Temple of Khnum in Elephantine Island Aswan, Egypt – Egyptian Temples Facts about ancient Egyptian civilization and secrets of Egyptian Pharaonic temples, the most famous Pharaonic tourist attractions, the interior plan and architecture, how to get there, and more about the Ancient Egypt History. The temple was built in the era of The New Kingdom of Egypt and the Middle Kingdom of Egypt to worship the God Khnum, the most famous Egyptian

Temple of Isis Near Old Cataract in Aswan, Egypt – Egyptian Temples Facts and history of the Pharaonic civilization and the secrets of the Egyptian Pharaonic temples, the most famous Pharaonic tourist attractions, the interior plan and architecture, how to get there, and more about Ancient Egypt History. The temple was built to worship the God Isis, who is considered one of the most famous Egyptian deities – Ancient Egyptian gods and

Famine Stela in Aswan, Egypt – Egyptian Monuments Discover the ancient Egyptian civilization and historical facts of the translation of ancient Egyptian language texts and the Pharaonic inscription from the reign of King Djoser, the most famous Egyptian Pharaohs kings of the Third Dynasty of Egypt in the era of Old Kingdom of Egypt. on the rocks of Soheil Island in Aswan, how to get there for the most important Egypt

Gebel el-Silsila “Silsileh” in Aswan, Egypt – Egypt Archaeological Sites Historical facts about the most important and famous archaeological sites in Egypt and the Pharaonic archaeological areas in Upper Egypt to discover the Ancient Egypt civilization, the internal plan and architecture, how to get there, and more about the Ancient Egypt History. Jabal al-Silsila, Gabal as-Silsila, Chain of Mountains, Series of Mountains” Note: Facts and secrets of the history will be

Temple of Amenhotep III in El Kab Aswan, Egypt – Egyptian Temples The history of the Pharaonic civilization and the secrets of the Egyptian temples, the most famous Pharaonic tourist attractions to discover the Ancient Egypt civilization, the interior plan and architecture, how to get there, and more about Ancient Egypt History. The temple was built in the cemetery area of ​​the ancient city of El-Kab during the reign of King Amenhotep

Temple of Dakka “Daca” in Nubia Aswan, Egypt – Egyptian Temples History of the Pharaonic civilization, facts about the ancient Egyptian civilization, secrets of the ancient Egyptian Pharaonic temples, the most famous Pharaonic tourist attractions, the interior plan and architecture, how to get there, and more about Ancient Egypt History. The temple was built to worship the God Thoth, the most famous Egyptian deities – Ancient Egyptian gods and Goddesses in the

Tomb of Bannentiu in Bahariya oasis Egypt | Egyptian Tombs, Pharaonic Tourist attractions in New Valley Governorate, Facts, Directory Location, Plan from Inside & Architecture, Bio, How to get there, and more.

Deir Tasa in Asyut Egypt | Egyptian Tombs, Facts Naqada I of Predynastic Period, Directory Location, Plan from Inside & Architecture, Bio, How to get there, and more.

The Necropolis of Deir EI-Gabrawi in Asyut Egypt | Egyptian Tombs, Facts, Directory Location, Plan from Inside & Architecture, Bio, How to get there, and more.

Deir Rifa Tombs in Asyut Egypt | Egyptian Tombs, Facts, Directory Location, Plan from Inside & Architecture, Bio, How to get there, and more.

Tomb of Djehutihotep in Tell El-Amarna, Al Minya, Egypt | Egyptian Tombs The Site of El-Bersheh, Facts, Directory Location, Plan from Inside & Architecture, Bio, How to get there, and more.

Tomb of Meryre in Tell El-Amarna, Al Minya, Egypt – Ta 4 | Egyptian Tombs, Facts, Directory Location, Plan from Inside & Architecture, Bio, How to get there, and more.

Tomb of Ay in Tell El-Amarna, Al Minya, Egypt – Ta 25 | Egyptian Tombs, Facts, Directory Location, Plan from Inside & Architecture, Bio, How to get there, and more.

Tomb of Ahmes in Tell El-Amarna, Al Minya, Egypt – Ta3 | Egyptian Tombs, Facts, Directory Location, Plan from Inside & Architecture, Bio, How to get there, and more.

Royal Tomb of Akhenaten “Amenhotep Iv” in Tell El-Amarna, Al Minya, Egypt | Egyptian Tombs, Facts, Directory Location, Plan from Inside & Architecture, Bio, How to get there, and more.

