Queen Tiye
Queen Tiye "Tye, Taia, Tiyو Tiyi" | Facts & History The Greatest of Egyptian Pharaohs Queens

Queen TiyeFemale Pharaohs – Eighteenth Dynasty of EgyptThe New Kingdom

Facts ” QueenTye, Taia, Tiy, Tiyi” and history of the most famous Egyptian Pharaonic queens of Ancient Egypt from the Eighteenth Egyptian Dynasty in the New Kingdom of Egypt.

Secrets of the ancient Egyptian civilization, a biography, achievements in the history of the Pharaonic civilization, a tomb, a Mummy, the life and death of the queen and her Pharaonic antiquities, the 18th dynasty and more about Ancient Egypt History

Queen Tiye

Husband: King Amenhotep IIIEgyptian Pharaohs kings

Children: Queen Sitamun, Set, Nebeta, Prince Thutmose, King Akhenaton, the most famous pharaoh king, king Smenkhkare.

Biography: She did not rule or participate in rule in Ancient Egyptian Government.



  1. Stone statues indicating the development of Sculpture in Ancient Egypt
  2. mummy,
  3. A mask made of gold and the most famous ancient Egyptian metals “Ancient Egyptian Metallurgy“.

One of the queens of the Eighteenth Dynasty, before her marriage, she worked as a “Music in Ancient Egypt” singer for the worship rituals of the God Hathor, the most famous ancient Egyptian deities.

Queen Tiye was also the head of the ceremonies for the God Min and the God Amun, She later became the great royal wife when she married King Amenhotep III. Learn more about Queen T below.

Historical facts about Queen Tiye

When was Queen Tiyeborn?

She was born in 1398 BC in the Akhmim region of Sohag.

When was Queen Tiye death?

She died in 1338 BC in the Thebes region of Luxor, southern Egypt, and was buried in Queen Tia’a tomb | KV32 in the Valley of the Kings tombs, the most famous Egyptian Tombs.

Who are Queen Tiye children?

She married King Amenhotep III and gave birth to Sat-Amun, Set, Akhenaten, Smenkhkare, and also the little lady, in addition to Nebeta..


Queen T’s family

  • Queen Ti’s father is Minister Yuya, a rich man who owned lands but did not have any royal origin. He was originally from the Akhmim region in southern Egypt and the most famous Egypt Archaeological Sites.
  • Her father was a priest who supervised the sacred bulls and was also a charioteer.
  • The queen’s mother is “Tuya.” She was buried in the Tomb of Yuya and Thuya | KV46 in the Valley of the Kings. She held important religious positions, as in the Ancient Egyptian religion, where she was the singer of the goddess Hathor..
  • Some Egyptologists say that Queen Ti’s father was of foreign origin because his features differed from those of ancient Egyptians.
  • There is other evidence that Queen Tiye had a foreign origin, including her political views, which some attribute to her strong personality, but this may be because she is of foreign origin..
  • The queen had a brother, “Anen,” who was the High Priest of Amun. It is also believed that the priest and king Ay, who became a pharaoh, was another brother of the queen..
  • Queen Ti married Amenhotep III after he assumed power after only one year and received the Coronation of the Pharaohs. Amenhotep III had a father, King Thutmose IV.


Queen Tiye sons

  • Queen Tiye eldest daughter, Sat-Amun, served as the great royal wife in the thirtieth year of her father’s rule over Egypt..
  • In addition to the previous daughter, there is another daughter, “Est,” who is also in the previous rank.
  • After that comes “Hanut Ta Neb”, but it is not known what rank it reached, despite the presence of its name inside the Pharaonic Egyptian Cartouche and it is dedicated to kings and queens..
  • “Neptah” is one of Queen Tiye children, and there is a belief that he changed his name to “Pakteten.”
  • Crown Prince Thutmose, who is the high priest of the God Ptah, and although he is the crown prince, he died before his father.
  • “Akhenaten” or Amenhotep IV married Queen Nefertiti and Queen Kiya, and he is the father of “Queen Ankhesenamun” wife of King Tutankhamun.
  • After that, “Smenkhkare” in addition to the little lady.


Monuments of Queen Tiye

  1. King Amenhotep III allocated a group of shrines to her, in addition to constructing a funerary temple “Mortuary Temples” dedicated to her located in Nubia in the Sidinga region..
  2. Queen Ti was worshiped by the Egyptians as one of the forms of the goddess Hathor in her former temple.
  3. An artificial lake was built by her husband, and scholars noted her husband’s love for it because of its regular presence in the images that King Amenhotep III brought in statues, tombs, and others..
  4. In addition to the presence of her name next to his name on a large group of paintings and engravings, in addition to jewelry and royal ornaments, as in Clothing in ancient Egypt and the commemorative Pharaonic Scarab..
  5. Perhaps her husband’s love for her helped her exercise a great deal of power, and that power continued into the era of her husband and her son.
  6. She became an advisor to her husband and also because of her wise and strong personality.


Period of rule

  • She gained the respect of foreign leaders and was fully prepared to deal with them. She was even the first Egyptian queen to carry out official business.
  • The queen also advised her son Akhenaten during his accession to the throne.
  • The queen lived after the death of her husband, Amenhotep III, in the 39th year of his reign. The queen lived for approximately 12 years..
  • It is believed by Egyptology that Queen Tiye was buried in Royal Tomb of Akhenaten “Amenhotep Iv” located in Tell el-Amarna in Minya, along with her son and granddaughter, Maakaten..
  • The queen’s role continued even after her husband’s death in the year 48, as the queen made suggestions and witnessed development in Trade in Ancient Egypt, Industry in ancient Egypt, and Ancient Egyptian science, and her assistance continued for 12 years..


Queen Queen Tiye Tomb

  • The mummy of Queen Ti was identified and is located in the cemetery of the Valley of the Kings. Two mummies were also found in the Tomb of King Amenhotep II | KV35 within the tombs of the Valley of the Kings and The Royal Cache of Deir el-Bahri. The discovery was made by archaeologist Victor Loret in 1898 AD..
  • The two mummies are of a boy, approximately 10 years old, who is said to be the son of Prince Tuthmosis, and the second mummy is of a younger girl, but she has not been identified yet..
  • Before Queen T’s body recognition, she was called Big Lady, while the other girl was called Little Lady.
  • Queen Tiye was identified in 2010 as a result of a DNA analysis sponsored by the Secretary General of the Egyptian Council and Egyptian Ministry of Tourism.
  • Locks of her hair found in Tomb of Tutankhamun | KV62, which were discovered by archaeologist Howard Carter, were identical to the DNA of the old woman found in the tomb of Amenhotep II..

Note: Facts and secrets of the history of the Pharaoh kings will be added soon…

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Queen Tiye "Tye, Taia, Tiyو Tiyi" | Facts & History The Greatest of Egyptian Pharaohs Queens
Queen Tiye “Tye, Taia, Tiyو Tiyi” | Facts & History The Greatest of Egyptian Pharaohs Queens

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Tamer Ahmed
Eng. Tamer Ahmed | Author & Researcher in History of Ancient Egypt Pharaohs. Booking Your Tours Online Whatsapp: +201112596434