Osireion Temple in Sohag, Egypt | Facts Osirion Pharaonic Temples in Abydos, Map, History, When was the Osirion temple built, What was the purpose and more.. Facts and history of building the most important ancient Pharaonic temples, what are the secrets that were discovered about the Osiris temple, working hours, entry ticket price, and more. The Osirion Temple, where this famous archaeological temple is located underground, and this is what

Fifth Dynasty of Egypt | Facts Female Pharaohs and Egyptian Pharaohs kings of Old Kingdom of Egypt, History | Who Ruled pharaohs the 5th Dynasty, and more about Ancient Egypt History. Facts, history and secrets of family 5 in the Ancient Egypt, who is the founder and most important of the Pharaohs and antiquities, and what are the most important achievements of the period of that family’s rule of the

Twenty-fifth Dynasty of Egypt | Facts, History the Kushite Empire, the Black Pharaohs Nubian “Napatans” | Who Ruled pharaohs the 25th Dynasty, and more… Facts and history of the Pharaonic civilization and the secrets of the Twenty-Fifth Egyptian Dynasty in the civilization of Ancient Egypt, who is the founder and most important Egyptian Pharaohs kings, Pharaonic Egyptian Monuments and the Pharaonic queens of Egypt “Female Pharaohs“, what are the most

Thirtieth Dynasty of Egypt | Facts, History | Who Ruled pharaohs the 30th Dynasty, and more… Facts and history of the Pharaonic civilization and the secrets of the 30th family in the civilization of ancient Egypt, who is the founder and most important Egyptian Pharaohs kings, the Pharaonic queens of Egypt “Female Pharaohs“, the Pharaonic Egyptian Monuments, what are the most important achievements of the period of that family’s rule

Twenty-Sixth Dynasty of Egypt | Facts, History | Who Ruled Pharaohs the 26th Dynasty, and more… Facts and history of the Pharaonic civilization and the secrets of the Egyptian family 26 in the civilization of Ancient Egypt, who is the founder and most important Egyptian Pharaohs kings, the Pharaonic queens of Egypt “Female Pharaohs“, the Pharaonic Egyptian Monuments, what are the most important achievements of the period of that family’s

Ernesto Schiaparelli – Egyptologists | Facts, History, Secrets life of the most important Italian archaeologists and Egyptology and more… Discover the lives and secrets of the most important Italian archaeologists and Egyptologists and what are the most important archaeological discoveries he made in Egypt Archaeological Sites to learn about the history of the Pharaonic civilization and more Ancient Egypt History.. The archaeologist Ernesto Schiaparelli, who was born on July 12,

AbuSir Pyramids in Saqqara, Giza, Egypt | Facts, History, Secrets, pyramid from inside, Mysteries, Opening Hours, Entrance Fee, Location and more… Facts and history of building the oldest pyramids of the Pharaohs, the secrets they contain, what are the working hours, entry ticket prices, and more. The Abusir archaeological area, which includes the famous Abusir pyramids, is located in the south of Giza Governorate and north of the pyramids and

Prince Taz Palace in al-Khalifah, Cairo, Egypt Facts and Islamic Egypt History Building the most important Islamic Egypt Archaeological Sites and heritage landmarks from the Mamluk era and the interior architectural design of the palace and more. The most important Egyptian Islamic heritage landmarks and monuments “Islamic Egyptian Antiquities” from the Mamluk era in Cairo, Egypt, the history of the palace’s construction, the story of his martyrdom, entrance ticket prices,

Qalawun complex in Al Muizz street in Cairo, Egypt Discover the facts and Islamic Egypt History to establish a mosque, a school, a dome, a mausoleum and a hospital of Al-Mansur Qalawun from the Mamluk era to rule Egypt and more about the most important Islamic Egypt Archaeological Sites. Qalawun complex Facts Or the mosque, school and dome of the hospital of Al-Mansur Qalawun in Al-Muizz Street, Cairo, Egypt. The

Mosques in Al Khayama Street in Cairo, Egypt Facts about Islamic Egypt Archaeological Sites and the history of the construction of the most important Historical mosques from the Ottoman and Mamluk eras and the interior design of the discovery of the history of Islamic Egypt for the mosque of Abd al-Rahman Katkhuda, Sultan Inal, Jamal al-Din Mahmoud al-Istadar and more before starting your tourist visit to the Islamic Egyptian Antiquities

