Ancient Egyptian religion | Religious Beliefs and Rituals in Ancient Egypt, Funerary Doctrines and Historical Facts Ancient Egyptian Religion Pharaohs, Aaru Secrets and More Ancient Egypt Facts.
Facts and history of the main components of the Egyptian religion in the Pharaonic civilization and the secrets of the priestly institution and property of the Pharaohs.
The main components of religion are (religious community, rituals, Legends of the Pharaohs, ends) and the secondary components are (morality and laws, sacred narratives, religious community, esotericism), and in this chapter we will study these six components of Egyptian religion in great conclusion.
Ancient Egyptian religion Facts:
- The foundation of the religion of the Pharaohs “Ancient Egyptian religion” was built on good morals and good values in dealings among themselves and the application of the law to all ancient Egyptians and among Egyptians of the ruling family to achieve justice..
- Religious values and principles were written in the Book of the Dead, “The Book of Exodus to Daylight,” in order to apply the beliefs of the ancient Egyptians to it.
- The Funerary Texts of the Book of the Dead are considered among the oldest texts that have been written and preserved so far in the Library of Alexandria, and it is considered one of the oldest preserved books in human history that have been discovered so far..
- The ruling pharaoh king was the mediator between the common people and the Egyptian gods. He used to deceive Ancient Egyptians that he was the only one chosen by the god to be his successor on earth and the mediator between them. He was responsible for implementing justice on earth. He was assisted by the priests of the temples, such as the priests of the temple of Amun Ra, and sometimes he appointed himself. A god who is worshiped, in addition to making some of the Pharaohs’ queens and princesses sacred deities, worshiped in Funerary Temples in all regions of Upper and Lower Egypt..
- Religion was closely linked to morality and the application of justice, with the presence of people practicing magic and sorcery, often among the priests of the funerary temple, to frighten people and increase their connection to their god..
- Egyptian gods were drawn either with the head of an animal or the body of a human, such as the head of a lion, the head of a crocodile, or the head of a cat, and other more than 100 deities and gods who were sanctified and worshiped in the civilization of ancient Egypt.
- The Religion of the ancient Egyptians is considered a monotheistic religion and at the same time a pagan religion, as each region of Egypt had its own god and deity, in addition to the famous and widespread Egyptian gods. It had funerary temples, priests, and employees to serve the temple, such as the god Amun, the god Ra, the god Khonsu, the god Mut, the god Isis, and the god Horus..
- The texts of monotheism among the Pharaohs were mentioned in the Book of the Dead in funerary texts that refer to the worship of one God, who created the earth, the sky, and those in it, then created the animals, man, and nature around him..
- The ancient Egyptians worshiped in funerary temples and recited prayers and praises to their god since the beginning of the pre-dynastic era in the Naqada III civilization, then the era of Dynasty 0 and Dynasty 00 until the beginning of the rule of the kings of First Dynasty of Egypt and the emergence of various religious beliefs and deities with an increase in the number of unified regions under the leadership of King Narmer “Mina unified the two countries” and took a god or deity as a unifying symbol for all the upper and lower Egyptian regions, along with the worship of the rest of the other Egyptian gods, such as the god of war, the god of agriculture, the god of fertility, and so on.
- The idea of Monotheism appeared clearly and noticeably among the ancient Egyptians and was actually implemented by King Amenhotep IV “Akhenaten – Egypt’s Monotheistic Pharoah” the most famous king of the pharaohs in the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt in the New Kingdom period, as Egypt was strong, economically stable, prosperous in metals and gold “Ancient Egyptian Metallurgy“, and advanced in Ancient Egyptian science. Therefore, King Akhenaten had the ability to He applied his monotheistic ideas to worship the god Ra, “the symbol of the sun,” as only one unifying god for all the sects and regions of Upper and Lower Egypt, and closed all other temples for all Ancient Egyptian gods and Goddesses, regardless of their power and spread. However, he faced violent resistance, starting from the priests of the Temple of Amun, “who had strong influence at the time,” and he moved to a desert area. To build his own city, “Tell el-Amarna,” in Minya, southern Egypt.
- It is certain that monotheism among the Pharaohs existed since the beginning of the rule of the Pharaoh kings in the pre-dynastic era and the era of building the pyramids in the Third Dynasty of Egypt and Fourth Dynasty of Egypt, where funerary texts were discovered on the walls of the pyramids “Great Pyramid of Giza, Pyramid of Khafre, Pyramid of Menkaure” from the inside indicating the idea of monotheism because the ancient Egyptians worshiped only one god. It is certain that It was widespread among the common people, but the greater the power of the ruling king, the greater his tyranny and control over the country. He directed the common people to the Egyptian deities and gods that he chose, whether obligatory or optional. With time, King Akhenaten appeared strongly to declare his desire to be a mediator between the one god, God Aten, “the symbol of the sun,” and the people. Once he died, the mediator was cut off, and the ancient Egyptians abandoned the worship of the god Aten, and they quickly returned to the rest of the ancient Egyptian gods. This was demonstrated by King Horemheb destroying and sabotaging all the antiquities and texts that refer to the period of the rule of King Amenhotep IV.
- The worship of the Egyptian Pharaonic gods continued even during the rule of the kings of the Greek-Roman era and “Ptolemaic Kingdom” and at the end of the reign of Queen Cleopatra VII and the end of the period of the pharaohs in the history of Egypt. Among the most famous gods that were associated with Greek and Roman culture were the god Isis, the god Osiris, and the god Horus..
- The ancient Egyptian was a religious person who loved to adhere to religious principles and good morals that were constant during the successive rule of the kings of the various Egyptian Pharaonic dynasties..
- Funerary religious scenes and texts were drawn on the walls of the Pharaonic tombs in Luxor and Aswan, in addition to writing the texts of the funerary books on the Pharaonic Ancient Egyptian Coffins that was buried with the Mummy in the royal tomb or the tombs of the nobles, such as those that have been discovered in all Egypt Archaeological Sites.
- A member of the people was chosen and installed as a god to be worshiped due to the science and knowledge he provided, as happened with the doctor and sage Imhotep and others, and statues of him were built and drawings of him on the walls of funerary temples and linked to the rituals of religious worship and linked to the gods, especially the ritual of opening the mouth for the king.
- Animals and birds were sanctified and worshiped in the religion of the ancient Egyptians, such as the bull, the cow, and the crocodile, and they were mummified, preserved, and appreciated on the basis that they represented the gods on earth. Through them, Pharaonic myths and stories about cats spread in the Temple of Edfu and Horus, and many crocodile mummies were discovered in the tombs of the nobles in Aswan, and the discovery of Ras The sacred cow in Tomb of Tutankhamun | KV62 “King Tutankhamun”, the tombs of the Valley of the Kings in Luxor, and more archaeological discoveries.
- Dry foods (figs, bread) and drinks such as wine were buried with the deceased “Food in ancient Egypt“, in the belief that the deceased would use them in his next life after his death..
- The ancient Egyptians were interested in offering sacrifices to the gods in their funerary temples. Priests and employees received them. The more sacrifices there were, the more the gods were satisfied with the person who offered the sacrifices and received divine grants..
- Egyptian Mythology, myths, and empty stories spread in Ancient Egyptian Literature among members of the general public in order to magnify and glorify the gods and increase fear in the hearts of the weak ancient Egyptians. The main gods of the temples were changed with the change in the period of rule of the ruling family and the change in the location of the main capital of the regions of ancient Egypt.
Opinion Researcher Tamer Ahmed Abdel Fattah:
- The Pharaonic king, like any human being, lives for a period and then dies, but he used his power, with the help of his assistants, the priests of the temples, and his Employees and servants, to frighten the ancient Egyptians and paint an image of him that he is the mediator of God on earth, or that he is the god to worship and obey. Accordingly, imaginary stories and legends were spread among the ancient Egyptians to be believed. And forcing them to forcefully implement his laws, including sculpture, building statues, and building tombs and royal buildings, while the common people are buried and nothing is known about them.
- With the successive rule of the Pharaohs’ kings, the idea and religious belief were established, and anyone who tried to change reality was killed and all antiquities related to him that mentioned the period of his rule or his ideas were destroyed. The situation was like one man, the king, and under him were the ministers, “not exceeding 50 people,” and the rest were slaves to carry out the orders of the Pharaonic king.
- All the Ancient Egyptian Gods are nothing but beautiful artistic drawings. They were only used during the rule of the Pharaoh kings. The most important thing that distinguished the civilization of ancient Egypt was the preservation of religion, morals and principles, the development of the arts of drawing, and creativity in drawing and depicting religious beliefs.
To learn more about Ancient Egyptian religion & the details of religious beliefs and beliefs and how the daily religious life of the ancient Egyptians was, continue reading the article. We have provided highly accurate and reliable sources of reference to gain true and realistic knowledge of the religion of the ancient Egyptians, the Pharaohs…
Religious beliefs in the civilization of ancient Egypt
First: The main components of the Egyptian religion
The first main component: religious belief
Religious institution
Divine Institution:
This is the pantheon of The Egyptian Gods, which consists of many thousands of gods of varying importance, and we can usually distinguish seven different theological schools in Egypt that place the gods on successive levels, and we can generally say that there are large groups of gods:
- The Gods of Blindness and the First of Cosmogony
- The Seven Great Gods of the Universe (Cosmos)
- Gods of the Four Elements
- Gods of Heaven
- Planets, stars and weather
- Gods of the Earth
- Gods of the Underworld (Duat)
- Foreign gods.
Religious beliefs in the civilization of ancient Egypt – Religious beliefs royal institution (pharaonic):
Ancient Egyptian religion. Pharaonic establishment was not a traditional worldly monarchy like the one we know in presidential institutions, The Pharaonic political pyramid and goods throughout the ancient world; in Egypt, the image of the king was very different from that of the countries and societies of this world. The Pharaoh was a God in the strict sense of the word, not a representative of God or an image of his images on earth, but a god entirely.
