Dynasty 0 in Ancient Egypt
Dynasty 0 in Ancient Egypt | Facts Ancient Egyptian Dynasties

Dynasty 0 in Ancient Egypt | Facts and History Ancient Egyptian Dynasties.

Discover the names of Egyptian Pharaohs kings and Pharaonic queens of Egypt “Female Pharaohs“, the pre-dynastic rulers of Ancient Egypt, and the most important achievements, antiquities and discoveries related to them during the rule of the ancient Egyptian civilization, the secrets they contain, and more about Ancient Egypt History.

Dynasty 0 in Ancient Egypt

This term “family or dynasty 0” is used to refer to the group of Pharaohs rulers and kings who appeared in the culture of the Naqada III Predynastic Period which varies in time from 3200-3050 BC, where the formation of the state began through three state cities (Thinis, Nekhen, Naqada) as in Geography of ancient Egypt, where it worshipped the criticisms of God Set, as Naqada Town in Qena, worshiped the God Set most famous Egyptian deities, while the city of Thinis, “Tjenu,” and the city of Nekhen, “el-Kōm el-Aḥmar, Hierakonpolis” worshiped the God Horus.

Then the city of Naqada fell and Thinis was able to include a stew and gradually unite the country, the kings of Thinis were buried in Abydos in the Umm El Qa’ab Tombs in Sohag, and the kings of the Dynasty 0 totaled twelve kings, The last of them was King Narmer “King Menes,” the founder of the First Dynasty of Egypt and the unifier of Upper and Lower Egypt.

The advanced stage of the predynastic era, the civilized land of a coming qualitative change, would make Egypt the second largest center of cultural influence and Ancient Egyptian science in the country along with the Mesopotamia Valley.

During this period, there were major political as in Ancient Egyptian Government and Ancient Egyptian religion developments, including the fact that the city of El-Kab (Nekhen) in the south became the strongest Egyptian city there and where the God set was worshipped and transformed this city into the capital of the southern region, who entered with the city of “Besaert”, the capital of the northern region (where the God (Horus) worships the Falcon God) in a long conflict.

The northern region triumphed over the south and Egypt was united for the first time in a politically large kingdom with the capital Jwnw or Iunu near Cairo, which the Greeks call Heliopolis.  However, the kingdom did not last long as the two territories quickly separated, and a new conflict took place for the rest of the predynastic era.

The northern capital became Buto “Bouto, Butus, Per-Wadjet, Tell El Fara’in” in the western delta, a false Greek reading, where its Egyptian name (Ebetu), the name of the Sumerian sun god, was depicted as a snake from the flower of the papyrus plant (which reminds us of the Egyptian Mythology of the God Shamash).

The Egyptian pharaohs later retained the title of “The two dames, i.e. God Shamash and God Nekhbet“, the guardians of the North and the South (hence the custom that the Egyptians depicted these two protectors of the king sometimes as two snakes, and another in the form of two vultures.

The Pharaohs worshipped the God (Horus) in the northern and southern regions, expressing their unity. The kings of the North were marked by a red conical crown, while the kings of the South were characterized by a white conical crown.

The gods were roasted (the ark) and the plant of the assel/goddess of the place in the South.

Goddess of Shamash (snake) and papyrus/goddess Shamash in the north.

Palermo Stone

The Palermo Stone (compared to the Museums in Palermo, Sicily, where the five largest fractures are located) and other for the Old Kingdom in Pharaonic Egypt was ruled by the kings of the Third Dynasty of Egypt, especially King Djoser, denied that many kings reigned in pre-dynastic Egypt and that only seven of the kings of the North were known to us (Ska, Khayo, Thich…).

Five of the names of the kings of the South, the most obvious of which was the King Scorpion II from Dynasty 0 and King Scorpion I from Dynasty 00, who had great influence, and all these kings were called “Abda Hor”, especially Horus the Sun.

At the end of this period, the city of Hierakonpolis became the capital of the south and the city of Ebetu, that is, Buto, the capital of the north.

When did the Egyptian dynasty start?

According to recent studies and Egyptology, it was the kings Scorpion and Narmer who united the northern and southern kingdoms into a single kingdom.

This is shown by the inscriptions of king Scorpion’s club, King Narmer’s (Narmar) mace and King Narmer’s prayer “Egyptian Antiquities“, as evidence of the struggle these two kings waged to unite Egypt to begin the era of ancient dynasties, which we could call the beginning of Egypt’s historical era.

The country then experienced two attempts to unite the countries of the south and the north but failed until a powerful ruler of thinis province (in El-Balyana) named Narmer or Menes was able to reunify the country and unite it for the third time under his rule.

He chose for himself a new capital located in a center-north-south, the city of “Memphis”, formerly known as Men-Nefer, the capital of the first southern region known as Ineb-Hedj, the white wall, to surround the city with a huge white wall to fortify it.

It is the name given to the Pyramid of Pepi I next to the Pyramid Queen Ankhesenpepi II in Saqqara, which was built by king Pepi I Meryre with his wife, Queen Ankhesenpepi II, in the era of the Sixth Dynasty of Egypt, from which the current name of Memphis was derived, and the God Ptah was the god of the new capital.

The sight of people apparently working in a mine. We know that the second half of the year was a time of mining “Ancient Egyptian Metallurgy” under the direction of the evening sun, the cow and the God Hathor.

It was very hot to work with mining in the summer. Cows and goats were half in the winter of the year as in Agriculture in Ancient Egypt the most important contributors to Food in ancient Egypt.

Predynastic rulers | Egyptian Dynasty 0:

The time period Egyptian Dynasty 0 was from 3050 to 2850 BC, which immediately precedes the beginning of construction Early dynastic eraEgyptian Pharaonic.

King Ny-Hor
King Hat-Hor
King Crocodile

Ruled Reign period: 3170 BC

King Iry-Hor or Ro

Ruled Reign period: 3170 BC

Governor of the regions of southern Egypt from the Abydos region, Sinai, parts of the Nile River Delta, regions in northern Egypt.

Governor of the regions of southern Egypt.

The Discovery Dynasty 0:  King Iry-Hor Tomb in Umm El Qa’ab Tombs “Egyptian Tombs“, Abydos.

A number of 22 vessels made of pottery inscribed with the name of Eri Hor, and many pottery remains that were discovered in the regions he controlled contain an inscription with the name of the Pharaonic king to know more about Industry in ancient Egypt.

King Ka or Sekhen

Ruled Reign period: 3170 BC

Date of birth: 3200 BC

Date of death: 3100 BC

Governor of the provinces of Upper Egypt from the Abydos region.

The Discovery Dynasty 0: Ka Tomb in Umm El Qa’ab Tombs, Abydos.

A Pharaonic SerekhAncient Egyptian Symbols” inscribed on a number of artifacts discovered in the Tarkhan area, Wadi Tumilat “Tjeku, Tscheku, Tju, Tschu”.

King Scorpion II or Selk or Weha “King Scorpion”

Ruled Reign period: 3200–3000 BC

Governor of the regions of southern Egypt.

The Discovery Dynasty 0: Drawings of scenes of a Pharaonic inscription of the Scorpion King on the head of a hammer as in Sculpture in Ancient Egypt.


About Author

Tamer Ahmed
Eng. Tamer Ahmed | Author & Researcher in History of Ancient Egypt Pharaohs. Booking Your Tours Online Whatsapp: +201112596434