Mosques in Al Saliba Street in Cairo, Egypt Facts and history of the construction of the most important Historical mosques from the Ottoman and Mamluk eras and the interior design of the discovery of the Islamic Egypt History for the Salar and Sanjar al-Jawli Mosque, the Prince Sheikho Group, the Sabil Umm Abbas, Qani Bay al-Muhammadi, Lajin al-Sayfi, Ibn Taghri Bardi, Sarghatmish al-Nasiri, the Sabil and Kuttab of Abdullah Katkhuda

Mosques in Bab El-Wazir Street in Cairo, Egypt Facts and Islamic Egypt History for the construction of the most important Historical mosques from the Ottoman and Mamluk eras and the interior design of the mosque of Itemesh Al-Bajassi, Ibrahim Agha Mustahfizan, Ahmed Al-Muhmandar, Al-Salih Tala’i bin Razik, Jani Bey Al-Ashrafi, Al-Sayis, Al-Tanbugha Al-Maridani, Janem Al-Bahlawan, Suleiman Pasha Al-Khadem, Umm Al-Sultan Shaaban, Khayr Bey, Qajmas Al-Ishaqi and more before starting your

Ptolemy III Euergetes – Egyptian Pharaohs kings – Ptolemaic Kingdom Facts and history of the most famous kings of the Pharaohs, the Ptolemaic era, in the ancient Egyptian civilization, secrets of the ancient Egyptian civilization, a biography, achievements in the history of the Pharaonic civilization, and more Ancient Egypt History. Ptolemy III Euergetes Facts The Macedonian king, or as he is known in Greek, Basque Ergetes, means the ruler, Ptolemy, the doer of

Queen Meritamen “Meritamun, Merytamen, Merytamun, Meryt-Amen” – Female Pharaohs – Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt – The New Kingdom Facts about the New Kingdom of Egypt and the history of the most famous Egyptian Pharaonic queens of the Egyptian Nineteenth Dynasty. Secrets of the Ancient Egypt civilization, a biography, its achievements and its Pharaonic antiquities, a tomb, a Mummy, the life and death of the queen, and more about Ancient Egypt History. Husband: King Ramses

Alexander the Great | Facts Alexander III of Macedon & History life of The Greatest of King of Macedonia and more Ancient Egypt History. Facts about the civilization of ancient Egypt and the history of Emperor Alexander III of Macedon, the most famous king of the Pharaohs from the Greek-Macedonian dynasty, To discover the history of the Pharaonic civilization, secrets, biography, Egyptian Monuments, achievements and more about Dhul-Qarnayn… Alexander the

Imperator Diocletian “Iovius, Gaius Valerius Diocles” – Egyptian Pharaohs kings – Greek-Roman era Facts of the most famous kings of the era of the Roman Kingdom and the history of the Roman Emperor Diocletian, the most famous emperor in the Roman Empire in the civilization of ancient Egypt, secrets, biography, achievements and more from the Ancient Egypt History. Imperator Diocletian Facts The Roman Emperor Diocletian of Meteoi ruled the country from 284

king Userkaf | Facts Old Kingdom of Egypt & History The Greatest of Egyptian Pharaohs kings Life in Fifth Dynasty of Egypt | Secrets, Biography, Accomplishments in Ancient Egypt, Tomb, Mummy, Life and Death of the King and more about Ancient Egypt History. Facts and history of the most famous Egyptian kings of the ancient Pharaohs | Secrets, biography, achievements in ancient Egypt, tomb, mummy, life and death of the king,

King Amenhotep I – Egyptian Pharaohs kings – Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt – The New Kingdom Facts about the civilization of Ancient Egypt and the history of King Amenophis I The most famous famous kings of the ancient Egyptian Pharaohs in the New Kingdom of Egypt. Secrets, biography, his achievements and his Pharaonic Egyptian Monuments, tomb, Mummy, life and death of the king and more about Ancient Egypt History. King Amenhotep

Imperator Augustus “Octavian” – Egyptian Pharaohs kings – Greek-Roman era Facts of the most famous kings of the Roman Kingdom era and the history of the most famous emperors of the Roman Empire in the civilization of ancient Egypt Secrets, biography, achievements, tomb, mummy and more to discover Ancient Egypt History. Imperator Augustus Facts Augustus Caesar, that great ruler known to the whole world, was born on September 23 of the

