Ancient Egyptian Government
Ancient Egyptian Government | Governance and Politics

Ancient Egyptian Government | Governance and Politics in Ancient Egypt Facts, The Pharaonic political pyramid starting with the Pharaohs’ kings, ministers, priests, and more about Ancient Egypt History.

the classes of ancient Egyptian society, what was the first political authority in Pharaohs, and the most prominent aspects of Egyptian civilization,

how was the monarchy and the pyramid of power in the civilization of ancient Egypt,  and how were the elements of government in Pharaonic Egypt governing the king, Female Pharaohs, prince, crown prince on Festivals in Ancient Egypt of pharaonic civilization and what are the secrets of the moral and physical immortality of the king? What royal titles did the king receive? And no more secrets of the monarchy.

The system of government in ancient Egypt is created on a purely divine basis, where the Egyptian Pharaohs kings of the pre-dynastic era as Predynastic Period and Naqada III were the gods who ruled Egypt, and Egyptian writings say that the country was ruled by the gods who ruled Egypt, the world and the universe, and perhaps the first ruler was the God Atum God Ra who created the universe, the people and their domination as in Ancient Egyptian religion.

This explains the divine origin of the monarchy in the Nile River Valley, then came after other kings, even if we reach the pre-dynastic era, the gods are incarnated in human beings, the last of which, at that time, King Narmer from First Dynasty of Egypt, who united the country and established a strong central government in which he was Hor (God Horus),  is in the form of a living god visible in the form of a human being and  who has all the rights of the well-known The Egyptian Gods.

Ancient Egyptian Government

Therefore, the political and social basis on which Egyptian civilization was founded was to affirm that Egypt was ruled by the god, that this god sitting on the throne of the country was unlimited in knowledge and abilities, and that he knew everything that was happening in the country, and therefore it was difficult to tell the difference between the king and the state.

His word was the Law in Ancient Egypt, his desire was an order, and his parish was the king of his right, acting at will, as he wished, and so actions led to filling his coffers, wars were fought for his fame and mention, and the buildings were held in his honor, and in honor of his destiny,  and all the goods of the land were for him, which is his right, and if a creature is allowed to have a share there, it is nothing more than a loan that he recovers whenever he wants.

This political faith seems to us to be a double-edged sword; on the one hand, it represented the most extreme type of Eastern tyranny that places a human being in the rank of God, or to see him as an immortal god in the first and other worlds, where his judgments and the way he governs everything and so as not to challenge the king, God is human.

Perhaps the reasons for the rise of this monarchy were the victory of the first kings over their rivals with difficulty or the end of the competition for unified property at that time by elevating it to divinity.

This view of government is different from that of the Sumerians, and Mesopotamia  in general, which is the civilized parallel that has accompanied Egypt throughout ancient history.

The monarchy of the Mesopotamian Valley, from the point of view of its people, had descended from a sacred place, heaven, but those who received it were human beings who took responsibility for it and were not gods (incarnated in the form of human beings) as in the Nile Valley.

What type of government did Ancient Egypt have?

According to the American Egyptologist Dr. John Wilson: that the state system in ancient Egypt might resemble a large state jet led by the minister, senior officials, and provincial governors, and above this pyramid there is a small pyramid belonging to the royal institution consisting of the king and his house.

The King:

The origin of the divine royal faith in Egypt was religious, because our study of the religion of the city states in the pre-dynastic era in both Dynasty 00 and Dynasty 0 we learned that the Thinis City and Nekhen City “Hierakonpolis, el-Kom el-Aḥmar” were the leaders of the unity of Egypt, both of whom were taken from the God (Horus) as a fundamental god,  which made this God a symbol of the kings who  led  the  country to-unification.

These kings then came to God until the kings seemed divine.

In the original texts, the king was called “Neter Nefer” or “The Good God”, and he and Horus, and his symbol, the Falcon, which is the symbol of Horus, since the Fifth Dynasty of Egypt during Old Kingdom was also called “son of Ra” because Horus is the son of Ra, called the land of Egypt (the daughter of Ra),  that is, it is equivalent or equal to the land of all Egypt, and the king was the son of God Ra of a human woman who marries the king who is (Ra) that is, the sun.

