King Iry-Hor
King Iry-Hor or Ro | Egyptian Pharaohs Kings | Dynasty 0

King Iry-Hor or Ro | The most famous Egyptian Pharaohs kings in the Dynasty 0 in the civilization of Ancient Egypt, the Predynastic Period.

Discover the facts and history of the Pharaonic civilization about the Pharaonic king, what are the most important discoveries and secrets of his private life, and more about Ancient Egypt History.

Facts about King Iry-Hor

  • Egyptian Dynasty Zero, known as the Pre-Dynastic Era, Naqada III Civilization.
  • Period of rule: 3200 years BC.
  • He was ruler of the city of Nekhen “Hierakonpolis” up to the Abydos region in Sohag in southern Egypt, according to the Geography of ancient Egypt, in addition to areas of influence in the city of Memphis in the north, areas in Sinai, and some regions in the delta on the banks of the Nile River.
  • The Mummy of the Pharaonic king was buried after completing the Mummification in ancient Egypt in his royal cemetery next to the royal Egyptian Tombs in Abydos for individuals, kings of the Pharaohs and queens of Pharaonic Egypt “Female Pharaohs” in the First Dynasty of Egypt, and some kings from the pre-dynastic era.
  • The rule of King Iry-Hor after the death of King Scorpion I of the Egyptian Dynasty 00, and he was preceded by some Pharaohs’ rulers and some kings, such as King Ny-Hor and King Crocodile. Then he was followed in power by King Ka or Sekhen.
  • Inscriptions with the names of the King Ka and King Narmer were discovered inside the tomb, which raises many speculations and questions about why the names of King Ka and King Narmer are located next to the name of King Iry-Hor.


Many Egyptologists suggest that the King Iry-Hor played a major role in establishing the city of Memphis and making it the capital of ancient Egypt.

Pharaonic antiquities of King Iry-Hor:

  1. The Tomb of King Iry-Hor was discovered among the royal Egyptian tombs in the area of the Umm El Qa’ab Tombs in Abydos in Sohag, by the English Egyptology Sir William Matthew Flinders Petrie, known as Flinders Petrie.
  2. The texts of the Ancient Egyptian Language were translated on a royal Serekh. The name of the king was discovered in the cemetery, associated with the name of the God Horus. “An inscription of the name of the king between the legs of the falcon,” the most famous of the Egyptian deities, in Hieroglyphics, within inscriptions above the symbol of the mouth.
  3. The name of King Iry-Hor was discovered inscribed during excavations among the Pharaonic Egyptian Antiquities that were discovered in the Wadi Ameyra at the Sinai Peninsula in 2012 AD.
  4. A royal seal made of clay was discovered inside his tomb containing the name of the king as one of the pharaoh kings of the Zero Dynasty.
  5. An inscription of the king’s name combined with the figure of the god Hus, “the symbol of the falcon,” was discovered on a pottery jar inside his tomb in Abydos.
  6. A cylinder seal was discovered among the Egyptian Monuments that were discovered in the Zawyet El Aryan Tombs in northern Egypt in Saqqara Giza region, one of the most important Egypt Archaeological Sites.
  7. “A crack was discovered on the surface of the handrail of the spindle or the rotor of the spindle “wheel spinner made of wood” bearing the name of the king in the city of Hierakonpolis “Nekhen”

Tomb of King Iry-Hor Interior design:

  • The Tomb of King Iry-Hor is considered the first royal tomb built in the Umm El Qa’ab Tombs.
  • The architectural design of the tomb contains 3 large rooms, indicating the development of Architecture in ancient Egypt.

Tomb of King Iry-Hor contents:

Hurghada Excursions Lovers, Best Travel Agency in Hurghada to provide daily tours to visit the Tourist attractions of King Iry-Hor in Luxor by Hurghada to Luxor Tours and Hurghada to Pyramids Trips. Book online when you come to Hurghada, El Gouna, Sahl Hashish, Makadi Bay, Soma Bay, Egypt. 

King Iry-Hor or Ro | Egyptian Pharaohs Kings | Dynasty 0
King Iry-Hor or Ro | Egyptian Pharaohs Kings | Dynasty 0

About Author

Tamer Ahmed
Eng. Tamer Ahmed | Author & Researcher in History of Ancient Egypt Pharaohs. Booking Your Tours Online Whatsapp: +201112596434