Al-Rifa’i Mosque in Cairo, Egypt Islamic Egypt History to establish the most important historical Islamic heritage mosques and facts about why Al-Rifai Mosque was named with this name, who is buried in the mosque, and what are the secrets of the presence of a cross and Quranic verses on the walls from the inside and more about the most famous Islamic Egypt Archaeological Sites. Al-Rifai Mosque is one of the

Sultan Hassan Mosque in Cairo, Egypt Map of the mosque from the inside and facts about the construction of the mosque and school of Sultan Al-Nasir Hassan and history of the most important Historical mosques in Islamic architecture, who is buried in the mosque, who built it, how old is it and more to discover the Islamic Egypt History. Sultan Hassan Mosque and School is one of the most famous

Citadel of Saladin in Cairo Egypt Discover Islamic Egypt History, facts and map of the most important Islamic Egyptian landmarks and monuments, Islamic archaeological sites in Egypt “Islamic Egyptian Antiquities‘, what is inside, and how much is the entrance ticket to the military castles, the Citadel of the Mountain in Mokattam, and more. Cairo Citadel, or as it is called the Citadel of Salah Al-Din Al-Ayyubi, is one of the