Pyramid of Nyuserre Ini in Saqqara Giza, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs Facts about Egyptian tombs, Ancient Egypt History, secrets from the inside, mysteries of the pharaohs, the Fifth Dynasty of Egypt in ancient Egyptian civilization, working hours, entrance fees, location, what is the secret inside the pyramid and more… Architecture in ancient Egypt developed during the era of the fifth Egyptian dynasty during the reign of King Nyuserre Ini “Egyptian

Unfinished Pyramid of Shepseskare in Saqqara Giza, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs Facts about Egyptian tombs, Ancient Egypt History, secrets from the inside, mysteries of the pharaohs of the Fifth Egyptian Dynasty in the ancient Egyptian civilization, working hours, entrance fees, location, what is the secret inside the pyramid and more… King Shepseskare “Egyptian Pharaohs kings“, the most famous king of the Fifth Dynasty of Egypt in the era of the Old Kingdom of

Pyramid of Neferefre in Saqqara Giza, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs Facts about Egyptian tombs, history of Pharaonic civilization, secrets from the inside, mysteries of the pharaohs, the fifth Egyptian dynasty in ancient Egyptian civilization, working hours, entrance fees, location, what is the secret inside the pyramid and more about Ancient Egypt History… Architecture in ancient Egypt developed significantly at the beginning of the reign of King Neferefre “Egyptian Pharaohs kings”

Pyramid Neferirkare in Saqqara Giza, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs Facts about Egyptian tombs, history of Pharaonic civilization, secrets from the inside, mysteries of the pharaohs, the fifth Egyptian dynasty in ancient Egyptian civilization, working hours, entrance fees, location, what is the secret inside the pyramid and more about Ancient Egypt History… It was built during the reign of King Neferirkare “Egyptian Pharaohs kings” of the Fifth Dynasty of Egypt during

Pyramid of Sahure in Saqqara Giza, Egypt Egyptian Tombs Facts about Egyptian tombs, history of Pharaonic civilization, secrets from the inside, mysteries of the pharaohs, the fifth Egyptian dynasty in ancient Egyptian civilization, working hours, entrance fees, location, what is the secret inside the pyramid and more about Ancient Egypt History… Architecture in ancient Egypt, especially in the era of the Old Kingdom of Egypt during the reign of King

Sun Temple of Userkaf in Saqqara Giza, Egypt – Egyptian Temples Funerary temple facts, Ancient Egypt History secrets from the inside, mysteries of the pharaohs of the Fifth Egyptian Dynasty in the ancient Egyptian civilization, working hours, entrance fees, location, what is the secret inside the pyramid and more… It is considered one of the most famous Egyptian Mortuary Temples that was built in the era of the Old Kingdom

Pyramid of Userkaf in Saqqara Giza, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs Facts about Egyptian tombs, history of Pharaonic civilization, secrets from the inside, mysteries of the pharaohs of the Fifth Egyptian Dynasty in ancient Egyptian civilization, working hours, entrance fees, location, what is the secret inside the pyramid and more about Ancient Egypt History… To discover the secrets of building the pyramids and the developments of Architecture in ancient Egypt, the

King Djedkare Isesi| Egyptian Pharaohs kings – Fifth Dynasty of Egypt – Old Kingdom of Egypt The most famous Pharaoh kings in the Fifth Egyptian dynasty Ancient Egypt. Discover the historical facts about the Pharaonic king, what are the most important discoveries Egyptian Antiquities , secrets of his private life and more about Ancient Egypt History. Ruled Reign period in Ancient Egyptian Government: 2414–2375 BC “44 years” Wife: Queen Setibhor “Female

King Menkauhor Kaiu “Kaiu or Ikauhor” | Egyptian Pharaohs kings – Fifth Dynasty of Egypt – Old Kingdom of Egypt The most famous Pharaoh kings in the Fifth Egyptian dynasty Ancient Egypt. Discover the historical facts about the Pharaonic king, what are the most important discoveries Egyptian Antiquities , secrets of his private life and more about Ancient Egypt History. Ruled Reign period in Ancient Egyptian Government: 2422–2414 BC Father:

King Nyuserre Ini “Niuserre Ini or Neuserre Ini” | Egyptian Pharaohs kings – Fifth Dynasty of Egypt – Old Kingdom of Egypt The most famous Pharaoh kings in the Fifth Egyptian dynasty Ancient Egypt. Discover the historical facts about the Pharaonic king, what are the most important discoveries Egyptian Antiquities , secrets of his private life and more about Ancient Egypt History. Ruled Reign period in Ancient Egyptian Government: 2445–2422

King Shepseskare “Shepseskara” | Egyptian Pharaohs kings – Fifth Dynasty of Egypt – Old Kingdom of Egypt The most famous Pharaoh kings in the Fifth Egyptian dynasty Ancient Egypt. Discover the historical facts about the Pharaonic king, what are the most important discoveries Egyptian Antiquities , secrets of his private life and more about Ancient Egypt History. Ruled Reign period in Ancient Egyptian Government: 2426 –2419 BC Father: King Neferirkare

