Twentieth Egyptian Dynasty | Facts Ramessids, History When was the 20th Dynasty, List of Pharaohs Rulers The New Kingdom and more…
Facts and history of the Pharaonic civilization of the last royal family of the New Kingdom period in ancient Egypt, who is its founder, the period of rule, the twentieth Egyptian dynasty kings, what are the secrets of the end of the 20th dynasty rule, and more about Ancient Egypt History.
The 20th Dynasty is the third dynasty in the New Kingdom period of Ancient Egypt, and it is the other dynasty as well.
This dynasty was founded by King Setnakhte and the dynasty ruled for 117 years. Learn more information about that dynasty and who are the Pharaohs who joined it below..
Historical facts about the Twentieth Dynasty of Egypt
What is the capital of the New Kingdom of Egypt?
The capital of Egypt during the Twentieth Dynasty was “Bar Ramesses.”“.
What is the system of government followed in the Twentieth Dynasty?
Absolute monarchy was the system of Ancient Egyptian Government in that era.
What was the official language during the Twentieth Dynasty?
The Ancient Egyptian Language is the official language.
When did the Twentieth Dynasty begin and end?
The Twentieth Dynasty was established in 1189 BC, while the end was in 1077 BC.
Egypt underwent a third period of transition known as the Third Age of Decline, during which a new series of rulers began from Libya…
The Twentieth Kings of the Egyptian Dynasty:
It was the time period Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs kings Twentieth Egyptian Dynasty from 1190 to 1077 BC, He witnessed the beginning The Ramesside Period Pharaonic.
The names of the Egyptian Pharaohs kings and Pharaonic queens of Egypt “Female Pharaohs“, their achievements in the New Kingdom of Egypt, and their Pharaonic antiquities during their rule in the Ramesside era in the civilization of ancient Egypt.
King Setnakhte or Setnakht, Sethnakht, Userkhaure-setepenre Setnakhte
Ruled Reign period: 1190–1186 BC “2 years” Date of death: 1189 BC Wife: Queen Tiy-Merenese. Children: Ramesses III. The Discovery: Tomb of Tausert + King Setnakhte | KV14 in the Valley of the Kings. |
King Ramses III or Ramesses, Rameses, Usermaatre Meryamun Ramesses III
Ruled Reign period: 1186–1155 BC Date of birth: 1217 BC Date of death: 1155 BC Father: King Setnakhte. Mother: Queen Tiy-Merenese. Wife: Queen Tyti, Queen Isis Ta-Hemdjert, Queen Tiye. Children: Amenherkhepeshef, Ramesses IV, Meryamun, Ramesses VI, Pareherwenemef, Montuherkhopshef, Pentawere, Khaemwaset, Meryatum, Ramesses VIII, Duatentopet . The Discovery: Tomb of King Ramesses III No. KV11 in the Valley of the Kings, Temple of Ramesses III in Karnak, Habu Funerary Temple, buildings in Luxor Temple. |
King Ramesses IV or Ramses, Rameses
Ruled Reign period: 1155–1149 BC Date of birth: 1176 BC Date of death: 1145 BC Father: King Ramesses III. Mother: Queen Tyti. Wife: Queen Duatentopet. Children: Ramesses V. The Discovery: Tomb of Ramesses IV No. KV2 in the Valley of the Kings, Temple of Khonsu at Karnak. |
King Ramesses V or Ramses, Rameses, Usermaatre Sekheperenre Ramesses V
Ruled Reign period: 1149–1145 BC “years” Date of death: 1145 BC Father: King Ramesses IV. Mother: Queen Duatentopet. Wife: Queen Henutwati, Queen Tawerettenru. The Discovery: Tomb of King Ramses V No. KV9 in the Valley of the Kings. |
King Ramesses VI or Amenherkhepshef C, Ramesses VI Nebmaatre-Meryamun
Ruled Reign period: 1145–1137 BC “8 years” Date of birth: BC Date of death: 1136 BC Father: King Ramesses III. Mother: Queen Iset Ta-Hemdjert. Wife: Queen Nubkhesbed. Children: Iset, Ramesses VII, Amenherkhepshef, Panebenkemyt, Ramesses IX. The Discovery: Tomb KV9 in the Valley of the Kings. |
King Ramesses VII
Ruled Reign period: 1137–1130 BC “7 years” Date of death: 1129 BC Father: King Ramesses VI. Mother: Queen Nubkhesbed. Wife: Queen Nubkhesbed. The Discovery: Tomb of King Ramses VII No. KV1 in the Valley of the Kings. |
King Ramesses VIII
Ruled Reign period: 1130–1129 BC Father: King Ramesses III. Mother: Queen Tiye. |
King Ramesses IX or Amon-her-khepshef Khaemwaset, Neferkare Setepenre
Ruled Reign period: 1129–1111 BC “18 years” Date of birth: BC Date of death: 1107 BC Father: King Montuherkhopshef. Mother: Queen Takhat. Wife: Queen Baketwernel. Children: Ramesses X, Montuherkhepeshef, Nebmaatre. The Discovery: Tomb of King Ramesses IX No. KV6 in the Valley of the Kings. |
King Ramesses X
Ruled Reign period: 1111–1107 BC “4 years” Date of death: 1107 BC Children: Ramesses XI. The Discovery: Tomb of King Ramesses X No. KV18 in the Valley of the Kings. |
King Ramesses XI
Ruled Reign period: 1107–1077 BC Date of death: 1078 BC Father: King Ramesses X. Wife: Queen Tentamun. Children: Duathathor-Henuttawy, Tentamun, Nodjmet. The Discovery: Tomb of King Ramesses XI No. KV4 in the Valley of the Kings. |
Egypt underwent a third period of transition, known as Third Intermediate Period of Egypt Where a series of new rulers of Libya began…
What happened in 20th dynasty Egypt?
