King Ramses III – Egyptian Pharaohs kings – The New Kingdom – Twentieth Egyptian Dynasty
Secrets the Greatest Pharaohs , History life of Famous the Egyptian Pharaohs kings.
Ancient Egypt History & the story of the life of the King Ramses III, the last pharaoh warrior of the 20th dynasty in the civilization of Ancient Egypt.
the secrets and facts about the conspiracy of the harem to kill the king, The most famous pharaoh kings and what achievements and wars he led during his reign and more to know about the kings of the Pharaonic civilization.
King Ramses III
Ruling period in Ancient Egyptian Government: 1186–1155 BC
Date of death: 1155 BC
Father: King Setnakhty
Mother: Queen Ti Meri Ness, the most famous Pharaonic queen of Egypt “Female Pharaohs“.
Wife: Queen Tyti.
Sons: King Ramesses IV, King Ramses VI, King Ramses VIII, Prince Amun Hor-Khebeshef, Prince Meri-Amun.
- Tomb of King Ramesses III | KV11 in the Valley of the Kings Tombs in Luxor, Thebes, southern Egypt.
- The Temple of Ramses III in the Karnak Temple complex indicates the development of Architecture in ancient Egypt and Sculpture in Ancient Egypt during the era of King Ramesses III.
- Medinet Habu Temple “Mortuary Temples” is the most famous funerary temple in Luxor.
- Buildings in Luxor Temple.
Facts about the life of King Ramses III:
- King Ramses III was the last of the great warriors of the New Kingdom of ancient Egypt.
- King Ramses III was called Rampsenitos and had names such as Ousser Maat Ra Meri Amon or Ramses Heqa Iuno.
- King Ramses III bore titles such as the Governor of Iuno, the beloved of God Amun “Egyptian deities” as in Ancient Egyptian religion ,He received the Coronation of the Pharaohs and the powerful with Maat and God Ra.
Achievements of King Ramses III:
Reorganize the management of the affairs of the country and the classes of the ancient Egyptian society into 5 sections:
- The class of officials of the royal court.
- The class of provincial leaders.
- The class of army
- The class of workers and craftsmen.
- The class of farmers and the average
Increase in foreign trade between the country until trade with the country of Punt as had done before Queen Hatshepsut.
Reorganizing the administration of the affairs of the country and classes in ancient Egyptian society and Social Structure in Ancient Egypt into 5 sections (the class of officials in the royal court, governors of regions, army officers Military of ancient Egypt, workers and craftsmen in Industry in ancient Egypt, farmers in Agriculture in Ancient Egypt, ordinary citizen).
Increased Trade in Ancient Egypt and abroad between the countries, even trade with the country of Punt, as Queen Hatshepsut did from the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt “She has the Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut in Deir El Bahari and Tomb of Queen Hatshepsut | KV60 in the Egyptian royal cemeteries in the Valley of the Kings”.
His reign knew the imposition of high taxes on farmers and all sectors of the population, even the countries of Asia and southern Egypt Nubia as in Geography of ancient Egypt, in a change.
Conduct numerous military campaigns and wars to defend the country’s borders against foreign interventions, especially from Asia, victory over the peoples of the sea, control of Syria and the Euphrates areas and victory in the war against the Libyans.
The workers’ revolution and the workers’ strike of Deir El-Medina:
- It is considered one of the first workers’ Revolutions in Ancient Egypt and strikes in history, where history is due to the non-payment of workers’ wages for more than 20 days, which is Food in ancient Egypt.
- The greed and corruption of the governor of the city on the west bank of Thebes and his corrupt subordinates, who seized the food to send it to the priest of The Funerary Temple Of King Thutmose III “King Thutmose III” at Medinet Habu in Thebes (Luxor).
- The region of Deir El-Medina experienced a period of famine due to corruption which caused royal tombs in the Valley of the Queens and the Valley of the Queens to be robbed.
- Find out who the Ancient Egyptian Grave Robbers are. And how was the theft of the Royal Pharaonic Egyptian Tombs formed? What are the reasons for the strike of the craftsmen of Deir El Medina? Through the article of Deir El Medina.