Tomb of Itet in Beni Suef Egypt | Pharaonic Tourist attractions, Facts, Directory Location, Plan from Inside & Architecture , Bio, how to get there, and more.

Tomb of Nefermaat – Mastaba 16 in Beni Suef Egypt | Pharaonic Tourist attractions, Facts, Directory Location, Plan from Inside & Architecture , Bio, how to get there, and more.

Tomb of Thiber Bathot in Marsa Matrouh Egypt | Facts Egyptian Tombs and Pharaonic Tourist attractions, History, Map, Entrance Ticket Prices, Opening Hours and more…

Tomb of Priest Fetekti in Saqqara Egypt – Egyptian Tombs Facts about the ancient Egyptian civilization about Egyptian tombs and discoveries of the Old Kingdom mastabas in the history of the Pharaonic civilization in the Dahshur area of ​​Cairo, the map, the design and layout of the Pharaonic tomb from the inside and how to reach it and more about Ancient Egypt History.. Note: Facts and secrets of the history will be added

Tomb of Prince Rahotep and Nofret in Saqqara Egypt – Egyptian Tombs Map, Decoration Design Pharaonic Tombs from the inside and more about Facts Mastabas Of The Old Kingdom Dynasty in Giza, Cairo and more about Ancient Egypt History. Tomb of Prince Rahotep and Nofret Facts: The tomb is distinguished by containing drawings and scenes of Social Structure in Ancient Egypt and the daily life of servants and ancient Egyptians in the civilization

Tomb of Kaaper in Saqqara Egypt – Egyptian Tombs Facts about the ancient Egyptian civilization about Egyptian tombs and discoveries of the Old Kingdom mastabas in the Dahshur area of ​​Cairo, the map, the design and layout of the Pharaonic tomb from the inside and how to reach it to discover the history of the Pharaonic civilization “Ancient Egypt History” and more.. Kaaper worked as a scribe and priest during the reign of

Tomb of Priest Hetepi in Saqqara Egypt – Egyptian Tombs Facts about the ancient Egyptian civilization about Egyptian tombs and discoveries of the Old Kingdom mastabas in the Dahshur area of ​​Cairo, the map, the design and layout of the Pharaonic tomb from the inside and how to reach it for discovery, the Ancient Egypt History and more.. He worked as a priest during the reign of King Neferirkare, the most famous Egyptian

Tomb of Watetkhethor in Saqqara Egypt – Egyptian Tombs Facts about the ancient Egyptian civilization about the Egyptian tombs and discoveries of the history of the Pharaonic civilization of the Old Kingdom mastabas in the Dahshur area of ​​Cairo, the map, the design and layout of the Pharaonic tomb from the inside and how to reach it and more about Ancient Egypt History.. He worked within the government of king Teti, the most

Tomb of Nyankhnefertem “Temi” in Saqqara Egypt – Egyptian Tombs Facts about the ancient Egyptian civilization about Egyptian tombs and discoveries of the Old Kingdom mastabas in the Dahshur area of ​​Cairo, the map, the design and layout of the Pharaonic tomb from the inside and how to reach it to discover the history of the Pharaonic civilization and more about Ancient Egypt History & Social Structure in Ancient Egypt.. Note: Facts and

Tomb of Nikauisesi in Saqqara Egypt – Egyptian Tombs Facts about the ancient Egyptian civilization about Egyptian tombs and discoveries of the Old Kingdom mastabas in the Dahshur area of ​​Cairo, the map, the design and layout of the Pharaonic tomb from the inside to discover the history of the Pharaonic civilization and how to reach it and more about Ancient Egypt History.. Note: Facts and secrets of the history will be added

Tomb of Niankhkhnum and Khnumhotep in in Saqqara Egypt – Egyptian Tombs Facts about Egyptian tombs and discoveries of mastabas in the history of the Pharaonic civilization in the Dahshur area of ​​Cairo in the ancient Egyptian civilization, the map, the design and layout of the Pharaonic tomb from the inside and how to reach it and more about Ancient Egypt History.. The tomb was built in the era of the Old Kingdom

Tomb of Neferherenptah “Bird Tomb” in Saqqara Egypt – Egyptian Tombs Facts about Egyptian tombs and discoveries of mastabas in the history of the Pharaonic civilization in the ancient Egyptian civilization in the Dahshur area of ​​Cairo, the map, the design and layout of the Pharaonic tomb from the inside and how to reach it and more about Ancient Egypt History.. Nefer Ptah worked in the government under the rule of the Egyptian