The pharaoh was the son of God Ra on the one hand, the God King Hor or God Horus, who is the sun god who gives the vital energy and light of the other, and the pharaoh was a God in life, the son of Ra and God in death, where he transforms into God Osiris, then dies and remains in the paradise of the other world as God ruling the dead (Osiris).
The word of Pharaoh is a Hebrew awakening to the ancient Egyptian word “Per-Aa” or “Aa-per,” which means “great house,” where the parish lives and concentrates.
According to Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis Budge “Egyptology“, the king descended from a God who ruled the earth, a God, even though he had a flesh-and-blood body.
The works, will, and ideas of the pharaoh were the works, will, and thoughts of God. He attended the ceremony to offer him offerings as God, and some pharaohs, like King Amenhotep III and King Ramses II “Egyptian Pharaohs kings” from Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt, built Egyptian Temples for themselves and their wives in which they worshipped as Temple of Abu Simbel in Aswan.
Priestly institution of religious beliefs
In practice, although he is God, the king has incorporated into his personality the functions of the characteristics of God from Predynastic Period to Late Period, the king, and the priest as High Priest of Amun. However, the king was not able to do all these works with the multiplicity of Egyptian gods as in Festivals in Ancient Egypt and dispersed his places of worship as built Mortuary Temples, but the personality and function of the Egyptian priest was very modest and did not tend to the Puritan image that might come to mind.
French Egyptologist Dr. Serge Sauneron suggests that “These priests did not carry out their work for a limited period, which could be up to three months a year, due to the succession of working communities.
During the three months that separated each month and one month of work, the purely civil life of priests moved away from the Eucharistic massacres.
So what did these priests distinguish from the other inhabitants of their village? The few profiles we will mention about the incidents now have not come together to destroy the wonderful idea that we may be inclined to retain from the (Egyptian priest), but these profiles have avoided an urgent generalization; They follow them from the stakes.
They were only the executors of daily religious rituals that took place far from the eyes of the masses, and we will see that one would have had little chance of qualifying to engage in a thread (purgatory).
We were able to count seven distinct priestly layers, three basic layers and four variable and non-fixed layers, which are as follows:
High Priest Hem Neter:
He was the highest rank among the priests appointed by the king, and his personality was influential in society.
Ancient Egyptian religion – Competent priests:
They are a group of priests who are classified as high, work in specific functions related to service, rituals and daily hygiene, decoration and decoration of divine statues and preservation of temple halls and high level of materials for daily use such as ornaments, clothing and worship requirements.
- Purgatory (and play).
- Musicians and dancers recited (Kheri Heb) to know more about Music and dance in Ancient Egypt.
- Winged priests (pterophore): compared to the two feathers adorning their headscarves.
Junior priests: Ancient Egyptian religion
They are young and religious, play a simple role in clinics and religious activities and are divided into:
They are the ones who do a simple job (campaigning of sacred boats, watering in the temple and water workshops, observing paintings and painters, the heads of writers and workers of the King, or being simple workers assigned to the shoes of God.
They are divided into layers in large temples characterized by many clerics, including pious or advanced leaders of piety, or subordinates classified as good priests to do all the work required by temple and know more about Pharaonic dialogue literature, Astronomy of the Pharaohs, Medicine in ancient Egypt, Chemistry in Ancient Egypt.
Shepherds (pastophore):
They are the countryside of sacred
Priest: They are responsible for providing offerings and carving them before that.
Dream interpreters (the invisible world):
They are involved in the world of nocturnal phenomena and the education of divinity.
Priests are the most trustworthy (Onut):
They are temporary service priests who appeared in a special form during the Middle Kingdom era from Eleventh Dynasty of Egypt, working temporarily as priests in turn, and then returning to their usual civilian daily life to know ore about Sculpture in Ancient Egypt.
Religious beliefs of priestesses:
Before The New Kingdom, women were in the service of the temple and priesthood, and there were priests of the goddesses God Neith and God Hathor, “but the Seventeenth Dynasty of Egypt showed a new priestly title to Female Pharaohs or princesses who would become queens, the wife of God, the royal wife of the God Amun, who was forbidden from any sexual intercourse with any man.
This bride of God had great power in competition with the power of the pharaoh “Pharaonic Cartridges“; They belong to him, take a set of titles, surround his name with a cartouche, possessing royal privileges, keep jubilee festivals as Sed festival “Heb Sed or Feast of the Tail”
, erect monuments in his name and offer offerings to the gods.
The chief priestess was often the wife of the high priest. She was associated with God in a kind of bond, for example, and received great importance in late times for those who assumed the position of divine woman of Amun, a position equivalent to the position of high priest whose influence had disappeared since Princess Shepenupet II “Twenty-fifth Dynasty of Egypt” or Black Pharaohs took office under her father, King Osorkon III of Twenty-Third Dynasty of Egypt.
Ancient Egyptian religion. The owner has had religious and spiritual authority in Thebes for more than two centuries. The policy of the pharaohs was to attribute this position to one of their daughters so that God’s possessions and endowments would not be removed from the circle of the royal family and the powers of this great position would be vested in him.
Administrators and officials:
They were outside the priesthood but performed administrative and temple service tasks, especially if the temples were large, such as property managers, shepherds, and shops… etc. There was a large group of officials such as doormen, workers, guards, funerals, butchers and slaves… etc.
the facts of the post-death beliefs of the Ancient Egyptians of the Pharaonic era and what are the doctrines of eternity and eternal return to the culture of pharaonic civilization.
Funerary beliefs in ancient Egypt
The psychology of the funeral chief in ancient Egypt (post-mortem doctrines):
Just as the doctrines and appearances of the origins and creation of the world and the universe (Cosmogony), the gods (Theogonia) and man (Anthropogonia) formed the basis of the theology of creation, so did the doctrines and appearances of the end and death of the world (Cosmo-eschatology), the gods (Theo-eschatology) and man (Anthro- porschatology) are the basis (theology of death and end).
From the beginning and the end (creation and death), the doctrines of eternal life and the cycles of life and death arise cosmic, divine, and human, and all religions carry their precise system of silence in their myths and beliefs clearly or implicitly.
Egyptian psychology was expressed in the doctrines of the end of the world and the gods, as we alluded to in mythology, but its clear affirmation was in the doctrines of human death, which scholars generally call funeral doctrines.
The ancient Egyptians described death in their inscriptions as a convalescence after an illness and compared the dead to a man who went hunting birds and ended up in an unknown land.
According to them, death was only a stage followed by the footsteps of another life or a beat of sleep during which the soul could return to the dome, enter the body and resume with it in the world of the West a normal life that was no different from earthly life.
Funerary beliefs in ancient Egypt – Books and funerary texts:
Our information on the afterlife comes from texts and funeral books that we can count as follows:
Book of Gates:
It is a Book of Gates collected on the walls of the tombs of the kings of the New Kingdom and it is divided into (12) sections as much as the hours of the night and describes the journey of the solar boat with which the king was associated after sunset at night through the lower world of 12 gates. The king here also corresponds to God Osiris.
Book of Hell:
It is a book consisting of 12 sections and is another vision of the book of Gates and the fight between Ra and the Black Serpent Apophis which ends with the victory of Ra which results in the sunrise.
Book of Caverns
It is a Book of Caverns of (6) sections, which, together with the book of Gates contain an image of the Court of Osiris, which is reached by the sun god in the middle of the night, and contains how the sun rises pushed by the beetle (Kheperi) like the beetle in nature that it pushes the manure ball in which it lays the egg.
Book of Day and Night:
It is a Book of the Night from a collection of tombs and coffins from the New Kingdom era and relates to the birth of the sun of the god Thot.
The Book of Aker Book of the Earth:
It is the book of the God of the Earth Geb.
Book of the Sacred Cow.
The Book of the Heavenly Cowof the Two Ways explains death after trial in the ways of water and earth.
Other books depicting literature, poetry and rituals are numerous and there is no way in this place to talk about them more.
Doctrines of eternity and place of eternal life:
In the Egyptian spiritual heritage, we are shown three distinct funerary or psychological doctrines that deal with Egyptian life after death (astral, solar and osirian).
Perhaps the interpretation of the presence of so many stars in heaven as distinguished kings or individuals who were subjected to astral theology after death and left for heaven.
The solar doctrine that emerged from the Fifth Dynasty of Egypt and distinguished king Unas, where the deceased is reduced to the “purification of the desert” at the edge of the desert, then (solar purification) inside the pot, then joins the celestial enclosure of the sun, where the deceased accompanies the God (Ra) in his celestial journey.
Osiris’ faith is closest to the general public, although it was later applied to kings, and the other world was the lower world, not heaven.
The trial begins with the weighing of the heart of the dead, where he is placed in the secret supreme court of truth and justice and a feather in the right armband, and Anubis, who has the head of the jackal, performs the process of weighing and records the result.
Ancient Egyptian Religion
The ancient Egyptian religion is the sacred account of the pharaohs:
Sacred accounts are the second component of any religion, and are not legends, but accounts of spiritual heroes, prophets, priests, and important religious events.
These narratives are, of course, less sacred than legends, but they have taken on their great magnitude at the popular level in their time and circulate as legends and perhaps more than legends, but they are generally subject to additions and modifications throughout the ages.
Stories of kings and pharaohs:
The kings and pharaohs of Egypt were gods on earth, so their accounts were sacred.
There is no doubt that in such a narrow area we can not tell the stories of Egyptian kings and pharaohs here, even with simple conclusions, there are many, but some of them have gained more popularity than others, which makes us clearly indicate their names such as (King Narmer, King Khufu, Ounas, King Ahmose I, Queen Hatshepsut, King Akhenaton, King Tutankhamun, King Ramses II, Queen Cleopatra VII).