The life story of King Ramses III:
The Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt, which began strongly under King Ramesses I and King Seti I, which reached the peak of glory and power, seems to have had a miserable end, and we do not know the exact order of its late kings or the duration of their reign.
Instead of being the last of its kings to be legitimate, we see a usurper of the throne of Syrian origin named Erso, who came on bad days with the Hyksos, the whole earth was submissive to him, and no one thought except to steal or kill his brother, and the gods were no better than human beings, no longer receiving offerings from their Egyptian Temples, but they decided to restore everything to normal and return to balance and moderation.
They made their son king by choosing to rule the whole country in their place: King Usser Khaa-Ra, Setep En Ra, the beloved of Amun, the son of Ra King Setnakhte, who loves Ra, the beloved of Ra, that he has life, health, and strength.
He was like God Khepri and like God Set in his anger, he installed order throughout the country, he not only told the people to forget their enimity and kiss, but he also built temples as before and he told them presented offerings for the satisfaction of the pantheon as in Ancient Egyptian Literature and Egyptian Mythology.
As the king who was the savior at the beginning of the nineteenth dynasty is called it Sethi, the new king was called Seth Nacht (Seth is powerful), his reign was short and his wife, Princess Ta Isset, was buried in the Tomb of Tausert “Queen Twosret” + King Setnakhte | KV14, their son, King Ramses III, who reigned for 32 years.
King Ramses III titles:
Horus, The strong bull, the great powers of the monarchy, and the two Ladies: powers and courage such as his father God Montu multiple forms), and God Horus on gold: many years like God Ptah, the king who protects Egypt and disciplines foreigners, and the king of the south and north: Usser Maat Ra, Meri Amon, son of Ra Ramessou , Heqa Iuno.
He died in the year 32 of his reign, but we do not know how old he was when he ascended the throne, and since he was proud of his great ancestor Ramses II, he imitated him in everything, increasing his official royal titles and his many qualities, which try to make him a hero.
Despite King Ramses III admiration for Ramses II, he had neither the power of Sethi I nor the beauty ofKing Ramses II “It has the Tomb of King Ramesses II | KV7 in the Valley of the Kings Tombs, the Temple of Abu Simbel in Aswan, and Temple of Ramses II in Marsa Matrouh, Om El Rehem in Matrouh.” in his youth. Their resemblance is not much and his sculptures showed him with a round head and in most cases his head is too wide and low in height (Philadelphia 13727, Cairo 12149). And his facial features lack nobility.
Secrets about the life of King Ramses III:
The king had a great weakness in front of female beauty, he liked to be served by completely naked young girls, and he loved perfumes and good Food in ancient Egypt.
King Ramses III loved horses and took great care of them, and visited them in their stables, and for this visit he wore a riding uniform with a very long stick and whip and behind him the deacons held highs byasols of ostrich feathers and officers carrying supplies and pots of gold “Ancient Egyptian Metallurgy“. The guards observed the royal procession and rang the royal bells.
He had eight horses and they were going when they approached their master and they seemed about to open the doors of the stables and could free them. We must not forget that the Egyptians did not ride horses alone, as their enemies did, but that they mounted them in tow on two-wheeled carts. Where each chariot was pulled by two horses, the commander of each chariot takes his place on it.
Before entering the war, the king reviewed his army and participated in the distribution of weapons. As in the time of Ramses II, the army included mercenaries: Sardinians, joined by prisoners of war, Palestinians, Libyans and Syrians, who, within the Egyptian army, kept their national weapons.
King Ramses III sat on a balcony platform leaning on a cushion as he listened to his officers’ speeches, and then spoke:
Let us take out our weapons, and show them, so that we can courageously strike the heads of the rebellious countries of the nation that do not know Egypt.
The weapon is arranged according to its type, as there are helmets that cover the head well and have edges and stripes, with rectangular bows, darts, combat shields and swords with large machete-shaped handles, most of which are of Syrian origin. In brief, the Egyptians defeated their enemies with their own weapons.
Battles of King Ramses III:
Battle of the Delta:
Lead a decisive battle against the Libyans in several wars and victories in the Wadi Natrun region Delta.
