Temple of Thutmose III in Luxor City Egypt | Facts Pharaonic Temples | Best Things to Do in Luxor

The funerary temple of King Thutmose IIIEgyptian Pharaohs kings” at the site of Deir El-Bahari in Luxor, Egypt | History Of Egyptian and of the construction of the most important funerary temples of Ancient Egypt civilization, facts and secrets about the temple of King Thutmose III and the map and architectural design of the temple and what are the most important archaeological finds found to begin your special trip & Things to Do in Egypt.

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Temple of Thutmose III in Luxor Egypt | Facts Pharaonic Temples

Where is the funerary temple of King Thutmose III?

The funerary temple is located in the central part of the Deir El Bahari area next to the Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut in Luxor, Egypt.

Facts and secrets about the temple of Thutmose III:

  1. The temple was built of sandstone and limestone
  2. Minister Rekhmira was responsible for all stages of the construction of the temple.
  3. The temple was hit by a major earthquake in the 21st Pharaonic dynasty, affecting the temple’s infrastructure and destroying it.
  4. The temple was stolen, where large blocks of stone were stolen to build pharaonic temples and stone buildings in the Area of Deir El-Bahari from Thebes, Luxor.
  5. The remains of the temple were collected and discovered in 1962-1967 AD by Polish archaeologist Kazimieres Michaovsky, and then restored the temple decorations in 1978.
  6. A small temple was discovered next to the funerary temple dedicated to the worship of the goddess Hathor.

When was the Temple of Thutmose III built?

The temple was built in the last period of the reign of King Thutmose III in 1435-1425 BC., especially in the 43rd year of the reign of the warrior king.

King Amenophis II completed the entire construction of the temple, as it was incomplete after the death of King Thutmose III.

Why was the temple of Thutmose III built?

  1. The funerary temple was built to worship the most important gods and religious beliefs of the ancient Egyptians of the Pharaonic civilization, the god Amon Ra “Amon Ra Kamoutef”.
  2. The temple played an important role as one of the most important funerary temples for religious ceremonies such as the beautiful Valley Day ceremony, where the festival took place by moving there boat of the god Amon Ra from his place in Karnack to the funerary temple of Thutmose III.
  3. The Pharaonic dynasty used the temple for worship from 1189 to 1077 BC.

Map and design of the temple:

built on a downright rocky platform rising from the ground north of the temple of King Monthuhotep II and northeast of the temple of Queen Hatshepsut.

The architectural design of the temple is similar to that of Queen Hatshepsut’s temple.

The temple has a large hall with 88 columns of papyri form capitals, then a long passage for God’s boat Amon Ra to use for the beautiful celebrations of Valley Day.

Temple area = 40 * 45 meters.

About King Thutmose III:

King Thutmose III is considered one of the top 10 Pharaohs famous for his achievements during his reign of military campaigns, border protection and foreign trade during his reign for the throne of ancient Egypt.

Date of birth: 1482 BC.

Date of death: 1425 BC

Age: 82 years.

Beginning and end of his reign: 1479–1425 BC

Duration of reign: 54 years.

Pharaonic dynasty: 18th dynasty

Royal spouses of the king:

. Sat Iaah.

. Hatshepsut Merit Ra

. Nebetu

Father: King Thutmose II

Mother: Queen Isset

Wife: Queen Sat Iaah

Son: King Amenophis II


King Thutmose III Cemetery No. KV 34 in the Valley of the Kings of Luxor.

Temple visit dates:

Available every day, from 7:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m.


Author & Writer: Tamer Ahmed Abd elfatah Yousif

 The funerary temple of King Thutmose III at the site of Deir El-Bahari in Luxor, Egypt

About Author

Tamer Ahmed
Eng. Tamer Ahmed | Author & Researcher in History of Ancient Egypt Pharaohs. Booking Your Tours Online Whatsapp: +201112596434