Tomb of Meryteti “Meri” in Saqqara Egypt – Egyptian Tombs Facts about Egyptian tombs and discoveries of the mastabas of ancient Egyptian civilization in the Dahshur area of ​​Cairo, the map, the design and layout of the Pharaonic tomb from the inside and how to reach it and more about the Ancient Egypt History. Miri worked as a minister in the government during the reign of king Teti, the most famous Egyptian Pharaohs

Tomb of Merefnebef in Saqqara Egypt – Egyptian Tombs Facts about Egyptian tombs and discoveries of mastabas of ancient Egyptian civilization in the Dahshur area of ​​Cairo, the map, the design and layout of the Pharaonic tomb from the inside and how to reach it and more about the history of the Pharaonic civilization “Ancient Egypt History“. Mervenebev worked in the government during the era of the Sixth Dynasty of Egypt during the

Tomb of Irukaptah “Khenu” in Saqqara Egypt – Egyptian Tombs Facts about Egyptian tombs and discoveries of the mastabas of ancient Egyptian civilization in the Dahshur area of ​​Cairo, the map, the design and layout of the Pharaonic tomb from the inside and how to reach it and more about the Ancient Egypt History. He worked in the government as a general supervisor during the reign of king Unas, the most famous Egyptian

Tomb of Akhethetep and Ptahhotep II – Mastaba D64 in Saqqara Egypt – Egyptian Tombs Facts about Egyptian tombs and discoveries of the mastabas of ancient Egyptian civilization in the Dahshur area of ​​Cairo, the map, the design and layout of the Pharaonic tomb from the inside and how to reach it and more about Ancient Egypt History. The history of the tomb dates back to the reign of king Unas, the most

Tomb of Kagemni “Memi” in Saqqara Egypt – Egyptian Tombs Facts about Egyptian tombs and discoveries of the mastabas of ancient Egyptian civilization in the Dahshur area of ​​Cairo, the map, the design and layout of the Pharaonic tomb from the inside and how to reach it and more about the Ancient Egypt History. Tomb of Kagemni Facts Kagemni worked as a minister, a wise man and a special advisor during the reign

Tomb of Pa-Aton-Em-Heb in Saqqara Egypt – Egyptian Tombs Note: Facts and secrets of the history will be added soon… Hurghada Excursions Lovers, Best Travel Agency in Hurghada to provide daily tours to visit the Tourist attractions of Luxor by Hurghada to Luxor Tours and Hurghada to Pyramids Trips. Book online when you come to Hurghada, El Gouna, Sahl Hashish, Makadi Bay, Soma Bay. 

Pyramid of Neferkare Neby Saqqara Egypt in Saqqara, Giza, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs Facts about Egyptian tombs, history of Pharaonic civilization “Ancient Egypt History“, secrets from the inside, mysteries of the kings of the Egyptian Pharaonic dynasty in ancient Egyptian civilization, working hours, entrance fees, location, what is the secret inside the pyramid and more… The pyramid was built to bury the Mummy of the pharaohs, King Neferirkare, the most famous Egyptian

Tomb of Qar in Giza Egypt – G 7101, Cairo Egypt – Egyptian Tombs – Mastabas Of The Old Kingdom of Egypt The most famous Egyptian tombs and mastabas of the ancient Egyptian kingdom in Giza | Facts about the ancient Egyptian civilization and discoveries of the history of the Pharaonic civilization, the map, the design and layout of the Pharaonic tomb from the inside and more Ancient Egypt History.. He worked as a general

Tomb of Penmeru in – G2197, Cairo Egypt – Egyptian Tombs – Mastabas Of The Old Kingdom of Egypt The most famous Egyptian tombs and mastabas of the ancient Egyptian kingdom in Giza | Facts about the ancient Egyptian civilization and discoveries of the history of the Pharaonic civilization, the map, the design and layout of the Pharaonic tomb from the inside and more Ancient Egypt History.. The tomb was built in the era of

Tomb of Iasen in Giza – G 2196, Cairo Egypt – Egyptian Tombs – Mastabas Of The Old Kingdom of Egypt The most famous Egyptian tombs and mastabas of the ancient Egyptian kingdom in Giza | Facts about the ancient Egyptian civilization and discoveries of the history of the Pharaonic civilization, the map, the design and layout of the Pharaonic tomb from the inside and more Ancient Egypt History.. He worked as a general supervisor

Tomb of Queen Hetepheres I in Giza, Cairo Egypt – Egyptian Tombs – Mastabas Of The Old Kingdom of Egypt The most famous Egyptian tombs and mastabas of the ancient Egyptian kingdom in Giza | Facts about the ancient Egyptian civilization and discoveries of the history of the Pharaonic civilization, the map, the design and layout of the Pharaonic tomb from the inside and more Ancient Egypt History.. The tomb was

God Heh “Hauhet, Huh, Hah, Hauh, Huah, and Hehu” – Famous the Egyptian Gods and deities – Discover Mythology and Goddesses Ancient Egypt, Symbol of infinity.

