Fatimid Cemetery in Aswan Egypt | Islamic Tourist attractions, Facts, Directory Location, Plan from Inside & Architecture, Bio, How to get there, and more.

Gebel el-Silsila “Silsileh” in Aswan Egypt | Pharaonic Tourist attractions, Facts, Directory Location, Plan from Inside & Architecture, Bio, How to get there, and more about Jabal al-Silsila, Gabal as-Silsila, Chain of Mountains, Series of Mountains”.

Nile Museum in Aswan Egypt | Museums in Aswan, Ticket Price, Opening Hours, Facts, Directory Location, Plan Museum from Inside & Architecture , Bio, how to get there, and more.

Archangel Michael’s Coptic Orthodox Cathedral in Aswan Egypt | Coptic Tourist attractions, Facts, location, plan, Bio, Discover historical facts about the building of the church, how to get there, and more.

Aga Khan Mausoleum in Aswan Egypt | Facts, History, Map, Entrance Fees Price, Opening Hours and more about The Mausoleum of Agha Khan. The date of the construction of the Mausoleum of Agha Khan in Aswan, Egypt. Information and secrets of the construction of the most important monuments of the Fatimid era to start your tourist journey. Aga Khan III is the leader of the Ismaili community and spent his

Trajan’s Kiosk in Agilkia Island, Aswan, Egypt | Facts Pharaoh’s Bed, History, Map, Entrance Fees, opening hours and more about Quiosco de Trajano. Facts and history of the most important ancient pharaonic temples from the Roman era, how to arrive, opening times, entry ticket prices and more. In fact, the Aswan governorate in Egypt includes a very large number and at the same time a variety of the most important

El-Tabia Mosque in Aswan, Egypt | Facts, History, Map, Design of Architectural Mosques Heritage in Islamic Egypt and more… Hurghada lovers Offer Luxury Hurghada to Pyramids Tours | El Gouna to Pyramids Tours | Makadi bay to Pyramids Tours | Sahl Hasheesh to Pyramids Tours | Soma bay to Pyramids Tours . El-Tabia Mosque The most important historical archaeological mosques of Aswan in Egypt, the history of the establishment of

Agilkia Island in Aswan, Egypt | Facts, History, Map the Temple of Isis, Temple of Philae in the Island, Entrance Ticket Prices, Opening Hours, Location and more about islands of the Nile River. Facts and history of the most important islands of the Nile River, which contain the most important ancient Pharaonic temples, the Temple of Isis and Philae, how to reach them, working hours, entry ticket prices, and more.

Egypt Historical Sites Map

Egypt Historical Sites Map | Egyptian Monuments

Egypt Historical Sites Map | Egyptian Monuments Discover Facts, History Ancient Pharaonic Civilization, Pharaohs Tourist attractions, Museums, Activities , Places to Visit , Best Time to in Cairo, Luxor, Aswan, Hurghada  Egypt Historical Sites Map Note: Facts and secrets of the history of the Pharaoh kings will be added soon…   Egyptian Tombs | Pharaonic Tombs Egyptian Temples Egypt Archaeological Sites Egyptology | Egyptology Egyptian Monuments Egyptian Antiquities    

The Speos Of Horemheb in Gebel Silsila, Aswan, Egypt | Facts, History, Map, Entrance Fees, opening hours and more about Quarries, Rock-chapel, speos, Temples in Gebel Silsila. Facts and history of building the most important ancient Pharaonic tombs, how much is the entry ticket price, official working hours, and more. Although there are many archaeological shrines in the Jabal al-Silsilah area, the mausoleum of Hor Moheb is the main shrine

Nubian Museum in Aswan Egypt | Facts, from Inside, Map, Artifacts, History of Nubian, Entrance Fees, opening hours and more. Facts and history of the construction of the most important historical museums in Egypt, which tell us the life of the Nuba people throughout history, what are the working hours, the price of the entrance ticket, and more. The Nubian Museum in the city of Aswan in Egypt is a

Aswan Museum in Egypt | Facts of Elephantine Island Museum, from Inside, Map, Artifacts, History of The Archaeological Museums in Egypt, Entrance Fees, opening hours and more. The facts and history of the construction of the Elephantine Island Museum, the most important and oldest museums in Egypt, what are the working hours, the price of the entrance ticket and more. The famous Aswan Museum or the Museum of Elephantine Island

Qubbet el-Hawa Tombs “Dome of the Wind” in Aswan, Egypt | Facts The Rock-Tombs, History of Tombs of the Nobles, Map, Entrance Fees, Opening Hours and more… Facts and history of the construction of the most important Pharaonic tombs for the nobles and rulers in southern Egypt, how much is the entrance ticket, working hours, and more. The air dome is a mountainous area that is one of the most