King Neferefre Isi “Raneferef, Ranefer” | Egyptian Pharaohs kings – Fifth Dynasty of Egypt – Old Kingdom of Egypt The most famous Pharaoh kings in the Fifth Egyptian dynasty Ancient Egypt. Discover the historical facts about the Pharaonic king, what are the most important discoveries Egyptian Antiquities , secrets of his private life and more about Ancient Egypt History. Ruled Reign period in Ancient Egyptian Government: 2460–2458 BC Father: King

King Neferirkare Kakai | Egyptian Pharaohs kings – Fifth Dynasty of Egypt – Old Kingdom of Egypt The most famous Pharaoh kings in the Fifth Egyptian dynasty Ancient Egypt. Discover the historical facts about the Pharaonic king, what are the most important discoveries Egyptian Antiquities , secrets of his private life, and more about Ancient Egypt History. Ruled Reign period Ancient Egyptian Government: 2477–2467 BC Father: king Userkaf building “Pyramid

King Sahure “Sahura’| Egyptian Pharaohs kings – Fifth Dynasty of Egypt – Old Kingdom of Egypt The most famous Pharaoh kings in the Fifth Egyptian dynasty Ancient Egypt. Discover the historical facts about the Pharaonic king, what are the most important discoveries Egyptian Antiquities , secrets of his private life, and more about Ancient Egypt History. Ruled Reign period Ancient Egyptian Government: 2490–2477 BC “13 years” Father: king Userkaf building

King Shepseskaf | Egyptian Pharaohs kings – Fourth Dynasty of Egypt – Old Kingdom of Egypt The most famous Pharaoh kings in the Egyptian dynasty Ancient Egypt. Discover the historical facts about the Pharaonic king, what are the most important discoveries and Egyptian Antiquities, secrets of his private life and more about Ancient Egypt History. Ruled Reign period Ancient Egyptian Government: 2503–2498 BC “8 years” Father: King Menkaure Building Pyramid

King Djedefre “Radjedef” | Egyptian Pharaohs kings – Fourth Dynasty of Egypt – Old Kingdom of Egypt The most famous Pharaoh kings in the Egyptian dynasty Ancient Egypt. Discover the historical facts about the Pharaonic king, what are the most important discoveries and his Egyptian Antiquities, secrets of his private life, and more about Ancient Egypt History. Ruled Reign period Ancient Egyptian Government: 2566–2558 BC “10-14 years” Father: King Khufu

King Huni | Egyptian Pharaohs kings – Third Dynasty of Egypt – Old Kingdom of Egypt The most famous Pharaohs kings in the Egyptian dynasty Ancient Egypt. Discover the historical facts about the Pharaonic king, what are the most important discoveries, secrets of his private life, Egyptian Antiquities, and more about Ancient Egypt History. Ruled Reign period in Ancient Egyptian religion: 2637–2613 BC “24 years” Wife: Queen Djefatnebti, Queen Meresankh

King Khabaor or Hor-Khaba| Egyptian Pharaohs kings – Third Dynasty of Egypt – Old Kingdom of Egypt The most famous Pharaohs kings in the Egyptian dynasty Ancient Egypt. Discover Egyptian Antiquities, the historical facts about the Pharaonic king, what are the most important discoveries, secrets of his private life, and more about Ancient Egypt History. Ruled Reign period in Ancient Egyptian religion: 2670 BC “18 years” The Discovery: Layer Pyramid in

King Sekhemkhet or Sechemchet | Egyptian Pharaohs kings – Third Dynasty of Egypt – Old Kingdom of Egypt The most famous Pharaohs kings in the Egyptian dynasty Ancient Egypt. Discover the historical facts about the Pharaonic king, Egyptian Antiquities, what are the most important discoveries, secrets of his private life, and more about Ancient Egypt History. Ruled Reign period in Ancient Egyptian religion: 2650 BC “7 years” Father:King Khasekhemwy Mother: Queen

Third Dynasty of Egypt – Old Kingdom of Egypt | The names of the Egyptian Pharaohs kings and Pharaonic queens of Egypt “Female Pharaohs“, the rulers of Ancient Egypt civilization, the most important Pharaonic achievements and Egyptian Antiquities, the discoveries related to them, the secrets they contain for the lives of queens, the Egypt Archaeological Sites related to each king, and more about Ancient Egypt History. The period of the

Zawyet El Aryan Tombs in Saqqara, Giza, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs Egyptian Tombs and the Most Famous Archaeological Sites in Egypt, Historical Facts and Secrets of Ancient Egyptian Civilization for the Royal Tombs Cemetery for Burying the Mummy of the Egyptian Pharaohs kings and Female Pharaohs Queens of First Dynasty of Egypt, Second Dynasty of Egypt, the Third Dynasty of Egypt in the Old Kingdom of Egypt, the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt

King Khasekhemwy or Khasekhemwy | Egyptian Pharaohs kings – Second Dynasty of Egypt The most famous Pharaoh kings in the Egyptian dynasty Ancient Egypt. Discover the historical facts about the Pharaonic king, what are the most important discoveries, secrets of his private life, and more about Ancient Egypt History.   Ruled Reign period in Ancient Egyptian Government: 2690 BC “18 years” Children: King Djoser, Hetephernebti, Sekhemkhet, Sanakht, Shepset-ipet The Discovery