Stories of Ministers and High Priests:
Many ministers of the pharaohs and high priests received great historical attention and were informed of the monuments and books, and perhaps the most famous minister is (Imhotep) the architect of Pyramid of Djoser in Saqqara who was an outstanding genius in science, especially engineering, architecture and medicine.
that the Greeks associated with Aesculapius their god of medicine, the first astronomer, one of the mysteries of Egyptian history with his sudden appearance and sudden disappearance, he was the minister of King Djoser, his Pharaonic Egyptian Tombs was not found.
there are many identifications between his personality and actions and the personality of the god Thoth, the god of writing, knowledge and science in Ancient Egypt as well as with the character of Hermes or Enoch.
The ancient Egyptian religion is the account of the prophets:
The stories that came from the Torah around Abraham, Moses, and Joseph were the most famous accounts of monotheistic religions, but their balance in Egypt’s heritage and antiquities was non-existent.
There is no support for their presence at the archaeological level, and there are possible but uncertain interpretations. Its presence remains active in the later religious heritage and at the level of the monotheistic and Gnostic religions.
Religious narratives reproduced in the heritage of other nations:
Like the story of Oedipus, which Emmanuel Flikowski revealed in his book Oedipus and Akhenaten that Oedipus is Akhenaten, and that the goodness of the Sphinx and the mystery of Oedipus are all in Egypt (see Flikovsky D.T.).
The three pyramids and the Sphinx may also be the first and most ground-based in the history of the cave people, although “the history of the cave people is an Arab history with distinction, it is contained only in the Qur’an, and in other Arabic sources as a commentary and explanation of the Qur’an. But this was not an Islamic story, because it was, according to Arab sources, at the heart of the debate between punishers and Arab Christians on the island before Islam, and at its dawn.
It has also had its share of controversy between Islam, as a new religion, and Arab Christianity. However, being an Arab legend never means that it deals not only with religious issues concerning the Arabian Peninsula, but also with the essence of the region’s fibers, especially the religion of the pyramids. Yes, the religion of the Pyramids and The Sphinx of Giza.
In particular, the three The Pyramids of Giza. But only a small straw has always hidden the relationship between the history of the cave people and the pyramids in Cairo.
Removing this straw will surprise all eyes that he is able to see the striking similarity between the history and religion of the pyramids. We believe that this is the straw that breaks the camel’s back of prudence and fear that has obscured the connection between the religion of the pyramids and the cave people. If we remove that straw, we will find that there is a suspicion.
It is even a lightning rod, perhaps between the pyramids and the cave people. Or let’s say we will discover that the history of the cave people is on the stone on the plateau of Giza.
The ancient Egyptian religion is the religious community in the civilization of ancient Egypt:
The ancient Egyptian religion may have seemed homogeneous from the outside, but it was full of currents and religious groups that caught up and spoke for a long time.
To the north, the city of Behdet was the center of worship of the god Falcon Horus, the god of the sun and the son of Osiris, the god of fertility.
When they had a political conflict, they won, first, the cult of Horus and became the unified capital of the whole country in Iuno, then they separated and another conflict arose between the snake goddess in the north (Boto) and the female eagle goddess (Nekheb) in the south in the city of El-Kab, and in both places prevailed the religion of the sun for Horus, who later expressed the political and religious unity of Egypt.
On the other hand, the ancient Egyptian religion showed a clear distinction between two different types of religion: the folk religion, which adhered to the factors of fertility and agriculture, which the Osiris represented, and its periodic conflict with the desert (Seth), which amounted to death. The official solar religion, which was the religion of the pharaoh and the ruling class, made it a symbol, the sun god, as opposed to the dark factors represented by many evil beings.
The daily conflict consisted of the rise and fall of the sun and the cycle of night and day, and each religion had its own elements, gods, and decrees, and then these elements fled from each other, and common beliefs arose that contributed to the enrichment of the Egyptian religion.
With regard to theological systems, seven theological systems, schools or cults have emerged since the beginning of Egyptian civilization and religion that explain the creation of the universe, gods and man (theology of genesis) and the later stages of creation,
Theological systems of the ancient Egyptian religion of the pharaohs:
The theology of ashmoneine:
He grew up in Hermopolis Magna, and this system showed eight gods after the blind and we mentioned them, and this theology led because of one of these eight (Thoth) to invent writing and the emergence of civilization, but this theology became mystical with obsolescence and became an incubator for the emergence of the pyramid through a whale, and his gods became connected to the lower world. While the theology of Heliopolis (Ain Shams) triumphed because it clearly glorified the sun.
Theology of Abydos:
It was the ancient theology of the God Osiris, a popular theology or faith of the ancient people of Egypt, and it accompanied the emergence of the Ancient Empire, it merged with the God of the Dead and Cemeteries who called himself (Imenetet) and became a god for the western regions and later became his well-known triad (Osiris, Isis, Horus).
His legend was spread in his war with the God Seth of the Desert, who cut him and threw his body parts into the territories, but Isis, who gives birth to Horus, collects his coins (a sign of the unification of territories) and incited Horus to avenge his father, and so every king in life became the incarnation of Horus (the sun) and when he dies, he is the embodiment of Osiris.
The ancient Egyptian religion is the theology of Heliopolis (Ain Shams):
She saw that existence was in which there was an absolute watery uncle, Nun, from whom the first eternal divine spirit, God Atum, who stood on a hill and then climbed on a stone, BenBen ,in the region of Yuno (Heliopolis), appeared in the form of an obelisk, symbol of the sun, and then this one God mixed it with his shadow or masturbated it by producing two beings of space and light, God Shu,and the other is for moisture and dew the goddess Tefnut.
These two mated and produced the goddess of heaven (God Nut) and the God of the earth (God Geb) then Shou separated them, and appeared from the mating of earth and sky four gods (Osiris, Isis, Seth and Nephtis) and this system was called “the Enead ” for the emergence of nine gods (the ninth eye of the sun).
Theology of Memphis: Ancient Egyptian religion.
Memphis was developed after the first decisive unification of Egypt by King Menes. Coherent and logical theology through the God (Ptah), who seemed to be the father of all gods and created by the word (word of creation). This theology was a triad on which Hephaistos stands and consists of (God Sekhmet, God Ptah and their son God Nefertem) who was met by the Greeks with the blacksmith god Hephaistos. His theology is that the heart suggests the idea and the language speaks it.
The ancient Egyptian religion the theology of Thebes: Ancient Egyptian religion.
He developed in Thebes which had the ancient name Wasset since the Middle Kingdom and made Amun the first universal God and made him a hidden God, and his appearance or manifestation was through the sun (Amun-Ra). They also symbolized it as a snake that disappears into the lower world.
He became a key name: Amun:
The Invisible and Ra: The Creator of the Earth, then made him grasp the theology of the Ashmoneine the theology of Heliopolis (Ain Shams) and memphite theology, and this religious action echoes a vast political action when Egypt became an empire in the New Kingdom and took control of all of Egypt and digested his inheritance and deported him to neighboring regions.
Theology of Amarna (Akhenaten):
It is a special and rare theology associated with the revolution of religious monotheism led by Akhenaten (Amenophis IV) when he refused all the gods and kept the God Aton the God of the Sun as one God for the whole world and not only for Egypt.
Theology of Alexandria:
With the beginning of the Hellenistic period and the domination of the Ptolemies over Egypt, there was a clear need for a new world theology that brings together the Greeks and Egyptians, and this theology was represented by the God Serapis, his wife Isis and their son Herpocrate, this at the official level, but at the popular level witnessed a tendency to magic and esoteric and Egyptian beliefs in particula.
from the Library of Alexandria and its intensity and great philosophies emerged the new formulation of Hermes and Gnassery, which was the decisive turn towards unification.
Religious life in ancient Egypt – the facts and secrets of the beliefs of the Pharaohs, the history of the roots of the gods and the degrees of polytheism and monotheism discovered on the religious beliefs of the ancient Egyptians in the culture of the Pharaonic civilization.
Religious life in ancient Egypt
deity of the pharaohs:
The word “neter” in ancient Egyptian expressed God, the spirit of any being.
Scientists have been intrigued by the interpretation of the meaning and origin of this symbol; some saw this symbol as a function of power, where the axe was a tool for hunting, drilling and building.
There are those who believe that the holiness of this symbol comes from its use in the ceremonies of sacrifice and offerings at that time, but we believe that the relationship between the God of the air in the ancient heritage of the Near East and the axe can be the key to solving this mystery, because it appeared early in the civilization of a covenant as a symbol of the God of the air and then of the God Enlil, the great Sumerian god.
Some scholars have suggested that “the true meaning of the word ‘neter’ is ‘renewal,’ and the idea of the survival of God alive and immortal through breeding and self-pursuit was inspired by taking this word as a sign from God.
This word is mentioned as related to the presence of the eternal and someone who creates and produces himself. This organism is created naturally and suggests the same creation and the abilities to determine life forever and self-production, and it refers to an object with the ability to produce and sustain life when it reproduces.
Other scholars believed that the true meaning of the word was impossible to define, and that the word “neter,” which meant renewal, power, ability, and process, was not a word for those meanings. The relationship between man and the gods includes, first, the meanings of respect, love, praise, and hope, and then the meaning of worship and reverence associated with fear and awe, for it overcomes the negative character in this area.
Degrees of monotheism and uniformity:
Frankfurt concludes that the Egyptians were united in nature, not united in God. They saw that there were several beings, but they felt that they had a fundamental essence.
There was apparently a cosmic god of the sky called “Wer”, the great, with a particular emphasis on his nature as a god of light, who then united with Horus, and the sun and moon were his eyes.
On nights not put on standby or when a catch occurs, she becomes “mekhenti-en-irty”, without eyes on her forehead. In the latter situation, the imagination of the Egyptians depicted him as a protector of the blind for the doctor and for those suffering from eye diseases, as was the god of musicians who were mostly blind, but the god who played the harp.
This popular idolatry illustrates how an absolute divine essence, as originally produced by the theological mind, can bring popular beliefs back to a human level in its entirety.
This distance between polytheism and monotheism seems to have persisted in all its waves and degrees in Egyptian religion. We cannot fully say that this religion was fully shared or that it was a fully unified religion. We must reveal the deep spiritual philosophy that illustrates the nature of his beliefs in this area and how they are transformed and evolved despite all the noise of divine texts and lists.
