Gamal Abdel Nasser – President of Egypt | Facts, Biography and History of of the president’s life, achievements and more Egyptians | Famous Egyptian people…
Facts and life history of the president, the most important president of the Arab Republic of Egypt, and how he contributed to preserving Pharaonic Egyptian Monuments and archaeological collections of ancient Egypt’s civilization..
Gamal Abdel Nasser was born on January 15, 1918 and died on September 28, 1970, and he is actually considered the second de facto president of Egypt. President Gamal Abdel Nasser assumed power and authority over Egypt from 1956 and continued until his death.
Gamal Abdel Nasser Facts
Gamal Abdel Nasser is the leader of the Arab Socialist Union, that of the Popular National Union, which called for the unity and strength of all Arab countries.
He is also one of the leaders of the revolution that took place on July 23, 1952, a revolution that was able to become final with King Farouk, who was considered the last actual ruler of Al-Hamam in the family of Muhammad Ali Pasha..
After him, Egypt was transformed into the empty Egyptian regime, which is a presidential republic, and Gamal Abdel Nasser was the one who held the position of Deputy Prime Minister in the new Egyptian government after the revolution..
After he was able to come to power in the country, he immediately put his former president, Mohamed Naguib, in Egypt under house arrest..
This strange and completely unusual thing happened after many disagreements grew between members of former President Mohamed Naguib and the leadership council of that revolution..
Immediately after the end of the revolution, Gamal Abdel Nasser completely resigned from his leadership position in the army and assumed the position of Prime Minister, after which he was chosen to be President of the Republic. This happened on June 25, 1956, and all of this was in accordance with the legal referendum that was conducted on June 23, 1956..
Abdel Nasser’s policy in leading the state
In fact, the largely neutral policies of President Abdel Nasser’s rule during the periods of the global Cold War led to the outbreak of very great tension in relations with various Western powers..
Then it withdrew all its funding for the construction of the High Dam building, the building that Gamal Abdel Nasser, during his rule, was only planning to build..
After that, his response to that matter was that the Western countries followed with his official announcement to nationalize the Suez Canal Company, and that matter happened in the year 1956..
This event was also met with great acclaim in both Egypt and the Arab world.
Consequently, Britain, along with others from France, and Israel at that time tried to occupy the Egyptian city of Sinai, but despite that they announced that they had withdrawn as a result of international pressure..
This helped to significantly and significantly enhance Gamal Abdel Nasser’s international political standing.
Since the completion of this event, the popularity of former President Gamal Abdel Nasser in the western region as a whole has grown very significantly, and from Qom the political calls for comprehensive Arab unity of the state under his leadership increased..
Indeed, this matter was achieved by forming the United Arab Republic with the State of Syria, and that was in the year (1958 until 1961).).
His upbringing and life since his youth
In 1937, as a young man, he had applied to the Military College building in order to train officers in the army.
But at that time, the police had already recorded his real and very exciting participation in various protests that were opposition or anti-government.
Accordingly, at that time, he was permanently banned from entering the college, and after that he joined the Faculty of Law affiliated with King Fouad University (that university known as Cairo University currently)..
But after joining the Faculty of Law, he resigned from it after completing only one semester, and then he resubmitted his application to join the Military College again, and it was approved..
At the Military College, Gamal Abdel Nasser had met Abdel Hakim Amer and Anwar Sadat, and both of them later became very important assistants to him to take their advice during his presidency..
The first battle was for President Gamal Nasser after his graduation in Palestine, and it was during the period of the Arab-Israeli war, and that was specifically in the year 1948..
Setback 1967
On the morning of June 5, the Zionist Israeli army’s air force struck the air bases in Egypt, and then succeeded in destroying a very large part of the soldiers and air force base in Egypt..
Also, before that first day of that brutal war ended, all of Israel’s armored units had succeeded in penetrating all of Egypt’s defense lines and had also succeeded in permanently seizing the city of Al-Arish..
Therefore, specifically on June 9, President Gamal Abdel Nasser officially and regrettably announced on television to all Egyptian citizens the fall and defeat of their country..
Then he had suddenly announced his resignation on television, but at another time that same day, but he returned under pressure from the people..
The death of Gamal Abdel Nasser
In fact, after the end or complete conclusion of the Arab League summit held in 1970, news of the death of President Gamal Abdel Nasser was broadcast..
This happened after he suddenly suffered a heart attack without any warning. Accordingly, his funeral was held in the heart of Cairo, which was attended by more than approximately five million citizens.
Note: Facts and secrets of the history will be added soon…
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