Queen Meresankh III | Ancient Egyptian Female Pharaohs, Famous Queens of Fourth Dynasty of Egypt from Old Kingdom of Egypt, Discover the life of the Pharaonic Queen, her historical facts, and her Egyptian Antiquities and discoveries in Ancient Egypt and more about Ancient Egypt History. Husband “Spouse’: King Khafre  building Pyramid of Khafre in The Pyramids of Giza “Egyptian Pharaohs kings“. Sons: Nebemakhet, Duaenre, Niuserre, Khenterka. Biography: She did not rule

Tomb of Queen Meresankh iii in Giza Plateau Egypt | Facts The mastaba, History Cemetery, Map, Entrance Fees, opening hours and more. The history and facts of building the most important tombs of the royal pharaohs, how much is the entry ticket price, official working hours, and more. Under the shadows of the Great Pyramid in Giza, Egypt, lies the tomb of the ancient Queen Meres Ankh III, the only