God Kek “Kauket” – Famous the Egyptian Gods and deities – Discover Mythology and Goddesses Ancient Egypt, Symbol of Chaos and Darkness.

God Nu “Nun, Nunut, Naunet”- Famous the Egyptian Gods and deities – Discover Mythology and Goddesses Ancient Egypt, Symbol.

God Tatenen “Ta-tenen, Tatjenen, Tathenen, Tanen, Tenen, Tanenu, and Tanuu” – Famous the Egyptian Gods and deities – Discover Mythology and Goddesses Ancient Egypt, Symbol.

God Amunet “Imnt, Amonet or Amaunet” – Famous the Egyptian Gods and deities – Discover Mythology and Goddesses Ancient Egypt, Symbol.

God Anuket “Anaka, Anqet, Anukis” – Famous the Egyptian Gods and deities – Discover Mythology and Goddesses Ancient Egypt, Symbol.

God Bat – Famous the Egyptian Gods and deities – Discover Mythology and Goddesses Ancient Egypt, Symbol of Cow goddess.

God Hatmehit – Famous the Egyptian Gods and deities – Discover Mythology and Goddesses Ancient Egypt, Symbol of Fish goddess worshipped.

God Hesat – Famous the Egyptian Gods and deities – Discover Mythology and Goddesses Ancient Egypt, Symbol of maternal cow goddess.

God Menhit “Menhyt, Menchit” – Famous the Egyptian Gods and deities – Discover Mythology and Goddesses Ancient Egypt, Symbol of solar lioness.

God Pakhet “Pachet, Pehkhet, Phastet, Pasht” – Famous the Egyptian Gods and deities – Discover Mythology and Goddesses Ancient Egypt, Symbol of lioness.

God Renenutet “Renen-wetet, Renenet, Ernūtet” – Famous the Egyptian Gods and deities – Discover Mythology and Goddesses Ancient Egypt, Symbol of fortune.

God Satis – Famous the Egyptian Gods and deities – Discover Mythology and Goddesses Ancient Egypt, Symbol of floods, war, hunting and fertility.

God Wosret – Famous the Egyptian Gods and deities – Discover Mythology and Goddesses Ancient Egypt, Symbol of Thebes.

God Aker – Famous the Egyptian Gods and deities – Discover Mythology and Goddesses Ancient Egypt, Symbol of the earth and the horizon.

God Anhur “Onuris, Onouris, An-Her, Anhuret, Han-Her, Inhert” – Famous the Egyptian Gods and deities – Discover Mythology and Goddesses Ancient Egypt, Symbol of the of war and hunting.

God Bennu – Famous the Egyptian Gods and deities – Discover Mythology and Goddesses Ancient Egypt, Symbol of the solar and creator deity.

God Maahes “Mihos, Miysis, Mios, Maihes, or Mahes” – Famous the Egyptian Gods and deities – Discover Mythology and Goddesses Ancient Egypt, Symbol of the lion, son of Bastet.

God Nemty – Famous the Egyptian Gods and deities – Discover Mythology and Goddesses Ancient Egypt, Symbol of the Falcon.

God Neper “Nepra or Nepri” – Famous the Egyptian Gods and deities – Discover Mythology and Goddesses Ancient Egypt, Symbol of the grain.

God Sopdu “Septu or Sopedu” – Famous the Egyptian Gods and deities – Discover Mythology and Goddesses Ancient Egypt, Symbol of the sky and eastern border regions.

God Wadj-wer or Uatch-ur – Famous the Egyptian Gods and deities – Discover Mythology and Goddesses Ancient Egypt, Symbol lakes of the Nile Delta.