The Triad was the most common principle after multiplicity, “three unions together to be a unit of three parts, and these three are either of the same kind: three gods, three goddesses, three qualities, three forms, three words.
Religious life in ancient Egypt:
Or to be joined by three different types: gods and gods in a family bond such as the Holy Trinity. The use of the Triad for two different purposes, the first was the integration and unity of the three in one, in the sense that it is in a unity, a unity in the Triad and the second is that the three symbolize them for many, so the Triad is a symbol of unity and of many at the same time and can be described as a multiplicity in unity, and unity in multiplicity.
The roots of the Triad were ancient and may have extended to the pre-dynastic era, but “historically, there were Triads at the time of the Ancient Empire, such as the Triad of Osiris, the Triad of Giza, the Triad of Ain Shams of God Atum, God Shu and God Tefnut, as well as the Middle Kingdom Triad, such as the Elephantine Triad, the Edfu Triad, the Dendera Triad, the Armant Triad and the First Esna Triad.
This study also shows an increase in the number of revolutionaries revered in different cities, villages, and regions of the New Kingdom era than in the Old and Middle Kingdom, perhaps the reason is the state of popularity and political, social and economic prosperity witnessed by the Egyptian Empire at that time, and the continued cult of the Triad in the following times.
The Triad was an important formula in the worship of Egyptian cities and territories as Geography of ancient Egypt, many of which had a triad of gods who worshipped it as one God. The beginnings of the Triad date back to Egyptian prehistory as Naqada III, but a clear text of the Pyramid Texts clearly reveals to us that the Sun God in the Ancient Empire who was expressed in the forms of God Ra, is the morning beetle and a falcon in the afternoon and Atoum the ram. at sunset, and let’s look at what is available in the texts of the Pyramids:
His translation is “They created this king as Ra in his name this (which is) new, you appeared to them as Rhas in his name this (which is) Ra, and came back from before them as Ra in his name this (which is) Atum.
Monotheism is undoubtedly the last fruit of the Egyptian cult, which succeeded only during the period of King Akhenaten, who founded and called it for him, says Eleanor Bell de Mott “for the first time in history.
We see a pharaoh who explicitly calls on strangers to worship a God to whom his own people worship, and for the first time he also understands religion as a bond that unites human beings, of all ethnicities, colors, and languages.
So they have to look at each other as if they were all brothers, and it is this strange mentality, according to Breasted, that made the people consider Akhenaten to be the first prophet in history.
Religious life in ancient Egypt and the doctrine of monotheism:
There is no doubt that King Akhenaton doctrine of Egyptian monotheism died in its early days, but it influenced the world around it gradually, and we may have found a greater echo in the beliefs of the region, which was moving at a rapid pace towards monotheism but did not reach it completely except in Hellenistic times” this showed modern fossils in (Samaria) that these Egyptian perceptions of the Righteous Sun God were common in Palestinian life.
In the ruins of the Palace of the Kings of Israel in Samaria, archaeologists have discovered ivory slabs engraved with a prominent inscription that was once used in decorative inlays of the furniture of Hebrew kings.
Among these pieces is a piece engraved with the image of the goddess of justice (Maat) carrying her to the highest angel of the sun of Heliopolis in a position from which we understand that she apparently presented this image of the Sun God, and the Egyptian drawing in all its aspects, but its manufacture clearly indicates that its inscription is made by Palestinian hands.
It is clear from this that the Hebrew makers were aware of these ancient Egyptian designs, and that the ancients of the Hebrews sit on them, looking every day at these pictorial symbols of the Egyptian sun god adorning the same chairs on which they sit.
Religious life in ancient Egypt and the monotheism phase:
Not only was the sun god with the wings inherent in the Nile Valley known to the Hebrews as a god of righteousness, but also known as the protective god of his compassionate servants, the Hebrew psalms referred four times to the protection that existed “in the shadow of your wings.
God Aten was not entirely new when Akhenaten declared him a creator of the universe, but a relatively ancient God who was associated with the God Ra. We believe that he has a connection with the ancient Sumerian God of the Sun, who (came) but merged into Egyptian theology and blended into it, and “Aten (or Ra Horakhti) was the god of Akhenaten, while the personal God of every member of society was the king himself – and as the world of Egyptian women defined the names of his nature, “He is the God who appears in processions.
“He shows signs and miracles, which also interferes with the fate of individuals, and takes the reins of life and death in his hands.” The staff at Akhenaten Palace, who were tasked with sponsoring sensitive sites, were fully confident in the same ideas as the “pro-king instructions” of the Middle Kingdom that then continued and spread.
The king appealed as a distributor of all means of subsistence;
Controversy has intensified in Egyptian religion
On the role of the Father God and the God Son and their relationship with the Pharaoh, the king or the prophet, there have been signs of a bond between the father, the son and the Prophet, and we do not state this clearly at the stage of Akhenaten and how it relates to the God Aten.
This corresponding counterpart to the human race was not simply a traditional role of the pharaoh, and there is no doubt that he had origins in the case of Akhenaten as the beloved son of Aten. Previously, the pharaoh had behaved like the “son of Ra” and thus affirmed his divine origin. But Akhenaten was the son of his God in a more personal way, thus putting the seed of failure to his teachings, because they always fall and always fall into his own person.
Among ancient Egyptian theologians, there was a controversy that father and son were of the same essence. In the eighth view of the Book of Gates, a new description of the other world dating from the Amarna period (before or after Akhenaten) appeared, where the atom expresses its full unity with Ra as follows: “I am the son who emerged from his father, and I am the father who emerged from his son,” while alluding in the context of talking about the father-son relationship with Osiris and Horus.
With Aten’s call to monotheism, God Aten was freed from his locality and regionalism and became a universal god, “there is no doubt that Aten was not only a national idol, but rather a light to the whole world as the universal god of the sun. Akhenaten was always the pharaoh of Egypt and was not a prophet to all human beings.
On a virtual level in every sense of the word, we know it from his titles: Akhenaten was the “Lord of the Two Lands”, Egypt, as he came to the Lord of the World, and he expressed it concretely “by heaven and earth. Personal piety at the time resided exclusively in loyalty to the king, which is what Akhenaten meant as a person, and there was no mediation imaginable. We have already referred to excessive calls made by its staff in the form of genuine calls that they have organized and that have been addressed to them.
- Among the notable discoveries are the so-called Talatat, which date from the reign of Akhenaten in Hermopolis.
These many small blocks were found in the temple of Ramses II and are probably from nearby Amarna. - The Talatat, also known as Telatat, are distinctive stone blocks used for the construction of temples and buildings during the Amarna period in ancient Egypt. The term comes from the Arabic “talatât”, meaning “threesome”, and was used by the workers during the excavation of the blocks.
- The most significant assemblages of these talatat originally come from the Aten temples of Karnak during the early reign of Akhenaten and from Akhet-Aton, present-day Tell el-Amarna. Most of these blocks from Tell el-Amarna were moved to Hermopolis on the opposite bank of the Nile during the post-Amarna period. There, around 1,500 of them were rediscovered during German excavations between 1929 and 1939 under the direction of museum director Günther Roeder in the foundation of a temple to the god Thoth from the time of Ramesses II.
- Although the excavation team failed to completely excavate the Hermopolis talatat site before World War II, a number of the blocks ended up in various private collections and museums. Important collections of these pieces can be found, for example, in the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Brooklyn Museum in New York.
- Most of the blocks from Karnak were rediscovered in the ninth pylon of the great Temple of Amun, where they had been installed in the time of Horemheb.
- In contrast to the talatat from Tell el-Amarna, which are made of limestone, these talatat are almost entirely made of sandstone. In total, the corpus here comprises over 40,000 objects, and a number of cycles have been identified, including a Sedfest (Heb-Sed) cycle, of which around 850 blocks alone exist.
The roots of the gods (natural, Fetish and Totem)
The Egyptian gods were not abstract perceptions or a form of mental expression of power applicable in nature. It was deeply rooted in all aspects of nature, with origins immersed in the magical beliefs of the Fetish and the Totem.
Nature, in its broadest sense, was the first to give Egyptian religion its gods, theology and rituals. The manifestations of nature came from the sky, earth, sun, planets, water, rivers, plants, animals, and objects that insinuated the forms and images of the gods and even their beliefs.
Many gods were worshipped in their animal form, such as God Sobek in the form of crocodiles in Fayoum, Dendera and Sais and later in Esna.
There are mythical animals composed not in one form (human animal), but rather in their composition more than one animal, such as the legendary organism Sigat, which combines the head of the bird and the body of the cow with multiple breasts, the front legs of the dog and the creation of a cow or horse and a lion’s tail that ends with a The Pharaonic Lotus Flower, and reminds us of the Babylonian superstitious being (Mush Khosh) accompanying the God Murdoch, and these organisms are used to inspire the multiplicity of spirits and power within them.
There are natural symbols of Fetish that have entered the formation and function of the gods, such as the writing pen of the goddess Seshat, the goddess of writing, and the wife of God Thoth, and the spear of God (Anubis) the guardian god of the dead as inthe form of a jackal.
Religious Life in Ancient Egypt and the Analogy of Man’s Anthropomorphism
As we reflected on the natural roots, Fetish and Totem of the gods. We must contemplate the most beautiful religious stage in which the Egyptian depicts his gods and compares them to them, namely the analogy with man, before he reached the last abstract stage in which she tried to appear in the monotheism of Akhenaten, where God was stripped, and it remained only to compare him to the sun.
We believe that the first analogy of the gods with man was based on the idea that the king or pharaoh (who is man) was a God;
The Egyptian then took the next step when he depicted the gods with a human body and an animal face indicating its roots or ancient symbol, and the last step came when the form of many gods became a man’s body, face and robe, and this step inspired Greek priests and intellectuals and spread the idea of comparing gods to man in all their beliefs and perceptions. of the gods, including their arts, who are the greatest evidence of this question.
