Ernesto Schiaparelli – Egyptologists | Facts, History, Secrets life of the most important Italian archaeologists and Egyptology and more…
Discover the lives and secrets of the most important Italian archaeologists and Egyptologists and what are the most important archaeological discoveries he made in Egypt Archaeological Sites to learn about the history of the Pharaonic civilization and more Ancient Egypt History..
The archaeologist Ernesto Schiaparelli, who was born on July 12, 1856 and died on February 14, 1928, was one of the most famous archaeologists in history..
Ernesto Schiaparelli Facts
He is also an Italian Egyptologist, born in Ochipo Enver Uri in Biella. At the same time, he was a member of a very distinguished family of ancient scholars. Then his father, who was called Luigi Schiaparelli, carried out educational operations and taught ancient archaeological history at the University of Turin..
Ernesto Schiaparelli is the scientist who had previously been able to find the Tomb of Nefertari within the tombs of the Valley of the Queens in Luxor, which is the burial place of Queen Nefertari, the most famous Pharaonic queen of Egypt “Female Pharaohs“, wife of King Ramses II, the most famous Egyptian Pharaohs kings from the Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt in the era of The New Kingdom of Egypt, as he had found it. In Deir el-Medina in the Valley of the Queens, this was in (1904).
Not only that, but he was able to dig the tomb bearing the number with the Royal Engineer at that time in the year (1906).).
As this tomb was found intact, it was also a fully displayed tomb in the Turin region. Then he was appointed to be the executive and direct director of the Egyptian Museum in the Florence area.
At that time, he succeeded in reorganizing once again all of the archaeological collection in the museum with great professionalism and placing it in new quarters, and this was done efficiently in 1880..
Not only that, but at the height of his professional and archaeological career, he was appointed to become the direct and executive director of the Egizio di Torino Museum, a museum with which he had at the same time a large number of excavation seasons..
Among his works in his professional career is that he created the second largest Egyptian museum in the world. He was also the author and writer of a very large number of the most important and famous scientific works.
At that time, he was also an active and influential member of the Senate of the Kingdom of Italy.
We are still talking about the most important works of the Egyptologist Ernesto Schiaparelli, who was very deeply involved from his first stay in Egypt, specifically with the Franciscan missionaries who were living in Luxor in the period in 1884..
He also played a very important role in succeeding in significantly alleviating the severe poverty that he had already seen among preachers in the Upper Egypt region.
And then he was the one who founded for them in Upper Egypt a humanitarian association whose opportunities for assistance were named().
Then this association succeeded in expanding its activity and work in order to provide care for all Italian immigrants residing all over the world, particularly in the Near East..
Archaeological expeditions he carried out before
In fact, between the time period of 1903 and 1920, the Egyptologist Ernesto Schiaparelli had undertaken twelve historical or archaeological expeditions, and then succeeded in opening a number of archaeological sites in Heliopolis..
He carried out archaeological campaigns on the tombs in Giza, in Hermopolis, and the Pharaonic Egyptian Tombs in Asyut, and in Talat of Al-Qaw Al-Kabir, and two mountains, and also in Aswan Governorate, specifically the tomb of Harkhuf..
Also, in 1902, he had obtained or been granted permission to succeed in excavating that western cemetery located in Giza Governorate, and that was from the scientist Gaston Maspero, who at that time was the director of the Egyptian Antiquities Service..
Note: Facts and secrets of the history will be added soon…
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