Although there are those who believe that the title of pharaoh (Bara) existed from the first family, but it became the title of king since the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt during The New Kingdom nicknamed Pharaoh and means “the Great House”, that is, the world because he became emperor:

Neter Nefer Good God. Royal title  (1-4)  dynasties
Sa Ra (son of Ra) Because it represents Horus (and Horus son of  Ra) Royal title (5-17)  dynasties
Pharaoh The big house. Royal title  (18-30)  dynasties

Ancient Egyptian Government. we prefer to call him the king, not the pharaoh, because the title of pharaoh is late, and we are not in favor of using the term pharaonic civilization because, scientifically speaking, it indicates only the second half of the kings of Egypt, as well as the fact that there is no tendency, in the first place,  to name civilization as its kings, and therefore we prefer to call the ancient Egyptian civilization because it is the most accurate and complete.

The doctrine of divine monarchy was to unite the person of the King.

God and society:

Ancient Egyptian Government. the individual’s hope of gaining the satisfaction of this king “God” as the source of all the gifts “Let the king come and give” and the results that rank on the faith of the ancient Egyptian in divine property were not all moral results, but there were results that took on a purely material character in some of its manifestations,  for with regard to funeral rituals, the purpose of the individual was to sympathize with the king with certain supplies of the cemetery or to allow him to list his  titles, functions or certain works that he has been assigned.

The moral and physical immortality of the king:

The Egyptians expressed the moral immortality of the king by commemorating him with writings The ancient Egyptian Pharaonic language, drawings and Egyptian sculptures at Egyptian Temples and Egyptian Tombs of strong symbolic intensity that showed this immortality, as they tied some of the king’s wrists and died with the sign of a million signs of infinity, as well as the linking of the symbols of chaos and order or evidence of these.

King Ramses II from Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt (Ra Messou-Mery En Amun) shows the beloved of God Amun, who was born by Ra, standing between Horus and Seth with the sign “Heh” of the number of one million, which refers to the eternal or eternal in time, and at the end of each sign of love we find the sign of “Ren” at the bottom,  which refers to the name of man.

It is guaranteed that it is through Horus and God Set who represent (la lumière and darkness), “good and evil” or (order and chaos), which refers to the integration and association of the unity of opposites and alludes to immortality.

The physical immortality of the king is best evidenced by the extensive mummification of the bodies of the Egyptian kings, which were built on the belief that the soul leaves the body for some time during death, but soon returns and dissolves into the body it left, so the body must be guarded and not left vulnerable to rot and decomposition.

What was the political authority of ancient Egypt?

They followed the king’s name or surname in praying to him for “life, happiness, and health,” and there were three divine attributes related to the monarchy, namely “Ho,” that is, the word “authority or order of the Creator,” “Sia,” meaning perception or understanding, and “maat,” meaning righteousness.

This aura of holiness and rendering continues, especially in the time of the Fourth Example, when we see the divine monarchy at the peak of its power, the strength of its power, in its domination of its people, its self-confidence, as well as the faith of its people in it, but at the same time we almost feel that something will happen to the slavery of the aura of sanctification.

We see King Khafre from Fourth Dynasty of Egypt (Khaa Ef Ra) being called “Sa Ra”, i.e. “Son of Ra”, and if there are those who continue to say that this title appeared from the time of King Khufu, but from the time of King Sneferu.

Ancient Egyptian Government. What is striking is that the Egyptians did not worship the Egyptian king or pharaoh, did not offer him rituals and rituals of worship, and did not build his own temple, but worshipped the well-known Egyptian gods and founded temples for them, as well as the Egyptian kings who worshipped the well-known moral gods, especially those they represented, such as Ra the Sun God or Horus, a well-known paradox.

