King Herihor
King Herihor | History, Facts Ruler Egyptian Pharaohs, Biography, Achievements

King Herihor | History, Facts Ruler Egyptian Pharaohs, Biography, Achievements, Tomb, Mummy, Life and Death of the King and more…

Facts and history of the most important famous rulers and kings of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs | His secrets, biography, achievements, tomb, mummy, life and death of the Pharaonic king and more.

Harihor, the ancient Egyptian pharaoh, who used to work as an officer in the Egyptian Pharaonic army in ancient Egypt.

Not only that, but his reputation became very popular due to the fact that he is the chief and high priest of the god Amun in the city of Thebes, and that was during the reign of Pharaoh King Ramses XI in the period from (1080 BC to 1074 BC).
Then he had crowned that Egyptian pharaoh to become king and rule over Upper Egypt.

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King Herihor

How was his upbringing in ancient Egypt

● In fact, the birthplace of the ruler Harihor in his early days was a very mysterious place and origin, as his name suggested that he had Egyptian origins.
● But despite this, many of his children, who were staying with him, nonetheless bore a number of Libyan names.
● This, of course, which suggests that that Egyptian Pharaoh, our Lord, descended or came from the descendants of one of those people who colonized before or those invaders who came to Egypt recently, and then they had become after a certain period representing a number of the highest classes and the most important of those ranks military.
● Also, his wife, the Pharaonic Queen Najmat, died after his death for a very long time, and he also found a mummy that was buried in the cache located in the Deir el-Bahari area.
● Just as that Pharaonic woman bore the title of Ike, the mother of the king, this is what prompted the ancient pharaohs and researchers in the present era to believe with certainty that these two spouses had given birth to the pharaoh who was the founder of that twenty-one dynasty.

The most important of those jobs that Harehor occupied

● He had assumed a number of positions, the most important of which was the task of the high priest or as the first prophet of Amun, and that was during the period that came during the reign of the last Ramesside kings, when already in that period that job had become one of the hereditary functions.
● In the nineteenth year, he assumed the position of minister and viceroy in the Nuba region.
● But after that, you had been promoted in positions that had been bestowed upon him with another rank of ember, which is the rank of commander of the Egyptian army; Accordingly, he succeeded in assuming that position. All the reins of government and the actual power of the country were already in his grip.
● Despite this, he did not rush to snatch the royal title that belonged to Ramses XI at that time.
● Where he waited until the death of the king and then immediately after that he declared himself to be the ruler of the country.

Assuming the position of minister in Upper Egypt

In fact, he was one of these two important ministers, or already residing in the domain of Upper Egypt, whose principal role was to try to direct both the administrative and taxing business of the country and the judicial business as a whole.


King Herihor | History, Facts Ruler Egyptian Pharaohs, Biography, Achievements
King Herihor | History, Facts Ruler Egyptian Pharaohs, Biography, Achievements

About Author

Tamer Ahmed
Eng. Tamer Ahmed | Author & Researcher in History of Ancient Egypt Pharaohs. Booking Your Tours Online Whatsapp: +201112596434