Aaru in Ancient Egypt
Facts Field of Reeds, History in Pharaonic Civilization “concept of Heaven and Hell” and more…
Facts and history of the concept of Heaven and Hell among the ancient Egyptians, the Pharaohs, knowledge of the name of the cane fields or the yarrow fields, and more.
Yarrow fields or reed fields is a large and imaginary world belonging to a group of reed fields that appeared frequently and frequently in various ancient Egyptian myths.
It was also believed by the ancient Egyptians in ancient times that the multitudes of these righteous dead pharaohs would live in the fields of yarrow with permanent bliss and would continue in the afterlife even after death.
Aaru in Ancient Egypt
What are Aaru fields?
- The fields of yarrow or the fields of reeds in Pharaonic myths were like paradise in the afterlife, of course, for the ancient Egyptians.
- Since they were spending what they thought before was a second life that they used to live before after their first death.
- However, despite the fact that they are the good ones, they believed in the myths that they would face, through their crossing towards the fields of yarrow, an accountability in the hall called the two truths located in the house of Osiris.
- Where they were placed in it by their hearts on that scale designated for the two-handed reckoning, with a feather belonging to that feather, the god of death among the Pharaohs, who is God Anubis.
- If before their hearts at that time were lighter than a feather, then they would cross directly to heaven, if they were of course righteous.
- And if at that time their hearts were heavier on the scale, that is, this means that they were burdened with the immobility of those sins and transgressions, then their hearts will be thrown at that time to the created being who will devour it until it is at that time that this is their second death.
- Then they will completely disappear from the world as a whole and their existence and their evil will end, and then their souls will continue to suffer forever.
The importance of Aaru fields to the Pharaohs
- In ancient legends, the Pharaonic reed fields or the euro were located far from the eastern side, and that is where the sun used to rise in the past.
- Just as the yarrow fields appeared in the legends, according to that imagination that the ancient Egyptians had drawn for them, perhaps since they were complete, the Nile Delta region appears today.
- Just as the dead of the ancient Egyptians rose after their death in their second life to do the same deeds and life matters that before they practiced in that worldly life.
Life in the Aaru Fields
- In fact, it was not in the ancient myths of the Pharaohs that the second life was granted in the fields of yarrow or the right of reeds, except for the masses of people from the people who had already enjoyed important ceremonies that they carried out from the solution of funerals, embalming, and then burial at the end.
- This was done especially according to a set of funerary rituals or ancient Egyptian rituals, and therefore there was always an opportunity in ancient myths for the rich in greater proportions than others to win that life.
- On the other hand, the poor among the people in the Pharaonic life had faced many difficulties in performing these religious rituals in an appropriate manner for them or their dead.
- As a number of new pharaohs who had assumed power in ancient times were obscuring the special and distinguished graves of his successors who competed before.
- This is to reduce the opportunities that he could seize in order to reach the fields of yarrow or the fields of reeds. For example, there was an obliteration by King Thutmose III during his reign of the tomb of his successor “Tomb of King Thutmose III | KV34″, Queen Hatshepsut in Valley of the Kings, Luxor.
The religion of the ancient Egyptian Pharaohs
the facts of the ancient Egyptian Pharaonic religions, discover the secrets of the evolution of religion in the civilization of ancient Egypt and the legend of the God Thot and the discoveries of the book Virgin of the Universe and more.
The evolution of ancient religions, the rituals of indoctrination of secrets, the rituals of entering the holy gates of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs, the legend of Thot, the Book of the Virgin of the Universe and other secrets of the Pharaonic civilization.
The esoteric religion of the ancient Egyptians in the religions of Egyptian secrets:
The Way of the Pharaohs:
The ancient Egyptian religion is a complete current that swept away the ancient religions and formed a deeply mystical part of these religions, characterized by secrecy and ambiguity.
The Egyptian religion is one of the oldest secret religions in history, which generally means that most ancient religions, including the Egyptian religion, have a general form that everyone knows and practices, and has a special form known to a privileged few and practiced in secret and surrounded by secrecy, of symbols and ambiguity and does not allow the disclosure of its secrets to the public.
In order not to get lost in the maze of superficial ideas written by novice writers on this subject, we say that the path has been largely devoted to the post-death world and its gods and how to reach and unite them, for peace (before death) so that they can be recognized after death, and until they reach the euphoria of unity with the gods or “one God” for the purpose of purifying the spirit from the walls that have been hung from the world physical body.
This is not the only idea here of overcoming the forces of death and darkness, for this already exists in the idea of unity with God. This is the divine question of the complete fusion and unity of the same God, and to achieve this is the hope sought by all practices.
This indicates the loss of the individual personality, but it compensates for the annihilation and solutions of the body in an eternal form and compensates for the opening of a person’s seed and its complexity in the soil of this mortal life to pass to a state of eternity and immortality.
The religion of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs – Transit Path: Initiation Rituals
Egypt is the first cradle from which the ritual of indoctrination or education, which is a mysterious ritual intended to prepare candidates for priests for this position, influenced Greece in this area, and it seems that the ritual of education was conducted for some type of secret priest, most of whom were witches, fortune tellers and astrologers.
The basis of the education ritual was that these candidates were subjected to a series of severe tests that included a special style of teaching secrets.
During the dedication period, the candidate spent his time in a cave or underground in several stages, entering this tunnel or well with a passage carrying a torch in his hand and meeting a closed door and then false creatures, and offered him the last chance to retreat and return, then cross the line of fire and swim in an underground table to another door that opens in front of him and emits a strong wind that extinguishes the torch in his hand, then throws it into a hole.
When he reaches the stage of exhaustion, an ivory door opens and finds himself in the sumptuous temple of the goddess Isis, where he is greeted by monks, then fasts and takes lessons. At this point, the candidate becomes eligible for aging of the priesthood degree.
These rituals varied from time to time and from degree to degree, but their general principle remains the same. Ishadi Lubkes gave us a detailed presentation of the Egyptian education ritual “Herbak Pak-Ger”, which means the name given to the boy who seeks his way to become his name (the face of Hor).
The religion of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs:
It is the flat face of the falcon Horus, where the road is paved to go to the temple, from where the stages of education and secret education begin. The ritual took place between the Twelfth Dynasty of Egypt and Twenty-second Dynasty of Egypt at the Karnak Temple.
Another type of secret ritual was conducted for high good priests to enshrine them in special priestly positions as Coronation of the Pharaohs, at the end of which the priest has the absolute power and authority to access all holy books written in hieroglyphics and to have the power to elect the king (in case of election).
The ritual of teaching secrets in Thebes took place in seven stages preceded by a preliminary stage during which the candidate obtains seven secret priestly diplomas after following very cruel, complex and mysterious rituals, each with a name, password, special identification signal and a specific name for a specific place where the candidate enters and is subjected to special examination and Challenges.
He wears a special robe, performs a certain duty, and receives a certain style of sacred science. The following is a summary of the ritual of teaching secrets that took place in Thebes, cited from the Hellenistic texts presented by the book of Arkon Darul.
Preliminary step: The king himself introduces the designated priest to the priests of the temple, and the priests send him to Iouno or Memphis for training before sending him to Thebes, where he is circumcised and stops eating meat, fish, and wine (a type of fasting).
In Thebes, the priests enter a cave and ask him to write his impressions, then lead him through a passage mounted on the columns of Thoth (Hermes) where he learns what was written there, then the priest who named him and his name (Minias) comes to carry a whip to subdue him, then ties his eyes and shakes his hands.
The rituals of entering the gates are as follows:
First class (tribalism Photophores):
The candidate enters the first door, and the password is Amon, that is, the invisible, the science he receives is medicine, and the sign of knowledge by handshake, and the candidate wears a pyramidal dress behind his neck collar named Zailon. And you read Krata Reboa’s laws and he must approve them.
The candidate is exposed to wind, rain, and thunder. He then swears under the sword before his leader with absolute loyalty. It is then placed between two columns carrying a ladder of a few degrees left by eight doors of various metals that are classified in purity and symbolize the wandering spirit, and then assigned to the task of guarding the door.
Second class (new skin neocoris):
The candidate enters the second door with the password “Hef that is, the snake”, but the science he receives is engineering and architecture, and the sign of knowledge by the intersection of the arms on the chest, and the leader of the sect continues to give him lessons.
The candidate is exposed to the water after a snake throw at him, then enters a room full of snakes and leads to two imposing columns between them a sheep animal, the two sheep (half eagle and half lion) pushing in front of a wheel with four scarves representing the four seasons.
The religion of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs – third class (Black Bearer of Melanophotis):
It is at this point that the candidate enters the world of death, where the candidate enters a room filled with models of coffins, mummified corpses, theaters and embalming tools, and here he receives the sciences of marriage of coffins and hieroglyphic inscriptions, and the sign of knowledge by embrace, and black clothes prevail.
When he enters the room, the candidate is asked if he is linked to the murder of his master, and when he answers in the negative, he is attacked by two body carriers and taken to a room with members of this class dressed in black. The king asks him to reject this exam and present him with the golden crown, but the candidate refuses to do so and tramples on the crown.
The king orders his followers to hit him with an axe until it reaches his head without tearing it, then throws it to the ground and wraps it with scarves and screams, then leads to the door (the refuge of spirits) from where it opens and to the lightning that shocks the apparently dead man, then puts him in the boat with the sages who ask him questions, then stays in the lower world and lifts the rollers. These days of divine usurpation (to this degree) last a year and a half.
Fourth degree (holder of the Chrestophoris faith):
This is the degree to which the battle of hell is strongly engaged, where the candidate carries a sword and a shield and the password (Youa) is the science he learns is wisdom, and the dominant color is blue.
The candidate is exposed to three types of atmospheres: the first is his armed entrance into dark corridors where he meets frightening characters carrying torches and snakes.
