El Sawy Culturewheel
El Sawy Culturewheel "Sakia" in Giza, Egypt | Best Events, Activities, Places to Visit in Cairo

El Sawy Culturewheel “Sakia” in Giza, Egypt | Best Events, Activities, Places to Visit in Cairo, Entry Fee, Opening Hours and more…

Discover cultural entertainment activities, singing concerts and festivals in Cairo, what are the working hours and prices of tickets to enter the waterwheel and more.

The most important private cultural and artistic centers in Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt, and what are the working hours, entry ticket prices, activities, concerts, competitions, and festivals held at the Sakya.

In Zamalek, Giza, the most important cultural, artistic, and distinctive tourist places in Egypt, and a visit to the village of Harraniya in Giza, in addition to what you will see when you go on a trip to the Sawy Cultural Wheel.

Al-Sawy Culture Wheel in the Zamalek region of Giza Governorate, is one of the most important tourist attractions that you can go out to and enjoy concerts and cultural and artistic activities, and it is the most famous and widespread.

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El Sawy Culturewheel

About El Sawy Culture Wheel in Cairo
The Sakia was established by Mohamed El-Sawy, the son of the Egyptian writer Abdel Moneim El-Sawy, in 2005, and the name was inspired by the Sakya Quintet, which is considered the most famous novel of his father.
El Sakia is based on being a creative cultural center that includes all kinds of arts and literature, attracting different classes of the public. Its first and main branch was at the end of 26th of July Street below the 15th of May Bridge, and it now has more than one branch, the last of which is on the Ismailia Desert Road in El Shorouk City.
The beginning of the artistic center was to perform concerts to attract the audience, given that music and singing are the most widespread arts among people, and the concerts were varied between jazz bands, gypsy music, and rap.
After that, many other activities were introduced to the center, such as the work of plastic exhibitions and the display of sculptural works, and then it has recently started presenting poetry evenings.
What can you see when you visit the Sawy Wheelwheel in Cairo?
There are many activities and events that you can participate in and enjoy when you visit El Sawy Culturewheel, such as:
Public literary and cultural meetings: During its meetings, the Sakia discusses various topics, and encourages and guarantees freedom of thought and expression of opinion with many pioneers of culture, literature, art, science, and general knowledge.
Music: El Sawy Culturewheel presents a mixture of different musical colors through its concerts such as international classical music, Arabic music, rock, metal and hip-hop music, in addition to music festivals.
Theatre: Theatrical works are presented to amateur and professional teams, in addition to the work of mime and mono-drama festivals, in addition to the theater bartender workshop, which provides a good opportunity for amateurs to train academically in theatrical acting.
Cinema: Cinema activity in El Sakia is not limited to the Cinema Club, which presents some international films every Thursday, but there are some film festivals that resonate with the audience.
Art galleries: which are represented in a number of art galleries in halls dedicated to this, such as (The Earth, the Word, and the back of the Hall of Wisdom, in addition to the bridge that connects the Sakya Garden to the bank of the Nile, and the Shadow Hall).
El Sawy Culturewheel address: End of 26th of July Street, Zamalek, Giza Governorate.

Entrance ticket price:
It depends on the concert you want to follow, and the regular ticket price is 30 pounds. Please inquire before going
However, it is possible to obtain a membership that costs 150 pounds annually, and for the age of less than 20 years and over 60, the value of membership is 100 pounds, and it has many advantages such as enjoying sitting on the Nile and the upper balcony, in addition to the right to view and borrow books from the Sakia Library, the right to participate in all Waterwheel activities and art workshops for a small fee.


El Sawy Culturewheel "Sakia" in Giza, Egypt | Best Events, Activities, Places to Visit in Cairo
El Sawy Culturewheel “Sakia” in Giza, Egypt | Best Events, Activities, Places to Visit in Cairo

About Author

Tamer Ahmed
Eng. Tamer Ahmed | Author & Researcher in History of Ancient Egypt Pharaohs. Booking Your Tours Online Whatsapp: +201112596434