The Royal Cache of Deir el-Bahri, The secrets of Pharaonic Mummy, the Valley of the Kings and the Karnak Temple in Luxor, Egypt, and the discoveries they contain about the Egyptian Pharaohs kings and the lives of the ancient Egyptians. Discover what are the most important Egypt Archaeological Sites discoveries, including Pharaonic coffins and mummy discoveries in the Qurna region in Egyptian Tombs Pharaonic and Ancient Egypt Facts. Hurghada lovers

Tomb of Maya In Saqqara, Giza, Egypt | Discover the secrets of the most famous Egyptian Pharaonic tombs, which tell us the secrets of King Tutankhamun, the Eighteenth Egyptian Dynasty, and more of the history of the civilization of the Pharaohs.

Queen Ankhesenamun – Female Pharaohs – Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt – The New Kingdom Discover Ancient Egypt History and the secrets of the most famous Pharaonic queens of Egypt from the Eighteenth Dynasty, and what are the secrets of life with her husband, the king, wife of King Tutankhamun “Egyptian Pharaohs kings“, the most famous pharaoh king in the era of the New Kingdom, her Pharaonic antiquities, and more secrets of

King Ptolemy XIII Theos Philopator – Egyptian Pharaohs kings – Ptolemaic Kingdom Facts and history of the most famous Ptolemaic kings in ancient Egypt, secrets of the king, biography, achievements and more for you to know about how the Ptolemaic era was established… Note: Facts and secrets of the history of the Pharaoh kings will be added soon… Hurghada Excursions Lovers, Best Travel Agency in Hurghada to provide daily tours to visit the Tourist attractions

King Thutmose II ” Tuthmosis II”  – Egyptian Pharaohs kings – Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt – The New Kingdom The most famous kings of the Pharaohs in the Eighteenth Pharaonic Dynasty of Egypt, secrets of the New Egyptian Kingdom and historical facts about the most important kings of the Pharaohs in the civilization of Ancient Egypt, his achievements, his biography, his Pharaonic antiquities, and more about Ancient Egypt History. Ruling period in

King Amenemhat IV  “Amenemhet IV”| Egyptian Pharaohs kings, Twelfth Dynasty of Egypt in Middle Kingdom of Egypt, secrets and historical facts about the most important Pharaoh kings in Ancient Egypt, his Egyptian Antiquities and achievements, his biography, and more about Ancient Egypt History. Ruled Reign period in Ancient Egyptian Government: 1816–1807 BC “10 years”. Date of death: 1806  BC Father: King Amenemhat III Mother: Queen Hetepi “Female Pharaohs“. Wife: Queen

King Ramesses IV – Egyptian Pharaohs kings – The New Kingdom – Twentieth Egyptian Dynasty What are the achievements he made, the Pharaonic statues and monuments he erected, and more about the Ancient Egypt History Pharaonic civilization. Ruling period in Ancient Egyptian Government: 1155–1149 BC Sentence period: 6 years. Date of death: 1149 BC Mother: Queen Tyti Wife: Queen Doatintopet, the most famous Pharaonic queen of Egypt “Female Pharaohs“. Sons: King Ramses V Antiquities: Tomb

God Bastet | The Egyptian Gods | Ancient Egyptian Goddesses, Bastet | The symbol of the cat is the most famous symbol of the ancient Egyptian gods and the religious beliefs of the Pharaohs, as it was combined with the symbol of Sekhmet in the New Kingdom in the civilization of ancient Egypt. Bastet: The cat goddess whose temples were places of pleasure in all its forms, including sexuality.  

God Geb | The Egyptian Gods | Ancient Egyptian Goddesses | The symbol of the Earth is one of the most famous ancient Egyptian gods and the religious beliefs of the Pharaohs, and what are its secrets and the temples in which it is found in ancient Egyptian civilization.

God Nekhbet | The symbol, Nekhbet, is one of the most famous ancient Egyptian deities and the religious beliefs of the Pharaohs In the shape of a female eagle with a white crown God of the regions of Upper Egypt and protector of the king in ancient Egyptian civilization.

