Qena in Egypt | Historical facts about the ancient city of Qena in Upper Egypt, the most important Pharaonic temples, the Temple of Dandara, tombs, discoveries and more. Qena is one of the governorates located in southern Upper Egypt. The governorate is located approximately 600 km from Cairo, the capital of Egypt. Learn about Qena governorate and its history, in addition to other geographic information about it below. Hurghada lovers

Mosque of Sultan al-Muayyad “mosque Al-Muayyad Mosque of Sultan Al-Sajeen” in Cairo, Egypt Facts about the most famous Islamic Egypt Archaeological Sites and the history of the construction of the Al-Muayyad Mosque “Sultan Al-Sijin Mosque” in the era of the Circassian Mamluks “Islamic Egypt History“. One of the most important historical Islamic Historical mosques and the most important Islamic Egyptian Antiquities and monuments in Cairo. Sultan Al-Muayyad Mosque or Al-Muayyad

Valley of the Nobles in Aswan Egypt | Facts and history of the construction of the tombs of nobles and priests of the Pharaohs on a rocky mountain on the West Bank of the Nile River and the secrets of the ancient Pharaonic civilization of Egypt and more. The Valley of the Nobles in Aswan or the Air Dome is a rocky mountain located in the western bank of Aswan.

Mosque of Ibn Tulun in Cairo, Egypt Islamic Egypt History to establish the Tulunid Mosque and historical facts about the most important Historical mosques heritage mosques in the Sayyida Zeinab district, why not pray in the Ahmed Ibn Tulun Mosque, how many windows are in the mosque and more about the most famous Islamic Egyptian Antiquities and monuments. One of the ancient mosques and the most famous Islamic Egypt Archaeological

Amr Ibn Al-Aas Mosque in Cairo, Egypt Facts about the ancient mosque and the Islamic Egypt History to establish the crown of mosques, the oldest and first Islamic Historical mosques in Egypt and Africa, the most important Islamic Egypt Archaeological Sites, the archaeological landmarks in the Islamic world, and more about the most famous Islamic Egyptian Antiquities and monuments. Amr Ibn Al-Aas Mosque Facts Amr Ibn Al-Aas Mosque is one

Al-Azhar Mosque in Cairo, Egypt Facts and history of the establishment of the most famous Islamic Historical mosques in the Islamic world, who built Al-Azhar Mosque, the design of the mosque from the inside and more about the most important Islamic Egypt Archaeological Sites. Al-Azhar Mosque Facts Al-Azhar Mosque is one of the most important Islamic Egyptian Antiquities and monuments and mosques in Egypt. It is considered one of the

Al-Rifa’i Mosque in Cairo, Egypt Islamic Egypt History to establish the most important historical Islamic heritage mosques and facts about why Al-Rifai Mosque was named with this name, who is buried in the mosque, and what are the secrets of the presence of a cross and Quranic verses on the walls from the inside and more about the most famous Islamic Egypt Archaeological Sites. Al-Rifai Mosque is one of the

Sultan Hassan Mosque in Cairo, Egypt Map of the mosque from the inside and facts about the construction of the mosque and school of Sultan Al-Nasir Hassan and history of the most important Historical mosques in Islamic architecture, who is buried in the mosque, who built it, how old is it and more to discover the Islamic Egypt History. Sultan Hassan Mosque and School is one of the most famous

Montazah Palace Gardens in Alexandria, Egypt | Facts of the royal family’s palaces, the history of building the most important landmarks and tourist attractions in the city of Alexandria, opening times, entrance ticket price and more. The gardens of Al-Montazah Palace are located in Alexandria and come with large areas of up to 370 acres. Al-Montazah Palace is located in the east of the city and there is a lot

Elephantine Island in Aswan, Egypt | Facts history, Map, Why is it called Elephantine island and more. Facts of the most beautiful islands of the city of Aswan “Seo and Coti”, the history of the most important archaeological pharaonic temples on the island, the museum, dates of the visit and more. The Nubian villages of Seo and Koti, or the so-called Elephantine Island, are the Nile islands in Aswan. It