The king’s duties were his responsibility to protect and build the country, conduct religious rituals, and protect cities from flooding, and when he neglected these things, the gods did not accept him in their ranks, which would be a deterrent to his absolute authority. The king’s duties continue after his death, and he must protect his people in the afterlife and intercession for him as The Pyramids of Giza in Cairo.

What titles did pharaohs hold? Royal titles – headlines

The divine status of the king necessitated the emergence of many royal titles that accompanied the king’s name and were usually written before the king’s name:

The birth name (Son of Ra) (Sa Ra): Ancient Egyptian Government.

the title of the king, who appeared intermittently since the Fifth Dynasty of Egypt and then appeared regularly since the King Neferirkare.

The coronation title (Nessout Bity): Ancient Egyptian Government.

a title that refers to the king’s affiliation with Upper and Lower Egypt or Upper Egypt and the Delta, the word “Bity “means the bee  which  is the emblem of the delta  and the word “Nessout” means the bamboo plant theemblem of the High Egypt,  and the word “Ka” is associated with the God  (Min)which refers to the  bull.

The title of Horus (Her):

A title that confirms the king’s symmetry with the God  Horus, indicating that he inherited the king from the Father God Osiris.

He may have referred to the first city that led to the unification of Egypt, which was (Nekhen) (now Al-Busayliyya), and its god, Horus, from the days of King Scorpion II and King Narmer.

The title “Nebty” (The Two Ladies):

A title that refers to the unity of Upper and Lower Egypt or Upper Egypt and the Delta, and which is written in the form of an image indicating the two goddesses of the two lands: the vulture  goddess of Upper Egypt God Nekhbet and God Wadjet, the cobra goddess of the Delta, and these two goddesses preserve the king and their symbol of the North and the South.

The title of Horus of the gold (HerNebou): Ancient Egyptian Government

which refers to the meaning of gold, whose symbol was used in the first royal titles, expresses the grandeur, glory, color of the sun and embodies poplars.

The titles of the New Kingdom are numerous, such as the powerful bull, the beloved of Maat, the protector of Egypt, the  lord  of foreign countries, long years, many victories, the strong shepherd on the right, the beloved of Amun Ra the Lord of Karnak, the good God,  Horus of the gold of Galilee.

Who was the greatest pharaoh of Egypt?

king Ramesses II was particularly cared for by the mother God Isis, who gave him the symbolism of power (a royal scepter called Was-sceptre and life (Ankh), for example, in the image below we see the King Horemheb standing in front of the Neteret (lady) Isis carrying in his hands the scepter Wass who expresses power and in the other hand a sign of the key of life.

The political development and change of status of the king since the second half of the Old Kingdom were associated with a religious development that accompanied it; High Priest of Amun resorted to mixing the Osirian belief with the solar belief in order to achieve their political goals and kings, and this can be considered a sign of the growing importance, which is  at the same time a sign of the deterioration of the status of the monarchy.

To illustrate this, we find the Pyramid Texts, which contained prayers and spells that help the king in the other world, having previously enjoyed all the powers and holiness that make him and his Pharaonic Tombs in the Fourth Dynasty indispensable for such rituals.

The old Egyptian man believed in the idea of resurrection, calculation and responsibility for his actions in his life, and this belief was associated with the God “Osiris”and the work expressed by his stories and legend of good and the avoidance of evil, and this moral significance was not limited to kings but included everyone in society and this thought was reflected in the funeral customs of the ancient Egyptian man.

Ancient Egyptian Government. Having been dominated by the material aspect of the Old Kingdom as a result of the experiences of ancient Egyptian in the second half of the Old Kingdom and in the era of the first transition as First Intermediate Period, the moral aspect associated with values and ideals was necessary to complete the material aspect of these funerary customs.

Regarding the name and title of King Horemheb: The birth name (Sa Ra) = Mery-Imen-  Her-Em-Heb, which means:  the beloved of Amun,  Horus is in celebration,and the coronation title(Nessout Bity)=  Djesser  –  Kheprou  –  Ra  –  Setep  –  En  –  Ra which means: sacred bodies of Ra,  the chosen one by Ra… etc.

