Mosques in Bab El-Wazir Street in Cairo, Egypt

Facts and Islamic Egypt History for the construction of the most important Historical mosques from the Ottoman and Mamluk eras and the interior design of the mosque of Itemesh Al-Bajassi, Ibrahim Agha Mustahfizan, Ahmed Al-Muhmandar, Al-Salih Tala’i bin Razik, Jani Bey Al-Ashrafi, Al-Sayis, Al-Tanbugha Al-Maridani, Janem Al-Bahlawan, Suleiman Pasha Al-Khadem, Umm Al-Sultan Shaaban, Khayr Bey, Qajmas Al-Ishaqi and more before starting your tourist visit to the Islamic Egypt Archaeological Sites.

Mosques in Bab El-Wazir Street Facts

Itemash Al-Bajasi Mosque

The Prince’s School is one of the most important Islamic Egyptian Antiquities and monuments in the historic Al-Mahjar Street in Cairo, Egypt. Information about the history of the construction of the Prince Aytmish Al-Bagasi Mosque and School and the Al-Muayyadi Hospital to learn about the Islamic civilization of Egypt..

It is located on the right side of Sikkat Al-Mahgar Street, affiliated with the Al-Darb Al-Ahmar district in the South Cairo area, one of the most famous areas and Old Cairo neighborhoods.

The mosque was built in the Mamluk era under the leadership of Prince Aytmish Al-Bagasi in the year 785 AH corresponding to 1383 AD. However, it was developed and its buildings were renovated in the Ottoman era..

You will see a distinctive facade of the mosque containing a fountain with two decorated windows, a book above it, a minaret, and a dilapidated memorial entrance, in addition to a shrine dome with unique and very beautiful decorative drawings with 4 upright ribs and curved in a beautiful way until the end of the dome, which is pointed like a pencil..

You will see a school above the mosque consisting of the qibla iwan in front of the mihrab in addition to two doors in the southwestern direction. It is interesting that Prince Aytmish Al-Bajassi was slaughtered by a group of his enemies while he was imprisoned in the Damascus Citadel..

Prince Aytmish Al-Bajassi was interested in building the mosque in the Mamluk style, in addition to building a school to teach religious rulings to Imam Hanafi, in addition to building a small hotel to care for the incoming students and a water basin. However, with the passage of time and the rise in the water level and the percentage of salts and moisture in the walls, 90% of the mosque and school collapsed..

In 2006, the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities and the Egyptian government were interested in starting to develop and completely restore the mosque, completing it and opening it in 2015 during the era of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi. A large and advanced events hall was built next to the mosque in the Al-Darb Al-Ahmar and Bab Al-Wazir areas, which have historical monuments..

Al-Muayyad Hospital:

It is located on the left side of Sikkat Al-Mahjar Al-Komi Street, Al-Khalfiya District, Bab Al-Wazir Street, in the southern Cairo Governorate area. The Circassian Mamluk Sultan Al-Mu’ayyad Sheikh Al-Mahmoudi founded it in the year 821-823 AH, corresponding to 1418-1420 AD, but the monument is currently dilapidated due to climate conditions and erosion..

Mosques in Bab El-Wazir Street – Ibrahim Agha Mosque

History of the construction of the Aq Sunqur Mosque, the Blue Mosque in Cairo, Egypt. Valuable information about the interior design of the mosque on Al-Tabbaneh Street, its shrine, and more.

The Mamluk Prince Aq Sunqur built the mosque in 748 AH, corresponding to 1347 AD, during the Mamluk Bahri era.

Then, Commander Ibrahim Agha renewed the Ottoman Mustafizan in 1061 AH, corresponding to 1651 AD, during the Ottoman era. The mosque is located on the right side of Al-Tabbaneh Street, after the Khayer Bek Mosque and School..

You will see the mosque with a minaret and a memorial entrance with a semicircular arch resting on a cantilever from the outside. It is worth noting that the mosque is called the Blue Mosque because all the walls of the qibla are covered with blue Qashani tiles..