Most of the kings of the 20th Dynasty bore the name Ramesses, and the dynasty began with Ramses III until the eleventh.
This family was called the Ramesside family, which appeared after the fall of the Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt after the death of Queen Twosret, wife of King Seti II and then King Siptah..
King Setnakht was able to control the civil war and strengthen the Military of ancient Egypt that broke out in the country after the death of Queen Teusert, and he restored things to normal again..
After King Setnect, Egypt was ruled by a group of kings whose origin goes back to the Libyan tribes, such as Ramesses III, as well as the Sea Peoples..
There are exciting events that happened to some members of the Twentieth Dynasty, such as the assassination of Ramesses III, which was called the “Harem Conspiracy.”“.
Who ruled Egypt in the 20th dynasty?
- Setnakht, the first king of that dynasty, ruled Egypt from 1186 to 1183 BC, and married Ti Meren Isi..
- Setnakht was buried in Cemetery 13.
- Ramesses III was the second member of that family and ruled Egypt from 1183 until 1152 BC. He married Est-Tahmgart, Teti, and also Tiye..
- The third member of that family, Ramesses IV, ruled Egypt in 1152 and ended his reign in 1146 BC. The pharaoh married Duat Ent..
- Ramses V ruled Egypt in 1146 and ended his rule in 1142 BC. He received the Coronation of the Pharaohs, and married Henut and Atty..
- Ramesses VI was a member of the Twentieth Dynasty and ruled Egypt from 1142 to 1134 BC. He married Nub Khasabad..
- Ramesses VII ruled Egypt in the Twentieth Dynasty from 1134 until 1129, and his wife was not known..
- After that, Ramesses VIII took power in 1129 until 1125 BC.
- Ramesses IX ruled from 1125 to 1107 BC and married Buckthorn..
- Ramses X ruled Egypt from 1107 to 1103 BC and married Titi.
- The last pharaoh of that dynasty, Ramesses XI, ruled Egypt from 1103 until 1072 BC, and married Tentamun..
What are the major characteristics of Twentieth Egyptian Dynasty?
- Among the most famous events that this family went through was the theft of the royal tombs by the thieves of the Pharaonic tombs “Ancient Egyptian Grave Robbers” and the spread of chaos and Revolutions in Ancient Egypt..
- Specifically in the Thebes region, a group of families was able to control the situation for a long period in the Upper Egypt regions, as in the Geography of ancient Egypt.
- These families completely controlled matters, including the distribution of resources and control of religious authorities, as in the Ancient Egyptian religion.
- During the reign of Ramesses IX, the high priest at that time was called “Amenhotep,” and he was the ruler of Thebes.
- A group of problems appeared, including the disappearance of justice and Law in Ancient Egypt, the symbol of Maat “Egyptian deities” in the distribution of workers’ food, which led to disturbances that led to the spread of chaos and acts of theft, especially theft of graves..
Why did the Twentieth Egyptian Dynasty end?
- Military intervention from southern Nubia was the first event that marked the beginning of the end of the Twentieth Dynasty.
- The Viceroy of the Nubia region incited military intervention and combat, which affected the Middle Egypt region.
- These were not the only attacks on Egypt in that period, but the barbarian armies were also launching attacks, which caused chaos and increased conditions deteriorating in Ancient Egyptian science, Industry in ancient Egypt, and Agriculture in Ancient Egypt..
- In the nineteenth year, a period began that was called the era of “rebirth.”“.
- The renaissance of a new order, a cosmic order, has been announced.
- Egypt went through a period of weakness as a result of the weakness of the ruler, and some important people, including the mercenary leader, King Herihor of the 21st dynasty, and the high priests and High Priest of Amun of Thebes, were able to control Egypt..
- That campaign was under the slogan “Amun’s mediator,” and because Tanis occupied Ramesses’ position, that period ended and a new era began..
About King Setnakhte
- King Setnakhte was the founder of the Twentieth Dynasty of Egypt and the father of Ramesses III.
- He was born in the thirteenth century BC in the “Bar Ramesses” area“.
- King Setnakhte died on December 17, 1188 BC.
- He was buried in Cemetery No. 14 in the Valley of the Kings, Luxor.
- Setnakht was married to Titi Merna Isi.
- His reign was documented in a manuscript discovered at Mount Sinai.
- The manuscript is from the Ancient Egyptian Papyrus, No. 271, found in the book of Von Bakrath, which explains the period of the king’s rule and how he founded the Twentieth Dynasty..
Note: Facts and secrets of the history of the Pharaoh kings will be added soon…
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