What are the Special Holidays in Ancient Egypt?

  1. The Heb Sed: The day of the 30th anniversary of the coronation of the king.
  2. The Shemu: The celebration by the king of his father, God Min, the god of fertility the beginning of the harvest season.
  3. Day of the announcement of the new king
  4. The feast of the new king

The Uraeus (symbol of kings):

The cobra that appears on the crown of the pharaoh, protects him from destructive forces, one of the symbols of the goddess Wadjit.

What was the social life of ancient Egypt?

The Social Phenomena of Ancient Egypt and the basic characteristics of ancient Egyptian society.

The facts and history of the social classes of the Pharaonic civilization,  how many people were there? And more secrets of the civilization of the Pharaohs.

The Nile played a key role in the unity of Egyptian society.

Ancient Egyptian Government. The ancient Egyptians instinctively refused to kill as in The army in ancient Egypt, steal, adultery, deceive, lie and violate the sanctities of the dead and urged love, morality and satisfaction of the husband, wife, parents and king, which does not mean that anomalies do not appear in a great society that lasted three thousand years, but the general tendency of society was with high morality, right and rejection of evil.

The ancient Egyptians loved the magnitude of many things, such as the huge buildings, the love of wealth and extravagance in the manifestations of luxury, especially their kings, and they adhered to the traditions and values that the customs and traditions of other peoples allowed.

Their care for the army and militarization was few until the invasion of the Hyksos, so they had a strong army that established a small empire that included part of Lebanon for defensive matters, and a strong army was established for them in the early days of The Ramesside Period  start Twentieth Egyptian Dynasty, Then they were so interested in the army and they loved the life of peace in their country to the point that some armies of other peoples such as the Assyrians, Persians, Greeks and the last Romans were able to easily enter Egypt at the stage of the civilizational fall of Egypt.

What are the main features of Egyptian civilization?

The Egyptian people were practically attached to the post-mortemworld, which they also ridiculed for them before death, and it seemed that they had monopolized the afterlife and established it as its king and promised to sweep it away in trade, profit, and religion by its people.

Despite their incredible religious dignity, they were very fun and spontaneous as in Ancient Egyptian Literature, practicing a life of pleasure, sex, Love in Ancient Egypt and The Games of the Pharaohs, participating in the swing in public arenas such as ladies and dice as in Music and dance in Ancient Egypt, sometimes mocking their priests and gods, making dolls and funny statues of them.

Insisting on the unity of Egyptian society is the first characteristic of this society, which is the secret of its primitive civilization and the continuation of its personality, despite its position as a crossroads between East and West.

The well-known knowledge and sciences of Egypt have been the rich source of other civilizations such as Greek and Roman as well as the sciences, rituals and beliefs of secrets, the archaeological source and the greatest source of these civilizations and peoples, although they have not been fully understood.  by them and whose secrets to this day have given them prestige, dignity, and the breathtaking and unique power of each seeker of depths and secrets.

Ancient Egyptian Government. The king and his royal family are unique in a divine social class that cannot be classified according to other criteria of Egyptian society, and it is therefore an autonomous social entity, and if this class has withdrawn from human beings under the pretext that divine blood applies to it, it is first and foremost a group of human beings who have their passions, their ambitions and desires in loving king and power.

They are not immune to scientific social study, but can be a valid model for monitoring the transmission of metaphysical illusion in man to the point of identifying with the divine world and others through which we can reveal this divine tendency in man, who has lost his very deep heroes in the Genesis religions,  his own, the Messiah, then in  monotheistic religions, and this is a search that has been talked about for a long time.

What were the classes of society in ancient Egypt?

The king served as the Son of God and his family as the children of God.

Egyptian society initially consisted of two classes (upper and lower), then with the Middle Kingdom, Egyptian society began to consist of three basic classes:

Upper class – Ancient Egyptian Government

They were nobles, supervisors, provincial governors, high officials, and priests, who enjoyed the privileges of power and wealth, and their inflated privileges and salaries at the expense of later classes and social revolutions took place against them, and perhaps caused the restoration and fragmentation of the mother of the country in the midst of theMiddle Kingdom and in times of unrest.