Queen Ahmose Henuttamehu “Ahmose-Inhapi, Anhapou” – Female Pharaohs | Ancient Egypt History & History The Greatest of Egyptian Pharaohs Queens Seventeenth Dynasty of Egypt | Secrets, Biography, Accomplishments in Ancient Egypt, Tomb, Mummy, Life and Death of the Queen and more Egyptian Antiquities for queen. Queen Ahmose Henuttamehu Facts Husband “Spouse’: King Seqenenre Tao “Egyptian Pharaohs kings“. Biography: She did not rule or participate in Ancient Egyptian Government. Antiquities: Tomb

God Imentet “Ament” | Facts Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses | God of the fertility and rebirth in Pharaonic Civilization & Most Important Ancient Egypt Deities, Mythology Symbols, Definition, Temple, Photo and more about Amentet or Imentit… symbol of fertility and rebirth for the ancient Egyptians and Pharaohs | Facts and history of gods and religious beliefs in the civilization of ancient Egypt and more. Amenet is a female deity

God Bes “Beset” | Facts The Egyptian Gods and Goddesses | God of the fun, joy, childbirth, and the protector of children in Pharaonic Civilization & Most Important Ancient Egypt Deities, Mythology Symbols, Definition, Temple, Photo and more… symbol of fun, joy, childbirth, and the protector of children among the ancient Egyptians and Pharaohs | Facts and history of gods and religious beliefs in the civilization of ancient Egypt and

God Atum “Atem, Tem” | Facts Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses | God of the creation in Pharaonic Civilization & Most Important Ancient Egypt Deities, Mythology Symbols, Definition, Temple, Photo and more… symbol of the creation of the universe, the creation, appearance and facts of the ancient Egyptians and Pharaohs | Facts and history of gods and religious beliefs in the civilization of ancient Egypt and more. The god Atum

God Seshat “Satet, Satit” | Facts Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses | God of the Nile River, hunting, fertility and love in Pharaonic Civilization & Most Important Ancient Egypt Deities, Mythology Symbols, Definition, Temple, Photo and more about Satjet, Satjit… symbol of the Nile River, hunting, fertility and love among the ancient Egyptians and Pharaohs | Symbol Facts Satis and Satyet, History of Gods, Religious Beliefs in Ancient Egypt, and

God Heka “Hike or Hekau” | Facts Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses | God of magic and medicine in Pharaonic Civilization & Most Important Ancient Egypt Deities, Mythology Symbols, Definition, Temple, Photo and more… symbol of magic and medicine for the ancient Egyptians and Pharaohs | Facts and history of gods and religious beliefs in the civilization of ancient Egypt and more. The ancient Egyptians cared a lot about magic

God Hapi “Nile god” | Facts Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses | God of fertility, prosperity and happiness in Pharaonic Civilization & Most Important Ancient Egypt Deities, Mythology Symbols, Definition, Temple, Photo and more… symbol of the Nile, fertility, prosperity and happiness among the pharaohs and the ancient Egyptians | Facts and history of gods and religious beliefs in the civilization of ancient Egypt and more. The god Hapi is

God Tefnut “Tefnet” | Facts Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses | God of moisture, moist air, dew and rain in Pharaonic Civilization & Most Important Ancient Egypt Deities, Mythology Symbols, Definition, Temple, Photo, Who was and more… symbol of rain, water and moisture for the ancient Egyptians and Pharaohs | Facts and history of gods and religious beliefs in the civilization of ancient Egypt and more. The god Tefnut is

God Taweret | Facts Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses | God of childbirth and fertility in Pharaonic Civilization & Most Important Ancient Egypt Deities, Mythology Symbols, Definition, Temple, Photo, Who was and more about Taurt, Tuat, Tuart, Ta-weret, Tawaret, Twert, Taueret, Thouéris, Thoeris, Taouris and Toeris… symbol of birth and fertility for the ancient Egyptians and Pharaohs | Facts about the symbol Ipet, Ipet, or Ibe, the history of gods,

God Set “Sutekh, Seth” | Facts The Egyptian Gods and Goddesses | God of desert, storms disorder, violence in Pharaonic Civilization & Most Important Ancient Egypt Deities, Mythology Symbols, Definition, Temple, Photo, Who was and more… symbol of chaos, violence, war, desert and storms among the ancient Egyptians and Pharaohs | Facts and history of gods and religious beliefs in the civilization of ancient Egypt and more The Pharaonic legends.

