Pyramid of Djedefre in Abu Rawash, Saqqara Giza, Egypt – pyramid of King Djedefre – Egyptian Tombs
Facts about Egyptian Tombs and the History of Pharaonic Civilization “Ancient Egypt History“, The most important pyramids of ancient Egyptian Pharaonic civilization and secrets about the reason for construction and design from the inside, working hours and entrance ticket prices and more about The Secrets of Pyramid Construction.
The famous pyramid of King Djedefre, the most famous of the Egyptian Pharaohs kings of the Fourth Dynasty of Egypt, Old Kingdom of Egypt, which unfortunately is currently in ruins and its location is just a mass of rubble.
The ancient pyramid of Djedefre is located in the Abu Rawash area, the most famous Egypt Archaeological Sites.
It was also believed that it was built by King Djedefre, the son and well-known successor of King Khufu, who built the Great Pyramid of Giza among The Pyramids of Giza.
Pyramid of Djedefre Facts
In fact, there is a common and widespread disagreement among all archaeologists and Egyptologists in the world now and in the past, that the famous paleontologist Michael Budd, with his recent research that he conducted in the Abu Rawash area, had shown that the Djedefre pyramid that we are talking about was not completed and was not completed to discover the extent of the development of Architecture in ancient Egypt.
And if its construction had actually been completed, it would probably now appear to be the same size as the Pyramid of Menkaure, which we know was built by King Menkaure, and which is the third largest of the Pharaonic pyramids located in Giza..
It was also believed that it was originally going to be the most beautiful of all the pyramids, as it was going to appear with an outer surface made of polished granite, the most famous Ancient Egyptian Metallurgy, or imported, and at the same time additions of limestone, and it was going to be crowned in the end with a small pyramid on top to discover the extent of the development of Sculpture in Ancient Egypt.
As some of the legends of the pharaohs “Egyptian Mythology” and stories of Ancient Egyptian Literature say, or what researchers and Egyptology have reached, it is also believed that the pyramid of Djedefre was due to the incompleteness of this pyramid.
It was badly and greatly dismantled during the time and periods of the rule of the Roman Kingdom “Greek-Roman era” over Egypt after their success in invading Egypt for the benefit of their buildings, and that was during the rule of the Roman Emperor Augustus Caesar “Imperator Augustus“..
The pyramid from the inside
In fact, the ancient pyramid of Djedefre was considered to be of a very different architectural design from the previous eras, as those ancient rooms were located at the bottom and not inside it..
The pyramid was built on a natural hill, and its internal chambers were created to appear as a “pit with a slope.”“
This was the crater used in ancient times or previously in building some tombs or mastabas to indicate the development of Astronomy in ancient Egypt and Ancient Egyptian science.
This tomb was dug using a large pit that was built on a large area that reached approximately 21 m x 9 m and was located at a depth of approximately 20 m. It was located in this natural hill..
Then a slope was made in that place at an angle of approximately 22-35, and in it those rooms were built, along with the presence of that long corridor from which access was gained to the inside of that hole and on this slope..
Once the construction of the inner chambers in the pyramid of Djedefre was completed, both the pit and the slope were filled and then this pyramid was built with a cistern located on top..
This made it easier to build the rooms without digging any tunnels, and thus succeeded in avoiding the various architectural difficulties that they might have faced when building the rooms inside the pyramid..
Note: Facts and secrets of the history will be added soon…
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