Temple of Amada in Nubia, Aswan, Egypt | Facts, History of oldest Pharaonic temples, 18th dynasty Map, Entrance Fees, Opening Hours and more… Facts of Amada Temple and the history of building the oldest pharaonic temples of the Eighteenth Dynasty on the shores of Lake Nasser, how much is the entrance ticket, opening times and more. The Temple of Amda is one of the oldest Egyptian temples in the land

Monastery of St. Simeon in Aswan, Egypt | Facts Coptic Orthodox Monasteries, History, Map, Entrance Ticket, Opening Hours and more… Facts and history of the construction of the most important religious tourist attractions on the western mainland in Aswan, the most important Coptic Orthodox Coptic monasteries, how much is the entrance ticket price, working hours and more. The Monastery of Anba Simeon in Aswan is one of the most ancient

El Kab in Edfu, Aswan, Egypt | Facts Ancient Site of Nekheb “Elethya”, History of better Elkab “el Kab Valley” in Wadi Hillal, The desert temples and more. Facts and history of the construction of the most important archaeological areas in Aswan, the temples and pharaonic monuments it contains, the most important discoveries, the working hours, the prices of entry tickets, and more. The city of El Kab is one

Temple of Wadi El-Sebua in Nubia, Aswan, Egypt | Facts Temples Of Wadi Es-Sebua , History, Map and more about Lake Nasser Attractions. The facts and history of building the temples of the Black Valley, the largest archaeological pharaonic temples in southern Egypt, and the secrets of the ancient civilization of Egypt, the Pharaohs, and more. Wadi Al Sebua Temple is one of the temples that highlight the greatness of

Valley of the Nobles in Aswan Egypt | Facts and history of the construction of the tombs of nobles and priests of the Pharaohs on a rocky mountain on the West Bank of the Nile River and the secrets of the ancient Pharaonic civilization of Egypt and more. The Valley of the Nobles in Aswan or the Air Dome is a rocky mountain located in the western bank of Aswan.

Elephantine Island in Aswan, Egypt | Facts history, Map, Why is it called Elephantine island and more. Facts of the most beautiful islands of the city of Aswan “Seo and Coti”, the history of the most important archaeological pharaonic temples on the island, the museum, dates of the visit and more. The Nubian villages of Seo and Koti, or the so-called Elephantine Island, are the Nile islands in Aswan. It

Unfinished Obelisk in Aswan Tours, Egypt | Best Things to Do in Aswan & Facts Pharaonic Monuments ‘History Of Egyptian and secrets of the most important Pharaonic obelisks of the ancient Egyptian Civilization. The secret of carving Egypt’s oldest unfinished obelisk and why it is not yet transported, where it is located, ticket prices, visit dates and more to start your sightseeing trip & Things to Do in Egypt. Hurghada lovers

Temple of Philae in Aswan Egypt | Best Things to Do in Aswan & Facts Temple of Isis. | The Show Sound and Light | Ticket Prices Aswan Tours. The pharaonic temple of Philae – History Of Egyptian and secrets of the construction of the Pharaonic Temples, the most important Pharaonic archaeological temples of Nubia to Aswan. what are the steps of the rescue operation and transportation from the temple,

Temple of Abu Simbel in Aswan Tours Egypt | Best Things to Do in Aswan & Facts Pharaonic Temples The Pharaonic Temple of Abu Simbel – History Of Egyptian & the construction of the most important Pharaonic archaeological temples of Aswan, the civilization of Ancient Egypt. the secrets of the salvage  of the temples of Abu Simbel, the big and the small, the reason to name and interpret the phenomenon

Temple of Edfu in Aswan Egypt | Best Things to Do in Aswan & Facts Pharaonic Temples. | Ticket prices | Texts and Legends, Map, Plan, Inscriptions, building texts atlantis. The Pharaonic Temple of Edfu –  History Of Egyptian & the construction of the Temple of Horus Behdety, the most important Pharaonic temples of Aswan for the civilization of Ancient Egypt. the Secrets of the construction of the second largest temple

The Pharaonic Temple of Kalabsha is the story of the construction of the most important Pharaonic Temples in Aswan in ancient Nubia of Ancient Egypt. Ancient Egypt Facts & The secrets of the construction of the temple dedicated to the God Horus Mandolis, the inner plan and the inscriptions that have been discovered to teach us more about the culture of the Pharaonic civilization & Things to Do in Egypt.

The Pharaonic Temple of Kom Ombo – the history of the construction of the most important Pharaonic Temples of Aswan for Ancient Egypt civilization. Secrets History Of Egyptian that you did not know from the inside on the plan of the temple, the reasons for the construction, the prices of the tickets, the dates of visit and more to start your cultural journey to learn more about the Pharaonic civilization