Prince Mashesher, leader of a Libyan tribe called the Meshwash, liberated much of his territories in Libya, and decided to attack Egypt in the eleventh year, and advanced towards Memphis but he faced a great defeat, much of his army fell prisoner.
in the hands of the Egyptians, Mashesher himself suffered the same fate. The king killed his horses and killed the trainer of their horses, and the prince turned to the pharaoh with his hands in honor in reference to his recognition of the defeat.
The king of the Libyans, Kaber himself, came to meet King Ramses III and asked him to take the punishment in his place, but Ramses was severe. Mashesher left and Caber came in turn, and we don’t know how King Ramses III handled this situation.
The South has suffered. In large numbers, they came holding the spear in the upright position, and their captives grabbed the feather and their faces towards the ground.
King Ramses III wrote about Libyans:
They had their land in Egypt since they took control of the western cities of Memphis, on two boats, they arrived on the shore of the great branch (Rosetta branch Nile River) and took control of the cities of the province and cattle for many years, they were in Egypt, but I destroyed and massacred them at once.
I forced them to cross the borders of Egypt again, and the others brought them with me a booty, and suddenly, I gathered them in front of my horses like birds, their wives, and children by the tens of thousands and their cattle by the millions. I made them regiments with their princes and gave them archers and tribal leaders, and I made them slaves registered in my name.
Battle of Zahi:
The battle with the peoples of the Mediterranean took place during a great battle at Rafah in Palestine and overcoming their naval fleet at the mouth of the Nile in a westerly direction.
Before the Libyans had recovered, King Ramses III had to face an invasion on the opposite coast: the peoples of the sea. These peoples came from afar and gathered on the Syrian coast and landed in Egypt by the two earthly voices and marine.
The palestis arrived crammed into cattle carts, with their wives, children, supplies, and long boats that were like those of the Egyptians. They were strong warriors and theire potential seemed large from afar.
Unite with the palestis of other peoples, commonly described as the peoples of the sea, the hitherto unknown shasha, the Tisheshaw and the Challash not to mention a new wave of Sardinians without similar.
The Palestis were found abandoned in Palestine. Other people deported from Egypt continued their journey to the western Mediterranean.
The fight was enormous, and the Egyptians, with their arrows, launched the boats of the invaders, who were very close to shore and hunted them down with their boats until they were expelled, and once again Egypt survived a dangerous invasion.
After the two hard lessons, Libyans and other peoples have completely withdrawn from their ambitions towards Egypt. Egyptian soldiers, patriots, and foreign mercenaries from the Sardinians and Qahab, went to their sleeping places, where they slept quietly lying on their backs, fearing neither Nubia nor Syria, and put away weapons and bows.
They themselves lack nothing and their children live around them, and the king had a guarantee and protection for their people. From time to time, the old warrior regains superiority, and in the presence of the pharaoh they are organized by princes, invited foreign officers and warriors who have been no less solid than those described by enthusiastic poets in Greece and Rome, Egyptians, Libyans, and negroes receiving painful blows.
The hunting trips of King Ramses III:
When King Ramses III was going to hunt, he took with him a multiple entourage, and it was a chance, on the day of an attack on a chariot of war, and a wounded lion tried to remove with his claws an arrow penetrated into his chest, another with a wound of two arrows and was rushed to hide in the middle of the tuft, and a third remained dangerous, but the king had time to help him face him, and this new attacker did not escape a fatal blow.
The king’s forces trapped a herd of wild bulls in a swamp, while the arrows overwhelmed another bull, falling on his back and kicking him in the air, rolling another under the legs of horses and a third with a desperate jump, and a straight tail of fear. The tongue outside the mouth hangs down and tries to lick the water, but he felt exhausted on his lap.
When we compare these difficult hunting trips, deer hunting is just a game played by the king alone in the desert.
The king’s economic achievements:
Because of the attractiveness of the desert, the king set up archery companies in Memphis and Heliopolis guarding explorers in the eastern desert who were looking for very valuable products: gum (incense) extracted from trees and mountain honey;
More than gum, incense loved by the gods, burned in front of their statues, has long been in darkness, and the Egyptians bring incense from the land of Pount, where they know the roads leading either by sea or by land, which allow access to the land of incense.
