God Seshat “Satet, Satit” | Facts Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses | God of the Nile River, hunting, fertility and love in Pharaonic Civilization & Most Important Ancient Egypt Deities, Mythology Symbols, Definition, Temple, Photo and more about Satjet, Satjit… symbol of the Nile River, hunting, fertility and love among the ancient Egyptians and Pharaohs | Symbol Facts Satis and Satyet, History of Gods, Religious Beliefs in Ancient Egypt, and

God Heka “Hike or Hekau” | Facts Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses | God of magic and medicine in Pharaonic Civilization & Most Important Ancient Egypt Deities, Mythology Symbols, Definition, Temple, Photo and more… symbol of magic and medicine for the ancient Egyptians and Pharaohs | Facts and history of gods and religious beliefs in the civilization of ancient Egypt and more. The ancient Egyptians cared a lot about magic

God Hapi “Nile god” | Facts Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses | God of fertility, prosperity and happiness in Pharaonic Civilization & Most Important Ancient Egypt Deities, Mythology Symbols, Definition, Temple, Photo and more… symbol of the Nile, fertility, prosperity and happiness among the pharaohs and the ancient Egyptians | Facts and history of gods and religious beliefs in the civilization of ancient Egypt and more. The god Hapi is

God Tefnut “Tefnet” | Facts Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses | God of moisture, moist air, dew and rain in Pharaonic Civilization & Most Important Ancient Egypt Deities, Mythology Symbols, Definition, Temple, Photo, Who was and more… symbol of rain, water and moisture for the ancient Egyptians and Pharaohs | Facts and history of gods and religious beliefs in the civilization of ancient Egypt and more. The god Tefnut is

God Taweret | Facts Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses | God of childbirth and fertility in Pharaonic Civilization & Most Important Ancient Egypt Deities, Mythology Symbols, Definition, Temple, Photo, Who was and more about Taurt, Tuat, Tuart, Ta-weret, Tawaret, Twert, Taueret, Thouéris, Thoeris, Taouris and Toeris… symbol of birth and fertility for the ancient Egyptians and Pharaohs | Facts about the symbol Ipet, Ipet, or Ibe, the history of gods,

God Set “Sutekh, Seth” | Facts The Egyptian Gods and Goddesses | God of desert, storms disorder, violence in Pharaonic Civilization & Most Important Ancient Egypt Deities, Mythology Symbols, Definition, Temple, Photo, Who was and more… symbol of chaos, violence, war, desert and storms among the ancient Egyptians and Pharaohs | Facts and history of gods and religious beliefs in the civilization of ancient Egypt and more The Pharaonic legends.

God Sekhmet | Facts Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses | God of War, love, happiness and sex in Pharaonic Civilization & Most Important Ancient Egypt Deities, Mythology Symbols, Definition, Temple, Photo, Who was and more God Sachmis, Sakhmet, Sekhet, Sakhet… the symbol of war, desert, love, happiness and sex for the ancient Egyptians and pharaohs | Facts and history of the gods and religious beliefs in the civilization of ancient

God Montu | Facts Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses | God of War, Solar, Warrior in Pharaonic Civilization & Most Important Ancient Egypt Deities, Mythology Symbols, Definition, Temple, Photo, Who was and more… The symbol of war for the ancient Egyptians and pharaohs | Facts and history of the gods and religious beliefs in the civilization of ancient Egypt, discover myths, temples, tales about him, and more. The god Montu,

God Thoth | Facts Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses | God of the Wisdom, the moon, writing, science, magic, art, and judgment in Pharaonic Civilization & Most Important Ancient Egypt Deities, Mythology Symbols, Definition, Temple, Photo, Who was and more… symbol of wisdom and among the ancient Egyptians and pharaohs | Facts and history of the gods and religious beliefs in the civilization of ancient Egypt, discover myths, temples, tales

God Nut | Facts Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses | God of the sky, stars, cosmos, mothers, astronomy, and the universe in Pharaonic Civilization & Most Important Ancient Egypt Deities, Mythology Symbols, Definition, Temple, Photo, Who was and more… the symbol of the sky and stars among the ancient Egyptians and pharaohs | Facts and history of the gods and religious beliefs in the civilization of ancient Egypt, discover myths,

God Nephthys “Nebet-Het” | Facts Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses | God of rebirth, death, invisibility and darkness in Pharaonic Civilization & Most Important Ancient Egypt Deities, Mythology Symbols, Definition, Temple, Photo, Who was and more… a symbol of rebirth, death, invisibility and darkness for the ancient Egyptians and pharaohs | Facts and history of the gods and religious beliefs in the civilization of ancient Egypt, discover myths, temples, tales

God Neith | Facts Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses | God of war, weaving, huntin in Pharaonic Civilization & Most Important Ancient Egypt Deities, Mythology Symbols, Definition, Temple, Photo, Who was and more God Nit, Net, or Neit… the symbol of war, weaving and hunting for the ancient Egyptians and pharaohs | Facts and history of the gods and religious beliefs in the civilization of ancient Egypt, discover legends, temples,

