Queen Khentkaus III “Khentakawess III” | Ancient Egyptian Female Pharaohs, Famous Queens of Fifth Dynasty of Egypt in Old Kingdom of Egypt, Discover the life of the Pharaonic Queen, her historical facts, and her discoveries Egyptian Antiquities in Ancient Egypt and more about Ancient Egypt History. Husband “Spouse’: King Neferefre have Pyramid of Neferefre in Saqqara “Egyptian Pharaohs kings“. Sons: King Menkauhor Kaiu “Pyramid of Menkauhor“, King Shepseskare “Unfinished Pyramid of

Queen Khentkaus II | Ancient Egyptian Female Pharaohs, Famous Queens of Fifth Dynasty of Egypt in Old Kingdom of Egypt, Discover the life of the Pharaonic Queen, her historical facts, and her discoveries Egyptian Antiquities in Ancient Egypt and more about Ancient Egypt History. Husband “Spouse’: King Neferirkare Kakai “Pyramid Neferirkare in Saqqara“. Sons: King Neferefre “Pyramid of Neferefre“, King Nyuserre Ini “Pyramid of Nyuserre Ini in AbuSir Pyramids” “Egyptian Pharaohs

Queen Khentkaus I  “Khentkawes”| Ancient Egyptian Female Pharaohs, Famous Queens of Fifth Dynasty of Egypt in Old Kingdom of Egypt, Discover the life of the Pharaonic Queen, her historical facts, and her discoveries, Egyptian Antiquities in Ancient Egypt and more about Ancient Egypt History. Husband “Spouse’: king Userkaf and has Sun Temple of Userkaf & Pyramid of Userkaf. Sons: King Sahure and Neferirkare Kakai “Egyptian Pharaohs kings“. Biography: She ruled the

Pyramid of Setibhor in Giza Cairo Egypt – Egyptian Tombs Facts about the ancient Egyptian civilization about Egyptian tombs and Egyptian mastabas in the Old Kingdom of Egypt and the history of the Pharaonic civilization, the map, the interior design of the Pharaonic pyramids and more Ancient Egypt History… The pyramid was built in the era of King Djedkare, the most famous Egyptian Pharaohs kings of the Fifth Dynasty of

Pyramid of Khentkaus II in Abusir Giza Cairo Egypt – Egyptian Tombs Facts about the ancient Egyptian civilization about Egyptian tombs and Egyptian mastabas in the Old Kingdom of Egypt and the history of the Pharaonic civilization “Ancient Egypt History“, the map, the interior design of the Pharaonic pyramids and more… The pyramid was built in the era of King Neferirkare, the most famous Egyptian Pharaohs kings of the Fifth

Pyramid of Khentkaus I in Cairo Giza Egypt – Egyptian Tombs Facts about the ancient Egyptian civilization about Egyptian tombs and Egyptian mastabas in the ancient Egyptian kingdom “Old Kingdom of Egypt” and the history of the Pharaonic civilization, the map, the interior design of the Pharaonic pyramids and more Ancient Egypt History… The pyramid was built in the era of king Userkaf, the most famous Egyptian Pharaohs kings of

Tomb of Queen Khentkaus III in Abusir Giza Cairo Egypt – Egyptian Tombs Facts about the ancient Egyptian civilization about Egyptian tombs and Egyptian mastabas in the Old Kingdom of Egypt and the history of the Pharaonic civilization, the map, the design of the interior decorations of the Pharaonic tombs and more Ancient Egypt History.. The pyramid was built in the era of King Neferefre, the most famous Egyptian Pharaohs

Tomb of Queen Khentkaus I in Cairo Giza Egypt – Egyptian Tombs Facts about the ancient Egyptian civilization about Egyptian tombs and Egyptian mastabas in the Old Kingdom of Egypt and the history of the Pharaonic civilization, the map, the design of the interior decorations of the Pharaonic tombs and more Ancient Egypt History… The pyramid was built in the era of king Userkaf, the most famous Egyptian Pharaohs kings

Thirty-First Dynasty of Egypt | Ancient Egypt civilization, The names of the Female Pharaohs, Egyptian Pharaohs kings and the most important achievements, Egyptian Antiquities and discoveries related to them during the rule of ancient Egypt’s civilization and the secrets they contain and more about Ancient Egypt History. Kings Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs of Thirty-First Dynasty of Egypt: It was period Temporality 343 to 332 BC. King Artaxerxes III or OchusRuled Reign period:

Twenty-Ninth Dynasty of Egypt | Ancient Egypt civilization, The names of the Female Pharaohs, Egyptian Pharaohs kings and the most important achievements, Egyptian Monuments and discoveries related to them during the rule of ancient Egypt’s civilization and the secrets they contain. Kings Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs of the Twenty-Ninth Dynasty of Egypt: It was period Temporality 398 to 380 BC. King Nepherites I or Nefaarud I, Nayfaurud IRuled Reign period: 398–393 BC

