God Ra | Facts The Egyptian Gods and Goddesses | God of sun in Pharaonic Civilization & Most Important Ancient Egypt Deities, Mythology Symbols, Definition, Temple, Photo, Who was and more The legends of creation in the Pharaonic civilization.
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Ancient Egyptian literature – ruin legends – poisoning of Ra:
Then Isis said, “Reveal to me your name, my holy Father, because the person lives with the one who recites someone by his name (magic) that I am the one who made heaven and earth, kept the mountains together and created what is on them.
I made the water so that the sacred cow could exist. I was the one who made the bull for the cow so that sexual desires could be born. I am the one who made the mysterious secrets of the horizons so that the spirit of the gods could settle there. I am the one who opened his eyes so that light could come into existence and closed his eyes so that darkness could come into existence, according to his command overflowing from the Nile and (but) the gods did not know his name.
I made the hours so that the days could see the light of day. I opened the year and created the river. It was I who made the fire to give birth to the workers of the palace. I told him in the morning, he was in the back, and I was in the evening. (But) the poison did not stop his biography and the great God did not heal.
“Your name wasn’t really one of those wolves you mentioned to me,” Isis said. If you reveal it to me, the poison will come out, because the person who mentions his name was. »
The legends of God Ra among the Pharaohs:
The god Ra was the chief god of Heliopolis. In an effort to make Ra a universal god, the priests of Heliopolis associated Ra with the funerary gods and those of the afterlife and then. They established a link with Horus which shows how the priests of Heliopolis had a major influence on Egyptian spiritual and political life during the Old Kingdom.
Among the proofs of the success of the priests of Ra in this regard is that his name is part of the name of one of the kings of the second dynasty, and that King Djeser, the greatest king and founder of the third dynasty, called himself “Golden Ra” and distinguished the chief priest of the clergy of Ra during his reign, Imhotep, with an excellent position in his court, and relied heavily on him.
In the Fourth Dynasty, the name Ra entered the names of its most important kings, and the names of many princes such as Chephren (Khaa Ef Ra) and Mekerinos (Men Kao Ra) who bore the royal title of “Son of the Sun”, which quickly became one of the royal titles, along with the title of Horus, which indicated that the king was Horus on earth.
The cult of the sun became important and widespread, paving the way for the establishment of the Fifth Dynasty, which made the religion of Ra the official religion of the state. The kings of the Fifth Dynasty built solar temples and they dedicated vast arable and rich lands to his temple, and since then the kings of the Old Kingdom have considered that their names should bear the name of Ra so in their birth names or coronation names.
The legends of Ra are usually divided into two types of legends, the first of which speaks of Ra, who is at his peak as a young god,and which is his periodic mythology because it speaks of the daily cycle of his night journey and his fight against his fearsome enemy the Serpent Apophis, from his celestial boat during his voyage As he passed through the twelve gates into the afterlife, and these legends represent the golden age of Ra and the world.
The second type of legends of Ra in Egyptian mythology tell us about him in his old age and weakness when humans rebel against him, and how the gods save him (Hathor, Nut, Horus, Khnum, … etc.). These legends represent the end of the golden age of Ra and the world.
All of Ra’s legends were challenges he was able to survive when he was young with his power and weapon, and when he became an elder with the gods around him and with him. If the legends of youth express a regular and active periodic movement of the God Ra as he sweeps away his enemies, the legends of old age reflect a dilapidated and shaky movement to which his sons the gods try to repel the rebellion of human beings and villains by force so that he seems to have finally surrendered to the goddess Isis and given her her secret name to which her power will pass.
In a sense, these legends may have referred to one of the cosmic cycles or the saros cycle as Greece calls it, where the myths of aging refer to the wilting and extinction of the sun and this indicates the end of a solar cosmic cycle.
- The legend of the eternal cycle (the celestial boat)
- The myth of the cycle of the day (The Daily Defeat of the Serpent Apophis) or (Book of the Dead)
- The legend of the night cycle – the passage of Ra into the afterlife the book of the Imy Dwat.
God Ra (God of Iuno):
The Iuno school emphasized that the Creator God is Ra, who takes a triad form.
- Kheperi: The rising sun and its symbol the beetle
- Ra: The God of the Sun from morning to evening and symbolizes it by the stork (Benu).
- Atum: The God of the setting sun, symbolized by the serpent or the lotus flower.
This solar trinity was the basis of the cosmogony of the School of Iuno, which sees that the sun god first appeared in the form of Atum, which appeared from Nun, the symbol of deep primordial waters, which summarizes divine cosmogony of Heliopolis, but (Aten) found no place to stand on a hill and then climbed on a stone. in the form of an obelisk (Ben Ben) in Iuno (Heliopolis), the symbol of the sun.
Atum remained in his solitude and then mixed with his shadow or masturbated, producing two elements: the masculine form of the air is the God (Shou), and the female form of moisture is the goddess (Tefnut), then completed the well-known Eneade which we will discuss in the third genesis.
Atum means (which was integrated after absorbing others) and was “found in the primitive earthly hill, facts that suggest that he was depicted as a divine representative of all those early living beings who, since the dawn of history, originated from the primitive hill where they mingled with it according to a theological interpretation, and this result seems to be supported by some texts that say that the gods are those who merged into Atum and not the first living beings.
The myth of the god Ra and the beginning of creation:
The god Ra is considered the great “symbol of the sun “Ancient Egyptian gods” and Religious rituals in the Pharaonic , among the ancient Egyptians in the ages The Old Kingdom of Pharaonic Egypt, where he had a son who was a God Hathor and her son is God Horus.