The mosque was designed as a large open courtyard surrounded by four canopies with a special place in the middle for the water fountain in addition to the balconies with notches on top..

The Qibla canopy is designed with two large tiles in the middle of the Qibla wall. The Mihrab has two arches and rests on four marble pulpit columns with mosaic decorations..

Prince Aq Sunqur and Commander Ibrahim Agha were buried in the mosque’s mausoleum..

The Aqsunqur Mosque was designed on an area of ​​80 meters and a length of 100 meters. The Aqsunqur Mosque has 3 doors.

Ahmed Al-Muhmandar Mosque

In the historic Al-Tabbana Street, Bab Al-Wazir, Cairo, Egypt. The history of the construction of the oldest Islamic mosques of Prince Shihab Al-Din Ahmed and the design of the school and the khanqah attached to it.

The mosque is located on the left side of Al-Tabbaneh Street and has a distinctive facade, a memorial entrance, a minaret and a vertically ribbed dome. You will see the mosque’s minaret in a dilapidated state, as the muezzin’s private balcony and cylindrical body with a wooden block no longer remain..

The mosque was built by Prince Shihab al-Din Ahmad bin Aqoush al-Azizi al-Muhmandar in 725 AH, corresponding to 1324 AD, and was renovated and developed during the reign of Prince Suleiman Agha al-Qazdu Ali in 1135 AH, corresponding to 1722 AD..

The mosque was established as a school and a khanqah, and then developed into a mosque for teaching Hanafi jurisprudence to children in Cairo..

Mosques in Bab El-Wazir Street – Al-Saleh Tala’i Bin Razik Mosque

In Al-Darb Al-Ahmar, Cairo, Egypt. The history of the construction of the most important Islamic monuments, the Al-Saleh Mosque and School, in the Fatimid era, and the special interior architectural design of the mosque.

The mosque was built in the year 55 AH, corresponding to 1160 AD, during the Fatimid era. The mosque is located to the left of the entrance to Al-Khayamiya Street, which comes directly from Bab Zuweila. It is currently in Bab Al-Metwalli Square in the Al-Darb Al-Ahmar district of Cairo Governorate..

The name of the hanging mosque was given to Al-Saleh Mosque, as it is located about 4 meters above street level..

You will see an open courtyard surrounded by 4 large shades in addition to the Qibla shade, which was designed with 3 layers and its arches reach the Qibla wall..

The mosque includes 3 doors, a vertical door on the mihrab, the second on the north-eastern axis, and the third on the south-west. You will find that the main door is plated with copper and has a star plate dating back to the Mamluk era..

Commander Baktamur Al-Jukandar renovated and restored the Al-Salih Tala’i Mosque in the seventh century AH. You will also see in the mosque an ancient wooden plaque that bore written texts on the arcade overlooking the courtyard..

It is interesting that the mosque remained without prayer until the first Friday prayer was held in it during the reign of the Mamluk Sultan Izz al-Din Aybak in the year 1257 AD, i.e. one hundred years after its construction..

The area of ​​the mosque is 1522 square meters. It is rectangular and has an underground cistern that was used by the mosque workers to collect water during floods. You will see 4 stone facades of the mosque in addition to a portico supported by 4 marble columns that carry decorated arches and friezes of Quranic verses written in Kufic script..

Inside the mosque, especially on the walls and ceilings, you will see distinctive and unique decorations written in floral Kufic script..

It is strange that the mosque currently has no minaret. The mosque suffered a major crack during the earthquake that struck Egypt in 1302 AD, corresponding to 702 AH..

The kings were interested in developing, restoring and restructuring the mosque from the outside and inside, especially the pulpit and the mihrab.

They were Prince Baktamur Al-Jukandar in 1299 AD, corresponding to 699 AH, Abdul Wahhab Al-Aini “merchant” in 844 AH, and Prince Yashbak from Mahdi Dawadar Al-Mak Al-Ashraf Qaybat Bay in 1477 AD, corresponding to 882 AH..