Twenty-second Dynasty of Egypt | Discover the most important Egyptian Pharaohs kings and Female Pharaohs from the Egyptian dynasty, how they contributed to the history of ancient Egyptian civilization, and more Ancient Egypt History. Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs Kings of the Twenty-Second Dynasty of Egypt: It was the time period to rule kings Twenty-second Dynasty of Egypt from 943 to 728 BC. King Shoshenq I or Shashank, Sheshonk, Sheshonq IRuled Reign period: 943–922 BC

King Shoshenq I – Egyptian Pharaohs kings – Twenty-second Dynasty of Egypt The most famous pharaohs of the twenty-second Egyptian dynasty in the ancient Egyptian civilization | Discover the history of the pharaonic civilization and the facts and secrets of the most important kings of the Libyan city of Ihnaysa, Sheshonq or Shishak, and his pharaonic Egyptian Monuments and new information you did not know about him in the third

Twelfth Dynasty of Egypt in the Civilization of Ancient Egypt | The names of the Egyptian Pharaohs kings and Pharaonic queens of Egypt “Female Pharaohs” during the era of the Middle Kingdom, how they contributed to building the history of Pharaohs civilization, what are the achievements and Pharaonic Egyptian Antiquities of each king in the Egypt Archaeological Sites, and more about Ancient Egypt History. Kings of the Twelfth Dynasty of

King Senusret I “Sesostris I, Senwosret I” | Discover Ancient Egypt and secrets of the most important Egyptian Pharaohs kings of the Middle Kingdom of Egypt from the Twelfth Dynasty of Egypt, the achievements Egyptian Antiquities, and more to know about Ancient Egypt History. Ruled Reign period in Ancient Egyptian Government: 1971–1926 BC “43 years”. Date of death: 1926 BC. Father: King Amenemhat I, He has the Pyramid of Amenemhat

Food in ancient Egypt | Ancient Egyptian cuisine. Pharaohs Bread Recipe. Fruits, Drinks and Sweets, Discover The most famous foods and what was on the dining table of the Pharaohs and ancient Egyptian kings, what fruits, drinks and sweets were eaten by the Pharaoh and more Ancient Egypt History. The secrets discovered about cooking methods, food tools, Pharaonic dishes, wine gods, the eating habits of Pharaohs, what Pharaoh and the

Temple of Hatshepsut in Deir El Bahari Luxor Egypt | Discover Facts, Architecture, History , Design from inside, location, Wall Painting and more… Discover Secrets of building the most important funerary and Mortuary Temples and pharaonic Egyptian Monuments in the ancient city of Luxor. Hurghada lovers Offer Luxury Hurghada to Luxor Tours | El Gouna to Luxor Tours | Makadi bay to Luxor Tours | Sahl Hasheesh to Luxor Tours

Luxor Temple in Luxor Egypt | History, Facts, Plan, Map, Architecture, Deity, Statues | Discover What is inside, What does symbolize, Opening Hours, Ticket Price, Location and more… Hurghada lovers Offer Luxury Hurghada to Luxor Tours | El Gouna to Luxor Tours | Makadi bay to Luxor Tours | Sahl Hasheesh to Luxor Tours | Soma bay to Luxor Tours. Who are the builders of the Luxor Temple? King Amenemhat

World Heritage Sites in Egypt | Discover How many , Which city has UNESCO World Heritage Sites, Egyptian Monuments, Pharaonic Civilization and more… Find out which archaeological sites are considered UNESCO World Heritage, which city, how to get there, a complete map and more Ancient Egypt History. Known as a country with a long and fascinating history, Egypt was home to one of the oldest human civilizations and more Egyptian

Aga Khan Mausoleum in Aswan Egypt | Facts, History, Map, Entrance Fees Price, Opening Hours and more about The Mausoleum of Agha Khan. The date of the construction of the Mausoleum of Agha Khan in Aswan, Egypt. Information and secrets of the construction of the most important monuments of the Fatimid era to start your tourist journey. Aga Khan III is the leader of the Ismaili community and spent his

Temple Ramses II in Abydos, Sohag, Egypt | Facts Pharaonic Temple King of Ramesses II, Map, History, When was temple built, What was the purpose and more.. The most important ancient funerary temples of the ancient Egyptian civilization in Sohag Egypt, the history and secrets of the construction of the Pharaonic temple and a complete description of the temple from the inside and the statues and drawings it contains. Although

