Howard Carter House in Luxor, Egypt | Places to Visit in Luxor
Facts and History The most famous historical houses of the British archaeologist and Egyptologist Howard Carter, discoverer of the Tomb of Tutankhamun | KV62 in the Valley of the Kings, what is the entrance ticket price, working hours and more.
Carter’s House is one of those ancient Egyptian houses that was located in Luxor, the city located in the heart of Luxor Governorate..
This ancient house is also attributed to Egyptology Howard Carter, who had discovered the tomb of King Tutankhamun of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt of The New Kingdom, which was later used as a rest house during his stays in Luxor.
The conference was founded in 1910 AD, approximately 12 years before the discovery of the tomb.
Building Carter’s House
The ancient house is located at the entrance to the Valley of the Kings in Qurna, which is approximately 20 kilometers away from the city of Luxor “Thebes”, which is actually located on a high hill..
This building is covered with a wooden roof. It consists of five rooms and at the same time contains a corridor and a laboratory..
There were also at the same time pictures inside the building that belonged to Lord Carnarvon, who was the financier who was able to uncover the final tomb of King Tutankhamun.
There was also a group of photos belonging to Howard Carter, including photos of the excavation workers and a group of locals during the period of digging the tomb..
ticket price
Note: Facts and secrets of the history will be added soon…
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