Middle class – Ancient Egyptian Government

Its strength is the personnel, the skilled industry, the clerks, the free men and the soldiers, and the legacy of the professions was valid in Egyptian society, but this did not prevent the movement of some people from the middle class to the upper class or their decline to the lower class and they turn into servants or slaves.

Perhaps the middle-class preference over Egyptian civilization was the greatest. This class provided the country with skilled artists and industry in all fields, and was the product of Egyptian civilization, which we know mainly in the hands of these people.

This class was the link between the rulers and the governed, it is originally governed, but it is very much in the hands of the rulers because of the nature of its work, it feels the pain of the governed and the difficulties of life and the suffering of life, and sees with its eyes the pleasures and decoration of life that rich people enjoy,  and I am very inclined to the fact  that she is often, like other  middle-class people.

Ancient Egyptian Government. It has not been corrupted by the immersion of covetousness, which at the same time is still poor and manufactured, and the middle class, in all peoples, often bears the characteristics of society and its defects and disadvantages, as well as its advantages and advantages.

From that moment on, authors of writing and writers appeared, including personnel, including soldiers, and the number of writers decreased in the modern era due to the involvement of young people in military service, and they were warned by senior scribes, and a wonderful phrase was contained in the advice of a  sage for his son,  who preaches and tells him (see there is no unverned class, but  only the scribe  governs  himself).

The lower class – Ancient Egyptian Government:

It consists of merchants, workers, peasants, and small craftsmen such as carpenters, barbers, gardeners, dart makers, postmen, tanners, shoemakers, and others.

The merchants were not as rich as one imagines, but they were at the limit of class because they owned an internal trade whose limits do not exceed their limits, internal transactions in barter, and they were always exposed to dangers for simple profits.

When we gather the pharaoh with society and separate ourselves further into social classes, we can use this social pyramid described in the figure below, which includes (pharaoh, official government consisting of minister, priest and nobles, soldiers, clerks, merchants, craftsmen, farmers, slaves) .

The peasants were the economic powers and the ceding to all the people; they were the most stable in their profession because of their attachment to the land, and it is they who constitute the majority of the people and who building Egyptian Antiquities.

The rest of the lower class were sheep breeders, pigs, hunters, and navigators; there was the slave class, whose people were foreign peoples who lost wars with Egypt and brought prisoners, slaves belonging to the great people and working as servants or peasants and workers on the land of their masters.


The population has not been the same throughout Egypt’s long history, as the number of Ancient Egyptians has been subject to increase and decrease. Depending on environmental, health and political conditions.

Petri believes that the population reached its maximum number at the time of the Ancient Empire, and estimated the number at the time Ramesside at about 10-12 million on the basis that the country provided the army with about 650,000 soldiers, and after the erosion of the influence of the Ptolemaic number varied from 7-7.5 million and also believes that the birth rate in ancient Egypt was about 60 per thousand.

Ancient Egyptian Government. A quarter of this number of births die before the age of 19 (14-13 BC) and it is considered that the number of pupils and the proportions of births and deaths must have a total population of 14 million.

The progress of time does not mean an increase in their number despite the relatively stable conditions in Egypt compared to other countries, the population in the Hellenistic period decreased to half of what it was in the time of the New Kingdom.

Herodotus denies that at the time of the reign of king Amasis II, Egypt had many cities because of the good that the Nile had done to the country, with 1,000 cities populated.

Ancient Egyptian Government

Minister in Ancient Egyptian Government:

The post of minister has appeared since the beginning of dynasties in the old era, and there are those who believe that “the post of minister has emerged since the era of Minister Imhotep of King Djoser, according to an inscription found in Wadi Hammamat, dating from the period between 495 and 491 BC. Imhotep was the title of minister, and a third team goes on to say that it began a century later King Sneferu the founder of the fourth dynasty, and that the prime minister with a title recognized for the effects conclusively is (Nefer Maat) son of the king.

