Tomb Queen Neferu II – TT319 in Tombs of Deir Al-Madina – Theban Tombs, Luxor, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs Facts about the construction of the most famous Egyptian Pharaonic tombs in the ancient Egyptian civilization. The tomb was built during the reign of King Mentuhotep II “Egyptian Pharaohs kings” of the Eleventh Dynasty of Egypt during the Middle Kingdom of Egypt and is considered one of the most famous queens of Pharaonic Egypt
Tomb of Amenemhat – TT340 in Tombs of Deir Al-Madina – Theban Tombs, Luxor, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs Facts about the construction of the most famous Egyptian Pharaonic tombs in the ancient Egyptian civilization. He worked as a servant in the royal palace during the reign of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt in The New Kingdom of Egypt. Discover the historical facts and secrets of the construction of the most important ancient Egyptian
Tomb of Nakhtamun “Nakhtamon” – TT335 in Tombs of Deir Al-Madina – Theban Tombs, Luxor, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs Facts about the construction of the most famous Egyptian Pharaonic tombs in the ancient Egyptian civilization. He worked as a servant in the temple of God Amun during the reign of King Ramses II and then king Merenptah “Egyptian Pharaohs kings” of the Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt in The New Kingdom of Egypt. Discover
Tomb of Inerkhau – TT359 and TT299 in Tombs of Deir Al-Madina – Theban Tombs, Luxor, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs Facts about building the most famous Egyptian Pharaonic tombs in the ancient Egyptian civilization. The foreman worked on buildings and temples during the reign of King Ramses III and then King Ramesses IV “Egyptian Pharaohs kings” of the Twentieth Egyptian Dynasty in The Ramesside Period. Discover Ancient Egypt History, historical facts and secrets
Tomb of Neferhotep II – TT216 in Tombs of Deir Al-Madina – Theban Tombs, Luxor, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs Facts about the construction of the most famous Egyptian Pharaonic tombs in the ancient Egyptian civilization. The foreman worked on the royal buildings during the reign of King Ramses II “Egyptian Pharaohs kings” of the Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt in The New Kingdom of Egypt. Discover the historical facts and Ancient Egypt History and
Tomb of Ramose – TT 7, TT 212, TT 250 in Tombs of Deir Al-Madina – Theban Tombs, Luxor, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs Facts about the construction of the most famous Egyptian Pharaonic tombs in the ancient Egyptian civilization. He worked as the general supervisor of the royal buildings during the reign of King Ramses II “Egyptian Pharaohs kings” of the Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt in The New Kingdom of Egypt. Discover the
Tomb of Neferhotep I and Nebnefer – TT6 in Tombs of Deir Al-Madina – Theban Tombs, Luxor, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs Facts about building the most famous Egyptian Pharaonic tombs in the ancient Egyptian civilization. He worked as the general supervisor and foreman of the royal buildings during the reign of King Horemheb of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt, then King Ramses II “Egyptian Pharaohs kings” of the Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt in
Tomb of Sennedjem – TT1 in Tombs of Deir Al-Madina – Theban Tombs, Luxor, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs Facts about the construction of the most famous Egyptian Pharaonic tombs in the ancient Egyptian civilization. Sen Najm was an engineer and general supervisor of the royal buildings during the reign of King Ramses II “Egyptian Pharaohs kings” of the Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt in The New Kingdom of Egypt. Discover the historical facts
Tomb of Samut “Kyky, Kiki” – TT409 in Tombs of Al-Assassif – Theban Tombs, Luxor, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs The most famous Egyptian Pharaonic tombs in the ancient Egyptian civilization, Samot worked as a general supervisor to review crops and livestock in the treasuries of the Temple of the God Amun during the reign of King Ramses II “Egyptian Pharaohs kings” of the Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt in The New Kingdom of
Tomb of Nefermenu – TT365 in Tombs of El Khokha – Theban Tombs, Luxor, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs The most famous Egyptian Pharaonic tombs in the ancient Egyptian civilization. He worked as a scribe to record Agriculture in Ancient Egypt and imports in the treasuries of the Egyptian Temples of the God Amun “Egyptian deities – Ancient Egyptian gods and Goddesses” and the general supervisor of the manufacture of wigs for the king
Tomb of Nefersekheru – TT296 in Tombs of El Khokha – Theban Tombs, Luxor, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs The most famous Egyptian Pharaonic tombs in the ancient Egyptian civilization. Nefersekheru was the general supervisor of food and offerings treasuries in Egyptian Temples during the reign of King Ramses II “Egyptian Pharaohs kings” of the Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt in the New Kingdom of Egypt. Discover the historical facts and history of the Pharaonic