King Seth-Peribsen or Ash-Peribsen, Peribsen, Perabsen | Egyptian Pharaohs kings – Second Dynasty of Egypt The most famous Pharaoh kings in the Egyptian dynasty Ancient Egypt. Discover the historical facts about the Pharaonic king, what are the most important discoveries, secrets of his private life, and more about Ancient Egypt History. Ruled Reign period in Ancient Egyptian Government: 2890–2686 BC “17 years” Children: Prince Shepset-ipet The Discovery Egyptian Antiquities :

King Hotepsekhemwy | Egyptian Pharaohs kings – Second Dynasty of Egypt The most famous Pharaoh kings in the Egyptian dynasty Ancient Egypt. Discover the historical facts about the Pharaonic king, what are the most important discoveries, secrets of his private life, and more about Ancient Egypt History. Ruled Reign period in Ancient Egyptian Government: 2740 BC “25 years” Children: Prince Perneb The Discovery Egyptian Antiquities :  Stone vase bearing, cylinder

Second Dynasty of Egypt – Ancient Egypt civilization The names of the Egyptian Pharaohs kings and the most important achievements, monuments and discoveries related to them during the rule of Ancient Egypt civilization and the secrets they contain and more about Ancient Egypt History. Kings of the Second Dynasty of Egypt: The time period of the rulers of the Second Dynasty of Egypt was from 2890 to 2686 BC. The

King Semerkhet | Egyptian Pharaohs kings – First Dynasty of Egypt The most famous Pharaoh kings in the Egyptian dynasty Ancient Egypt. Discover the historical facts about the Pharaonic king, what are the most important discoveries, secrets of his private life, and more about Ancient Egypt History. Ruled Reign period in Ancient Egyptian Government: 2920 BC “9 years” Father: King Anedjib or King Den Mother: Queen Betrest “Female Pharaohs” The

King Anedjib or Adjib, Hor-Anedjib, Hor-Adjib, Enezib | Egyptian Pharaohs kings – First Dynasty of Egypt The most famous Pharaoh kings in the Egyptian dynasty Ancient Egypt. Discover the historical facts about the Pharaonic king, what are the most important discoveries, secrets of his private life, and more about Ancient Egypt History. Ruled Reign period in Ancient Egyptian Government: 2930 BC “10 years” Father: King Den Wife: Queen Betrest “Female

King Den or Hor-Den, Dewen, Udimu | Egyptian Pharaohs kings – First Dynasty of Egypt The most famous Pharaoh kings in the Egyptian dynasty Ancient Egypt. Discover the historical facts about the Pharaonic king, what are the most important discoveries, secrets of his private life, and more about Ancient Egypt History. Ruled Reign period in Ancient Egyptian Government: 2970 BC “42 years” Father: King Djet Mother: Queen Merit Neith Wife:

King Djet or Wadj, Zet, Uadji | Egyptian Pharaohs kings – First Dynasty of Egypt The most famous Pharaoh kings in the Egyptian dynasty Ancient Egypt. Discover the historical facts about the Pharaonic king, what are the most important discoveries, secrets of his private life, and more about Ancient Egypt History.   Ruled Reign period in Ancient Egyptian Government:  2980 BC “10 years” Father: King Djer Wife: Queen Merneith, Queen

King Djer or Zer or Sekhty | Egyptian Pharaohs kings – First Dynasty of Egypt The most famous Pharaoh kings in the Egyptian dynasty Ancient Egypt. Discover the historical facts about the Pharaonic king, what are the most important discoveries, secrets of his private life, and more about Ancient Egypt History. Ruled Reign period in Ancient Egyptian Government: 3000 BC “41 years” Father: King Hor-Aha Mother: Queen Khenthap or Queen

King Hor-Aha or Aha, Horus Aha | Egyptian Pharaohs kings – First Dynasty of Egypt The most famous Pharaoh kings in the Egyptian dynasty Ancient Egypt. Discover the historical facts about the Pharaonic king, what are the most important discoveries, secrets of his private life, and more about Ancient Egypt History. Ruled Reign period in Ancient Egyptian Government: 3125 BC Father: King Narmer Wife: Queen Benerib, Queen Khenthap “Female Pharaohs“.

King Narmer | History King Menes, Facts First Egyptian Pharaohs kings. Secrets of the first pharaoh in the Ancient Egypt civilization and the founder of the First Dynasty of Egypt, an explanation of the Narmer Palette, what are his Pharaonic achievements and monuments, what is the truth about his killing by a Hippopotamus, and more about Ancient Egypt History. King Narmer Facts The first king of the First Dynasty of Egypt.

First Dynasty of Egypt | Ancient Egypt civilization, the names of the Egyptian Pharaohs kings and the Pharaonic queens of Egypt “Female Pharaohs“, the rulers of the ancient Egyptian civilization, the most important achievements, antiquities and discoveries related to them, the secrets they contain for the lives of the queens and kings of the Pharaohs, and more about Ancient Egypt History. The time period of the rule of the Pharaohs,

King Scorpion II or Selk or Weha “King Scorpion” | The most famous Egyptian Pharaohs kings in the Dynasty 0 in on the civilization of Ancient Egypt in the Predynastic Period. Discover the history of the Pharaonic civilization and historical facts about the Pharaonic king, what are the most important discoveries and secrets of his private life, and more about Ancient Egypt History. King Scorpion II Facts: The last king

King Iry-Hor or Ro | The most famous Egyptian Pharaohs kings in the Dynasty 0 in the civilization of Ancient Egypt, the Predynastic Period. Discover the facts and history of the Pharaonic civilization about the Pharaonic king, what are the most important discoveries and secrets of his private life, and more about Ancient Egypt History. Facts about King Iry-Hor Egyptian Dynasty Zero, known as the Pre-Dynastic Era, Naqada III Civilization.

