God Atum
God Atum "Atem, Tem" | Facts Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses | God of the creation

God Atum “Atem, Tem” | Facts Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses | God of the creation in Pharaonic Civilization & Most Important Ancient Egypt Deities, Mythology Symbols, Definition, Temple, Photo and more…

symbol of the creation of the universe, the creation, appearance and facts of the ancient Egyptians and Pharaohs | Facts and history of gods and religious beliefs in the civilization of ancient Egypt and more.

The god Atum is the creator god, the oldest of the gods of ancient Egypt, and the first manifestation of the sun before the god Amun-Ra. He is the father of gods and pharaohs. It is a myth of creation, appearance and facts. And the word (Atum) means completeness. Since the creation of the universe, there was nothing before Atum, and everything after him is his creation.

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The creation of Atum in Iuno (the Eneade of Heliopolis)

The epithelium of creation in Iuno (Heliopolis) formed a regular divine complex that profoundly influenced all other creatures and its most correct signs of all time. The Creator God  Atum was at the head of this Enead, and the first stage of creation began when this God found himself alone and decided to create children for himself, and when he took from himself and his hand a quantity of (sperm) and put it in his mouth between his teeth and lips,  then sneezed the male God(Shou)was the god of air, then he fell and she was the goddess The female(Tefnut)is the goddess of moisture.

When God Ra’s discourse as Atum is Ra’s two sons, Shou and Maat, as Tefnut’s counterpart, it indicates that the cosmic order expressed by Maat was first seen in the pyramid of creation.

The final stage of the Enead at Iuno consists of a pantheon that goes hand in hand with the core of ancient folk mythology in Egypt. These are four fraternal gods who emerged from the marriage of heaven and earth:

  1. The God Osir (Osiris): He is the god of greenery.
  2. Goddess Isa (Isis):  His wife is the symbol of the female deity.
  3. God (Seth): The God of the Desert and the Night, symbol of evil.
  4. The goddess Nebet Hut (Nephtis): wife of Seth and (lady of the house).


God Atum

Who is the god Atum?

  • The god Atum is the oldest god in Heliopolis, and he is the creator of solar energy, and therefore he is called the Great God.
  • Legends tell that he created himself from the primordial waters that were called (Nu). And he had the abilities of both sexes, he could have children without a female, so when he felt lonely, he created the first two gods.
  • Most of the kings of the Pharaohs claim that they are descendants of the god Atum, and this explains his pictures on the walls of the temples wearing the royal crown.
  • With the development of religions, Atum was considered the embodiment of all gods, so his name was merged with other names, such as the god Atum, the god of the sun, and Atum Horus. But eventually this prefix was dropped and each deity had its own name and identity.

Symbol of the god Atum in ancient religions

  • The first representation of the god Atum was in the form of a serpent. After that, in modern times, it was symbolized in the form of a lizard, and it was attached in a pendant around the neck after it. In addition to being depicted in the form of a lion and a bull.
  • Later, his portrayal was based on his being the father of the pharaohs, so he appears on the walls in the form of an old man wearing a piece of cloth on his head or a crown, half of which is colored red in relation to Lower Egypt, and half of it is white in relation to Upper Egypt. He holds a scepter in his hand, and in the other a symbol of life.
  • The god Atum appears in all the drawings with a beard, which distinguishes him from the drawings of the Pharaohs.

The story of Atom’s creation of the universe

  • Ancient mythology depicts the god Atum as creating the elements needed for life in the form of a god. By spitting, Tefnut created the representation of moisture, and by sneezing, the god Shu created the representation of air.
  • The god (Shu) married the goddess (Tefnut), and the result of this marriage was heaven and earth (Job and Nut), who later married and gave birth to all the gods of Heliopolis.
  • When the god Shu and the goddess Tefnut separated from their father and left the holy water to marry without his knowledge, his tears flowed abundantly, and from these tears came the humans.
  • As the god Atum commanded that Geb separate from Nut, so Geb would be at the bottom and Nut would be at the top, and that they would not meet except at sunset. Hence the initial conception of the creation of the sun, as it was created to separate heaven and earth.


God Atum "Atem, Tem" | Facts Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses | God of the creation
God Atum “Atem, Tem” | Facts Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses | God of the creation

About Author

Tamer Ahmed
Eng. Tamer Ahmed | Author & Researcher in History of Ancient Egypt Pharaohs. Booking Your Tours Online Whatsapp: +201112596434