Mortuary Temples
Mortuary Temples in Ancient Egypt | Facts, Secrets, History of Funerary Pharaonic Temple

Mortuary Temples in Ancient Egypt | Facts, Secrets, History of Funerary Pharaonic Egyptian Temples and more about Ancient Egypt History.

Facts and history of building the funerary temple of the Pharaohs, what are the most important pharaonic memorial temples, and more secrets of the ancient Egyptians.

Mortuary Temples

The funerary temples are originally temples erected in the era of the Pharaohs near and at the same time next to the royal Egyptian Tombs located within the scope of ancient Egypt.

Mortuary Temples were also designed for several purposes, but the most important of them is relying on them in order to commemorate the era of the reign of the king, the owner of this place, under whose shadow they were actually built.

As well as for its use in the past by people who worship the king after death as in Ancient Egyptian religion.

Some also refer to those Lutheran temples as arks. Also, these ancient temples were used for the purpose of offering a number of sacrifices to Egyptian Pharaohs kings, whether of food or animals.

What was the function of the Mortuary Temples?

Egyptian Mortuary Temples, like ancient temples, were not places of visit or worship.

“The heart of the temple is a secret place to pass through many successive gates, and the more we are inside, the darker the place is until we reach a place full of fear that only priests allowed to reach, where there is the sacred statue of God, which is different from the known statues of God; it is simply a secret statue that embodies the truth of God.

When the competent High Priest of Amun comes to him, and once he sees him, he lies on his stomach and kisses the earth, repeats it, then burns the incense and then looks for a shortcut for God “The Egyptian Gods” and then does the necessary work for this statue as in Ancient Egyptian Literature, such as providing him with Food in ancient Egypt and drink and protecting him from evil spirits.

Why did the Egyptians build Mortuary Temples?

What was the largest mortuary temple in Egypt?

  • one of the many Mortuary Temples known to history, the first of its kind, was built for king Amenhotep I, who was one of the kings of the Eighteenth Dynasty during the periods of rule in the New Kingdom.
  • As he had built a large number of other rulers who did not actually belong to this dynasty, a large and different number of the most important of those temples that he worked for the same purpose.
  • The most famous of them was the most important of these funerary temples that are already located within the Deir El Bahari area “Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut“, where the Pharaonic Queen Hatshepsut wife “Brother” King Thutmose II built for her a funerary temple that was located next to that Mortuary temple of Mentuhotep II that was built, but it was said to King Amenhotep II.
  • This ancient funerary temple was also built. It belonged to Queen Hatshepsut around 1490 BC. It also represents the only royal mortuary temple from that time period that we are talking about, which was able to remain, however, in good condition.
  • But later, that is, in the era of the rulers of the Eighteenth Dynasty, there are possibilities or studies that say that they either failed to build from the foundation for those Mortuary Temples at all.
  • in the case of King Tutankhamun and both king Ay and King Horemheb, they had already begun to build it, but despite that, its construction was not completed.

What is the name of the Mortuary Temples in the Luxor?

  1. Temple of Al-Toud
  2. Mortuary temple of Mentuhotep II
  3. Karnak Temple
  4. Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut
  5. Deir El Bahari
  6. The Funerary Temple Of King Thutmose III
  7. Palace of Malkata
  8. Mortuary Temple of Amenhotep III
  9. Luxor Temple
  10. The Colossi of Memnon
  11. Temple of Seti I
  12. The Temple of Ramesseum
  13. Funerary temple of Merenptah
  14. Medinet Habu
  15. The Temple of Esna
  16. Temple of Al-Shalweit

What is the name of the Mortuary Temples in the Aswan?

  1. The Temple of Kom Ombo
  2. Kalabsha Temple
  3. Temple of Edfu
  4. Temple of Abu Simbel
  5. The Temple of Philae
  6. Temple of Amada
  7. Temple of Wadi El-Sebua
  8. Qubbet el-Hawa Tombs
  9. The Speos Of Horemheb
  10. Trajan’s Kiosk
  11. The Temple of Soleb
  12. Temple of Dakka “Daca” in Nubia
  13. Temple of Amenhotep III in El Kab
  14. Temple of Isis Near Old Cataract
  15. Temple of Khnum in Elephantine Island

Holy of Holies in Pharaonic Civilization | Facts, History, Secrets of Holy of Holies Room in Egyptian Temples and more about Ancient Egypt Civilization.

Facts and history of the Room Chamber in the ancient Pharaonic Mortuary Temples, its religious importance, the phenomenon of sunlight in it, and more secrets.

What are some facts about the Abu Simbel Sun Festival?

The Mass sanctified that rare astronomical phenomenon to know more about Astronomy in ancient Egypt that had so far occurred in the scope of the Temple of Abu Simbel, King Ramses II Who built it from Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt, located in the south of Aswan, to which masses of tourists from all over the world come and are waiting to be seen by the whole world.

Its importance is due to the keenness of many people and tourists from all over the world to attend it because the sun’s rays permeate the sun’s rays specifically over the room of the temple, i.e. the Great Temple of Ramses II.

Since it often starts in the morning at about half past six in the morning, this amazing process that science has been unable to explain so far takes from approximately 20 to 25 minutes.

What was the purpose of the Holy of Holies?

  • In fact, the room or area of the room in the Mortuary Temples, especially Ramses II, is one of the most important scope, places, and parts of that temple.
  • It is also known that it is the shrine of the idol that was known in ancient Egypt as God Set Wort, that is, it means the word of the Great Throne, or also some Egyptology and researchers have mercy on it to the great place.
  • It is also meant or called the throne of that ruling king, where in the past he used to offer the idol a set of rituals related to religiosity, worship, and offering offerings.