Dynasty 0 in Ancient Egypt | Facts and History Ancient Egyptian Dynasties. Discover the names of Egyptian Pharaohs kings and Pharaonic queens of Egypt “Female Pharaohs“, the pre-dynastic rulers of Ancient Egypt, and the most important achievements, antiquities and discoveries related to them during the rule of the ancient Egyptian civilization, the secrets they contain, and more about Ancient Egypt History. Dynasty 0 in Ancient Egypt This term “family or

Umm El Qa’ab Tombs “Umm El Gaʻab”, Abydos – Egyptian Tombs | Pre-dynastic, First and Second Pharaonic Dynasty cemetery. Umm El Qa’ab Tombs Umm El Qa’ab Tombs are located in the desert in the Abydos area of Sohag Governorate, which is considered the sacred place of the God Osiris – the symbol of reckoning and resurrection and one of the most famous ancient Egyptian deities and religious beliefs of the

King Scorpion I | The most famous Egyptian Pharaohs kings in the Egyptian Dynasty 00, the civilization of Ancient Egypt. Discover the historical facts about the Pharaonic king, what are the most important discoveries and secrets of his private life, and more about Ancient Egypt History. Facts about King Scorpion I: Dynasty 00, known as Predynastic Period Naqada III. Period of rule: 3200 years BC. Governor of the regions of

Dynasty 00 in Ancient Egypt, Discover Facts, History, Achievements, Antiquities and Egyptian Monuments Pharaohs kings in Dynasty 00. History of the emergence of dynasties in the Pharaonic civilization, and what are the names of the Egyptian Pharaohs kings and the queens of Egypt by family, achievements, and more about Ancient Egypt History. The names of the Female Pharaohs and the most important achievements, monuments and discoveries related to them during the

Naqada III in Ancient Egypt – | History Of Egyptian Civilization Discover the historical facts and secrets of the beginning of the formation of the state in the ancient Pharaonic civilization of Egypt, the beginning of the construction of the first royal tombs, the interest in agricultural lands, drawing on paintings, the use of the Hieroglyphic language, the serekh engraving, and more about Ancient Egypt History. Naqada III In the

God Khepri | The Egyptian Gods | Ancient Egyptian Goddesses, The symbol of the sun among the Pharaohs in ancient Egyptian civilization.

God Aton or Aten | The Egyptian Gods | Ancient Egyptian Goddesses, The symbol of the sun disk, one of the most famous ancient Egyptian gods and the only religious beliefs during the reign of King Akhenaten, Amarna, and more to discover. What happened after the death of King Amenhotep IV. The God Aten (God of Tal al-Amarna or Akhenaten) Akhenaten’s great influence on the world is a rare event

God Wadjet | The Egyptian Gods | Ancient Egyptian Goddesses | The symbol Wajet is one of the most famous ancient Egyptian deities and the religious beliefs of the Pharaohs In the form of a human with the head of a lioness or a cobra A protector of the king in ancient Egyptian civilization.

Tomb KV55 in Valley of the Kings, Luxor, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs Secrets of the Egyptian Pharaonic tombs, archaeological discoveries, royal Pharaonic coffins and the mummy discovered inside the tomb to tell us the facts and history of the Pharaonic civilization “Ancient Egypt History” in the civilization of ancient Egypt and the kings of the pharaohs from the era of King Akhenaten, King Tutankhamun and King Amenhotep III, which is considered one of

Tomb of Amenhotep in Saqqara Egypt – Egyptian Tombs The most important Egyptian Pharaonic tombs and what they contain of scenes and engravings on the walls that tell his life in the ancient Egyptian civilization with King Tutankhamun and the Eighteenth Egyptian Dynasty and more history of the Pharaonic civilization “Ancient Egypt History“. There are speculations that he worked as a general supervisor in the government of King Tutankhamun “Egyptian Pharaohs kings” of

The Temple of Soleb in Aswan, Egypt – Egyptian Temples Discover the history of the Pharaonic civilization “Ancient Egypt History” and historical facts about the temple of King Amenhotep III, the most famous Egyptian Pharaohs kings of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt in the era of The New Kingdom of Egypt in Nubia, and what it contains of secrets of the Ancient Egypt civilization, a map of the temple from the inside,

Hittites | Discover historical facts about the most important ancient civilizations in north-central Anatolia and how they conquered the civilization of ancient Egypt in the era of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt, King Tutankhamun “Egyptian Pharaohs kings” from The New Kingdom, fierce wars and battles, and more about Ancient Egypt History. Information about the role of the Hittites in Egyptian civilization will be added soon… Hurghada Lovers best Tour Operator to provide daily

Kingdom of Mitanni north of the Euphrates River Discover historical facts about the most important ancient civilizations in Syria, how the trade relationship was, the civilization of ancient Egypt in the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt, King Tutankhamun “Egyptian Pharaohs kings“, and more about Ancient Egypt History. Information about the role of the Kingdom of Mitanni in Egyptian civilization will be added soon… Hurghada Lovers best Tour Operator to provide daily tours to visit

