Queen Ahhotep II | Female Pharaohs in Seventeenth Dynasty of Egypt, The most famous Pharaohs. Discover the historical facts about the Queen Ahhotep II in Ancient Egypt History, what are the most important Egyptian Antiquities discoveries, secrets of his private life, and more about Ancient Egypt. Husband “Spouse’: King Kamose “Egyptian Pharaohs kings“. Biography: She did not rule or participate in Ancient Egyptian Government. Discoveries: Royal tomb in the Tombs of

King Seqenenre Tao “Seqenera Djehuty-aa or Sekenenra Taa” – Egyptian Pharaohs kings – Seventeenth Dynasty of Egypt, The most famous, Discover the historical facts about the Pharaonic king in Ancient Egypt History, what are the most important Egyptian Antiquities discoveries, secrets of his private life in Ancient Egypt, and more. Ruled Reign period in Ancient Egyptian Government: 1558–1554 BC Father: King Senakhtenre Ahmose or King Intef VII Mother: Queen Tetisheri

Thebes, ancient Egypt, the city of the scepter “Waset” | Discover the facts and history of the oldest Egyptian cities in the Pharaonic civilization of Egypt as in Geography of ancient Egypt, and what are the most important archaeological monuments in them, such as Egyptian Temples, historical Egyptian Tombs, and more Ancient Egypt History. Thebes, Egypt, the City of the Scepter, is one of the cities rich in Pharaonic Egyptian

King Kamose Famous Egyptian Pharaohs kings in Seventeenth Dynasty of Egypt | The Secrets of Rulers Pharaohs, History King Kames fighting against the Hyksos of Ancient Egypt | Facts Coffin & Mummy and more about Ancient Egypt History. Story of the most important kings of the pharaohs fighting against the Hyksos in the civilization of Ancient Egypt. The secrets of the life of the last pharaoh of the 17th Thebes dynasty and

Tomb of Roy | The history of the construction “The tomb of the Scribe Roy” of the most beautiful Pharaonic Tombs of nobles in the Tombs of Draa Abu Al-Naja in Thebes, Luxor in Ancient Egypt. History Of Egyptian and secrets about the tomb of the royal scribe in the Pharaonic dynasty 18 and the interior conception of his tomb, the inscriptions that were discovered, the dates of visit, entrance tickets

Tombs of Draa Abu Al-Naja in Luxor Egypt | Pharaonic Tombs Dra’ Abu el-Naga. List of the names of the tombs of the nobles in the The Pharaonic Tombs from Thebes of Luxor, Ancient Egypt Civilization. History Of Egyptian and Secrets of the construction of the most important Pharaonic Tombs of the ancient Egyptians, pharaonic archaeological tombs in Luxor, entrance ticket prices, work dates and more to start your sightseeing