Al Hussein Mosque in Cairo, Egypt Facts and history of the Imam Hussein Mosque and Shrine, the establishment of the oldest historical mosques and how to reach it in the Islamic Egypt History. The history of the establishment of the most important Islamic Egyptian Antiquities & monuments and Historical mosques in Cairo, Egypt, information about the Imam Hussein Mosque and Shrine from the inside and the Fatimid architectural design, what

Law in Ancient Egypt | Facts What are the main laws in Pharaonic Civilization, Crime & Punishment, The Legal System, Egyptians sanctified justice, History The laws of Maat and more about Ancient Egypt History. Discover how the judiciary, right and justice were in Pharaonic Egypt, the legal institutions and courts of crime and punishment, the law of morals and the facts of the laws of Maat and the judiciary in

Ancient Egyptian science | Chemistry among the ancient Egyptians in the ancient Pharaonic civilization of Egypt, mathematics, Technology, calculations, and metrology among the Pharaohs, biology, and what was taught in chemistry in the past, and what were the measurement systems in ancient Egypt civilization? The history of the development of animal and plant sciences and more about Ancient Egypt History. Ancient Egyptian science Chemistry in Ancient Egypt Facts How was

Ancient Egyptian Metallurgy | Gold of the Pharaohs | How did the ancient Egyptians Extract silver and copper in the Pharaonic civilization of Egypt, What metals and precious stones were used in making Statues and Egyptian Antiquities, Building Mortuary Temples, and more about Ancient Egypt History. Facts and history of the most important minerals used by the ancient Egyptian pharaohs, such as silver, copper, iron, the most important gold mines

King Amenemhat III  “Amenemhet III”| Ancient Egypt Facts, Twelfth Dynasty of Egypt in Middle Kingdom of Egypt, History life of the Egyptian Pharaohs kings, Secrets, Biography, Pyramid, Accomplishments, Mummy, Egyptian Antiquities and more about Ancient Egypt History. The history and secrets of the lives of the most famous famous kings of the Pharaohs of the Middle Kingdom, the Twelfth Dynasty of the civilization of ancient Egypt, and what is the

Geography of ancient Egypt | The ethnic origin of the Egyptians – Pharaohs, the facts of writing Ancient Egypt History, a complete map and the names of the regions of the Egyptian Pharaonic civilization, and more… Facts, History, What are 5 geographical features of Pharaonic Civilization, Religion, worksheet… Maps of borders and cities in the Pharaonic civilization, and what are the names of the upper, middle and lower Egyptian regions

King Sneferu | Facts Fourth Dynasty of Egypt, history, and secrets of the most famous Pharaoh kings of the ancient Egyptian civilization. Discover the Pharaonic antiquities, achievements and life of King Sneferu, secrets that you did not know before about the king’s wife and children, antiquities, deeds and achievements that he performed during the rule of the throne of the Pharaonic civilizationand more about King Snefru “Snofru” Facts and Secrets

The Black Pyramid in Dahshur, Egypt | Facts, History, Secrets, Pyramid of Amenemhat III from inside, Opening Hours, Entrance Fee, Location and more… Facts and history of building the pyramid of King Amenemhat the Third, why was it called by this name, what are the working hours, entry ticket prices, and more. Hurghada lovers Offer Luxury Hurghada to Pyramids Tours | El Gouna to Pyramids Tours | Makadi bay to

Mortuary Temple of Amenhotep III in Luxor Egypt | History, Facts Egyptian Temples, Ancient, Map, Entrance Fees, opening hours and more The history and facts of building the most important ancient Egyptian temples of the ancient Pharaonic civilization of Egypt, entry ticket prices, official working hours and more. Discover the history and secrets of the most important pharaonic funerary temples of the ancient civilization of Egypt, facts about the temple

Egypt Historical Sites Map

Egypt Historical Sites Map | Egyptian Monuments

Egypt Historical Sites Map | Egyptian Monuments Discover Facts, History Ancient Pharaonic Civilization, Pharaohs Tourist attractions, Museums, Activities , Places to Visit , Best Time to in Cairo, Luxor, Aswan, Hurghada  Egypt Historical Sites Map Note: Facts and secrets of the history of the Pharaoh kings will be added soon…   Egyptian Tombs | Pharaonic Tombs Egyptian Temples Egypt Archaeological Sites Egyptology | Egyptology Egyptian Monuments Egyptian Antiquities    

Tomb of Kheruef in Luxor, Egypt | Facts TT192, History , Secrets, Tombs of Al-Assassif in Thebes from inside, Opening Hours, Entrance Fee and more… The history and facts of building the most important tombs of the ancient pharaonic nobles in the El Assasif cemetery, how much is the entry ticket price, official working hours, and more. Discover the secrets of the El Asasif tombs, the most important tombs of