Palace of Malkata of King Amenhotep III in Luxor, Deir el-Bahari area, Egypt  – Egyptian Monuments The history of the establishment of the most important Pharaonic monuments built by King Amenhotep III, the most famous of the Egyptian Pharaohs kings of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt, The New Kingdom of Egypt, and the secrets it contains in the history of Pharaonic civilization “Ancient Egypt History“, civilization in Architecture in ancient

king Smenkhkare – Egyptian Pharaohs kings – Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt – The New Kingdom The facts and Ancient Egypt History, the brother of King Akhenaton, the secrets of his rule to the throne of Ancient Egypt civilization, his Pharaonic antiquities, and what his reign was like before King Tutankhamun took power and moved to Thebes “Luxor”. Ruling period in Ancient Egyptian Government: 1350–1347 BC Father: King Amenhotep III Mother:

The Royal Cache of Deir el-Bahri – Egyptian Monuments The secrets of Pharaonic Mummy, the Valley of the Kings and the Karnak Temple in Luxor, Egypt, and the discoveries they contain about the Egyptian Pharaohs kings and the lives of the ancient Egyptians. Discover what are the most important Egypt Archaeological Sites discoveries, including Pharaonic Ancient Egyptian Coffins and Mummy discoveries in the Qurna region in Egyptian Tombs Pharaonic and

Tomb of Maya in Saqqara Egypt – Egyptian Tombs Discover the secrets of the most famous Egyptian pharaonic tombs that tell us the secrets of King Tutankhamun and the Eighteenth Egyptian Dynasty in the ancient Egyptian civilization and more history of the Pharaonic civilization “Ancient Egypt History“. Maya was the nanny and wet nurse of King Tutankhamun, the most famous Egyptian Pharaohs kings of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt in the The New

Queen Ankhesenamun – Female Pharaohs – Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt – The New Kingdom Discover Ancient Egypt History and the secrets of the most famous Pharaonic queens of Egypt from the Eighteenth Dynasty, and what are the secrets of life with her husband, the king, wife of King Tutankhamun “Egyptian Pharaohs kings“, the most famous pharaoh king in the era of the New Kingdom, her Pharaonic antiquities, and more secrets of

King Ptolemy XIII Theos Philopator – Egyptian Pharaohs kings – Ptolemaic Kingdom Facts and history of the most famous Ptolemaic kings in ancient Egypt, secrets of the king, biography, achievements and more for you to know about how the Ptolemaic era was established… Note: Facts and secrets of the history of the Pharaoh kings will be added soon… Hurghada Excursions Lovers, Best Travel Agency in Hurghada to provide daily tours to visit the Tourist attractions

King Thutmose II ” Tuthmosis II”  – Egyptian Pharaohs kings – Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt – The New Kingdom The most famous kings of the Pharaohs in the Eighteenth Pharaonic Dynasty of Egypt, secrets of the New Egyptian Kingdom and historical facts about the most important kings of the Pharaohs in the civilization of Ancient Egypt, his achievements, his biography, his Pharaonic antiquities, and more about Ancient Egypt History. Ruling period in

King Amenemhat IV  “Amenemhet IV”| Egyptian Pharaohs kings, Twelfth Dynasty of Egypt in Middle Kingdom of Egypt, secrets and historical facts about the most important Pharaoh kings in Ancient Egypt, his Egyptian Antiquities and achievements, his biography, and more about Ancient Egypt History. Ruled Reign period in Ancient Egyptian Government: 1816–1807 BC “10 years”. Date of death: 1806  BC Father: King Amenemhat III Mother: Queen Hetepi “Female Pharaohs“. Wife: Queen

King Ramesses IV – Egyptian Pharaohs kings – The New Kingdom – Twentieth Egyptian Dynasty What are the achievements he made, the Pharaonic statues and monuments he erected, and more about the Ancient Egypt History Pharaonic civilization. Ruling period in Ancient Egyptian Government: 1155–1149 BC Sentence period: 6 years. Date of death: 1149 BC Mother: Queen Tyti Wife: Queen Doatintopet, the most famous Pharaonic queen of Egypt “Female Pharaohs“. Sons: King Ramses V Antiquities: Tomb

God Bastet | The Egyptian Gods | Ancient Egyptian Goddesses, Bastet | The symbol of the cat is the most famous symbol of the ancient Egyptian gods and the religious beliefs of the Pharaohs, as it was combined with the symbol of Sekhmet in the New Kingdom in the civilization of ancient Egypt. Bastet: The cat goddess whose temples were places of pleasure in all its forms, including sexuality.  

God Geb | The Egyptian Gods | Ancient Egyptian Goddesses | The symbol of the Earth is one of the most famous ancient Egyptian gods and the religious beliefs of the Pharaohs, and what are its secrets and the temples in which it is found in ancient Egyptian civilization.

God Nekhbet | The symbol, Nekhbet, is one of the most famous ancient Egyptian deities and the religious beliefs of the Pharaohs In the shape of a female eagle with a white crown God of the regions of Upper Egypt and protector of the king in ancient Egyptian civilization.