Anyway, the king was assisted by two advisors, one for Upper Egypt, the other for the Delta, perhaps the highest work of the founding era was the function of the royal seal holder, which indicates the ring and the faithful traitor, and may have appeared for the first time under King Den.

The king did not take care of the administrative details and left them to the minister and his staff.

In the time of the pharaohs,  the minister informed the king of the affairs of state every morning and gave him directives and advice;

The minister’s titles were numerous, including chief of staff of Upper and Lower Egypt, chief of justice (five houses of Thot), governor of the capital, head of the royal court, director of all the works of the king, supervising what heaven gives and earth comes out and presents by the Nile and the director of all throughout the country.

Ancient Egyptian Government. Supervisor of archives and weapons houses, head of the six great houses. In general, the minister oversaw three major institutions (provincial governors, staff and civil servants, and armed forces).

According to Egyptology, the removal of power from its legal owners in the Fourth Dynasty was carried out with the help of the priests of the God Ptah, who retained the inheritance of the ministry after this important function was given to the crown prince, thus retaining all the powers in his kingdom. It also indicates that there is more than one minister of the same name, and that the authority was divided between Ra and Ptah, where the former retained the authority of the king and the latter as a ministry.

Ptah Hotep le minister and the famous sage 2356 — 2388 BC. was one of the most famous ministers.

Priests in Ancient Egyptian Government:

The priests were the valve of religious security for the king, and although they were under his command, they granted him spiritual power, justified his elevation and divorce, and maintained his official and popular status, as well as the one who held the affairs of worship and preserved his rituals inside and outside the temple.

The king now has only two dual religious and legislative powers, and he has been assigned to the first task as a priest to play it. Their direct activity was thus characterized by their specialization in the care of worship, the worship of the gods and all aspects related to this worship outside the temple, but their role in the social and spiritual aspect was limited to the narrowest limits.

Ancient Egyptian Government. We must not forget the accuracy of the concept of the term priest; the priest was not an isolated community living on the margins of society, and he only wanted to solicit the masses and push them towards a higher and more active moral life than their normal life.

All! On the contrary, these Egyptian priests played a very delicate role. They are the king’s deputies with the sole right to perform the religious service, and their strength was to work to nourish the divine presence on earth represented in a form integrated into his holiness in the temple.

The leaders of the territories in Ancient Egyptian Government:

Egypt was divided into regions called in Egyptian (Sebet, Sabat) and the Greek provinces were called Nomes as in Geography of ancient Egypt. The idea of territories appeared in the past when the Egyptians dug basins to absorb the Nile’s floodwaters in agriculture, and the basins became semantic about the regions, initially numbering 22 in Upper Egypt and 16 in the delta, then 22 in Upper Egypt and 20 in the delta.

The idea of the territory evolved into a capital, governor, administrative body, temple and God of the territory, the governor of the territory was responsible for agricultural activity first, so that the title of governor of the territory became (Aadj Imira), which means (supervisor of the excavation of canals), and it is his other duty to carry out the general census of the population every two years.

The governor has other titles such as “Zab: The Judge, Seshem Ta: Director of Earth, Hathat: Governor of the Palace, Imira Hata: Director of the Royal Palace, Hatat Nessut: Viceroy, Rekh Nessut: Known to the King, Imira Abot: Director of Royal Missions, Priest of Maat, Priest of Heqat).

The Governor of the Territory chairs the Advisory Council (and Remej Shemaou), which consists of 10 administrators such as the Inspector, the Superintendent of Houses, and others.

Ancient Egyptian Government. He was responsible for security, recruitment during wars, and promotion of the king’s orders, and the governor’s greatest dream was to become an administrator in the royal capital at the Court of Six or a senior official and perhaps a minister.

The king’s government and management system were characterized by extreme bureaucracy.

In some cases, a special minister has been appointed to each other. The governor of the territory was the commander of his own army. A great next job is the house of treasury, that is, the management of finances, headed by God’s treasurer.