King Ramses III says that he built large ships equipped with his men and guards, and the heads of his archers help them explore countless regions of Egypt.
It seems that new types of ships have now replaced the chap ells that existed in Hatshepsut’s time. As these ships advance revealing vessels, the following is surprising:
Leaving the Great Sea of Mu-Qed, they pray to Mount Pontus without major losses, and the whole number because of the fear that has been raised in them.
Mou-Qed is the name of the Euphrates, if the writer did not make a mistake, the Mou-Qed Sea is the Persian Gulf. If there is no clearer text, do we not have the rightto suggest that the woodenreeds were brought across Syria to reach the Euphrates? This was done before during the reign of Thutmotis III.
They built the ships of Menchu and Baer, which land the river and control the Arabian Peninsula. As soon as the Egyptian ships arrive, they carry the products of God’s land, the wonders of their mountains and the dry incense of Punt in large quantities.
The children of the chiefs of Ta Neter walk in front of their products on the ground towards Egypt. They arrive in good condition on the mount of Qift with their products placed on theground, on the backs of donkeys and on the shoulders of men, and sail to the sidewalk of Qift. They go south, end the journey as if celebrating the holidays and presenting their products as wonders.
The children of the princes come to live, embrace the earth, lie down in front of my face, and offer them to the Gods, all the gods of this country to calm their leaders in the morning.
At the beginning of the departure from the land of Pount, the boats took the sea route, while the convoys walked until the arrival of Thebes. It was a beautiful celebration during which people saw ships and land convoys arriving together.
The celebration of the Jubilee Day in the year 30 was the last event of the time “Festivals in Ancient Egypt“, this feast was celebrated in Memphis now Ptah is the master of the Jubilee festivities, but Ramses II chose the city of Per Ramses, which he built and with his own palaces on Jubilee Day.
King Ramses III followed his model, arranging huge facilities for several years before the celebration, and in the year 22, the temple of Ptah was restored and in 29 years, Minister Tou – the rulers of the city of El Kab and the rural territory – was ordered to prepare the sacred boats of the goddess God Nekhbet ready to celebrate the day of Sed to complete his rituals in the temples of the Jubilee. They arrived at Per Ramses, the great ka in the Per Aa on day 29 and the king himself piloted the sacred boat.
All the major places in the territory prepared for themselves, and within a few weeks a large crowd invaded the parks and wide roads of the royal headquarters, and many boats came to stand and queue next to the sidewalks.
What are the most important monuments he built?
The warrior king Ramses III could not at the same time be a builder king. He engraved the walls of monuments and long walls to teach the whole earth his victories, which he achieved with his courage against the enemies of Egypt and the hunt that cost him the life and the works of the pious that he accomplished, thanks to the gods who protected him.
Among the works built by King Ramses III almost everywhere, there is a work that summarizes all this, which is located on the west bank of the Nile the Temple of Medinet Habu.
It is a temple without resemblance in Egypt, imitating the Syrian castles, which the king attacked several times and occupied them.
There are examples of the same style towards the port of Suez has its memories still preserved by the texts. The town of Medinet Habu is composed of two tall towers surrounded by a narrow courtyard.
Seven attached princes that we see representing the peoples of the North: Khati, Amou, Zakari, Chardan, Shakha, Torsha and Palesti.
There are reliefs engraved with scenes of prisoners of war who previously carried statues of the king, and high floors overlooking a magnificent stage on the Great Temple, and we can share the joy of Ramses resting in the company of the beautiful girls.
Around 80 .m to the west, the Great Temple begins with two pylons, halls, chapels, and inscriptions represent all the events that happened during the era that actively extended the war in Libya and Syria and repelled the attack of the peoples of the sea, the hunt for lions and wild bulls. In addition to the priceless series for us are the episodes of the feast of the god Min, which coincides with the holidays of the king, not to mention the holiday dates and other scenes.