Jani Bey Al-Ashrafi Mosque

The history of the establishment of the school and the Janabkiya Mosque in Al-Muizz Street, Cairo, Egypt. Valuable information about the interior architectural design of the most important mosques in the historical and archaeological area of ​​Al-Darb Al-Ahmar.

Prince Jani Bek, one of the princes of Ashraf Barsbay, built the school in 1427 AD, corresponding to 830 AH. He worked as a custodian..

You will see a shrine dome with horizontal glass decorations with unique drawings, in addition to an entrance containing two marble panels on which the two testimonies of faith are written in Kufic script..

You will see a door made of wood inlaid with bronze and a steam room with arabesque inside. The school consists of a large open courtyard covered at the same time with a cloth cloud surrounded by two iwans..

In the southeastern iwan of the school, you will see a mihrab without any decoration, but its arch is focused on two columns of the Dakki style, square in shape from the bottom, with an octagonal body and triangles in shape at the corners..

Jani Bek Al-Ashrafi Mosque is located on Al-Muizz Li-Din Allah Al-Fatimi Street “Al Muizz Street“, which is affiliated with Al-Khayamiya Street in the Al-Darb Al-Ahmar district of Cairo Governorate..

The entrance to the mosque is distinguished by a facade of black and white marble, in addition to the location of the minaret directly to the right of the entrance, and it has two floors..

Al-Sais Mosque

The history of the construction of the Aljay Al-Yousfi Mosque and School in the Souq Al-Silah area, Al-Qalaa area, Cairo, Egypt. Valuable information about the interior design of the mosque and the secrets of its construction in the Ottoman era.

The mosque was built in 799 AH next to the Inal fountain and bookstore on the left directly. It contains an entrance with a triple arch of muqarnas and decoration dating back to the Ottoman era..

In the mosque you will see an octagonal minaret topped by the muezzin’s balcony, then the pavilion with a pencil design in the Mamluk style, and the balcony resting on muqarnas..

Mosques in Bab El-Wazir Street – Al-Tanbugha Al-Maridani Mosque

In Al-Tabbana Street, Bab Al-Wazir, Al-Darb Al-Ahmar area, Cairo, Egypt. The history of the construction of the most important ancient mosques from the Mamluk era to learn more about the architectural design of the mosque.

Prince Tanbugha al-Maridani built the mosque directly on al-Tabbaneh Street in the al-Darb al-Ahmar area in the year 740 AH, corresponding to 1339 AD. He was one of the Mamluks of al-Nasir Muhammad ibn Qalawun..

At the front of the mosque, you will see a stone entrance with a vaulted ceiling resting on two columns, topped with a precious lintel, a bow arch, and a window for lighting at night, in addition to an inscription on the founding of the mosque..

You will see the entrance window decorated with repeated plant motifs identified by a verse from the Quran. The mosque was designed as an open courtyard surrounded by 4 shades, where there are two overlapping ablution areas, the outer one covered with tiles and the inner one made of wood and resting on a circular horn..

You will also see above the courtyard balconies with steamers above them. The dome shade of the mosque was designed with a veil of Hart and the Qibla wall is in the middle of the mihrab with a compound khornaq and below it a cavity and star-shaped dishes with marble mosaics decorated with mother-of-pearl to give a unique decorative shape..

You will see the dome above the mihrab resting on a square shape defined by arches carried on columns and marble panels with Islamic geometric or written decorations or with a shell-like appendage..

You will notice plaster vapors on all the interior walls of the mosque, in addition to seeing the pulpit of the amount, which rests on 12 marble columns..

You will also see a distinctive pulpit inlaid with ivory and ebony and a star-shaped plate, in addition to the pavilion resting on a circular shaped khornaq without the polygonal qallah.

You will also notice in the mosque the quality of a wooden flute and flaps that were transferred from the Sultan Hassan School in the Saladin Citadel Square in Bab al-Wazir Street..

The mosque was designed with a width of 20 meters and a length of 23 meters, in addition to the design of the minaret with 3 floors and a dome with 8 granite columns, in addition to an 8-sided marble fountain..

