Muhammad Anwar el-Sadat
Muhammad Anwar el-Sadat - President of Egypt | Facts, Biography and History

Muhammad Anwar el-Sadat – President of Egypt | Facts, Biography and History of of the president Anwar Sadat life, Achievements and more…

Facts and the life of the hero of war and peace and the most famous rulers of the Arab Republic of Egypt, and how President Sadat contributed to preserving the Pharaonic monuments and the Islamic heritage of the ancient civilization of Egypt, and more.
Muhammad Anwar Sadat was born on December 25, 1918 AD and died on October 6, 1981 AD, and he represents the third president who managed to assume the presidency of the Arab Republic of Egypt.

He took over the rule of Egypt for a period that cannot be described as long, until he came to power in the period between specifically on September 28, 1970, and his rule was at the beginning an acting rule that ended with his assassination on October 6, 1981.

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Muhammad Anwar el-Sadat

Who is Muhammad Anwar Sadat?

● Former President Anwar Sadat was born in an Egyptian village, in the village of Mit Abul-Koum, located in the Menoufia Governorate, and this happened in 1918.
● Then the former president graduated from the Egyptian Military Academy, and that happened specifically in 1938.
● Some of them joined the Free Officers Movement, the Egyptian movement for which the very big revolution took place against the king and ruler of the country at the time, Farouk I, and that was in 1952.
● And he succeeded in occupying an unparalleled number of very senior positions in the state since that time that we are talking about, such as his assumption of the position of Minister of State, and that was in September 1954.
● He also assumed the presidency of the National Assembly, and that was from 21-7-1960 until it ended on 27-9-1961.
● He also assumed, among his promotions, the position of President of the National Assembly, but as a renewal for the second consecutive period from 29-3-1964 until 12-11-1968.
● He was also chosen by President Gamal Abdel Nasser to be his deputy, specifically on December 19, 1969, and he continued in the position until his death on September 28, 1970.

his working life

● Muhammed Anwar Sadat was famous for both his audacity and sophistication, as well as his great political cunning, which was very clearly evident in his complete and final elimination of all his political opponents in what was known at that time as the Correction Revolution.
● President Sadat also worked hard to succeed in preparing for operations to recover the entire Sinai Peninsula from under the control of the Israeli armies, and that was after the war that took place in 1967.
● Where during his reign, the Egyptian army at that time was able to defeat the Israeli army, a mighty and crushing defeat in the October War, and then they succeeded in crossing the Suez Canal, which was considered impossible, and accordingly Anwar Sadat was able to fully achieve and control Sinai again, and this happened after the occurrence of Very long rounds and rounds of political negotiations.

Muhammad Anwar el-Sadat won the Nobel Prize and the Camp David Accords

● In 1978, during his reign, former President Sadat won the Nobel Peace Prize, and won it equally between him and the Israeli Prime Minister at that time, Menachem Begin.
● He received the award after signing the famous peace treaty between Egypt and Israel, and this happened in the Camp David Accords, which at that time had caused violent reactions and opposition in both Egypt and the Arab countries.
● At that time, Sadat ordered that many of these Islamists be imprisoned, and that was in a patriotic procedure called reservation procedures, and it was in September 1981.
● President Sadat also had regrets about removing the prisoners who belonged to those Islamic groups from inside the detention centers, and this is what ultimately led to his assassination, and that happened on October 6, 1981.
● He was treacherously assassinated during a military parade, which began as a celebration of the occurrence and success of the October War victories that had been carried out by the military wing of Islamic groups inside Egypt.

Muhammad Anwar el-Sadat upbringing since childhood

● The mother of President Anwar al-Sadat was of Sudanese origin, but they were from an Egyptian mother who was called and known as Sitt al-Barin, and she is from the city of Dongola.
● His father had married her in the past when he was working as a member of the British medical team that was residing in Sudan.
● But President Sadat had lived and then grew up in that village, the village of Mit Abu al-Koum.
● As Sadat indicated at that time, the village in which he grew up could not cloud his mind in any way.
● But in spite of that, it was his grandmother and then his mother who seduced him and listened to them controlling him and his thinking, and they were the main reason because of which his personality was formed.

The wives of former President Muhammad Anwar el-Sadat

● In the beginning, his first marriage was purely traditional, as he proposed, in his youth, to Mrs. Iqbal Afifi, a woman whose origins belong to Turkey.
● But at the same time, there was a close relationship between them and each other, including Khedive Abbas and the ruling family.
● At that time, Iqbal Hanim’s family owned some of the agricultural lands in the village of Mit Abu al-Koum and in Qalyubia Governorate as well. This is what made the Iqbal Hanim family conflict with its marriage to President Anwar Sadat.
● But after it happened and finished and President Sadat completed his studies at the military academy in Egypt, the situation had changed for them and this legendary marriage took place, which had lasted for a short period of only nine years, and during that period they had three daughters, they were Mrs. Ruqaya and Mrs. Rawia and camellia.
● Accordingly, the president had married for the second time in a row to Mrs. Jihan Hanim, daughter of Raouf Safwat, in 1949.
● During their marriage, he had 3 daughters and 1 son from her, whose names are as follows: Mrs. Lubna, Noha, Mrs. Jihan, and finally Mr. Jamal.


Muhammad Anwar el-Sadat - President of Egypt | Facts, Biography and History
Muhammad Anwar el-Sadat – President of Egypt | Facts, Biography and History

About Author

Tamer Ahmed
Eng. Tamer Ahmed | Author & Researcher in History of Ancient Egypt Pharaohs. Booking Your Tours Online Whatsapp: +201112596434