Fees, Opening Hours and more… Facts and history of the most important Pharaonic archaeological sites in Abydos and Kom Sultan, how much is the entrance ticket, working hours and more. The archaeological area of ​​Shona al-Zebib, which is actually a large structure made of mud bricks, was located in the archaeological area of ​​Abydos located

Al Muizz Street “Al Moez Ldin Allah Al Fatmi Street” in Cairo, Egypt Facts and Islamic Egypt History in Al-Aazam Street, the oldest historical street and the history of the Greater Cairo Kasbah, the most important tourist attractions and Islamic Egypt Archaeological Sites in Old Cairo, the price of the entrance ticket, working hours and more. Al Muizz Street Facts Al-Muizz Li-Din Allah Al-Fatimi Street, or as it is sometimes

Sabil Kuttab of Nafisa Al bayda in Cairo Egypt Facts about Islamic Egypt Archaeological Sites, the history of building the Sabil and the book of Nafisa Khatun, the most important archaeological landmarks and Islamic Egyptian Antiquities and monuments from the Ottoman era, the price of the entrance ticket, working hours, and more about the Islamic Egypt History. Sabil Kuttab of Nafisa Al bayda Facts Specifically in the southeastern end of

Sabil of Muhammad Ali in al-‘Aqadin “Muhammad Ali’s Sabil in Al-Ghouriya”, Cairo Egypt Facts and Islamic Egypt History to build the most important Islamic Egypt Archaeological Sites in Aqadeen and how much is the entrance ticket and working hours and more about Islamic Egyptian Antiquities. It is an Egyptian masterpiece that was able to quench the thirst of lovers of ancient Islamic architecture, as the Sabil of Muhammad Ali Pasha

Sabil-Kuttab of Qaytbay in Cairo Egypt Facts about Islamic Egypt Archaeological Sites and the history of the construction of the most important Islamic archaeological landmarks “Islamic Egyptian Antiquities“, the Sabil and Kuttab of Qaitbay in Saliba from the Mamluk era, the price of the entrance ticket, working hours, and more about the Islamic Egypt History. The fountain known as Sultan Qaitbay in Egypt is one of the most famous Egyptian

Sabil of Ali Bek el-Kabir in Tanta,Gharbia Governorate, Egypt | Facts Mamluk era, History, Map, Entrance Ticket, Opening Hours and more… Facts and history of building the most important monuments from the Mamluk era, how much is the entrance ticket, opening times and more. In fact, the Sabil Ali Bey Al-Kabeer remains one of the most important, famous and even the best archaeological monuments located in the heart of Tanta,

Zawyet Sultan “‘Zawyet el-Mayyitin” in Minya, Egypt | Facts Zawyet el-Sultan “Zawyet el-Amwat” or corner of the dead, History, Map, Entrance Ticket, Opening Hours and more… Facts and history of the construction of the most important Pharaonic archaeological sites on the eastern bank of the Nile River, and the tombs, temples and relics of the ancient civilization of ancient Egypt, the Pharaohs, and how much is the entrance ticket price,

Tuna Al-Jabal in Minya, Egypt | Facts Tuna Necropolis, History of Tuna el-Gebel Tombs Mallawi, Entrance Ticket, Opening Hours and more… Facts and history of the construction of the most important pharaonic tombs of the ancient civilization of Egypt and what they contain of monuments and archaeological temples, how much is the entrance ticket, opening times and more. The area of ​​Tuna El-Gebel or the land of the dead, as

Statue of Queen Meritamun in Sohag, Egypt | Facts, History of construction of the statue of the White Queen the daughter of Ramses II, Entrance Ticket, Opening Hours and more… The facts and history of the construction of the statue of the White Queen, the most famous queen of the pharaohs in the ancient civilization of Egypt, the daughter of King Ramses II, how much is the entrance ticket, opening

Zeinab Khatoun house in Cairo, Egypt Facts about the house of Zainab Khatun Al-Asal and the Islamic Egypt History to build the oldest historical houses in Old Cairo and what is the price of the entrance ticket and working hours and more about Islamic Egypt Archaeological Sites. It is an ancient historical house located directly behind Al-Azhar Mosque in Cairo and is one of the most famous Islamic Egyptian Antiquities.

Bayt al-Sinnari “Sinnari House” in Cairo, Egypt Facts about Islamic Egyptian Antiquities “Egypt Archaeological Sites“, the history of the construction of the oldest historical houses in Old Cairo from the Ottoman era, the price of the entrance ticket, working hours, and more about the Islamic Egypt History. Bayt al-Sinnari Facts Bayt al-Sinnari is considered one of the most important Egyptian Islamic monuments and important or luxurious palaces that still remain

Bayt Al Suhaymi “House of Suhaymi” in Cairo, Egypt Facts about the Islamic Egypt History to build the oldest historical houses in Old Cairo, known as the house of Sheikh Abdel Wahab El-Tablawi, what is the price of the entrance ticket, working hours, and more about the most important Islamic Egypt Archaeological Sites. The Beit Al-Suhaymi in Egypt, or the House of Sheikh Abdul Wahab Al-Tablawi as it is also

Wasila House “Beit El Sit El Wasila, Waseela Hanem House Architecture” in Cairo, Egypt Facts and Islamic Egypt History to build the oldest historical houses from the Ottoman era known as the House of Arab Poetry and what is the price of the entrance ticket and working hours and more about the most important Islamic Egyptian Antiquities “Egypt Archaeological Sites“. Beit Al-Sett Wasila is originally an ancient house and one

Bab Zuweila “Bawabbat al-Mitwali, Bab Zuwayla” in Cairo, Egypt Facts about Islamic Egyptian Antiquities and the Islamic Egypt History to build the most important historical Islamic monuments in Old Cairo known as Bab Al-Muayyad and what is the price of the entrance ticket and working hours and more about Islamic Egypt Archaeological Sites. The ancient Bab Zuweila, or as it is sometimes known in history as the Metwalli Gate, is

Bir esh-Shaghala Tombs in Dakhla Oasis, New Valley Egypt | Facts Pharaonic Necropolis, History, Map, Inscriptions and more. Facts and history of building pharaonic tombs from the Roman era, the secrets they contain for the lives of the ancient Egyptians, the price of the entrance ticket, opening times and more. What is proud of is that the Egyptian archaeological mission that is actually affiliated to the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities

Bashendi Village in Dakhla Oasis, New Valley, Egypt | Facts, History, Map Bashandi Archeological Site and more… Discover the most important monuments in the tourist area, what are the price of the entrance ticket, opening times and more. Ezbet Bashandi is the largest tourist village in the Dakhla Oasis region, and it is one of the most important oases in the Great Sahara region, and it is a large center