Dr Zahi Hawass – Egyptologist Pharaonic civilization | Facts, Biography, Achievements and more… Facts and life history of the most famous Egyptian archaeologists and his achievements in discovering the secrets of building the pyramids and the life of the pharaohs in the pharaonic civilization of Egypt and more. Zahi, the Egyptologist, was born in a small Egyptian village near Damietta Governorate in Egypt. Hurghada lovers Offer Luxury Hurghada to Pyramids

Queen Nefertiti – Female Pharaohs – Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt – The New Kingdom Facts & History The Greatest of Egyptian Pharaohs Queens “Female Pharaohs” | Secrets, Biography, Accomplishments in Ancient Egypt, Tomb, Mummy, Life and Death of the Queen, the 18th Dynasty and more… Facts of the wife of King Akhenaten and the history of the most famous queens of the Egyptian Pharaohs | Secrets, biography, achievements in ancient Egypt,

Tomb of Tutankhamun in Valley of the Kings, Luxor “Thebes” Egypt | Secrets Curse of the Pharaohs & Discovering the most important Pharaonic Egyptian Tombs and Howard Carter. Tomb of Tutankhamun number: KV62 in the tombs of the Valley of the Kings. Tomb of Tutankhamun Facts Secrets you never knew before Tomb of Tutankhamun: It was discovered that the cemetery workers widened the door opening in order to enter the huge