Prince Rahotep and his wife Neferet “Female Pharaohs” Find out who is the military leader of the Egyptian army in Ancient Egypt, the older brother of King Sneferu from Old Kingdom of Egypt, and its Pharaonic Egyptian Antiquities in Egypt Archaeological Sites and more about Ancient Egypt History. Prince Rahotep Facts: He is the older brother King Sneferu “Egyptian Pharaohs kings” from Fourth Dynasty of Egypt Pharaonic era The Old Kingdom

Curse of the Pharaohs | Facts What caused the curse of the pharaohs, Secrets Where did originate, Myth Tomb of Tutankhamun | KV62 and more about Ancient Egypt Civilization. Discover the facts and secrets of the ancient civilization of Pharaonic Egypt, is it fact or fiction, what happened when the tomb of King Tutankhamun was opened, and more. what is meant by the curse of the pharaohs is the common

Tomb of Tutankhamun in Valley of the Kings, Luxor “Thebes” Egypt | Secrets Curse of the Pharaohs & Discovering the most important Pharaonic Egyptian Tombs and Howard Carter. Tomb of Tutankhamun number: KV62 in the tombs of the Valley of the Kings. Tomb of Tutankhamun Facts Secrets you never knew before Tomb of Tutankhamun: It was discovered that the cemetery workers widened the door opening in order to enter the huge