Mount Sinai in Egypt “Har Sinai” | Facts, history the Peak of Mount Musa or Jebel Mousa and more… The history of the holy mountain on which God spoke to Moses and the facts of the most famous mountains in Islam, even Judaism and Christianity, known as Mount Sinai, Al-Tur, Horeb, Mount Horeb, and more. Mount Sinai or the Holy Mountain is one of the most famous mountains in Islam

Citadel of Qaitbay in Alexandria, Egypt “Qaitbay Fort” | facts, history, entrance fee, why the Ottomans cared about it, and more The history of the establishment of the most important Islamic monuments, facts you did not know before, how much the ticket for Qaitbay Castle, why the Ottomans cared about it, and more. Qaitbay Castle in Alexandria is one of the famous historical castles; Given the events that have been

Khan El Khalili – Places to Visit in Cairo Egypt Khan El Khalili in Cairo, Egypt | Discover the history of the most famous Old Cairo neighborhoods and the facts about the most famous tourist attractions in Cairo and the neighborhoods of old Cairo and what are the working hours and the best times to visit the bazaars in the Khan El Khalili neighborhood and more. Khan El Khalili is

Greek-Roman era of ancient Egypt (332 BC – 396 AD) | facts and history of the Roman Empire, how it began and more. Facts and history of the Pharaonic civilization, the Roman Empire, how it began, the most important Female Pharaohs and Egyptian Pharaohs kings, Pharaonic Egyptian Monuments, and the achievements of that period throughout the Ancient Egypt History.. Greek-Roman era Facts The Roman era is one of the historical

Ptolemaic Kingdom of Ancient Egypt | History and facts Ptolemaic dynasty, architecture, Female Pharaohs and Egyptian Pharaohs kings, the secrets of Ptolemy I and more Ancient Egypt History. The Ptolemaic era is one of the eras that ancient Egypt passed through. The Ptolemies are a family whose origins go back to Macedonia and which came to Egypt after the death of Alexander the Great. Their arrival was in the year

Old Kingdom of Egypt | Builders of Egyptian Pyramids | History and facts Pharaonic civilization of Ancient Egypt, “the era of pyramid builders.” The history of the Pharaonic civilization, the facts of the most important Egyptian Pharaohs kings and Female Pharaohs, Egyptian Antiquities and achievements in the ancient Egyptian state throughout history and more about Ancient Egypt History. Old Kingdom of Egypt The ancient state of Pharaonic Egypt or what

Middle Kingdom of Egypt | Facts Ancient Egypt, History of Egyptian Pharaohs kings & Female Pharaohs, Egyptian Antiquities, Timeline and more about Ancient Egypt History. Discover the history of the Pharaonic civilization, and the most important Pharaonic antiquities associated with each king, characteristics, the most famous kings and their most important works. The period of rule in Ancient Egyptian Government included the kings and queens of the dynasties of the

The New Kingdom of Ancient Egypt “18-19-20 Dynasty” | History and Facts of Egyptian Pharaohs kings and Female Pharaohs, the most important Egyptian Monuments and Egypt Archaeological Sites and more about Ancient Egypt History. The history and facts of Pharaohs, the most important Egyptian Tombs and Egyptian Temples of the modern state in the civilization of the ancient Egyptians, “the era of military glory” and more Ancient Egypt Facts. The

Howard Carter, English Egyptologists in Egypt The facts of Egyptologists and the secrets of discovering the treasures of Tomb of Tutankhamun | KV62 within the tombs of the Valley of the Kings in the city of Luxor “Thebes” and whether its contents were stolen and more other archaeological discoveries that he discovered in Egypt Archaeological Sites about the history of the Pharaonic civilization “Ancient Egypt History“.. Howard Carter is an

Black Pharaohs | History and facts of the Kingdom of Kush in the ancient Pharaonic civilization Twenty-fifth Dynasty of Egypt, what are the effects and kings of the Nubian Pharaohs, and more about Ancient Egypt History. The black pharaohs are the ones who conquered the kings and were able to seize Egypt. Learn about them and their origin in addition to another set of information about them below. Black Pharaohs

Citadel of Saladin in Cairo Egypt Discover Islamic Egypt History, facts and map of the most important Islamic Egyptian landmarks and monuments, Islamic archaeological sites in Egypt “Islamic Egyptian Antiquities‘, what is inside, and how much is the entrance ticket to the military castles, the Citadel of the Mountain in Mokattam, and more. Cairo Citadel, or as it is called the Citadel of Salah Al-Din Al-Ayyubi, is one of the