He defends himself, but he is taken prisoner, his eyes are tied with a bandage and his neck is tied with a rope and pulled into the second atmosphere where a beautiful room is decorated with the king and the big people are present and dressed in blue, and congratulates the fiancé of the new member and gives him a drink named Saiki is honey, milk, water, wine, vein and perhaps a psychedelic drink, and the candidate wears Anubis mask, a robe and a helmet and gives him a sword and asks him to cut the first person he meets in the next cave.
The cave represents the third test where he sees a beautiful woman beheaded by the wife of the black serpent Typhon and then wears clothes and his name is included in the book of sages and receives the medal of Isis.
The religion of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs – 5th Class (Balahate):
Where the password is chemistry and the science he learns is chemistry, and the candidate looks at a room in which he is the only witness, and the fifth-degree candidates appear as if they are looking for something, and when the dark snake Typhon seems to blow it with his sword and here the candidate knows that Typhon, which represents fire despite its fear but is useful and will not do without it.
Sixth class:
Where the password is Apis and the science learned by the candidate is astronomy, where he is taken to the door of death and presents him with a body lying in the water and warns of the same fate if he violates his oath, and receives astronomy lessons, then brought back to the door of the gods where he sees the image of the gods and tells their biography, and in the meantime displays the dance of the priests representing the way of the celestial bodies, and looks at a list of members of this secret sect.
Seventh class (Registre Propheta):
The member is called Savina Banca Saphenath Pancah (who knows all the secrets), and the password is (Adon) and reveals to the member all the secrets after the approval of the king and members of the upper class.
The member secretly leaves the city in a role built on a square surrounded by columns next to which a shield and coffin are placed on the rotation. The rooms of this role tell the story of a man called Maneras, drink a special drink and are told that all the trials are now over, and the member receives a cross of strange meaning and is always invited to wear it.
The reader does not fear the Greek, Christian and Jewish influences, and even the way of the Freemason forums, on the rituals of indoctrination of Egyptian secrets, so we put a big question mark in front of them, and there is no doubt that these texts, from which these rituals were written, are late. Although we firmly believe that the essence of this ritual was preserved in ancient Egypt, some details carried these later influences caused by transfers between languages and religions.
It confirms the existence of rituals of education and indoctrination of secrets, which are widely spread in some of the drawn texts and paintings and are reflected in the atmosphere of these rituals as we observed the worlds of Egyptian death and post-death funeral rituals.
The religion of the ancient Egyptians – the path of transformation (reincarnation):
The Egyptians first invented the idea of the physical mind (Ka), and called it presumption, which is inherent in the body and the physical component in which it can be solved as a statue, an image or a mummy, a ghost that reflects the true shape of the body or otherwise man can see it, which is closer to the idea of the soul.
Then it developed even more when they came up with the idea of an intangible or idealistic spirit called Ba, which they represented in the form of a bird with a human head and appear when man dies and connects it to the divine world, which we call the idea of the soul.
It is the Spirit (Ba) who must get rid of physical ailments and their impact on them, either through purity and special rituals such as baptism, or through transformation, that is, reincarnation, where the guilty spirit transforms into several animal forms before reaching the human form.
The rituals of the path embody and show this transformation, but they prevent it and distance the soul (during life), and this is done mainly through access to secrets, which prevents transformation.
It was precisely this that created the idea of Gnosticism, later, that Gnosticism (aknowledgement) had to know the Spirit as part of the same God, and sharing its own secrets was what saved it from destruction or transformation. This is not appreciated by the public, so the private (the Pathists and Gnostics) can know and find good salvation.
Get rid of transformation (reincarnation). It is the secret of the secrets of the path that are associated with these magical processes in which those who embrace the secrets can free themselves through magical paths throughout the cycle, but in a pictorial and symbolic mental form, and now this assumes that the priest must go through the forms of several animals, and through this drama that he identified and estimated by the Book of the Dead.
The Egyptian religion then learns secrets by playing a role in the drama of the transformation so that he knows what is going to happen to him, and then he will get rid of what is going to happen. This is the fundamental idea of all religions of secrets.
There is no doubt that this process also involved self-dehumanization and pictorial simulation. We find the priest crawling on his belly like a snake, then kneeling on four like a dog or a fox, and twisting the skin of an animal, so that it is mature and imprinted in the human image, and of course all this is pictorial, and after its sophistication stands in the image of a human being in its own right, apparently of the nature of worship and rituals, and its apparent devotional rituals.
The Religion of the Ancient Egyptians – The Lower Way (Path of Isis):
The rituals of this path usually came after the rites of transformation that we have mentioned, in which the candidate dedicates his life to the service of the goddess Isis, assigning her a room in the temple and attending the rituals that we mention every day, in which he will announce his new birth and the death of the old man, but the rituals are:
- Greatly presented to the priests of a sacred book written in hieroglyphics(papyrus)and begins by teaching him
- Baptism and prayer
- The high priest taught him the words of power and forbade him to eat meat or drink wine.
- He spends ten days meditating and thinking.
- Receive gifts from top-ranked initiators
- He wears linen and is in the heart of the temple.
- They oversee death in ritual challenges (a secret ritual that is not revealed in the texts) and clearly ascend to the top.
- He was born of all the elements and returns to Earth after seeing the sun shining at night and seeing the upper and lower gods and fulfilling the duties of worship before them.
The Great Way (Osiris Path):
This path called on the meridial to contribute to the rebirth of the statue of Osiris, considered the corps of Osiris and to bring it back to life, through a dramatic representation whose steps can be traced as follows:
- The Osiris family groans around the statue of Osiris surrounded by funerary shrouds, where he appears as the representative (Isis, Horus, Nephtis etc.).
- Twenty-four scenes are played, each in an hour of the day, and the spectator begins at the first hour of the night, that is, at 6:00 in the morning. “in our time” and ends at the last hour of the second day. It is a ritual of the awakening of Osiris: (the groans of Isis, his entry into “Upet” or the immaculate place where the body of Osiris is stretched, the body is thrown with holy water from the Nile, Osiris crosses the sky, the body of Osiris is reconstructed, the body is painted, the body is reborn through the animal form of a cowhide shroud, the body recovers in the middle of the day, the pharaoh approaches with gifts, the lamps are lit to exorcise evil spirits, send on behalf of Osiris).
- These rituals are also the birth of the initiate and his birth to the person of the God Osiris, and it is the maximum that the rituals of secrets “work”, and unfortunately some have considered that they are plays representing the plateau of the ancient Pharaonic or Egyptian theater, which is a big mistake, they are violent spiritual dramatic scenes beyond what we imagine in the secret ritual life of the way and have nothing to do with the theater and its concept that we know.
The religion of the ancient Egyptians:
Mr. Moret summarizes the fundamental idea of this great ritual: “Egyptian secrets were rituals associated with words, phrases and signs that could not be described with expressed words, and some rituals were a symbolic representation of the death and resurrection of Osiris, the spirit that governs Egyptian secrets was barefoot magic, these secrets were celebrated and practiced according to the secret ritual book of the residents of the ceremony.
The place of celebration was the heart of the temple in a place where no one could reach, where priests played the roles of members of the Osiris family and were assisted by other priests acting as choirs or liners, and other priests who recited sustainability and performed magical rituals such as pouring water and burning incense.
The Egyptian path was the bedrock on which the Greeks and Romans were built, and the festivals and traces of Liozi, Orpheus, Dionsius and Vitagoria were duplicates of the Egyptian path in all its forms. The Egyptian track also spread to Asia through the Sybil, Mathra and other tracks.
Hermesia (Egyptian Thotia):
Hermesia is an environmental method that began in ancient times and continues to this day to be active and powerful, self-managing the origin of religions and wisdom. In our previous research, we have argued that the true foundation of this one began in Sumer, especially with the God Demozi, and then the emergence of his legend with our inana, and was associated with the God Enki and his religion and the Sumerian king before the flood(Anmedera).
This method then moved to Egypt and its founder was the God Thot (God of the Moon, Wisdom and Scripture), whom the Greeks called Hermes or met their God Hermes, but the spiritual depth of Thot was astonishing, and for this he plundered his inheritance and was forcibly attached to the God (Hermes) and the name of the living hermit was spread over the inheritance of the Egyptian whale, while the name of Thot gradually disappeared, especially with the plundering of the Egyptian spiritual heritage by the Greeks before and after the invasion of Alexander the Great.
When the thresholds of the foundation of Hellenistic times emerged, the Alexandrian School was the main theater of this settlement, and its spiritual heritage was completely dissolved and appeared under the name of “Hermesia”.
Sumerian democracy or Babylonian tumuz could not grow on its land as it did in the land of Egypt in the form of the Thotism, which is the origin of the pyramids and its solid root.
Not only that, but eremitism, when it transcended the Hellenistic period and entered Rome and then Christianity, had new variations, and its very important role emerged in the Renaissance and Theosophy in the 18th and 19th century, and then reappeared in new associations of secrets and beliefs in the twentieth century, and therefore Hermitism remains a region of great seduction for the space of thought and reason.
We will try to stay in the hermetic asset area in Egypt with his conversion and religion, which was the main source of hermesia later.
Ancient Egyptian religion. God Thot (Tata, Djihoti, Zehuti, Tahubi, Tito, Tito, master of Khemenu)is the god that the Mesopotamian valley knew very early as Tutu, and the name of Obarto, the king and father of Zeusdra, king of Shrubak, the hero of the flood, is proof of the existence of this God in the Mesopotamian valley since the first stones. Its main temple is Khemenu (Hermopolis Magna) and has temples and other structures.
Legend of the whale:
- The legend of the time of abuse and the buffalo game (see paragraph on Egyptian games)
- A legend who turned into a judge in the world of the afterlife.
- His legends with Ra, Seth, Horus, Isis and Osiris.
The religion of the ancient Egyptians and the works of conversion: Ancient Egyptian religion.
- It may have been an Egyptian sage who wisely became a venerated divine being around 3000 B.C. in ancient Egypt, and we are likely to be the architect of the step pyramid (Imhotep).
- It was Thot who invented hieroglyphic writing, according to frequent accounts, and was therefore sacred.