Twenty-second Dynasty of Egypt | Discover the most important Egyptian Pharaohs kings and Female Pharaohs from the Egyptian dynasty, how they contributed to the history of ancient Egyptian civilization, and more Ancient Egypt History. Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs Kings of the Twenty-Second Dynasty of Egypt: It was the time period to rule kings Twenty-second Dynasty of Egypt from 943 to 728 BC. King Shoshenq I or Shashank, Sheshonk, Sheshonq IRuled Reign period: 943–922 BC

King Shoshenq I – Egyptian Pharaohs kings – Twenty-second Dynasty of Egypt The most famous pharaohs of the twenty-second Egyptian dynasty in the ancient Egyptian civilization | Discover the history of the pharaonic civilization and the facts and secrets of the most important kings of the Libyan city of Ihnaysa, Sheshonq or Shishak, and his pharaonic Egyptian Monuments and new information you did not know about him in the third

Twelfth Dynasty of Egypt in the Civilization of Ancient Egypt | The names of the Egyptian Pharaohs kings and Pharaonic queens of Egypt “Female Pharaohs” during the era of the Middle Kingdom, how they contributed to building the history of Pharaohs civilization, what are the achievements and Pharaonic Egyptian Antiquities of each king in the Egypt Archaeological Sites, and more about Ancient Egypt History. Kings of the Twelfth Dynasty of

King Senusret I “Sesostris I, Senwosret I” | Discover Ancient Egypt and secrets of the most important Egyptian Pharaohs kings of the Middle Kingdom of Egypt from the Twelfth Dynasty of Egypt, the achievements Egyptian Antiquities, and more to know about Ancient Egypt History. Ruled Reign period in Ancient Egyptian Government: 1971–1926 BC “43 years”. Date of death: 1926 BC. Father: King Amenemhat I, He has the Pyramid of Amenemhat

Food in ancient Egypt | Ancient Egyptian cuisine. Pharaohs Bread Recipe. Fruits, Drinks and Sweets, Discover The most famous foods and what was on the dining table of the Pharaohs and ancient Egyptian kings, what fruits, drinks and sweets were eaten by the Pharaoh and more Ancient Egypt History. The secrets discovered about cooking methods, food tools, Pharaonic dishes, wine gods, the eating habits of Pharaohs, what Pharaoh and the

Shark Attack in Hurghada Egypt 2023 | Facts Russian tourist killed by Tiger Shark | Discover Causes and Concerns Shark Attack in Egypt and How dangerous are the Red Sea Sharks, and the details of their recent and old attack on tourists in Hurghada. Hurghada lovers Offer Luxury Hurghada Snorkeling Trips | El Gouna Snorkeling Trips | Makadi bay Snorkeling Trips | Sahl Hasheesh Snorkeling Trips | Soma bay Snorkeling

Orange bay or Paradise Island, Mahmya, Eden Beach in Giftun Islands | What is the best Beach Family-friendly with Kids, Seniors & Romantic and Couples Honeymoon & Family Things to do in Hurghada. Comparing the advantages and disadvantages of the beaches of the Giftun Islands in Hurghada with pictures to make the appropriate decision before taking the Snorkeling Boat Trip to go to Orange bay Island, Paradise Island, Eden Island,

Colossi of Memnon in Luxor, Egypt – Egyptian Temples Discover the secrets of building the most famous Pharaonic Egyptian Monuments in the Ancient Egypt civilization, what are the reasons for building it, what are the legends of the Pharaohs “Egyptian Mythology” associated with it, and how to reach it to learn more about the secrets of the Pharaohs throughout the history of the Pharaonic civilization “Ancient Egypt History” to start

Temple of Hatshepsut in Luxor, Egypt – Egyptian Temples Historical facts about the most famous Egyptian funerary Mortuary Temples, discover the secret of Queen Hatshepsut construction in the Ancient Egypt civilization and what are the details of the architectural design and how to reach it and more. Discover The secret of building the Temple of Queen Hatshepsut, The most famous “Female Pharaohs” Egyptian Pharaonic queens from the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt

Luxor Temple in Luxor, Egypt – Egyptian Temples Discover the history of the Pharaonic civilization “Ancient Egypt History” and how the Ancient Egypt civilization began and ended by learning about the most important archaeological funerary Mortuary Temples in the tourist city of Luxor “Thebes”. Luxor Temple includes the largest number of Egyptian Monuments, as it is considered one of the best Egypt Archaeological Sites that tells us the secrets of the lives

World Heritage Sites in Egypt | Discover How many , Which city has UNESCO World Heritage Sites, Egyptian Monuments, Pharaonic Civilization and more… Find out which archaeological sites are considered UNESCO World Heritage, which city, how to get there, a complete map and more Ancient Egypt History. Known as a country with a long and fascinating history, Egypt was home to one of the oldest human civilizations and more Egyptian

Sea Life Hurghada Egypt | The 5 Most Popular Sea Creatures in, Most Common Animals, Most Beautiful Which Animals Live in Deep Sea and Most Common Marine Animals in Hurghada Red Sea. A gateway to some of the most exciting and varied diving for all levels of divers, Hurghada is a good place to base yourself or hop aboard a liveaboard to explore the best the Red Sea has to

