Tenth Dynasty of Egypt
Tenth Dynasty of ancient Egypt | Facts, History | Who were the pharaohs 10th Pharaonic Dynasty

Tenth Dynasty of Egypt | Facts Ancient Egypt, 10th Dynasty History | Who were the pharaohs 10th Pharaonic Dynasty, List of Egyptian Pharaohs kings and Female Pharaohs

The kings of the Pharaohs ruled the Tenth Egyptian Dynasty in ancient Egypt for nearly 90 years, as the family’s control over Egypt began from 2130 until 2040 BC. The family came in the first period of transition to Egypt and immediately after it began the beginning of the Middle Kingdom in ancient Egypt and the rule of King Mentuhotep I founder of the 11th Dynasty. Learn more information about the family in addition to Egypt in its First Intermediate Period.

Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs Kings of the Tenth Dynasty of Egypt:

It was the time period to rule kingsThe Tenth Dynasty of Egypt from 2130 to 2040 B.C.

King Meryhathor or Meryt-HathorRuled Reign period: 2130 BC
King Neferkare VIIIRuled Reign period in Ancient Egyptian Government: 2130 – 2040 BC
King Wahkare Khety
King Merikare or Merykare, MerykaraRuled Reign period: 2075–2040 BC

What are 10 interesting facts about ancient Egypt?

  1. Kings of Tenth Dynasty of Egypt take “Memphis” the capital of Egypt, which is located near the city of “Mit Rahina” now, and is approximately 20 km from Cairo.
  2. The system of government and Social Structure in Ancient Egypt followed in that family was the system of absolute monarchy, which means that rule is in the hands of only one individual, whether the king or the queen.
  3. Therefore, there is no constitution or Law in Ancient Egypt that reduces the king’s authority, as it is absolute.
  4. The official language used in that era was the Ancient Egyptian Language.
  5. The period of the first transition for Egypt was the era of chaos and Revolutions in Ancient Egypt and decay, and there was a complete collapse in the Egyptian central government system.
  6. This period began in the 6th Dynasty with the death of King Pepi II during the Old Kingdom of Egypt and continued until the Eleventh Dynasty, which was able to rule the country from foreigners.
  7. The history of the Pharaonic civilization, the names of the Pharaonic kings and Pharaonic queens of Egypt in the civilization of ancient Egypt, what are the discovered Pharaonic antiquities, the achievements of each king and queen, and more for more than 90 years, the most important Pharaonic kings, the first era of decline, and more about Ancient Egypt History.
  8. The first member of that tenth Egyptian dynasty, King Meryhathor, ruled Egypt beginning in 2130 BC, but it is not known when his rule ended.
  9. Next comes King Neferkare VIII, who ruled Egypt from 2130 to 2040 BC.
  10. King Wahkare Khety is a member of that family, but not much information was mentioned about him, so there is no information about when his rule began.

The last member of that family, King Merikare, ruled Egypt until the year 2040, and it is also unknown when he began his rule over Egypt.

Egypt’s First Intermediate Period

  • The social revolution was the first step that came during the Tenth Dynasty, and that period broke out because of the taxes that were imposed on the ancient Egyptian farmer, as well as in Agriculture in Ancient Egypt.
  • After the social revolution, chaos and corruption began to spread in all regions of ancient Egypt, as well as in the Geography of ancient Egypt. Scarcity also spread, as did moral decay, and Ancient Egyptian science deteriorated.
  • The Egyptian also no longer cared about religious traditions or the beliefs of the ancient Egyptian deities in that period, and interest in the Ancient Egyptian religion changed, and despite the little evidence that talked about that period, it depicted to us the amount of corruption that came in that period.
  • Among the devastations that also spread during that period was the revolt of the public against the officials, and even the mercenary soldiers also revolted against the leaders of the country.


Note: Facts and secrets of the history of the Pharaoh kings will be added soon…

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Tenth Dynasty of ancient Egypt | Facts, History | Who were the pharaohs 10th Pharaonic Dynasty

Tenth Dynasty of ancient Egypt | Facts, History | Who were the pharaohs 10th Pharaonic Dynasty

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Tamer Ahmed
Eng. Tamer Ahmed | Author & Researcher in History of Ancient Egypt Pharaohs. Booking Your Tours Online Whatsapp: +201112596434