Tomb of Paroy “Djehutimes, Tuhmosis” – TT295 in Tombs of El Khokha – Theban Tombs, Luxor, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs The most famous Egyptian Pharaonic tombs in the ancient Egyptian civilization. He worked as a priest in the temple of the God Anubis, the most famous Egyptian deities – Ancient Egyptian gods and Goddesses in the Ancient Egyptian religion, and supervised the mummification process among the ancient Egyptians “Mummification in ancient Egypt” during
Tomb of Ipuky and Nebamon – TT181 in Tombs of El Khokha – Theban Tombs, Luxor, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs The most famous Egyptian Pharaonic tombs in the ancient Egyptian civilization. Ibuki was a sculptor while Neb Amun was the general supervisor of sculptors during the reign of the pharaohs of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt in The New Kingdom of Egypt. Discover the historical facts and secrets of building the most important
Tomb of Kenro “Neferrenpet” – TT178 in Tombs of El Khokha – Theban Tombs, Luxor, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs The most famous Egyptian Pharaonic tombs in the ancient Egyptian civilization. He worked as a clerk of crops and grains arriving at the stores of the temple of the God Amun “Egyptian deities – Ancient Egyptian gods and Goddesses” during the reign of King Ramses II “Egyptian Pharaohs kings” of the Nineteenth Dynasty
Tomb of TT175 in Tombs of El Khokha – Theban Tombs, Luxor, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs The most famous Egyptian Pharaonic tombs in the Ancient Egypt civilization. Discover the historical facts and secrets of building the most important ancient Egyptian Pharaonic tombs, what are the most important drawings and engravings on the walls of the tomb, the history of the Pharaonic civilization, the plan from the inside, how to get there, and
Tomb of Amenemope “Amenemopet’ – TT148 in Tombs of Draa Abu Al-Naja – Theban Tombs, Luxor, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs The most famous Egyptian Pharaonic tombs in the ancient Egyptian civilization, the high priest worked in the temple of the God Amun, the most famous Egyptian deities – Ancient Egyptian gods and Goddesses in the Ancient Egyptian religion during the reign of King Ramses III and then King Ramesses IV, the most
Tomb of Amenemonet “Ameneminet” – TT277 in in Tombs of Gournet Merii – Theban Tombs, Luxor, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs The most famous Egyptian Pharaonic tombs in the ancient Egyptian civilization, the high priest worked in the funerary Egyptian Temples during the reign of King Amenhotep III, the most famous Egyptian Pharaohs kings of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt in The New Kingdom of Egypt Discover the history of the Pharaonic civilization
Tomb of Paheqamen “Pahekamen, Benia” – TT343 in Tombs of Sheikh Abdel Gorna – Theban Tombs, Luxor, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs The most famous Egyptian Pharaonic tombs in the ancient Egyptian civilization, he worked as the general supervisor of the royal buildings during the reign of King Ahmose I, the most famous Egyptian Pharaohs kings of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt in The New Kingdom of Egypt. Discover Ancient Egypt History and secrets
Tomb of Nakhtamon – TT341 in Tombs of Sheikh Abdel Gorna – Theban Tombs, Luxor, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs The most famous Egyptian Pharaonic tombs in the ancient Egyptian civilization, he worked as the general supervisor of slaughtering cattle and offerings in The Temple of Ramesseum during the reign of King Ramses II, the most famous Egyptian Pharaohs kings of the Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt in The New Kingdom of Egypt. Discover the
Tomb of Senemiah and Piay, Pairy – TT127 in Tombs of Sheikh Abdel Gorna – Theban Tombs, Luxor, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs The most famous Egyptian Pharaonic tombs in the ancient Egyptian civilization, he worked as a royal scribe and general supervisor of agricultural crops during the reign of King Thutmose III, the most famous Egyptian Pharaohs kings of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt in The New Kingdom of Egypt. Discover the historical
Tomb of Rekhmire – TT100 in Tombs of Sheikh Abdel Gorna – Theban Tombs, Luxor, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs The most famous Egyptian Pharaonic tombs in the ancient Egyptian civilization, he worked as a minister within the royal court during the reign of King Thutmose III and then King Amenhotep II, the most famous Egyptian Pharaohs kings of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt in The New Kingdom of Egypt. Discover the historical facts
Tomb of Sennefer – TT96 in Tombs of Sheikh Abdel Gorna – Theban Tombs, Luxor, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs The most famous Egyptian Pharaonic tombs in the ancient Egyptian civilization, the governor of the city of Thebes worked during the reign of King Amenhotep II, the most famous Egyptian Pharaohs kings of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt in The New Kingdom. Discover the historical facts “Ancient Egypt History” and secrets of building the