Coral Reef Hurghada Egypt | The Best House Coral Reefs dive, Most Beautiful & Most Common Coral Species & Snorkeling Spots & Diving at Abu Ramada Hurghada Red Sea Waters. Snorkeling in Hurghada in the Red Sea offers tourists a variety of underwater locations to choose from. Hurghada was once a small fishing village. But now it has become a busy tourist metropolis with large beachfront hotels and more excursion

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Best Dive Sites Hurghada, Egypt | Top 20 Diving Reefs, Dolphins Places, diver reefs for professional divers, Discover Where is the best spot to dive in Hurghada? Hurghada Egypt, once a sleepy village, is now a booming diving destination. It is considered one of the diving spots in the world. With its long diving history, good diving conditions and a wide range of dive centers/liveaboards, Hurghada should be on your

Hurghada Islands, Egypt | The 10 best, most beautiful and well-known nature reserves, What is the island next to Hurghada and more… A jewel on Egypt’s Red Sea coast, Hurghada is the top choice for many tourists seeking calm turquoise waters and adventurous desert excursions. However, it’s true: the Red Sea is the northernmost tropical sea in the world, and Egypt has the soft white sand beaches, warm waters, and

Hurghada Fish | The Best 7, Most Beautiful & Most Famous Fishes In The Red Sea Egypt & Which Fish Live In Hurghada and more One of the best reasons to go diving in the Egyptian Red Sea is undoubtedly the spectacular array of marine life. More than 200 different species of coral are found on its reefs and more than 1,200 species of bony fish, at least 10 percent

Banana Island in Luxor Egypt | Places to Visit in Luxor The most beautiful recreational places and tourist outings in Luxor, valuable information to start your trip with your family to the most beautiful parks and outing places in Luxor, working hours, entrance ticket prices and more about Ancient Egypt History. What awaits you when you visit the most important tourist places in Luxor and visit the Temple of Esna?

Aga Khan Mausoleum in Aswan, Egypt | Historical mosques. Facts about Egyptian Islamic monuments and the history of the construction of the tomb of Aga Khan III. Information about the most important Islamic Egyptian Antiquities and the secrets of building the most important Islamic Egyptian Monuments and archaeological sites in Egypt from the Fatimid era, working hours, entrance ticket prices and more about the Islamic Egypt History. Aga Khan III was the

Alexandria Aquarium in Alexandria Egypt | Museums in Alexandria The best places for entertainment and recreation in Egypt. The history of the construction of the Alexandria Aquarium, the types of rare fish it contains, entrance ticket prices and working hours of the Aquarium. The most important cultural and entertainment tourist places in Egypt, tourism and more to know about this distinctive place to spend your trip to the coastal city.

Antoniades Garden in Alexandria, Egypt | Activities in Alexandria Antoniadis Garden in Smouha, Alexandria, Egypt | The most beautiful recreational activities in Alexandria, tourist places in Alexandria, picnics, what are the prices of entry tickets and working hours of Antoniadis Gardens and Palace in Alexandria, what it contains of roses and flowers, and more. Antoniadis Gardens and Palace in Alexandria, the most beautiful tourist places, entertainment and holidays for families

Alexandria Zoo in Alexandria, Egypt | Activities in Alexandria Alexandria Zoo is one of the most important recreational activities in Alexandria, tourist places in Alexandria, and outings in Egypt. Information about the Zoo of the Picnic, including entrance ticket prices, working hours, what animals it contains, the distinctive garden, and more. One of the most important tourist attractions that receives great attention from visitors to Alexandria Governorate, young and old,

Talaat Harb Square – Places to Visit in Cairo, Egypt Talaat Harb Square is the oldest historical square in downtown Cairo, Egypt. The history of its establishment, the story of Egyptian architecture, and the most important tourist attractions in Cairo since the era of Khedive Ismail Pasha, formerly known as Suleiman Pasha Street, and more.. One of the main streets in the Egyptian capital, Cairo, it is more than just

Mount Al-Maghara in Sinai, Egypt | Facts, history of the most important Mounts, what is inside and more… The most important Tourist Attractions in South Sinai and attractions of El Arish Sinai in Egypt, the secrets about the Jabal Al-Maghara Valley in South Sinai and its Pharaonic inscriptions and ruins to teach us more about the Pharaonic Civilization. The most important cultural tourist places with adventure tourism in Egypt. What

The Monastery Deir Al-Sabaa Banat in Sinai, Egypt | Facts, history of the most important Coptic monuments, what is inside and more… The history of the establishment of the most important Tourist Attractions in South Sinai Coptic monuments, the most important historical religious tourist sites, and famous Christian monasteries in Egypt and more. The most important Coptic religious tourist places that tourists are interested in visiting every year bless the holy religious place and

Panorama October Museum in Nasr City, Museums in Cairo Egypt Discover the facts and history of the construction of the October 6 War Panorama Museum, the most important military museum in Cairo, to tell us the memory of the victory of the Egyptian army and the restoration of Sinai, working hours, entrance ticket prices and more. Panorama October Museum Facts The history of the establishment of the most important museums

Umm Kulthum Museum in Giza, Museums in Cairo Egypt Umm Kulthum Museum in Cairo Giza Egypt – The most famous museums in Cairo | Discover the facts and history of the construction of the belongings of the Lady of Arabic Singing, the artist Umm Kulthum, opening hours, entrance ticket prices and more. Umm Kulthum Museum Facts The history of the establishment of the most important tourist attractions and art museums