Twenty-Eighth Dynasty of Egypt | Ancient Egypt civilization, The names of the Egyptian Pharaohs kings, Female Pharaohs and the most important achievements, Egyptian Monuments and discoveries related to them during the rule of ancient Egypt’s civilization and the secrets they contain and more about Ancient Egypt History. Kings Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs of the Twenty-Eighth Dynasty of Egypt: It was period Temporality from 398 BC for a period of 6 years

Twenty-Seventh Dynasty of Egypt | Ancient Egypt civilization, The names of the Female Pharaohs and Egyptian Pharaohs kings and the most important achievements, Egyptian Monuments and discoveries related to them during the rule of ancient Egypt’s civilization and the secrets they contain and more about Ancient Egypt History. Kings Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs of the Twenty-Seventh Dynasty of Egypt: It was period Temporality from 525 BC After the Persians invaded Egypt. King

Twenty-Fourth Dynasty of Egypt | Discover the history of the Pharaonic civilization and the most important names of the Egyptian Pharaohs kings and Female Pharaohs queens of Pharaonic Egypt from the Egyptian family and how they contributed to the history of the ancient Egyptian civilization and the most famous queens, princes, princesses, priests, nobles and their Pharaonic monuments and more about Ancient Egypt History. Kings of the Twenty-Fourth Dynasty of

Twenty-Third Dynasty of Egypt | Discover the most important names of the Pharaonic queens of Egypt “Female Pharaohs” and Egyptian Pharaohs kings of the Egyptian family and how they contributed to the history of ancient Egyptian civilization and the most famous queens, princes, princesses, priests, nobles, their Pharaonic monuments and more Ancient Egypt History. Kings Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs of the Twenty-Third Dynasty of Egypt: It was the time period 837

Tomb of Amenemhat – TT340 in Tombs of The Nobles, Luxor “Thebes” Egypt | Facts Egyptian Tombs in Deir Al-Madina “Valley of The Nobles”, Pharaonic Tourist attractions, Directory Location, Plan from Inside & Architecture, Bio, How to get there, and more.

Tomb of Nakhtamun “Nakhtamon” – TT335 in Tombs of The Nobles, Luxor “Thebes” Egypt | Facts Egyptian Tombs in Deir Al-Madina “Valley of The Nobles”, Pharaonic Tourist attractions, Directory Location, Plan from Inside & Architecture, Bio, How to get there, and more.

Tomb of Inerkhau – TT359 and TT299 in Tombs of The Nobles, Luxor “Thebes” Egypt | Facts Egyptian Tombs in Deir Al-Madina “Valley of The Nobles”, Pharaonic Tourist attractions, Directory Location, Plan from Inside & Architecture, Bio, How to get there, and more.

Tomb of Neferhotep II – TT216 in Tombs of The Nobles, Luxor “Thebes” Egypt | Facts Egyptian Tombs in Deir Al-Madina “Valley of The Nobles”, Pharaonic Tourist attractions, Directory Location, Plan from Inside & Architecture, Bio, How to get there, and more.

Tomb of Ramose – TT 7, TT 212, TT 250 in Tombs of The Nobles, Luxor “Thebes” Egypt | Facts Egyptian Tombs in Deir Al-Madina “Valley of The Nobles”, Pharaonic Tourist attractions, Directory Location, Plan from Inside & Architecture, Bio, How to get there, and more.

Tomb of Neferhotep I and Nebnefer – TT6 in Tombs of The Nobles, Luxor “Thebes” Egypt | Facts Egyptian Tombs in Deir Al-Madina “Valley of The Nobles”, Pharaonic Tourist attractions, Directory Location, Plan from Inside & Architecture, Bio, How to get there, and more.

Tomb of Sennedjem – TT1 in Tombs of The Nobles, Luxor “Thebes” Egypt | Facts Egyptian Tombs in Deir Al-Madina “Valley of The Nobles”, Pharaonic Tourist attractions, Directory Location, Plan from Inside & Architecture, Bio, How to get there, and more.

Tomb of Samut “Kyky, Kiki” – TT409 in Tombs of The Nobles, Luxor “Thebes” Egypt | Facts Egyptian Tombs in Al-Assassif “Valley of The Nobles”, Pharaonic Tourist attractions, Directory Location, Plan from Inside & Architecture, Bio, How to get there, and more.

Tomb of Nefermenu – TT365 in Tombs of The Nobles, Luxor “Thebes” Egypt | Facts Egyptian Tombs in El Khokha “Valley of The Nobles”, Pharaonic Tourist attractions, Directory Location, Plan from Inside & Architecture, Bio, How to get there, and more.

Tomb of Nefersekheru – TT296 in Tombs of The Nobles, Luxor “Thebes” Egypt | Facts Egyptian Tombs in El Khokha “Valley of The Nobles”, Pharaonic Tourist attractions, Directory Location, Plan from Inside & Architecture, Bio, How to get there, and more.

Tomb of Paroy “Djehutimes, Tuhmosis” – TT295 in Tombs of The Nobles, Luxor “Thebes” Egypt | Facts Egyptian Tombs in El Khokha “Valley of The Nobles”, Pharaonic Tourist attractions, Directory Location, Plan from Inside & Architecture, Bio, How to get there, and more.

