Second Intermediate Period of Egypt | Discover the secrets of the Second Transition Era in Ancient Egypt History and facts about the most important transitional periods of the Pharaonic civilization, the decline and wars, the names of the Egyptian Pharaohs kings and Female Pharaohs, and how they contributed to the decline of the Pharaonic civilization. By the end of the rule of King Yaqub-Har, the last king of the Fourteenth

Ancient Egyptian Coffins | History Sarcophagi in Ancient Egypt & Facts Coffin Texts, Spells, Funerary Rituals and more about Ancient Egypt History. Facts, Secrets about What is a Pharaohs sarcophagus, What is the characteristics of Egyptian Coffins, What is the purpose of the sarcophagi and more… Discover the types of pharaonic coffins in the civilization of ancient Egypt, how they were shaped, sized, how they were used to place the

Ancient Egyptian religion

Ancient Egyptian religion | Religious Beliefs and Rituals

  Ancient Egyptian religion | Religious Beliefs and Rituals in Ancient Egypt, Funerary Doctrines and Historical Facts Ancient Egyptian Religion Pharaohs, Aaru Secrets and More Ancient Egypt Facts. Facts and history of the main components of the Egyptian religion in the Pharaonic civilization and the secrets of the priestly institution and property of the Pharaohs. The main components of religion are (religious community, rituals, Legends of the Pharaohs, ends) and