Pyramid of Amenemhat I in Lisht in Saqqara Giza, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs Facts about Egyptian tombs and the history of the Pharaonic civilization “Ancient Egypt History“, the most important pyramids of the ancient Egyptian Pharaonic civilization and secrets about the reason for construction and design from the inside, working hours and entrance ticket prices and more. The pyramid was built during the reign of King Amenemhat I, the most

Pyramid of Unas in Saqqara Giza, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs Facts about Egyptian tombs and the history of building the pyramid of King Unas, the most important pyramids of ancient Egyptian Pharaonic civilization and The Secrets of Pyramid Construction and the design from the inside, working hours and entrance ticket prices and more about the Ancient Egypt History. The ancient pyramid was built during the reign of king Unas, the

Pyramid of Djedkare Isesi in Saqqara Giza, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs Facts about Egyptian tombs and the history of building the pyramid of King Djedkare, the most important pyramids of ancient Egyptian Pharaonic civilization and secrets about the reason for construction and design from the inside, working hours and entrance ticket prices, Egypt Archaeological Sites and more about the history of Pharaonic civilization “Ancient Egypt History“. This pyramid is originally

Pyramid of Djedefre in Abu Rawash, Saqqara Giza, Egypt – pyramid of King Djedefre – Egyptian Tombs Facts about Egyptian Tombs and the History of Pharaonic Civilization “Ancient Egypt History“, The most important pyramids of ancient Egyptian Pharaonic civilization and secrets about the reason for construction and design from the inside, working hours and entrance ticket prices and more about The Secrets of Pyramid Construction. The famous pyramid of King

Pyramid of Senusret I in Saqqara Giza, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs Facts about Egyptian tombs and the history of building the pyramid of King Senusret I, the most important pyramids of ancient Egyptian Pharaonic civilization and secrets about the reason for construction and design from the inside, working hours and entrance ticket prices and more about the Ancient Egypt History. The pyramid of King Senusret I “Egyptian Pharaohs kings” is an Egyptian pyramid

Layer Pyramid in Zawyet El Aryan Tombs, Saqqara, Giza, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs Facts about Egyptian tombs and the history of building the pyramid of King Khaba, the most important pyramids of Ancient Egypt Pharaonic civilization and secrets about the reason for construction and design from the inside, working hours and entrance ticket prices and more to discover the secrets of the history of Pharaonic civilization “Ancient Egypt History“. Layer

Trajan’s Kiosk in Agilkia Island, Aswan, Egypt | Facts Pharaoh’s Bed, History, Map, Entrance Fees, opening hours and more about Quiosco de Trajano. Facts and history of the most important ancient pharaonic temples from the Roman era, how to arrive, opening times, entry ticket prices and more. In fact, the Aswan governorate in Egypt includes a very large number and at the same time a variety of the most important

Sir John Soane’s Museum in London, United Kingdom | Facts Egyptian Antiquities, artifacts, Ancient Egyptian Papyrus, Mummy, artifacts, How many Egyptian artifacts are in the Sir John Soane’s Museum and more… Facts about the most important Pharaonic Egyptian Monuments and collectibles displayed in the Antiquities Hall exhibition, ancient Egyptian civilization, and more Ancient Egypt History. Sir John Soane’s Museum Facts In 1833 AD, Sir John Soane, the owner of that

Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum in Glasgow, Scotland United Kingdom | Facts pharaonic Egyptian Antiquities, artifacts, Ancient Egyptian Papyrus, Mummy, artifacts, How many Egyptian artifacts are in the Kelvingrove Museum and more Egyptian Monuments… The Kelvingrove Art Gallery or Museum is one of the most famous art museums in the world to discover the history of the Pharaonic civilization “Ancient Egypt History“. It is one of the most important and

Princess Neferure – Female Pharaohs – Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt – The New Kingdom Daughter of Queen Hatshepsut “Pharaonic queens of Egypt” from the Eighteenth Egyptian Dynasty in the era of the New Kingdom of Egypt. Facts about the ancient Egyptian civilization and the history of the Pharaonic civilization The most famous princesses and queens of the Ancient Egypt Pharaohs | Pharaonic secrets and monuments, biography, achievements, tomb, Mummy, life