Tomb of Amethu “Aametju, Ahmosis, Ahmose” – TT83 in Tombs of Sheikh Abdel Gorna – Theban Tombs, Luxor, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs The most famous Egyptian Pharaonic tombs in the ancient Egyptian civilization “Ancient Egypt History“, he worked as a minister in the ruling class during the reign of King Thutmose III, the most famous Egyptian Pharaohs kings of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt in The New Kingdom. Discover the historical facts and
Tomb of Amenemhat – TT82 in Tombs of Sheikh Abdel Gorna – Theban Tombs, Luxor, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs The most famous Egyptian Pharaonic tombs in the ancient Egyptian civilization, he worked as the general supervisor and writer of agricultural crops and grains during the reign of King Thutmose III, the most famous Egyptian Pharaohs kings of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt in The New Kingdom of Egypt. Discover the history of the
Tomb of Horemheb – TT78 in Tombs of Sheikh Abdel Gorna – Theban Tombs, Luxor, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs The most famous Egyptian Pharaonic tombs in the ancient Egyptian civilization, he worked as the general supervisor of cows and cattle, then the commander of the archers in the Military of ancient Egypt during the reign of King Thutmose III, then King Amenhotep III, the most famous Egyptian Pharaohs kings of the Eighteenth Dynasty
Tomb of Ptahemhet and Roy – TT77 in Tombs of Sheikh Abdel Gorna – Theban Tombs, Luxor, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs The most famous Egyptian Pharaonic tombs in the ancient Egyptian civilization, he worked as a royal standard bearer during the reign of King Thutmose IV, the most famous Egyptian Pharaohs kings of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt in The New Kingdom of Egypt. Discover the history of the Pharaonic civilization “Ancient Egypt
Tomb of Senet “Antefoqer” – TT60 in Tombs of Sheikh Abdel Gorna – Theban Tombs, Luxor, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs The most famous Egyptian Pharaonic double tombs with Mrs. Senet “the mother” in the ancient Egyptian civilization, he worked as a minister within the royal court during the reign of King Senusret I, the most famous Egyptian Pharaohs kings of the Twelfth Dynasty of Egypt during the Middle Kingdom of Egypt, while the
Tomb of Userhat “Neferhabef” – TT51 in Tombs of Sheikh Abdel Gorna – Theban Tombs, Luxor, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs The most famous Egyptian Pharaonic tombs of the priest Neferhaf in the ancient Egyptian civilization, he worked as a priest of the temple of the God Amun during the reign of King Thutmose I, the most famous pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt in The New Kingdom of Egypt. Discover the facts
Tomb of Thiut “Tutemheb, Djehuty, Djehutyemheb” – TT45 in Tombs of Sheikh Abdel Gorna – Theban Tombs, Luxor, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs The most famous Egyptian Pharaonic tombs by the writer Thoth Em Heb in the ancient Egyptian civilization, he worked as the general supervisor in Beit Meri and the head of the textile workers in the temple of the God Amun during the reign of King Amenhotep II, the most famous Egyptian
Tomb of Ipy “Amenemopet” – TT41 in Tombs of Sheikh Abdel Gorna – Theban Tombs, Luxor, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs The most famous Egyptian Pharaonic tombs by the writer Ibi in the Ancient Egypt civilization, he worked as the general supervisor in the temple of the God Amun during the reign of the Egyptian Pharaohs kings of the Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt during the period of the The New Kingdom. Discover the facts
Tomb of Djeserkareseneb “Djeserkaraseneb, Djeserka” – TT38 in Tombs of Sheikh Abdel Gorna – Theban Tombs, Luxor, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs The most famous Egyptian Pharaonic tombs by the writer Dser Kare Seneb in the ancient Egyptian civilization, he worked as a grain and agricultural crops counter in the storehouses of the temple of the God Amun during the reign of King Thutmose IV, the most famous Egyptian Pharaohs kings of the Eighteenth
Tomb of Puimre “Puyemre” in Tombs of El Khokha – Theban Tombs, Luxor, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs The most famous Egyptian Pharaonic tombs in the ancient Egyptian civilization. The priest Bumera worked as a priest in the temple of the God Amun, the most famous of the Egyptian deities – Ancient Egyptian gods and Goddesses in the Ancient Egyptian religion during the reign of King Thutmose III “Egyptian Pharaohs kings” of the
Tomb of Amenhotep Huy – TT40 in Tombs of Gournet Merii – Theban Tombs, Luxor, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs The most famous Egyptian Pharaonic tombs in the ancient Egyptian civilization, he was the ruler of the Kush region in southern Egypt and the viceroy during the reign of King Tutankhamun, the most famous Egyptian Pharaohs kings of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt in The New Kingdom of Egypt.. Facts and history of