The ancient Egyptian government and the political pyramid of the government the position of minister and priests in the Pharaonic civilization

The six major offices and senior managers in Ancient Egyptian Government:

The capital of Egypt, through which the king ruled the whole country, included a group of senior officials who were under the command of the minister and had a group of cabinets, departments and the six major interests of the government:

The Central Royal Administration

(King’s House: Per-Nessu), which is different from the Royal Palace Institution (Per-Aa), which is part of the small royal pyramid, was the central administration of the main seat of government and includes:

    • Documents of the Ministry of Government
    • Records or seal management
    • Copy and archive management
    • Tax administration

Each of these departments has branches in the regions.

The Field Office:

Who was interested in farmland around the Nile and The Oasis Baharaya and near cemeteries and pyramids.

Treasury Office:

The White House is (probably) called and is usually under the direct supervision of the minister (director of the dual White House), and has branches in the territories and is divided into:

  • Golden House
  • At home supplies.

The Office of Works and Buildings:

It specializes in the construction of various facilities such as temples and royal Pharaonic Tombs, and the goddess of urbanization was (Seshat), who was also the goddess of the archives and accountants, and it was said that she was (the first of a line only) and urbanization required the gathering of the two functions together.

The Chamber of Justice (Per Thot):

There were five high-ranking judges headed by the minister, who is nicknamed “The Big Five of God Thoth“.

The Secrets Ancient Egyptian Government:

The Egyptian ruling class controlled social and political life over time and the king’s authority was relatively weakened, and “this civilization was aristocratic in nature.

In the beginning, it was the King God who controlled everything. When he began to share responsibility with his children and grandchildren, who also began to share with him in the exercise of government powers, then weakness began to seep into the centrality of the state, thus increasing the influence and wealth of this privileged class, which always boasted of the closeness of its members to the king, as well as his participation in the eternal immortality of the king in the hereafter.

Ancient Egyptian Government. Around this aristocratic class, all economic and rich activities took place, and even for this class, these activities were originally found to serve them, it was them who owned these luxurious tombs and terraces decorated with many sculptures and decorations, for which the endowments of agricultural land and other property were stopped.

From the state system of the city to the kingdom through the empire:

This regime had little luck in Egypt, the ancient cities of Egypt were born since the calcolite era of the pre-dynasties, but soon merged into a northern monarchy, the northern delta kingdom with Buto as its capital, and the southern kingdom of Upper Egypt with the capital, Nekhen. The concept of territory was mainly the concept of the city-state.

Even the two-state or two-kingdom system did not last long.

But this kingdom was joined and disintegrated, for a temporary time, from the Seventh to the Twelfth Dynasty, the era of the first intermediate period, followed by a Second Intermediate Period of Egypt and Third Intermediate Period of Egypt in which the kingdom slipped into the city-state system, but the political unity of Egypt soon returned.

The imperial regime emerged because of the expulsion of the Hyksos and the emergence of an eastern arm from Egypt to Lebanon and a southern arm in Nubia, Abyssinia and Somalia, Hittites and we can say that Egypt was forced to create the empire and was not chosen for it or intended to expand.

Ancient Egyptian Government. In the north in Damascus, and in the land of Nubia in the south, its economic interests were to set up military and commercial garrisons to stabilize Egypt’s financing of goods needed from there and deter infiltration, but in the west, Egypt did not penetrate Libya much, but simply deterred reckless invasions of Libya from time to time.

Egypt was perhaps the best country in the ancient world in the stability of its political and administrative system compared to what happened with other countries of the ancient world given the duration of its civilization, which lasted about 3000 years.


References Ancient Egyptian Government: The Book of Egyptian Civilization, Egypt

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The Pharaonic political pyramid, how was the monarchy and the pyramid of power in the civilization of ancient Egypt
The Pharaonic political pyramid, how was the monarchy and the pyramid of power in the civilization of ancient Egypt

About Author

Tamer Ahmed
Eng. Tamer Ahmed | Author & Researcher in History of Ancient Egypt Pharaohs. Booking Your Tours Online Whatsapp: +201112596434