- The Messenger of the Gods and the Blogger of the Works of Man, who determines and decides in other lives in the great courtrooms of Osiris, whether the deceased man has obtained purity and knowledge in life to the point where he deserves a place in heaven and an entry into paradise (The Fields of Osiris).
- The founder of astronomy, architecture, engineering, medicine, and gods, and put alchemy (alchemy) on the name of Egypt.
- He built the first pyramids.
- The Greeks associated him with Hermes, the messenger of the gods and the guide of the spirits in the Kingdom of the Dead, which is why he was called Hermes.
- Forty-two books have had a major impact on the sciences of magic and astrology, and the emergence of hermitage as a spiritual, intellectual, religious, and scientific doctrine. Perhaps the most important of these books is the pyramids texts and emerald slabs, and perhaps Tarot’s book is one of the books that was written.
Virgo of the Universe: Where did he hide the mysteries of the universe?
Core Cosmo was one of the most likely Hellenistic books written in Hellenistic times in the light of an ancient Egyptian text in a papyrus, and the book speaks of Isis, the virgin of the universe, of a dialogue between Isis and her son Horus on the place of the mysteries of the universe.
The book says that Hermes declared the secrets of the universe and his knowledge of the gods Isis and Osiris and asked them to show these sciences to humans in order to benefit from them by recording them on stones and obelisks, and to hide some of these sciences and secrets somewhere, so Isis tells her son Horus to go before he does not ascend to heaven and deliver his magical word that will protect the secrets without him until the right time comes to reveal them to all human beings when they are worthy of them.
There are those who believe that the secrets of Hermes will remain the goal of each new generation of human beings, along with the secret of Osiris, also hidden by Hermes. Some believe that these secrets can be hidden in the pyramids or in the temples and monuments of Egypt.
Ancient Egyptian religion. This book reveals to us the source of the first pyramid and the importance of its sciences and secrets, which include both positivist and spiritual sciences, in a rare balance that humanity has not yet received.
If the Greeks called Thot “Hermes”, the Hellenistics, especially the owners of the updated Platonic philosophy (in Alexandria), called him “Hermes of the Triangle of Greatness” because of the basic components of Thot’s thought of alchemy, astrology, and Semitic “magic”. These three sciences sought to control nature or reveal its laws in a spiritual and religious way and not in the manner of science (which we know today), but they sought in this direction and thus became the first memory of science.
Hermism became synonymous with alchemy or magical chemistry (alchemy or alkhemy) because the first holders of chemistry were the Egyptians who inherited this science from the Greek chemists who learned from the Egyptian whale (Hermes), which they consider their first teacher.
The religion of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs and Gnostics (Egyptian gratitude: its origins and results)
It is difficult to speak with confidence about the presence of Gnosticism in the heritage of ancient Egypt due to the lack of evidence and approaches in this area, but we can mentally deduce some of the things we know about Gnosticism and its creation and relationship to the Egyptian religion.
The Gnostics originated from a circle adjacent to the Hermesian but different from it, the Gnostic, as we see it, is of solar character, and therefore differs from the lunar character of the Hermesian, so it is more related to Ra and Seth than to Thot and Osiris.
At the biblical heritage level, Gnosticism is associated with Sheth, while Hermitism is associated with Enoch.
Ancient Egyptian religion. Gnosticism refers to addressing the question of the origin of evil, Satan, and the evil angel, while hierarchy relates to the cycle of the ascension and fall of the soul and the creation of the physical universe and its relationship to the mental eggs of the higher spirit.
Gnosticism was associated with religion and philosophy, while hermitism was associated with magic, alchemy, and astrology.
This whole introduction brings us to the fact that the Egyptian Gnostic may have been associated with the sun god Ra, Gorse and The God of Saint.
Perhaps the closest to speaking in this area is Abraxas, who believes that his roots lie in the name of an ancient Egyptian god who symbolized Satan and then used the Greek name as a word whose letters are read the number (365) which is the number of days of the year, and perhaps the number of heavens and was used as a Greek talisman or spell (Abracadabra) for magic, and there are those who see that the name was found in Gnostic texts such as the Gospel of the Egyptians.
Ancient Egyptian religion. It seems that the important reason for the return of this symbol (known as Greek) to Egypt is the discovery of the Egyptian witness, Metternich’s stench, who at the top shows a drawing of an object with two legged snake and a brutal face, a figure with characteristics similar to those known as the Abraxas organism in the Greek fate of fortune.
The religion of the ancient Egyptians:
There were those who saw its Egyptian origin as having two words: “Abrak” and “Sachs”, which means “holy word” and Samuel Sharp believes that in Egyptian it means to call the divinity and mean “do not hurt me” or “cannot hurt me”.
The Egyptian hierarchy was the strongest and the greatest, perhaps because it represented the esoteric aspect compared to Gnosticism that was associated with the virtual solar religion of the Egyptians, and this is very important, walking and Hermesia were strongly associated because of erosion, magic, and Isis.
Gnosticism appeared more clearly in Hellenistic Egypt, especially with the Alexandrian school, and its impact was evident in modern Platonicism and Platonic philosophy in Egypt, then the Greek philosophers of Gnosticism appeared in Hamer, the first of them Basilides then Valentinos (100-160 AD), born in the delta of northern Egypt of an Egyptian Hellenistic family, then traveled to Alexandria and his philosophy became the backbone of the Genusian in his Christian costume.
Ancient Egyptian religion. What we want to conclude here is that Egypt was the largest and most important incubator of the way first, then the Hermetic, but the Gnostic was ancient Iraq (Mesopotamia) its great incubator, and at the Hellenistic stage the three esoteric (secret) currents (path, formality and Gnostic) were revived to be the missing link between the polytheistic religions and the three monotheistic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam), to which we have dedicated our book (revealing the lost link between the religions of polytheism and monotheism).
Religious rituals in the Pharaonic civilization and religious rituals of the Pharaohs in ancient Egypt discover the facts of the rituals of the occasions and festivals of the ancient Egyptians, the list of Pharaonic festivals and their dates according to the ancient Egyptian calendar and more secrets.
Religious rituals in the daily Pharaonic civilization:
Prayer Ancient Egyptian religion.:
Prayer was a religious ritual performed by the common person, the priest and the king, and performed in various conditions such as kneeling, prostrating and standing in reverence before the statues of the gods.
Ancient Egyptian religion. Not all the statues represented God. These statues were copies of an authentic statue that was kept in the Holy of Holies in the Temple, and it was not easy to see this statue for people. It was the king and some high-ranking priests who were allowed to look and pray in his hands every morning, and the king or priest prayed with his arms hanging on the side of his body, or in the position of prostrating himself or kneeling as he repeated prayers four times to reach the four corners of the world.
The text of the prayer to the pharaohs:
- In chosen terms, Your Excellency prayed prayers that increase your greatness, with your great names, with your sacred manifestations that you appeared on the first day of the world.
- Daily rituals of the temple: cleaning, washing and fumigation.
- Dances and religious songs
- Offerings and purification
Eschatology (death): Ancient Egyptian religion.
We have discussed the doctrines of death (scatology) and here we will mention the ritual of death, that is, the religious events accompanying the death of man until his burial. Above all, it should be known that death was a thin barrier separating a world for the Egyptians, because death did not write the end of life (as the ancient Iraqis called it), but rather a continuation of it in another world that is essentially no different from the world of life and know more about The Mummification of the Pharaohs.
Terminations and atrophy (Eschatology):
Egyptian psychology was expressed in the beliefs of the end of the world and the gods as we alluded to in mythology. However, his clear statement was in the doctrines of human death, which scholars generally refer to as funeral doctrines.
There is uncertainty about the position of the ancient Egyptians on the end of the world, how and why the world will be destroyed, whether the destruction was definitive or whether the world would return in a new form and birth, and there are many questions raised about this, and we believe that the texts dealing with this subject must be carefully examined to reveal the nature of the feeling of the ancient Egyptians on this subject.
There is a particular perception among the ancient Egyptians of the theme of the end of the world that we can observe in some texts, and he considers that these texts are divided, according to their nature, into a set of types:
- Texts of complaints and grunts of this world and waiting for its end.
- Texts of the prophecies of the end of the world.
- The text of the Book of the Dead, Chapter on the End of the World, chapter 175.
The conclusion:
Ancient Egyptian religion. Ra was the God of Light, and Osiris was the God of Darkness, and yet the two gods were sometimes depicted in a single body (a mummy with a ram’s head) and many images of this body have been found, and the question is: what do you mean and symbolize yourself, perhaps the indication that the world dies and lives in a syndrome, Osiris comes back to life with the emergence of his daily shepherd in the sky.
From west to east, as Ra does in chains without causing chaos and destruction, and without the world returning to its state before creation.
The Egyptians saw that the Benu, the ancient Egyptian solar phoenix, proclaims the beginning and the end of the world, where the cries of this bird appear in the case of the end of the world in a way contrary to what it was at the beginning of its creation, so the cries (I.T.A.R.), where the witches used these cries as a kind of threat and threat when they despaired… This indicates that the world is ending.
Ancient Egyptian religion. the Egyptians felt that the world had to stop. They knew that the end was necessary for the world to be renewed, which meant that they looked at the end and the beginning of the world as they looked at death and life, that is, death is a gateway to life.
We must first know that there is no people throughout history, like the Egyptians, who have been interested in post-mortem (funeral) beliefs and who have monitored all this exceptional heritage of their religious and spiritual heritage, and it seems to us that there are two main reasons behind this: the objective reason lies in the environment of Egypt’s own land.
Religious rituals in the Pharaonic civilization:
The soil and climate of Egypt kept the human body as far as possible after death, and the Nile River overflowed in the summer on fixed periodic dates as if it suggested a renewed cycle of life each year, and the sun was in its awakening, clarity, daily cycles and life, the death, resurrection and immortality he suggested, the center of Egyptian religion.