In the era of the Old Kingdom there were priests Egyptian Temples, The god On is linked to the name of the god Ra with the name of the God Aton, To become the god “Atum-Ra”, from here I began writing The Pharaonic legends, That God Atum Ra came to Earth in the form of a child sitting on The Pharaonic Lotus Flower the Pharaoh who mythically emerges from the midst of the sacred waters and then ascends to the top of the eternal hill to begin the creation of the universe.
Other scenes of the god Atum-Ra were depicted on the walls of temples, with a small child sitting on the back of a cow and standing on top of the eternal hill in the middle of the eternal sacred waters.
Other scenes were depicted of the Phoenix bird, “the symbol of the sun,” standing at the top of the eternal hill, “Ben Ben,” which appears in the middle of the eternal sacred waters, after which the creation of the universe begins.
Every day with sunset, the god Atum-Ra disappears and descends to the ground to fight monsters in the night and the underworld and join the God Osiris Until the sunrise he is reborn with new strength and a new day begins.
- It was discovered that the worship of the god Ra was widely spread in the era Second Dynasty of Egypt around 2850 BC, the name of one of the kings called “Ra Neb” was discovered.
- Inscriptions with the name Ra and binoculars were discovered King Djoser “Egyptian Pharaohs kings” from Third Dynasty of Egypt with 3 Female Pharaohs on funerary shrines found from the ancient city of On.
- One of the king’s titles has been discovered Djoser “Ra Nebo” is engraved on his stone statue, and he is wearing a robe for the Sed Festival “Festivals in Ancient Egypt“.
- King Djoser, the most important king of the Pharaohs and founder of the Third Dynasty of Egypt, built a special temple to worship the god Ra in the city of On. It was known as “Bar Nebo,” which means the House of Gold, which symbolizes the golden rays of the sun.
- Cartouches were painted on the walls of temples and Egyptian Tombs Pharaonic as a symbol of everything that is surrounded by the disk of the sun, starting from the era of his reign King Huni, Where the king’s name is written inside an oval shape to symbolize the strength of the bond between the Pharaonic king and the god Ra.
- The importance of worshiping God Ra increased Fourth Dynasty of Egypt Many of the temple priests obtained titles such as the title of “chief seer of On” and performed special rituals to worship the sun and stars, until it spread strongly among the general public and increased the influence of the priests of the Temple of Ra in the city of On.
- Announce King Sneferu he himself was like the sun god during his reign, and he violated all the religious traditions and beliefs of the Pharaoh kings and built the burial chamber with a curved Bent Pyramid Leaning Pyramid “In the upper part, not underground, as was the practice in the beliefs and traditions of the kings of the Pharaonic dynasty.
What is the name of the god Ra?
His title was the sun god.
What did the god Ra symbolize?
It symbolized the disk of the sun.
Who is the wife of the god Ra?
Hathor was the only wife of the god Ra.
Who is the mother of the Symbol of Sun?
The mother is Noun, a member of the Heliopolis ninth.
Who are the children of the Symbol of Sun?
The god Ra had four children: Sekhmet, Tefnut, Bast and Shu.
the symbol of the sun among the ancient Egyptians and pharaohs | Facts and history of the gods and religious beliefs in the civilization of ancient Egypt, discover myths, temples, tales about him, and more.
The Symbol of Sun is the sun god of the ancient Egyptians, and he is one of the most famous deities in antiquity, especially in the period of the Fifth Dynasty, which was in the 24th to 25th century BC. Learn more about the Symbol of Sun and his area of worship below.
Glimpse of the Symbol of Sun
- Symbol of Sun was the main deity in the era of the Fifth Dynasty, and in later ages, Symbol of Sun was joined with the god Horus.
- Horus was also the sun god of the ancient Egyptians, and their name was “Ra-Harakhty”.
- Symbol of Sun was the god who ruled the earth and the sky as well as the underworld.
- While Horus was the god of the ocean and he symbolized Horus with the falcon.
- There was contact between the god Ra and Amun in the 16th and 11th centuries BC due to the large appearance of Amon in the arena.
- The contact was in the Amarna era, and Akhenaten was one of the pharaohs interested in religion, so he suppressed the sect of the Amun-Re doctrine in favor of his monotheism religion.
- The worship of the bull Munifs was among the cults that aimed to embody the god Ra, and it was the center of worship in the city of On or Heliopolis.
- In the past, it was believed that the Symbol of Sun was the one who created life in all its forms, even the one who created the names of creatures and existents.
- It is said that man was created from the tears and sweat of the Symbol of Sun, as the Egyptians used to call themselves in the past “An’am Ra”.
The name of the god Ra
- Draw the name of the Symbol of Sun in hieroglyphs is
- The symbols of the Symbol of Sun are the obelisks, and there are two obelisks from Hatshepsut, one in Karnak and one in Paris.
- Ramses II also built a hall at Karnak and also built a temple for him in Abu Simbel.
The legend of the god Ra
- There is a legend about the Symbol of Sun, which shows how much the god was fighting against evil and chaos.
- An ancient symbol of chaos and evil was a snake called “Apophis”.
- Since the Symbol of Sun is the god of the sun, the sun was setting and the god would ride a sacred boat that he would carry underground through the Nile River.
- On his journey to the underground, he considers 12 gates, and each gate he crosses within an hour.
- The 12 hours are the hours of the night, which are from five in the evening to five in the morning.
- It is said that the god Ra during his journey was facing many dangers, and was able to repel them with the help of the god Set.
- The god Set stands at the front of the boat and confronts the snake so that it does not come close to the boat.
- After that long journey, the Symbol of Sun reappears on the surface of the earth, and when the sun appears, it is evidence of the victory of the god Ra over dangers and evils.
- The 12 gates are located on the coffins of the dead, and each door has the name of a specific hour of the night.
- It symbolized the Symbol of Sun by returning to life and the daily cycle since it appears on a daily basis.