Islamic Ceramics Museum in Zamalek, Giza, Museums in Cairo Egypt Discover the Islamic Egypt History and the facts about Islamic Egyptian Antiquities in the museum. The most important museums in Islamic Cairo, working hours, entrance ticket prices and more. History of the establishment of the most important tourist attractions in Cairo, Egypt. Valuable information about the most important museums of Islamic architecture and what they contain of antiques and artifacts

Egypt Papyrus Museum in Giza, Museums in Cairo Egypt find out facts civilization Egypt Old And history Civilization Pharaonic “Ancient Egypt History” For industry Ancient Egyptian Papyrus Old How? He was Used by Egyptians The ancients By writing In the Ancient Egyptian Language And drawing To discover bezel development Industry in ancient Egypt, Appointments the job And prices Tickets Login and more. better Shrines Tourism Featured in The pyramid Giza

EMPC TV – Media Production City – Places to Visit in Cairo Egypt Media Production City in Cairo, Egypt | Facts and history of building the most important tourist attractions in Cairo, media devices, what they contain of studios and courses, what are the conditions and dates for entering the media city, and more The city is considered one of the largest production cities in the field of media in

Egyptian Agricultural Museum – Museums in Cairo Egypt find out date Civilization Pharaonic “Ancient Egypt History” And facts life Agriculture in Ancient Egypt, Appointments the job And prices Tickets Login and more. Most important Shrines Tourism To know on Ancient Egypt Agricultural via the date beginning from Civilization Pharaonic until now And life Egyptian Pharaohs kings gesticulate she Appointments the job And prices Tickets Login gesticulate Contains it from Antiquities

Temple Ramses II in Abydos, Sohag, Egypt | Facts Pharaonic Temple King of Ramesses II, Map, History, When was temple built, What was the purpose and more.. The most important ancient funerary temples of the ancient Egyptian civilization in Sohag Egypt, the history and secrets of the construction of the Pharaonic temple and a complete description of the temple from the inside and the statues and drawings it contains. Although

Pyramid of Amenemhat I in Lisht in Saqqara Giza, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs Facts about Egyptian tombs and the history of the Pharaonic civilization “Ancient Egypt History“, the most important pyramids of the ancient Egyptian Pharaonic civilization and secrets about the reason for construction and design from the inside, working hours and entrance ticket prices and more. The pyramid was built during the reign of King Amenemhat I, the most

Pyramid of Unas in Saqqara Giza, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs Facts about Egyptian tombs and the history of building the pyramid of King Unas, the most important pyramids of ancient Egyptian Pharaonic civilization and The Secrets of Pyramid Construction and the design from the inside, working hours and entrance ticket prices and more about the Ancient Egypt History. The ancient pyramid was built during the reign of king Unas, the

Pyramid of Djedkare Isesi in Saqqara Giza, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs Facts about Egyptian tombs and the history of building the pyramid of King Djedkare, the most important pyramids of ancient Egyptian Pharaonic civilization and secrets about the reason for construction and design from the inside, working hours and entrance ticket prices, Egypt Archaeological Sites and more about the history of Pharaonic civilization “Ancient Egypt History“. This pyramid is originally

Pyramid of Djedefre in Abu Rawash, Saqqara Giza, Egypt – pyramid of King Djedefre – Egyptian Tombs Facts about Egyptian Tombs and the History of Pharaonic Civilization “Ancient Egypt History“, The most important pyramids of ancient Egyptian Pharaonic civilization and secrets about the reason for construction and design from the inside, working hours and entrance ticket prices and more about The Secrets of Pyramid Construction. The famous pyramid of King

Pyramid of Senusret I in Saqqara Giza, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs Facts about Egyptian tombs and the history of building the pyramid of King Senusret I, the most important pyramids of ancient Egyptian Pharaonic civilization and secrets about the reason for construction and design from the inside, working hours and entrance ticket prices and more about the Ancient Egypt History. The pyramid of King Senusret I “Egyptian Pharaohs kings” is an Egyptian pyramid

Layer Pyramid in Zawyet El Aryan Tombs, Saqqara, Giza, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs Facts about Egyptian tombs and the history of building the pyramid of King Khaba, the most important pyramids of Ancient Egypt Pharaonic civilization and secrets about the reason for construction and design from the inside, working hours and entrance ticket prices and more to discover the secrets of the history of Pharaonic civilization “Ancient Egypt History“. Layer

Pyramid Texts in ancient Egypt | Facts, History, Secrets of the oldest ancient Egyptian funerary texts in Pharaonic Civilization and more. Facts and history of the texts of the pyramids, one of the most important religious texts of the ancient Egyptians, and what it contains of the secrets of the life of the pharaohs and more about Ancient Egypt History. Pyramid Texts The Pyramid Texts are a collection of the

Heliopolis in ancient Egypt | Facts City of the Sun, History ancient Egyptian cities in Pharaonic Civilization, Why was Jwnw, Iunu city considered important to Egyptian history and more about Ancient Egypt History. Facts and history of the city of the sun “Jwnw, Iunu”, the oldest cities and capitals of the ancient Egyptians. Heliopolis, or as it is known as the City of the Sun, as it was a major