Tomb of Ipuky and Nebamon – TT181 in Tombs of The Nobles, Luxor “Thebes” Egypt | Facts Egyptian Tombs in El Khokha “Valley of The Nobles”, Pharaonic Tourist attractions, Directory Location, Plan from Inside & Architecture, Bio, How to get there, and more.

Tomb of Kenro “Neferrenpet” – TT178 in Tombs of The Nobles, Luxor “Thebes” Egypt | Facts Egyptian Tombs in El Khokha “Valley of The Nobles”, Pharaonic Tourist attractions, Directory Location, Plan from Inside & Architecture, Bio, How to get there, and more.

Tomb of TT175 in Tombs of The Nobles, Luxor “Thebes” Egypt | Facts Egyptian Tombs in El Khokha “Valley of The Nobles”, Pharaonic Tourist attractions, Directory Location, Plan from Inside & Architecture, Bio, How to get there, and more.

Tomb of Amenemope “Amenemopet’ – TT148 in Tombs of The Nobles, Luxor “Thebes” Egypt | Facts Egyptian Tombs in Draa Abu Al-Naja “Valley of The Nobles”, Pharaonic Tourist attractions, Directory Location, Plan from Inside & Architecture, Bio, How to get there, and more.

Tomb of Amenemonet “Ameneminet” – TT277 in Tombs of The Nobles, Luxor “Thebes” Egypt | Facts Egyptian Tombs in Gournet Merii “Valley of The Nobles”, Pharaonic Tourist attractions, Directory Location, Plan from Inside & Architecture, Bio, How to get there, and more.

Tomb of Paheqamen “Pahekamen, Benia” – TT343 in Tombs of The Nobles, Luxor “Thebes” Egypt | Facts Egyptian Tombs in The cemeteries of Sheikh Abdel Gorna “Valley of The Nobles”, Pharaonic Tourist attractions, Directory Location, Plan from Inside & Architecture, Bio, How to get there, and more.

Tomb of Nakhtamon – TT341 in Tombs of The Nobles, Luxor “Thebes” Egypt | Facts Egyptian Tombs in The cemeteries of Sheikh Abdel Gorna “Valley of The Nobles”, Pharaonic Tourist attractions, Directory Location, Plan from Inside & Architecture, Bio, How to get there, and more.

Tomb of Senemiah and Piay, Pairy – TT127 in Tombs of The Nobles, Luxor “Thebes” Egypt | Facts Egyptian Tombs in The cemeteries of Sheikh Abdel Gorna “Valley of The Nobles”, Pharaonic Tourist attractions, Directory Location, Plan from Inside & Architecture, Bio, How to get there, and more.

Tomb of Rekhmire – TT100 in Tombs of The Nobles, Luxor “Thebes” Egypt | Facts Egyptian Tombs in The cemeteries of Sheikh Abdel Gorna “Valley of The Nobles”, Pharaonic Tourist attractions, Directory Location, Plan from Inside & Architecture, Bio, How to get there, and more.

Tomb of Sennefer – TT96 in Tombs of The Nobles, Luxor “Thebes” Egypt | Facts Egyptian Tombs in The cemeteries of Sheikh Abdel Gorna “Valley of The Nobles”, Pharaonic Tourist attractions, Directory Location, Plan from Inside & Architecture, Bio, How to get there, and more.

Tomb of Amethu “Aametju, Ahmosis, Ahmose” – TT83 in Tombs of The Nobles, Luxor “Thebes” Egypt | Facts Egyptian Tombs in The cemeteries of Sheikh Abdel Gorna “Valley of The Nobles”, Pharaonic Tourist attractions, Directory Location, Plan from Inside & Architecture, Bio, How to get there, and more.

Tomb of Amenemhat – TT82 in Tombs of The Nobles, Luxor “Thebes” Egypt | Facts Egyptian Tombs in The cemeteries of Sheikh Abdel Gorna “Valley of The Nobles”, Pharaonic Tourist attractions, Directory Location, Plan from Inside & Architecture, Bio, How to get there, and more.

Tomb of Horemheb – TT78 in Tombs of The Nobles, Luxor “Thebes” Egypt | Facts Egyptian Tombs in The cemeteries of Sheikh Abdel Gorna “Valley of The Nobles”, Pharaonic Tourist attractions, Directory Location, Plan from Inside & Architecture, Bio, How to get there, and more.

Tomb of Ptahemhet and Roy – TT77 in Tombs of The Nobles, Luxor “Thebes” Egypt | Facts Egyptian Tombs in The cemeteries of Sheikh Abdel Gorna “Valley of The Nobles”, Pharaonic Tourist attractions, Directory Location, Plan from Inside & Architecture, Bio, How to get there, and more.

Tomb of Senet “Antefoqer” – TT60 in Tombs of The Nobles, Luxor “Thebes” Egypt | Facts Egyptian Tombs in The cemeteries of Sheikh Abdel Gorna “Valley of The Nobles”, Pharaonic Tourist attractions, Directory Location, Plan from Inside & Architecture, Bio, How to get there, and more.