Where is the Holy of Holies room located in the Mortuary Temples?

In fact, the famous Room is located in the base of that temple that contains it, where it is located specifically next to the room that has been allocated in which the operations of keeping the offerings are carried out.

What are the statues in the Holy of Holies room?

In fact, the Room in the Temple of King Ramses II in Abu Simbel includes only 4 statues. Those statues belonged to God Ptah, the god of Memphis, the God Amun God Ra, who was the god or lord of Thebes.

The third statue of King Ramses II was also located in it With his wife’s temple Queen Nefertari, and there was no god but the god Ra God Horus, who was the sister of the special god of the Pharaonic city of On or Heliopolis.

What days does the sun shine in Abu Simbel?

In fact, the phenomenon of sun perpendicularity was that phenomenon that was already celebrated before in 1964, specifically on February 21 and October 21.

But with the transfer of the temple and its transfer to its new location, the timing had changed, and this strange phenomenon happened to be February 22 and October 22.

Sun Perpendicular on Ramses face in Abu Simbel

  • In fact, there are two different accounts, each referring to the reason behind the sun perpendicular to the Room in the temple of Ramesses II in Abu Simbel.
  • The first narration was that the crowds of the binding and the rulers of the ancient Egyptians and in Ancient Egyptian Government had designed that large temple to be a new building that was built on the movement of the astronomy that they discovered so that they could determine the appropriate time to start the new agricultural season and then fertilize it as in Agriculture in Ancient Egypt.
  • Second narration of this phenomenon, as it is due to the fact that these two days in which this phenomenon occurs are actually coinciding with the day designated for the birth of the great and valiant King Ramses II, and therefore it is the day of his actual sitting on the throne and taking over the rule of Egypt.

Mammisi in ancient Egypt | Facts Mamisi Birth House in Pharaonic Mortuary Temples, Secrets Pharaonic Civilization and History Of Egyptian…

Facts and history of building the most important sacred places in the Pharaonic temples in the civilization of ancient Egypt, and how it was revered by the Pharaohs as the homes of divine birth, their religious beliefs, and more.

In fact, these ancient buildings were established in the era of the Eighteenth Dynasty in Upper Egypt and in the Nubia region, where a number of those elegant Mortuary Temples were established, which were at the same time small in area.


What is the birth house in ancient Egypt?

  • In fact, it seems that all those small Mortuary Temples that belonged to the Mammisi birth house were established in areas or places that were not of great importance, as we find when establishing a group of other large temples, such as those temples that were once held in other eras in worship centers Main.
  • And one of the best real examples that really reflect this type of temple is that building that it is the Temple of Amenhotep III in El Kab, which was built by King Amenhotep III in Elephantine Island.
  • During the periods of rule of the New Kingdom, there was a specialization in those temples themselves, a number of specific halls that were dedicated to celebrating the birth of God, and one of those Mortuary Temples was the Luxor Temple.
  • As for the era of the Ptolemies, small temples were built for this purpose, which were erected next to the large temples, in the manner that we see today in the temples of Edfu, Temple of Dendera in Qena, and the complex of Kom Ombo.

What is inside of the Temple of Edfu?

  • In fact, the House of the Birth of God in Edfu or the House of Mammisi is indeed a model that tells and lists the importance of that wonderful and archaeological type of ancient Mortuary Temples.
  • Also, he is already standing within the scope of that large space that was previously located in front of that large temple in the southwestern side of it.
  • Also, one of the most important things worth mentioning in that area is that the Mamezi birth house located in the Edfu region dates back to the era of the Pharaonic King Ptolemy VII and Ptolemy VIII.
  • As the temple of Mammisi in Edfu begins with the presence of a courtyard and a large flower on either side of it, there are two rooms, but they are small in size.
  • As there was a staircase, we find it on the right from the inside, then a cabin unites, but it is somewhat large in size, flanked on both sides by a gallery of pillars.
  • Those cylinders so far appear to have lacy crowns with a group of drawings and a number of the most important leaves of plants, on top of which there is already a group of stone pillows that were previously engraved on their four faces, the image of the deity or the God Bes.
  • Where that god was considered to be a protector between childbirth, and that mihrab in which these drawings are located is surrounded by the presence of three sides, all of which are made of columns, all that Social Structure in Ancient Egypt and the daily rituals of life that were performed for him, such as Music in Ancient Egypt, cooking and Food in ancient Egypt, and Industry in ancient Egypt.

What was the most sacred part of a Mortuary Temples in Egypt?

In fact, it is distinguished by its magnificence and those wonderful scenes in the Mammisi birth house, which are distinguished by the fact that until now it has been preserved in its colors to some extent in many of those wonderful inscriptions depicting the God Hathor.

Unfortunately, Mammisi Christmas House in Edfu was subjected to a lot of destruction and vandalism.

As there is now nothing left of it now except for a number of sulcus of the simple or few parts that we see now, and then all those stone walls were demolished in both the courtyard and the hall.

Not only that, but many of those columns and various crowns that were made of different styles have fallen, but despite that, some of them are still present on the floors in the maternity home to know more about Ancient Egyptian Metallurgy.

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Mortuary Temples in Ancient Egypt | Facts, Secrets, History of Funerary Pharaonic Temple
Mortuary Temples in Ancient Egypt | Facts, Secrets, History of Funerary Pharaonic Temple

About Author

Tamer Ahmed
Eng. Tamer Ahmed | Author & Researcher in History of Ancient Egypt Pharaohs. Booking Your Tours Online Whatsapp: +201112596434