God Amun
God Amun | Facts Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses | God of sun, fertility and wind in Pharaonic Civilization

God Amun “Amon, Ammon, Amen, Amun-Ra” | Facts Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses | God of sun, fertility and wind in Pharaonic Civilization & Most Important Ancient Egypt Deities, Mythology Symbols, Definition, Temple, Photo, Who was and more…

the symbol of the sun, fertility and wind among the ancient Egyptians and pharaohs | Facts and history of the gods and religious beliefs in the civilization of ancient Egypt, discover myths, temples, tales about him, and more.

The god Amun is the god of the sun and fertility as well as the wind in ancient Egypt, and the god Amun was one of the main deities and the meaning of Amun is the hidden. Learn about the stages of the rise of this god and what is his relationship with other gods in the same period in addition to another set of information below.

Examples of Meteorological Literature:

Hymns – Hymn of Amun:

Thank you, Amon-Ra, every day, who shines in a non-fury every morning, you are “My News”, who gets tired at work, the beauty of your rays outweighs the luster of gold, you “Ptah” are a creator for yourself, you are the one who has unique recipes Oh, the penetrator of eternity.

and the guide of millions of people both on the way,  creation sees you when it invokes in heaven, and they do not realize how you walk, that you invoke the universe without restriction, and on the day of the people under you, I have not settled in the west of the world, I have condemned you the hours of the night, And if you bend it, the universe receives your light,  and creation in this world seeks your commandment.

Ancient Egyptian gods – the god Amun (God of Thebes):

It seems that the God Amun was hidden by name and form, but when he embarked on the process of creation, he appeared in / or with other well-known gods in Egypt as we will see in the third composition, but quickly returned to his form, which completed the reign of (Kem Atif) the ancient eternal form of his.

He becomes their creator, and this procedure illustrates the nature of the New Kingdom, which embodied its ability to absorb all the above beliefs.

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God Amun

  • The ancient Symbol of Sun was a hidden deity whose form could not be perceived or known.
  • He was a somewhat mysterious deity, and there are words that describe him with absolute perfection.
  • The Symbol of Sun was different from the rest of the Egyptian deities because of the ambiguity about his form.
  • It was believed in the past that Amon is a creator of himself and he also had the ability to regenerate.
  • He also had the ability to transform himself into the image of a snake and change his skin, so he was different from the rest of creation.
  • The Symbol of Sun united with the god Ra, who is the god of the sun, and thus Amon appeared to creation.
  • He was hidden and mysterious, and Ra was apparent, and he was also associated with the god Maat, and this connection was beneficial to balance in the ancient universe.
  • The unknown nature of the god Amun facilitated his association with other deities, such as his association with the god Monto.
  •  The god Amun was known by a group of names after he was associated with the god Ra, and among those names are Amenratum, Amenaramontu and Minamen.
  • The wife of the god Amun was called Amunt, meaning the feminine name of Amun, and she had a double crown for Upper and Lower Egypt.
  • Khonsu Moon is the son of Amun and Amont, the cult of Amun was in the Temple of Thebes.

Ascension of the god Amun

  • It is said that the god Amun is relatively recent compared to other gods, because there is no evidence or documentation of his existence except from the 11th dynasty.
  • After that, evidence was found dating back to the Fifth Dynasty, which is a text found in the text of the pyramids, and it dates back to the era of King People.
  • It is also said that the cult of Amon began in Hermopolis and was initially a local deity.
  • After the Hyksos were expelled from the country, Amon became the god of the royal capital, and he began to increase his status as the protector of the country.
  • Later, Amon became the national god of Egypt, and then became famous in other countries, including Nubia and Libya.
  • All the kings’ victories in that period were attributed to the god Amun.
  • They even provided his temple with many gifts and spoils, and Amon was at that time the warrior god.

Amenemhat I and the god Amun

  • In the era of the twenty-fifth dynasty, Amon became the god of the city of Thebes and was the priest of the god in the kingdom of Napatia.
  • The priests controlled the affairs of affliction, such as choosing the king or giving military orders.
  • This situation continued until the third century BC, when Arkman slaughtered the priests.
  • Whenever the importance of goodness increases, the importance of the god Amun increases with it, and the importance of goodness increases because of Amenemhat I’s assumption of power.
  • Where Amenemhat I founded the Twelfth Dynasty and worked on the prosperity of the region.
  • After that, the name of Amenemhat I was linked to the name of the god Amun, and this link was carried by three of the successors of Amenemhat I.
  • In the Feast of the Epiphany rites, the statue of Amon was carried on a boat from Karnak to Thebes.
  • Amon was famous after that as a champion of the poor and the protector of justice, but rather he is the protector of the weak from the strong, and whoever was asking for help from the god Amun must be purified first.
  • As the king derives his strength from the god Amun, Hatshepsut took advantage of his wide fame and spread it as his daughter, as she built a temple for him in his name in Deir el-Bahari.
  • Amon-Ra was the one who initiates the rule of Egypt through the kings, meaning that any action undertaken by the kings is only the will of Amun.

Photography by Amon

  • The image of the god Amun came in the form of a human wearing a crown, and two parallel shapes emerge from the crown, including two rectangles and a circle.
  • Most of the images that showed the figure of the god Amun came in a sitting position, holding a whip in his hands, like the image of the god Min.
  • The goose was considered an embodiment of the god Amun, but in a period when the ram was considered to be the conception of the god Amun.
  • No ram was considered a representation of the god Amun, but rather the ram must have two hooked horns and thick wool.
  • While the local ram, which comes with straight and twined horns, was an image of the god Khnum, who also appeared in the form of a frog’s head.
  • In most cases, the sun god Ra was referred to as Amun-Ra, and this association was the beginning of the 18th dynasty.
  • In Greek times, Amon-Ra was depicted with the head of a bearded man with the body of a scarab, in addition to the wings of a falcon, the claws of a lion, and the feet of a human being.
  • These multiple adjectives were intended to be able to describe both the god Amun, the god of fertility, and the god Ra, the god of the sun.


God Amun | Facts Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses | God of sun, fertility and wind in Pharaonic Civilization
God Amun | Facts Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses | God of sun, fertility and wind in Pharaonic Civilization

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Tamer Ahmed
Eng. Tamer Ahmed | Author & Researcher in History of Ancient Egypt Pharaohs. Booking Your Tours Online Whatsapp: +201112596434