Tomb of Prince Rahotep and Nofret
Tomb of Prince Rahotep and Nofret in Saqqara Egypt | Egyptian Tombs

Tomb of Prince Rahotep and Nofret in Saqqara Egypt | Egyptian Tombs, Map, Decoration Design Pharaonic Tombs from the inside and more about Facts Mastabas Of The Old Kingdom Dynasty in Giza, Cairo.

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Tomb of Prince Rahotep and Nofret Facts:

  • The tomb is distinguished for containing drawings and scenes of the daily life of servants and ancient Egyptians in the civilization Ancient Egypt, The purpose of drawing the inscriptions on the walls was Egyptian Pharaonic tombs as a doctrinal symbol in Religious life in ancient Egypt “All means of life will be re-provided, as in the scenes on Hadran, for reuse in his next life after death.”Aaru“.
  • Use a For artists and Sculptors era sculpture style King SneferuEgyptian Pharaohs kings” and founder Fourth Dynasty of Egypt Pharaonic era Old Kingdom, Where texts and writings were excavated Hieroglyphic language in a recessed way, the rocks, walls, and plaster were then filled with wonderful, harmonious colors. It is strange that with the succession of the Egyptian dynasties, this technique was not used in sculpture and painting because it was not effective in keeping the views good for long periods on the walls.
  • It was discovered that the private burial chamber containedmummyPrince Rahotep and his wife Neferet were plundered and vandalized once the capital was moved to another city before Ancient Egyptian Grave Robbers only a skeleton was found, and its owner has not yet been identified.


Information and historical facts about the cemetery are being added…

Tomb of Prince Rahotep and Nofret in Saqqara Egypt | Egyptian Tombs
Tomb of Prince Rahotep and Nofret in Saqqara Egypt | Egyptian Tombs


About Author

Tamer Ahmed
Eng. Tamer Ahmed | Author & Researcher in History of Ancient Egypt Pharaohs. Booking Your Tours Online Whatsapp: +201112596434