King Mentuhotep II “Nebhepetre” | Facts about Ancient Egypt civilization and the history of the most famous Egyptian Pharaohs kings from the Eleventh Dynasty of Egypt in Middle Kingdom of Egypt | His secrets and Pharaonic Egyptian Antiquities, biography, achievements in the history of the Pharaonic civilization, tomb, mummy, life and death of the king of the Egyptian dynasty, the Eleventh Dynasty, and more about Ancient Egypt History. King Mentuhotep

King Mentuhotep I “Mentuhotep-aa” | Facts about the Ancient Egypt and the Ancient Egypt History, the most famous Egyptian Pharaohs kings, the Eleventh Dynasty of Egypt in the Middle Kingdom of Egypt | His secrets, biography, achievements, tomb, mummy, life and death of the king, his Pharaonic Egyptian Antiquities, and more. King Mentuhotep I Facts: Ruled Reign period in Ancient Egyptian Government: 2135 BC Father: King Intef the Elder Wife:

Caracalla “Marcus Aurelius Antoninus” – Egyptian Pharaohs kings – Greek-Roman era Facts of the most famous kings of the Roman Kingdom and the history of the most famous Roman emperors in the civilization of ancient Egypt, secrets of the Roman Emperor, a biography in the history of the Pharaonic Egyptian Monuments, achievements and more Ancient Egypt History.… Caracalla Facts Emperor Caracalla was born in 18 AD and died on April 8, 217 AD.

King Taharqa – Egyptian Pharaohs kings – Twenty-fifth Dynasty of Egypt Facts and history of the most famous kings of the Pharaohs, the Twenty-Fifth Dynasty of Egypt, the Kushites – Black Pharaohs. History of the Pharaonic civilization, biography, achievements in the ancient Egyptian civilization, tomb, mummy, the life and death of King Tahraqa, his Pharaonic Egyptian Antiquities, and more Ancient Egypt History. King Taharqa Facts King Taharqa is one of the Kushite kings

Eleventh Dynasty of Egypt | Facts Ancient Egypt, History Rulers Egyptian Pharaohs kings and Female Pharaohs in Middle Kingdom of Egypt, 11th dynasty Family tree and more about Ancient Egypt History. Discover the Pharaonic Egyptian Antiquities that were discovered, what are the achievements and features of the 11th Pharaonic Dynasty, what are the most important historical facts and secrets of the Pharaohs kings, who is the founder, and the list

Abydos King List | Facts Abydos Table of the of 76 Egyptian Pharaohs kings, History How many kings did ancient Egypt have Facts, history and secrets of what the royal list contains of the names of the pharaohs of the ancient Egyptian families and more. A list of kings in Abydos in Egypt was created in the past by the great Pharaonic king Seti I, who was one of the

Abdel Rasool Family, Facts and history of the most famous families in Luxor, Egypt, which played a role in the discovery of Tomb of Tutankhamun | KV62 in Valley of the Kings for the burial of the Mummy of King Tutankhamun from the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt during The New Kingdom period, and the Egyptian Tombs in the Pharaonic Deir El Bahari in Luxor And more secrets about The Royal

Victor Loret – Egyptologists Discover the life and secrets of the most important French archaeologists and Egyptology Victor Clement Georges Philippe Loret and what are the most important discoveries in the archaeological sites in Egypt that he made to learn about the history of the Pharaonic civilization and more Ancient Egypt History.. The French scientist Victor Clément Georges Philippe Loret was an Egyptologist and archaeologist, born on September 1, 1859

Napoleon Bonaparte Facts and history of the life of the military and political leader and how he influenced the history of Pharaonic and modern civilization through his French campaigns to Egypt and more Ancient Egypt History.. Napoleon Bonaparte, the famous emperor in historical books, is a military leader and at the same time a French politician, but he is Italian in origin.. His star had risen and his name had

Flinders Petrie – Egyptologists Discover the lives and secrets of the most important scholars of Egyptology and Pharaonic Egyptian Monuments, and the most famous English Egyptologist, Sir William Matthew Flinders Petrie, and what are the most important archaeological discoveries he made in the archaeological sites in Egypt to learn about the history of the Pharaonic civilization and more Ancient Egypt History.. Flinders Petrie Facts Professor and archaeologist Sir William Matthew