King Narmer | History King Menes, Facts First Egyptian Pharaohs kings. Secrets of the first pharaoh in the Ancient Egypt civilization and the founder of the First Dynasty of Egypt, an explanation of the Narmer Palette, what are his Pharaonic achievements and monuments, what is the truth about his killing by a Hippopotamus, and more about Ancient Egypt History. King Narmer Facts The first king of the First Dynasty of Egypt.

First Dynasty of Egypt | Ancient Egypt civilization, the names of the Egyptian Pharaohs kings and the Pharaonic queens of Egypt “Female Pharaohs“, the rulers of the ancient Egyptian civilization, the most important achievements, antiquities and discoveries related to them, the secrets they contain for the lives of the queens and kings of the Pharaohs, and more about Ancient Egypt History. The time period of the rule of the Pharaohs,

King Scorpion II or Selk or Weha “King Scorpion” | The most famous Egyptian Pharaohs kings in the Dynasty 0 in on the civilization of Ancient Egypt in the Predynastic Period. Discover the history of the Pharaonic civilization and historical facts about the Pharaonic king, what are the most important discoveries and secrets of his private life, and more about Ancient Egypt History. King Scorpion II Facts: The last king

King Iry-Hor or Ro | The most famous Egyptian Pharaohs kings in the Dynasty 0 in the civilization of Ancient Egypt, the Predynastic Period. Discover the facts and history of the Pharaonic civilization about the Pharaonic king, what are the most important discoveries and secrets of his private life, and more about Ancient Egypt History. Facts about King Iry-Hor Egyptian Dynasty Zero, known as the Pre-Dynastic Era, Naqada III Civilization.

Dynasty 0 in Ancient Egypt | Facts and History Ancient Egyptian Dynasties. Discover the names of Egyptian Pharaohs kings and Pharaonic queens of Egypt “Female Pharaohs“, the pre-dynastic rulers of Ancient Egypt, and the most important achievements, antiquities and discoveries related to them during the rule of the ancient Egyptian civilization, the secrets they contain, and more about Ancient Egypt History. Dynasty 0 in Ancient Egypt This term “family or

Umm El Qa’ab Tombs “Umm El Gaʻab”, Abydos – Egyptian Tombs | Pre-dynastic, First and Second Pharaonic Dynasty cemetery. Umm El Qa’ab Tombs Umm El Qa’ab Tombs are located in the desert in the Abydos area of Sohag Governorate, which is considered the sacred place of the God Osiris – the symbol of reckoning and resurrection and one of the most famous ancient Egyptian deities and religious beliefs of the

Ancient Egyptian Coffins | History Sarcophagi in Ancient Egypt & Facts Coffin Texts, Spells, Funerary Rituals and more about Ancient Egypt History. Facts, Secrets about What is a Pharaohs sarcophagus, What is the characteristics of Egyptian Coffins, What is the purpose of the sarcophagi and more… Discover the types of pharaonic coffins in the civilization of ancient Egypt, how they were shaped, sized, how they were used to place the

Memphis, ancient Egypt, “the city of Memphis” | Discover the history and facts of the capital of the ancient Pharaonic state and its archaeological and historical landmarks about Ancient Egypt History. Memphis or Manfer is an ancient Egyptian city and the capital of Enb Hajj, which is close to the modern city of Mit Rahina, only 20 km south of Giza, Cairo. Learn about the history of that city. Memphis

Predynastic Period | Facts and History Neolithic Age, Chalcolithic, Mesolithic era, Discover How did Egyptian civilization start? the history and details of civilizations and historical ages in order and more about Ancient Egypt History. Predynastic Period in Ancient Egypt | History and details of civilizations and historical eras in order. The Paleolithic Age, the Mesolithic Age, the Neolithic Age, the Pre-Dynastic Metal Stone Age, and the Book-like Age, and what