King Sneferu | Facts Fourth Dynasty of Egypt, history, and secrets of the most famous Pharaoh kings of the ancient Egyptian civilization. Discover the Pharaonic antiquities, achievements and life of King Sneferu, secrets that you did not know before about the king’s wife and children, antiquities, deeds and achievements that he performed during the rule of the throne of the Pharaonic civilizationand more about King Snefru “Snofru” Facts and Secrets

Meidum Pyramid in Beni Suef, Egypt | Secrets, Facts The First Pyramid In Egypt, History, Map, Entrance Ticket Prices, Opening Hours and more… The facts and history of the false pyramid, the secrets of building it from the inside, the oldest ancient pyramids of the pharaohs, how much is the entry ticket price, official working hours, and more. The pyramid of Meidum is considered one of the mysteries of the