Sixteenth Dynasty of Egypt
Sixteenth Dynasty of Egypt - Ancient Egypt civilization

Sixteenth Dynasty of Egypt | Names of the Egyptian Pharaohs kings and Female Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt, the rulers of the ancient Egyptian civilization, the most important Pharaonic achievements and Egyptian Antiquities, the discoveries related to them, the secrets they contain for the lives of the queens and kings of the Pharaohs, and more about Ancient Egypt History.

Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs Kings of the Sixteenth Dynasty of Egypt:

The time period was kings Sixteenth Dynasty of Egypt from 1650 To 1580 B.C.E.

King Sekhemre Sementawy Djehuty

Ruled Reign period Ancient Egyptian Government: 1650 BC “3 years”

Wife: Queen Mentuhotep

King Sekhemre Seusertawy Sobekhotep VIII

Ruled Reign period: 1645-1629 BC “16 years”

King Sekhemre Sankhtawy Neferhotep III Iykhernofret

Ruled Reign period in Sixteenth Dynasty of Egypt: 1629-1628 BC “1 year”

King Seankhenre Mentuhotepi

Ruled Reign period: 1628-1627 BC “1 year”

King Sewadjenre Nebiryraw or Nebiriau I, Nebiryerawet I

Ruled Reign period: 1627–1601 BC “25 years”

King Nebiriau II or Nebiryraw II, Nebiryerawet II

Ruled Reign period: 1600 BC

King Semenre or Smenre, Semenenre

Ruled Reign period: 1600 BC

King Seuserenre Bebiankh

Ruled Reign period: 1603–1591 BC “12 years”

King Djedhotepre Dedumose I 

Ruled Reign period: 1588–1582 BC

King Djedneferre Dedumose II 

Ruled Reign period: 1588–1582 BC

King Djedankhre Montemsaf 

Ruled Reign period: 1590 BC

King Merankhre Mentuhotep VI 

Ruled Reign period in Sixteenth Dynasty of Egypt: 1585 BC

Wife: Queen Sitmut

Children: Herunefer.

The Discovery: Statue.

King Senusret IV Seneferibre 

The Discovery: Statue.

King Sekhemre Shedwast or Sekhemreshedwaset


Note: Facts and secrets of the history of the Pharaoh kings will be added soon…

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About Author

Tamer Ahmed
Eng. Tamer Ahmed | Author & Researcher in History of Ancient Egypt Pharaohs. Booking Your Tours Online Whatsapp: +201112596434