The subjective reason was Egyptian religious thought, which did not go beyond much between gods and man, and that the butterfly is only a separation between two connected worlds: the world of life and the afterlife.
Ancient Egyptian religion, religion considered the gods, people and the dead as if they were one society, and therefore invented the pillars that suited this idea that later formed post-death beliefs.
We see that the Egyptians provided a general and rapid vision of the end of the world, and did not develop a clear and detailed vision of the end of the world, the universe and man, and this is surprising indeed, despite the psychological heritage of ancient Egypt and its Egyptian Tombs, temples and endless, but they did not draw a clear end of the world but left it free between the conflicts of Ra and Horus with darkness and death indefinitely.
The two conflicting forces (The Cups and the Cosmos) were represented by Seth and Horus, but they did not trace the end of the world to the end of time, the conflict continued without a clear and distinctive predominance of one or the other “since the sovereignty of one cosmic power over the other will lead to the disruption of the system of the universe.
Ancient Egyptian religion. The gods intervened in the struggle of Seth and Horus whenever one of them was defeated by his opponent and was about to be victorious over him.
In more than one text, the God Thoth came to separate the two adversaries when one of them fell under the weight of the other, which gave him the title of judge of the two opposing gods.
In other texts, the God Isis rushes to the rescue of Seth, who was tied up by Horus, and Horus was about to finish him off, but Isis intervened to unravel and free Seth.
Nor did Egyptian dualism seek to develop a hypothesis of peace or a clear and distinctive vision of the apocryptic, as it remained trapped in the traditional conflict between the two conflicting forces with no decisive moral and fateful outcome.
Ancient Egyptian Creation Myths
Facts, History of Egyptian Mythology Creation Story in Pharaonic Civilization and more…
Discover the facts and history of the myth of creation in the Pharaonic civilization and more secrets of the symbols and religious beliefs of the Pharaohs.
Ancient Egyptian religion. because Ra emerges from the water at dawn every day, that is why he is depicted with his morning boat (Maatite), which means (becomes strong), and his evening boat (Smectet), which means (becomes weak).
And his journey was portrayed in another way, as he was represented as the son of the heavenly cow Nut, from which he is born at dawn every day, like a small calf that grows until it becomes a bull in the middle of the day, when it fertilizes its mother, then dies in the evening to be born the next morning.
Ancient Egyptian Creation Myths | Ancient Egyptian religion
There is another image of his appearance, where he emerges in the morning from a clay egg created by him, and hatches like a flying falcon in the air, representing Horus… etc.
The Nun is like a scarab and rolls the disk of the sun until it puts it in the middle of the sky, and at that time it is called (Ra), who looks like the Phoenix (Benu) at noon, and he puts the sun on the obelisk (Ben Ben).
Then he turns into (Atom), who looks like an old man and is close to the pyramid and death or sunset. After sunset, there will be a long journey to the sun, crossing 12 stations full of snakes, flames and demons.
Ancient Egyptian religion. With the development of the Egyptian religious belief, the god Ra appeared in the capacity of (Amun – Ra), whose belief appeared in Thebes since the end of the Middle Kingdom and most of the modern state.
And the triad of Amun is from Amun, who was expressing the sun, his wife (Mutt), who was Tire in the form of a female eagle (the vulture), and his son is (Khonsu), who is the god of the moon, the master of time, the calculator of times, and the giver of predictions, and thus the moon enters as a beautiful god in form and takes over the matter of time and astronomy in the Egyptian pantheon but was secondary.
Creation myths in ancient Egypt:
The creation myth of the god Amun reveals his emergence from the original, primitive flood on the hill of the Ashmunids, where he emerged from the egg that was the god of the huly, creating himself, and the gods of heaven (Amunet) received him in the form of a cosmic cow, and Amu swam while he was on her back over the waters of the Nun, and wherever he landed, he became local deity.
Ancient Egyptian religion. the god Amun (Amun Ra) had a solar boat that sailed over the sky and the underworld, directing time and seasons, controlling the winds and the Fayoum, and issuing his orders with his thunder whip and supplying all creatures and crops. reasons for life. Although the god Amon was sometimes called (the face of Ra and the body of Ptah), he was a popular and merciful god, widespread among the simple people, and he was called the minister of the poor.
And when the sun was depicted as a female, it appeared as the goddess Hathor, the wife of Horus, and the daughter of the goddess Nut, the sky goddess, who gives birth to her from her womb every day, as in this figure.
Ancient Egyptian religion. The solar Henotheism reached its climax with the god Amun when he was associated with the god (Ra) and became a comprehensive god, but the step taken by the emperor (Akhenaten: Amenhotep IV) (1367-1350 BC) went further than that, as he made the god (Aten) He (the disk of the sun) the only god and abolished the worship of Amun and all other gods and called himself Akhenaten, which means (savior, follower, or messenger of Aten).
The great chant of Akhenaten echoed the monotheistic attributes of the sun god.
Planets and stars in the ancient Egyptian civilization: Ancient Egyptian religion
As for the planets and stars, they imagined them in the beginning as the souls and bodies of the immortal righteous kings who ascended to heaven after their death and remained flying in the sky, and there is no mythology specific to all the planets.
The star (Yamani Sirius) was of exceptional importance to them, as it was their guide to predicting the flood of the Nile, as they noticed that this star appears at the horizon with the sunrise (once every year) on the same day that the Nile flood begins, as the flood water reaches the city of Ain Shams (Hello Police).
Ancient Egyptian religion. Some ancient Egyptian priests considered Sirius as a heavenly messenger who came to inform them of the time of the flood of the sacred Nile, which they glorified and called (Habi) meaning overflow: they sanctified in it that wonderful manifestation of divine blessings, and expressed that by holding feasts to celebrate its coming, and they composed songs rejoicing at its fulfillment.
The stars were, mythologically, depicted on the body of the mother goddess (Nut), the goddess of the sky, who was depicted as a mother deity for the living and the benevolent dead who inhabit the bright places in the sky and they are the stars.
Ancient Egyptian gods | The facts of the symbols and idols of the Egyptians, the secrets of religious beliefs and rituals in the civilization of ancient Egypt and the history of the gods and goddesses who were worshipped in the Pharaonic civilization.
Genesis II (the Creator God)
The cosmogony of the Octad gave us an idea of the ancient static creation that was surrounded by elements of water and darkness at the time and place of the beginning of creation.
While the Ashmonin school continues its legend and shows the sun god as the creator god of the eight gods of the Octad, the Iuno school sees that the sun god also appeared from the primordial waters (Nun)in an atomized form.
But the Memphis school saw that when He first settled on His throne, the God (Ptah) was the spirit of the great water entity with all its male and female possessions, and that he was the eternal hill itself, and it was not a sun god, but a God of Logos who possessed the power to create through idea and word (heart and language).
The school of Thebes saw that the Creator God was the God (Amun), who formed with his wife the fourth divine couple in the cosmogony of the Octad, who worked to stir up creation, and that he represented (the hidden) who had no form, no father, no mother, and the god of the air from whom all existence appeared.
The sixth school was the Abo school, which saw the Creator God of aqueous clay nature, Khnum, the potter.
Thus, we see that the Creator God in Egyptian mythology is a sun god (Shabshi, Ra, Aten) or a god as complete as the logos or hidden as Ptah, Amun, or aquatic as Khnum or a female goddess created as Neith.
The Ancient Gods of Aspiration- The God Shabshi (God of Khemenu):
In the first genesis we heard about the eight gods of Heliopolis who hugged the silence, the material of the ancient world before its creation, which was represented in the Ashmonin, whose name refers to the eight gods, named Hermopolis in Greece, and whose ancient Egyptian name is Khemenu, the capital of the fifteenth province of Upper Egypt, known as the name of the Rabbit to which it is symbolized.
Before its creation, the matter of the universe was composed of insalterian muddy water with silt attached to it, and the image of snakes and frogs was derived from the amphibious image when the earth sinks into floods and is then dominated by the calm of water, silt and the heads of static animals that detach from it.
One day, these gods moved, and this movement resulted in several things according to different accounts of the legend.
The fourth story tells us that the eight gods of the Octad turned into black bulls and cows, then the bulls united into a black bull and named the bull Amon and the cow Amunet, and the bulls rushed over the cows and threw their sperm on the water that bloomed the lotus flower (in the form of a sheep’s head) and after the sperm became the form of a child. putting his finger on his mouth and wearing a crown on his head praying and representing the sun as a child.
Thus, the second stage of the formation ends with the appearance of the sun child, the sun god, named Shabshi, who is in Khemenu, the magnificent son of the gods of the Octad.
God Ptah (God of Memphis:
God Ptah was the spirit of the great water entity with all its male and female gods of the cosmogony in the form of frogs and snakes.
Genesis III (universe, gods, and humans)
After the appearance of the Creator God, after settling on his throne, he had to begin the process of creation, which included the creation of the universe (Cosmogony), the creation of the gods (Theogony)and the creation of man (Anthropogony),all of which were created simultaneously in Egyptian mythology according to the Egyptian belief that the material of creation of the universe, gods and humans is the same and that there is no difference between them.
This principle is the embodiment of the power of the same existing Maat.
The Egyptian creation differed according to the Creator God, who followed a particular theological school, and we will proceed with the same division that we went through in the second composition, explaining what each God created, a god and a human being.
Ancient Egyptian gods – the creation of Shabshi in Khemenu (Paradise of Hermopolis)
Legends have not provided us with many important details about the creation of the God (Shabshi),but his appearance as god of the sun and god of the horizon was realized in a special design, this God (the magnificent son of the Octad) was in the form of a ” lotus flower in the shape of a ram’s head ” and took the form of a child putting his finger on his mouth and wearing a crown on his head.
The goddess of fertilization, symbolized by the frog, rarely appears on the front of a penis, is generally considered the wife of the god Khnum, associated with the fertility of the Nile, as a shelter for the frogs and its eggs that fill its banks were indicative of the strength of its fertilization.
References Ancient Egyptian religion: The Book of Egyptian Civilization
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