Great Harris Papyrus:
King Ramses IV wrote a papyrus containing the achievements of his father, King Ramses III, in sending offerings and gold to Egyptian temples, as well as trade missions outside the city to the land of Punt and copper exploration missions in the mines of Canaan.
All the buildings he built or renovated are filled with rich inscriptions with details of the king’s generosity, observed by a document looking for the great Harris papyrus “Ancient Egyptian Papyrus“, which was completed after Ramses became a resident of the other world.
He is King Ramses III, the great God who says in glorifying the father of this great God, Amun Ra, king of the gods, who exists before every God or goddess he has given birth to himself. Give me your ears, Lord of the Gods, and listen to my supplications. You made me in my father’s place. I have not disobeyed any of your orders… I’ve doubled the many good things for you. »
The census of these good works begins, inthe first place the Temple of Medinet Habou.
This great generosity would not have found its way to the existence of the background color, because it is only a place where the king thinks of himself and his next life as well as his son:
Papyrus texts:
Let my son manifest himself as king in the domain of Atum, and he is best created as a powerful bull. Ramses taught you the truth… You’ve been calling him king since he was a child.
I made it the property of the country above human beings, giving it ownership for millions of years… You are his protector (the shield) every day, and to make his sword and his repressed like a husband, and to simplify his limits as he loves it…. May his love be in the hearts of gods and goddesses, his gentleness and reverence in the hearts of “Bayt”.
You are the one who gave him existence and make his kingdom for the son of his son… Give him a big and strong Nhe in his time to feed his kingdom withmany foods, make sure that kings who do not know Egypt wear products on their backs for the sacred palace.
Then followed by the role of Atoum, Ra Hor Akhti, Hathor and Iotixas (Outixas), the king renewed their temples, walls and bases and was able to show visitors gold, lapis lazuli, turquoise and gold, and the sacred lakes were cleaned, trees and flowers adorned with large gardens. Deer that the gods love their parents. Large boats are developed to serve…
In the end, the king remembers perfectly well that he arrived in the West as Osiris:
Listen to my prayers… Make my son the king, both lands will be ruled in his own way… He put on his head the white crown and the sacred double crown as indicated on the ground in the form of Horus and the two ladies, saves all his organs, strengthens his bones and makes his age on the ground as Sekhet and Sobed … Give him the nine bows under his feet and ask for peace on your behalf.
You are the one you created when he was a child. I named him prince at Jeb’s double wedding, everything he had predicted had been achieved, giving him a great property with great Jubilees like Ta Tenen.
The third religious center, Memphis the seat of Ptah, Sekhmet and God Nefertem, and the Enead of Het Ka Ptah.
I am your son who is chosen on the throne to rule your father’s place in peace, inspired by your advice, doubled my kindness when I was on earth, and Ramses was not a beautiful negationist towards the Master of the Jubilee Feasts, he founded him bodies of honey and gum collectors in the eastern desert, built a 130-arm boat and equipped with several new things, gold (khat) cabins, writing tools, polished pots and other objects of worship.
The courtyard of the temple of Sobebwas decorated with gum trees and incense, and at the end of the census version, his dear son did not forget:
“May be he has a good life on earth among the cries of joy… Make it a success for Egypt, as king of both lands. It will be sacred to you and it is extended, because it has expanded (an example of great perfection) the limits. nine arches and the country cheered it. Make sure that life and life meet him in his body and health in his organs every season.
Apart from every religious capital, the fate of the gods cannot be ignored.
Give him all of Egypt, his heart will be happy during cheers, and maybe he will unite under his sandals forever.
The old king’s last thought was for the benefit of this beloved son. This is nothing but King Ramses III claim about the future of the monarchy, and he used direct, more faithful muzzles to avoid the conspiracy of the villains he himself faced.
What are the secrets of the conspiracy to kill King Ramses III?
Queen Titi, the second wife of King Ramses III, thought of killing him and making her son “Pentaor” the ruler of the throne of ancient Egypt, but references to his few failed.
But the king is already dead because of plots committed by people in the royal palace and once dead, his son King Ramses IV, son of Queen God Isis, took office and announced a general amnesty for the conspirators to avoid internal conflicts between the brothers of the Pharaonic family.