Janam Al-Bahlawan Mosque

In the Al-Saroujiya district, Al-Darb Al-Ahmar, Cairo, Egypt. The history of the construction of the oldest Islamic mosques with the Mamluk era, called the Al-Nabbani Mosque, and the Islamic interior architectural design of the mosque.

The mosque is located in the Sarougiya district and was built in the Mamluk era during the reign of King Qaitbay. You will see a memorial entrance at the front of the mosque with a lintel and on its sides a window and an arch with distinctive plant decorations..

The mosque is characterised by the spread of plant decorations on the cylindrical body and the dome, in addition to the entrance and the Mamluk-style minaret..

Mosques in Bab El-Wazir Street – Suleiman Pasha Al-Khadem Mosque

The history of building the Sariya al-Jabal Mosque in the Citadel of Saladin, Cairo, Egypt, the interior design in the Ottoman style, and secrets you never knew about the construction of the ancient mosque.

Prince Murtada Majd al-Khilafah Abu Mansur al-Amri rose in the year 535 AH corresponding to 1141 AD, where the commander Abu Mansur was a slave of Armenian origin, then he became one of the slaves of the victorious, the commander of the armies, then he converted to Islam, with the passage of time and his rise in the positions of the Fatimid state until he became the governor of the city of Alexandria.

In the year 935 AH, the mosque was built by Commander Suleiman Pasha Al-Khadim, appointed as the ruler of Egypt in the year 932 AH by the Ottoman Caliph. The Sariya Al-Jabal Mosque is considered the first mosque in the Ottoman style to be built in Egypt..

The eastern section of the Suleiman Pasha Mosque is a place designated for prayer, covered by a large dome surrounded by half-domes and furnished with green Qashani, where you will see Quranic verses in distinctive lines engraved on the inside and in extremely beautiful colours..

The interior walls of the domes are covered with a marble border ending with a frieze on which is written in floral Kufic script the Throne Verse and some verses from the Qur’an..

You will also see in the eastern section the pulpit, which is located on the western wall and has unique Islamic engravings, in addition to the pulpit made of marble and has unique Islamic decorative engravings..

The western section of the Suleiman Pasha Mosque is an open courtyard, where you will see a memorial plaque with the date of construction and a Quranic verse “So bow down with those who bow down”, in addition to a small dome on the western side with a memorial plaque attached to it. In addition, the mosque includes two sundials to update the prayer times..

The minaret of the Suleiman Pasha Mosque was designed in a design that combines Turkish architectural design with a pointed dome that resembles a pencil and Egyptian design with two tightly pierced courses..

Mosques in Bab El-Wazir Street – Umm Sultan Shaaban Mosque

History of the construction of the historic school and mosque in Al-Tabbana Street, Cairo, Egypt. Valuable information about the historic mosque and the architectural and decorative interior design in Bab Al-Wazir Street.

The mosque was built in 770 AH, corresponding to 1368 AD, during the Mamluk era. The mosque is located on the right side of Al-Tabbaneh Street, directly after Ibrahim Agha Mustahfizan Mosque..

Umm Sultan Shaaban School is located on the left side of the ancient street and includes a memorial entrance, a fountain, and a minaret, in addition to another entrance in the northwest direction and another dome..

At the memorial entrance, you will see an arched entrance marked by a ribbon written in Naskh script and a lamp for illumination at night, in addition to a fountain that you will find directly on the street with a grilled window and an antique wooden veil..

You will see a minaret with an octagonal body decorated with horizontal glass decorations and a vertically ribbed dome..

Khayer Bek Mosque

Building the oldest historical mosques in the ancient Al-Tabbana Street, Cairo, Egypt. Learn about the architectural design of the Mamluk Prince Khayer Bey School, the ancient mosque, its fountain, and more.

The mosque was built in the Circassian Mamluk era under the leadership of Prince Khayr Bek, or Sultan Laila, or nicknamed Khayyin Bek, in the year 908 AH, corresponding to 1502 AD. The mosque is located on the right side of Al-Mahjar Street..