Tomb of Ankhtifi “Ankhtify” in The cemetery of El Muaalla – Theban Tombs, Luxor, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs Facts and history of the Pharaonic civilization “Ancient Egypt History“, the tenth dynasty, the design of the tomb, visiting hours, entrance ticket prices and more… In fact, the importance of the Ankhtifi tomb is due to it being an archaeological tomb dating back to a period of one hundred years and its construction dates
Tomb of Kheruef “Senaa, Sesh” – TT192 in Tombs of Al-Assassif – Theban Tombs, Luxor, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs The most famous Egyptian Pharaonic tombs in the ancient Egyptian civilization, he worked in the royal court and ruling in ancient Egypt “Ancient Egyptian Government” during the reign of the Egyptian Pharaohs kings of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt in The New Kingdom of Egypt. Ancient Egypt History and the facts about the
Tomb of Khonsu
- Egyptian Tombs, Pharaonic Tourist attractions in Luxor
- Ancient Egypt, Egyptian Tombs, God Atum, God Ra, King Ramses III, Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt, The New Kingdom, Theban tombs, things to do in Luxor, Tomb of Khonsu, Tombs of Sheikh Abdel Gorna, Tourist Attractions in Luxor, Twentieth Egyptian Dynasty
Tomb of Khonsu “To, Ta” – TT31 in Tombs of Sheikh Abdel Gorna – Theban Tombs, Luxor, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs The most famous Egyptian Pharaonic tombs for the nobles in the Ancient Egypt civilization and more about Ancient Egypt History, The tomb of the famous scribe Khonsu was discovered in Luxor, which was abundant in Qurna on the West Bank in the city of Luxor, where there were a
Theban Tombs – list Tombs of The Nobles in Luxor, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs A list of the names of the most important Egyptian Pharaonic tombs in the Theban Funerary Cemetery in the Ancient Egypt civilization and what it contains of secrets of the life of the Egyptians to tell us the history of the Pharaonic civilization “Ancient Egypt History” and start visiting the tourist attractions in Luxor in addition
Tomb of Menna in Tombs of Sheikh Abdel Gorna – Theban Tombs, Luxor, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs. The most famous Egyptian Pharaonic tombs The writer Menna in the ancient Egyptian civilization, worked as the general supervisor of agriculture in ancient Egypt in the agricultural fields during the reign of King Thutmose IV and then King Amenhotep III, the most famous Egyptian Pharaohs kings of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt in The New Kingdom
Tomb of Nakht and Tawy “wife” – TT52 in Tombs of Sheikh Abdel Gorna – Theban Tombs, Luxor, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs The most famous Egyptian Pharaonic tombs of the writer Nakht in the ancient Egyptian civilization, he worked as a writer and was responsible for Astronomy in ancient Egypt during the reign of King Thutmose IV, the most famous Egyptian Pharaohs kings of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt in The New Kingdom
Tomb of Pabasa – TT279 in Tombs of Deir Al-Madina – Theban Tombs, Luxor, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs Facts about the construction of the most famous Egyptian Pharaonic tombs in the ancient Egyptian civilization and more about Ancient Egypt History. He was the head and general supervisor of the temple of God Amun in the city of Nekhen during the reign of King Psamtik I of the Twenty-Sixth Dynasty of Egypt in the Late
Tomb of Pashedu – TT3 or Pashed in Tombs of Deir Al-Madina – Theban Tombs, Luxor, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs Facts about the construction of the most famous Egyptian Pharaonic tombs in the ancient Egyptian civilization. Bashedu was the general supervisor of the temples and royal buildings during the reign of King Ramses II “Egyptian Pharaohs kings” of the Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt in The New Kingdom of Egypt.. Tomb of Pashedu Facts
Tomb of Ramosa TT55 in Tombs of Sheikh Abdel Gorna – Theban Tombs, Luxor, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs The most famous Egyptian Pharaonic tombs Minister Ramuza in the ancient Egyptian civilization, worked as the governor of the city of Thebes in southern Egypt during the reign of King Amenhotep III and then King Akhenaton, the most famous Egyptian Pharaohs kings of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt in The New Kingdom of Egypt. Discover
Tomb of Roy in Tombs of Draa Abu Al-Naja – Theban Tombs, Luxor, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs The most famous Egyptian Pharaonic tombs in the ancient Egyptian civilization, he worked as the general supervisor and scribe of crops and livestock for the king’s storehouses and the temple of the God Amun, the most famous of the Egyptian deities – Ancient Egyptian gods and Goddesses during the reign of King Horemheb, the most
Tomb of Shuroy – TT13 in Tombs of Draa Abu Al-Naja – Theban Tombs, Luxor, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs The most famous Egyptian Pharaonic tombs in the ancient Egyptian civilization, he worked as the general supervisor of the slaves carrying incense in the temple of the god Amun-Ra during the reign of the pharaohs of the Twentieth Egyptian Dynasty “The Ramesside Period” of The New Kingdom of Egypt. Discover the history of