God Serket | Facts Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses | God of fertility, nature, animals, medicine, magic and healing in Pharaonic Civilization & Most Important Ancient Egypt Deities, Mythology Symbols, Definition, Temple, Photo, Who was and more about God Serqet, Selket, Selqet, Selcis, or Selkis… the symbol of fertility, nature, animals, medicine, magic and healing for the ancient pharaohs and Egyptians | Facts and history of the gods and religious

God Horus | Facts The Egyptian Gods and Goddesses | God of Sun, Goodness and Justice, the Sky in Pharaonic Civilization & Most Important Ancient Egypt Deities, Mythology Symbols, Definition, Temple, Photo, Who was and more Religious rituals in the Pharaonic. the symbol of the sun, goodness and justice among the ancient Pharaohs and Egyptians | Facts and history of the gods and religious beliefs in the civilization of ancient

God Isis | Facts Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses | God of Fertility, motherhood, magic in Pharaonic Civilization & Most Important Ancient Egypt Deities, Mythology Symbols, Definition, Temple, Photo, Who was and more… the symbol of motherhood, magic and fertility for the ancient Egyptians and pharaohs | Facts and history of the gods and religious beliefs in the civilization of ancient Egypt, discover myths, temples, tales about him, and more.

God Osiris | Facts Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses | God of Fertility, Agriculture, After Life, Death, Resurrection in Pharaonic Civilization & Most Important Ancient Egypt Deities, Mythology Symbols, Definition, Temple, Photo, Who was and more… the symbol of reckoning and resurrection and the head of the court of the dead in the afterlife of the ancient Egyptians and pharaohs | Facts and history of the gods and religious beliefs

God Hathor | Facts The Egyptian Gods and Goddesses | God of love, motherhood, beauty, happiness, music and fertility in Pharaonic Civilization & Most Important Ancient Egypt Deities, Mythology Symbols, Definition, Temple, Photo, Who was and more… the symbol of love, motherhood, beauty, happiness, music and fertility among the ancient Egyptians and pharaohs | Facts and history of the gods and religious beliefs in the civilization of ancient Egypt, discover

God Anubis | Facts Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses | God of Death, Embalming, underworld in Pharaonic Civilization & Most Important Ancient Egypt Deities, Mythology Symbols, Definition, Temple, Photo, Who was and more… the symbol of the dead, mummification and the underworld among the ancient Egyptians and pharaohs | Facts and history of the gods and religious beliefs in the civilization of ancient Egypt, discover myths, temples, tales about him,

God Ra | Facts The Egyptian Gods and Goddesses | God of sun in Pharaonic Civilization & Most Important Ancient Egypt Deities, Mythology Symbols, Definition, Temple, Photo, Who was and more The legends of creation in the Pharaonic civilization. Hurghada lovers Offer Luxury Hurghada to Luxor Tours | El Gouna to Luxor Tours | Makadi bay to Luxor Tours | Sahl Hasheesh to Luxor Tours | Soma bay to Luxor

God Amun “Amon, Ammon, Amen, Amun-Ra” | Facts Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses | God of sun, fertility and wind in Pharaonic Civilization & Most Important Ancient Egypt Deities, Mythology Symbols, Definition, Temple, Photo, Who was and more… the symbol of the sun, fertility and wind among the ancient Egyptians and pharaohs | Facts and history of the gods and religious beliefs in the civilization of ancient Egypt, discover myths,

God Sobek “Sobki” | Facts Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses | God of Crocodiles, Power, Protection and Fertility in Pharaonic Civilization & Most Important Ancient Egypt Deities, Mythology Symbols, Definition, Temple, Photo, Who was and more… the symbol of the crocodile among the ancient Egyptians and pharaohs | Facts and history of the gods and religious beliefs in the civilization of ancient Egypt, discover myths, temples, tales about him, and

God Khonsu | Facts Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses | god of the Moon in Pharaonic Civilization & Most Important Ancient Egypt Deities, Mythology Symbols, Definition, Temple, Photo, Who was and more… Khonsu “Khunsu or Khonsu” – the symbol of the moon among the ancient Egyptians and pharaohs – Ibn Amun and death in the Theban trinity | Facts and history of the gods and religious beliefs in the civilization

God Sokar “Seker” | Facts Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses | God of the Underworld, Fertility, Earth, Death in Pharaonic Civilization & Most Important Ancient Egypt Deities, Mythology Symbols, Definition, Temple, Photo, Who was and more… The symbol of fertility, earth and death for the ancient pharaohs and Egyptians | Facts and history of the gods and religious beliefs in the civilization of ancient Egypt, discover myths, temples, tales about

God Ptah | Facts Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses | God of Craftsmen, Rebirth and Creation in Pharaonic Civilization & Most Important Ancient Egypt Deities, Mythology Symbols, Definition, Temple, Photo, Who was and more… the symbol of the creation of existence and the universe among the ancient Egyptians and pharaohs | Facts and history of the gods and religious beliefs in the civilization of ancient Egypt, discover myths, temples, tales

Maat The goddess of justice and laws |The Egyptian Gods – the symbol of the order of the universe, the king and society in the civilization of ancient Egypt,  and what are the 42 laws of Maat followed by the dead during his trial in the nether world, the court of the dead of the Pharaohs, which pharaonic legends were associated with it and more about the Pharaonic civilization. What