- The mummy of King Ramses III was examined and confirmed that the king had been subjected to a plot to kill him by cutting his vocal cords, where it was found that his throat was completely cut and injured in the neck in addition to serious injuries to the vertebrae of the neck.
- King Ramses III was subjected to a failed assassination attempt following the cutting of the big toe of his left foot, if he survived.
The conspiracy of Harem:
Queen Isis was a great royal wife, and her eldest son was named the crown prince, ua royal wife named Titi thought that if she got rid of the old king and the children of Isis, nothing prevented her son, called Pentawar, from owning the monarchy.
Two palace officials at the time of the trial destroyed the evidence of accusation: Pa Ib Khenen (the blind servant), Mesed Su Ra (ra’s enemy) and the rest of their supporters who expressed an opinion against the king, and at the time the case was opened, it seems that King Ramses III, who appointed the judges and gave them full powers.
He was dead: Now, he said at the end of a preliminary speech, I tell you about what happened and the cost of this crime, that what they committed was on all their heads, but I became in fever, and I became my place among the benefactors who were written to live in the presence of the King of the Gods Amon Ra and Osiris, the master of eternity.
Undoubtedly, all the defendants were arrested, not only the four people mentioned, but also 10 employees and six women, and the four main defendants were punished for their crime, but the investigation was later extended.
Two members of the court and a guard officer went back on their testimony when they learned that the women had survived, went to meet them in the wrong place, but this time people found them and took them away with their crime, so they blew their noses and hardened their ears.
For the accused, they were called and asked to identify themselves and tell them about the charges against them, and the court found them guilty and asked for a sentence, which is still the death penalty.
They put them in their place, maybe in their grave, they died themselves.
This means that they have carried out the sentence themselves. There is no acceptable interest to those who attacked Pharaoh.
It is intriguing that the most important documents for the study of the Alliance were edited at the will of the king, but after his death.
The Tomb of Ramses III:
The tomb of King Ramses III, which he dug for himself in the Valley of the Kings and decorated, has long been called the tomb of the Harp player, due to the presence of this wonderful representation of the great musician who plays the Harp in the presence of Hor Akhti, called Room 6 of the Treasure Room, because there are views of weapons and various and rare objects.
The king’s Ancient Egyptian Coffins is divided between the Fitzwilliam Museum, owner of the cover, and the Louvre Museum, which preserves the coffin. The mummy was found in its strips in the The Royal Cache of Deir el-Bahri “”, but the wooden coffin is not known how it reached the hiding place of The Tomb of King Amenhotep II | KV35, which was built during the era of King Amenhotep II.
Was King Ramses III a great king?
King Ramses III became king when Egypt was a poor country, invaded by western Libyans and threatened from the northeast by sea peoples and Syrians, so he saw the danger.
His constructions do not resemble those of Ramses II in paternity and number but came during his 30 years of reign the best preserved buildings in all of Egypt.
Harris’ papyrus reminded us of his great piety, his generosity to the gods, and his paternal love in particular. I don’t believe that a king who has found words like him attracts the gods to protect the heir. No doubt he was cruel when he did not pardon the Libyan prince.
As for his activity, we know that he loved horses, trees, and gardens, so he raised and planted them everywhere, during his reign surrounded all the temples with vegetables and trees and mixed the benefactor and the aggressor, but it seems to me that the benefactor overcomes the aggressor and does not deserve the conspiracy that led to his life.
Many contemporary scholars make King Ramses III Ramses Sa Neith, a leader of bandits, a story taken up by Herodotus, which means that Rapsaneith is himself Ramses son of Neith,a language we have never known, because the king in any city is theoretically the son of the god or goddess of the city.
Now, there is no document to mention the vast wealth of the King Ramses III that allowed him to build a completely hidden closet. In fact, King Ramses III built cabinets to hide valuables next to all the temples. The rest of the story is a legend.
References King Ramses III: The Book of Egyptian Civilization.
Note: Facts and secrets of the history of the Pharaoh kings will be added soon…
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