Solar Boat of Cheops – King Khufu ship in the Grand Egyptian Museum Cairo Egypt. Discover the history of the Pharaonic civilization “Ancient Egypt History” and valuable information about the secrets of the funerary solar boats in the ancient Egyptian civilization The most important Pharaonic Egyptian Monuments, working hours, entrance ticket prices, the museum, and more to visit landmarks in addition to tourist attractions in Giza and learn about tourist attractions

Temple of Thutmose III in Luxor City Egypt | Facts Pharaonic Temples | Best Things to Do in Luxor The funerary temple of King Thutmose III “Egyptian Pharaohs kings” at the site of Deir El-Bahari in Luxor, Egypt | History Of Egyptian and of the construction of the most important funerary temples of Ancient Egypt civilization, facts and secrets about the temple of King Thutmose III and the map and architectural design

Temple of Seti I in Luxor, Egypt  | Facts Pharaonic Temples, history of Temple of King Sethi I Funerary temple on the west bank of Luxor, Egypt | History Of Egyptian & Facts of the construction of the most important funerary temples and The Pharaonic Tombs from Thebes. The civilization of Ancient Egypt, the secrets and facts about the funerary temple of King Sehti I, the most famous king of

Tomb of Amenhotep III in the Valley of the Kings Luxor Egypt | WV22 | Facts, Secrets Pharaonic Tombs | History Of Egyptian The history of the construction of the most important royal Tombs of the Kings Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt, facts and secrets on the map, architectural design, pharaonic inscriptions in the tomb of the Pharaohs king of the 18th dynasty and other discoveries of the ancient  Pharaonic civilization.

Tomb of Thutmose IV in Valley of the Kings Luxor Egypt | KV43 | Facts, Secrets Pharaonic Tombs Secrets of Egyptian tombs and historical facts about Tomb of King Thutmose IV + Prince Amenemhat son of King Thutmose III, and Princess Tentamun among the Pharaonic royal tombs in the Valley of the Kings. Cemetery number = KV 43. Hurghada lovers Offer Luxury Hurghada to Luxor Tours | El Gouna to Luxor

King Ramses II – Egyptian Pharaohs kings – Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt – The New Kingdom Discover the history of the Pharaonic civilization and the lives of the most famous Pharaoh kings in the ancient Pharaonic civilization of Egypt. What are the secrets of the military battles led by the leaders of the most powerful Pharaoh kings in ancient Egyptian civilization, and what did his 67-year rule witness? King Ramses II Facts Ruling period

King Ramses VI – Egyptian Pharaohs kings – The New Kingdom – Twentieth Egyptian Dynasty Facts and history of the rule of the most famous pharaoh kings from the Twentieth Dynasty of Egypt – the Ramesside era in the New Kingdom period of Egypt. find out The history of the Pharaonic civilization “Ancient Egypt History” for his life and the Pharaonic Egyptian Antiquities in the civilization of Ancient Egypt, and what are the secrets of

Queen Hatshepsut – Female Pharaohs – Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt – The New Kingdom King of Ancient Egypt | Facts Female Pharaohs, Story, Accomplishments in Ancient Egypt | Famous Egyptian Pharaohs kings. The life story of the most famous queen of the Pharaonic civilization who ruled ancient Egypt for 22 years. what are her statues, works and monuments of the most important Pharaohs who ruled Egypt throughout history and how she

Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs kings List | Rulers and Kings of the Pharaohs A complete list containing the names of the pharaohs who ruled the throne of ancient Egypt beginning with Prehistoric kings Up to the 36 kings of the Egyptian dynasty, with pictures and precise details. You can view the list of queens of ancient Egypt and the list of nobility of Pharaonic Egypt through our website. A list of

King Akhenaton – Egyptian Pharaohs kings – Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt – The New Kingdom Facts Akhenaten, Akhenaton, Echnaton, Amenhotep IV | Secrets & Famous Egyptian Pharaohs kings Ancient Egypt History & the secrets of the life of Amenhotep IV “Amenophis IV”, leader of the religious revolution to unite beliefs and gods in the Pharaonic Ancient Egypt. Ruling period in Ancient Egyptian Government: 1353–1336 BC Sentence period: 17 years. Father:

King Amenemhat I  “Amenemhet I” | Discover the Ancient Egypt History and the secrets of the life of the most famous Egyptian Pharaohs kings, the Twelfth Dynasty of Egypt, in the civilization of Ancient Egypt. What are the deeds and achievements of the warrior king in 12th Dynasty , the Pharaonic Egyptian Antiquities and the pyramid that were discovered, the story of the plot to kill him, his wills, and

King Pepi II Neferkare – Sixth Dynasty of Egypt | Facts Old Kingdom of Egypt and History Famous Egyptian Pharaohs kings | Secrets Rulers of Ancient Egypt Civilization and more about Ancient Egypt History. History Of Egyptian and secrets of the lives of the most important kings of the Sixth Pharaonic Dynasty of Ancient Egypt, is an interesting fact about the  94 years of the king’s reign over the Pharaonic

King Thutmose III  – Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt – The New Kingdom – Egyptian Pharaohs kings Facts The Warrior Egyptian Pharaohs kings & History King of Egypt “Thutmose III, Tuthmosis III, Thothmes III, Thutmose the Great” The life story of the most famous Pharaohs kings, the eighteenth dynasty in the Pharaonic Civilization of Ancient Egypt. History Of Egyptian & The secrets of life of the king, the warrior and the pharaoh

king Merneptah “Merenptah” – Egyptian Pharaohs kings – Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt – The New Kingdom The most famous pharaoh kings from the nineteenth dynasty of Egypt in the era of the New Kingdom of Egypt, Discover its Pharaonic antiquities and achievements in Ancient Egypt History. The history of ancient Egypt and the secrets of the life of the most famous king of the Pharaohs, the 19th Dynasty, in the civilization of Ancient Egypt, and

Pharaonic Monuments of Sohag Egypt | Facts Pharaonic Temples & History Of Egyptian The Pharaonic Monuments of Sohag in southern Egypt | the history and facts of the temples, Pharaonic Tombs, mummies and pharaonic statues discovered in the province of Sohag to reveal the secrets of the life of the ancient Egyptians in Ancient Egypt & Things to Do in Egypt. Hurghada lovers Offer Luxury Hurghada to Pyramids Tours |

Pharaonic Antiquities in Kafr Al-Sheikh, Egypt | Facts Pharaonic Temples & Ancient Egypt History History and facts about the most important Pharaonic Tombs and statues discovered in the province of Kafr Al-Sheikh in the Delta to tell us the story of the civilization of Ancient Egypt & Things to Do in Egypt. Hurghada lovers Offer Luxury Hurghada to Pyramids Tours | El Gouna to Pyramids Tours | Makadi bay to

Pharaonic Monuments of Beni Suef Egypt | Facts Pharaonic Antiquities & Ancient Egypt History The History Pharaonic Civilization and facts of all the tombs and Pharaonic Temples discovered in the province of Beni Suef in southern Egypt to tell us the story of the civilization of ancient Egypt & Things to Do in Egypt. Hurghada lovers Offer Luxury Hurghada to Pyramids Tours | El Gouna to Pyramids Tours | Makadi

Pharaonic Monuments in Alexandria Egypt | Facts Pharaonic Temples & History Pharaonic Tombs The 15 Best Sights & Historical Landmarks in Alexandria Tours. The Pharaonic Monuments in Alexandria Egypt | the secrets and History Of Egyptian of the construction of all the Pharaonic temples and archaeological tombs discovered in Alexandria on the Mediterranean coast to tell us the story of the civilization of Roman, Coptic, Greek and Pharaonic Civilization and

Pharaonic monuments in Al-Sharkia & El-Gharbya Egypt | Facts Pharaonic Antiquities & History Of Egyptian The Pharaonic monuments in the province of El-Sharkieh in Egypt | the secrets of the most important monuments discovered in the province of El-Sharkieh to tell us the history of the civilization of ancient Egypt, the Pharaohs kings and the social life of the Ancient Egypt & Things to Do in Egypt. Hurghada lovers Offer Luxury