You will see a mosque with a distinctive facade containing a fountain, a book, a memorial entrance, a minaret and a dome overlooking Al-Tabbaneh Street directly. The fountain is designed in the Mamluk style with two windows topped by a book with a roofed room and a flap to protect the children from the sun and rain in the winter, in addition to the open sides of the fountain..

You will see a distinctive entrance with a door opening with a pointed arch with a decorative glass strip above the strip with a special opening for lighting, then the entrance arch consists of a decorated cap with a mashhar and one row of muqarnas and below it 3 sections in the Circassian Qaitbay style..

Khayer Bek School is designed in a rectangular shape with a covered courtyard in the middle with 4 iwans, in addition to a marble border surrounding each iwan with a height of 150 cm. You will see Islamic decorations and texts decorated with a verse from Surat Al-Fath in an upper strip on the wall..

You will see a pulpit made of original wood around the Qibla Iwan. Prince Suleiman Pasha Al-Khadim built the pulpit for the Prophet in the year 943 AH, corresponding to 1536 AD..

In the mosque you will find a multi-storey fountain, a water basin, a well and a large tank on the ground floor to store water when needed, in addition to traditional copper bowls that were used for drinking on Bab Al-Wazir Street..

The historic Al-Tabbana Street starts from Sikkat Al-Mahjar Street leading to the Citadel of Saladin Al-Ayyubi from the square and parallel to its wall and ends in front of the historic Bab Zuweila. The street is divided into 4 sections (Al-Mahjar Street, Bab Al-Wazir Street, Al-Tabbana, Al-Darb Al-Ahmar).

Mosques in Bab El-Wazir Street – Qajmas Al-Ishaqi Mosque

The history of the construction of the historic Abu Hariba Mosque in the Al-Darb Ahmar area of ​​Cairo, Egypt. Valuable information about the construction of the most important historical mosques and the Mamluk Prince Saif al-Din Qajmas al-Ishaqi School and the architectural design of the mosque depicted on the Egyptian 50-pound coin.

The mosque is located on the right side of Al-Tabbaneh Street and is considered the last of the archaeological landmarks of Al-Darb Al-Ahmar Street. It was built in the Circassian Mamluk era in the ninth century AH..

Prince Saif al-Din Qajmas al-Ishaqi built the mosque in the year 885 AH, but it is interesting that the prince was buried in the Levant in the year 892 AH, corresponding to 1487 AD..

You will see a memorial entrance to the mosque with a fake dome of cymbals intertwined with ablaq and topped by a decorative circular opening for lighting..

The mosque’s fountain was designed in the Mamluk style. Inside the fountain, you will see a steamer with a cup engraved with the name of God, then the book or school consisting of a hall roofed with a sashkhishah with decorations and star-shaped plates for teaching Hanafi jurisprudence to children in a roofed room and a distinctive window with grilles, in addition to a window directly to the right of the entrance overlooking Al-Darb Al-Ahmar Street..

You will see an iwan in the southeastern area, with a mihrab decorated with arabesque motifs in the middle area, then Kufic script, then a star-shaped cap with the name of God written on it..

The warrior is topped by a dome inside a mock dome decorated with arabesque. You will also see a pulpit made of wood inlaid with ivory and ebony and star-shaped plate decorations in the Mamluk style..

You will notice the body of the jug decorated with ebony and ivory, in addition to a necklace on the star plate and distinctive forms of decorations on the wall of the mosque..

Note: Facts and secrets of the history Mosques in Bab El-Wazir Street will be added soon…

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Mosques in Bab El-Wazir Street in Cairo, Egypt | Facts, History, Map, Design
Mosques in Bab El-Wazir Street in Cairo, Egypt | Facts, History, Map, Design

About Author

Tamer Ahmed
Eng. Tamer Ahmed | Author & Researcher in History of Ancient Egypt Pharaohs. Booking Your Tours Online Whatsapp: +201112596434