Pyramid of Queen Henutsen in Cairo Giza Egypt | G1c Facts and history of the Pharaonic civilization to build the most important ancient Egyptian Tombs and the most famous pyramids of the ancient Egyptian kingdom “Old Kingdom of Egypt” and a map and design of the pyramid from the inside to discover the civilization of Ancient Egypt. The pyramid was built in the era of King Khufu, the most famous

Pyramid of Queen Meritites I in Cairo Giza Egypt | G1-b Facts and history of the Pharaonic civilization to build the most important ancient Pharaonic Egyptian Temples in the civilization of Ancient Egypt and the most famous pyramids of the Old Kingdom of Egypt and a map and design of the pyramid from the inside. The pyramid was built in the era of King Khufu, the most famous Egyptian Pharaohs

Queen Khamerernebty II | Ancient Egyptian Female Pharaohs, Famous Queens of Fourth Dynasty of Egypt from Old Kingdom of Egypt, Discover the life of the Pharaonic Queen, her historical facts, and her Egyptian Antiquities and discoveries in Ancient Egypt and more about Ancient Egypt History. Husband “Spouse’: King Menkaure , building Pyramid of Menkaure “Egyptian Pharaohs kings“. Sons: King Shepseskaf, Sekhemkare. Biography: She did not rule or participate in Ancient Egyptian

Queen Meresankh III | Ancient Egyptian Female Pharaohs, Famous Queens of Fourth Dynasty of Egypt from Old Kingdom of Egypt, Discover the life of the Pharaonic Queen, her historical facts, and her Egyptian Antiquities and discoveries in Ancient Egypt and more about Ancient Egypt History. Husband “Spouse’: King Khafre  building Pyramid of Khafre in The Pyramids of Giza “Egyptian Pharaohs kings“. Sons: Nebemakhet, Duaenre, Niuserre, Khenterka. Biography: She did not rule

Queen Hetepheres II | Ancient Egyptian Female Pharaohs, Famous Queens of Fourth Dynasty of Egypt from Old Kingdom of Egypt, Discover the life of the Pharaonic Queen, her historical facts, and her Egyptian Antiquities and discoveries in Ancient Egypt and more about Ancient Egypt History. Husband “Spouse’: Prince Kawab, King Djedefre “Egyptian Pharaohs kings” . Sons: Duaenhor, Kaemsekhem, Mindjedef, Queen Meresankh III, Neferhetepes. Biography: She did not rule or participate

Queen Meresankh II | Ancient Egyptian Female Pharaohs, Famous Queens of Fourth Dynasty of Egypt from Old Kingdom of Egypt, Discover the life of the Pharaonic Queen, her historical facts, and her Egyptian Antiquities and discoveries in Ancient Egypt and more about Ancient Egypt History. Husband “Spouse’: Prince Horbaef, King Djedefre “Egyptian Pharaohs kings“. Sons: Princess Nefertkau III, Princess Nebty-tepites, Prince Djaty. Biography: She did not rule or participate in

Queen Henutsen | Ancient Egyptian Female Pharaohs, Famous Queens of Fourth Dynasty of Egypt from Old Kingdom of Egypt, Discover the life of the Pharaonic Queen, her historical facts, and her Egyptian Antiquities and discoveries in Ancient Egypt and more about Ancient Egypt History. Husband “Spouse’: King Khufu it has the Great Pyramid of Giza within the group of The Pyramids of Giza and the The Sphinx of Giza, the

Queen Meritites I | Ancient Egyptian Female Pharaohs, Famous Queens of Fourth Dynasty of Egypt from Old Kingdom of Egypt, Discover the life of the Pharaonic Queen, her historical facts, and her Egyptian Antiquities and discoveries in Ancient Egypt and more about Ancient Egypt History. Husband “Spouse’: King Khufu, It has the largest The Pyramids of Giza and The Sphinx of Giza, which is the Great Pyramid of Giza, which indicates

Queen Hetepheres I | Ancient Egyptian Female Pharaohs, Famous Queens of Fourth Dynasty of Egypt from Old Kingdom of Egypt, Discover the life of the Pharaonic Queen, her historical facts, and her Egyptian Antiquities and discoveries in Ancient Egypt and more about Ancient Egypt History. Queen Hetepheres I Facts and secrets: Husband “Spouse’: King Sneferu. Sons: Hetepheres, King Khufu “Egyptian Pharaohs kings“. Biography: She is distinguished by her being of royal-Pharaonic origin.

Queen Merit Neith or Merit-neith, Meryt-Neith | Ancient Egyptian Female Pharaohs, Famous Queens of First Dynasty of Egypt, Discover the life of the Pharaonic Queen, her historical facts, and her discoveries in the Ancient Egypt about Ancient Egypt History. Husband “Spouse’: King Djet. Sons: Den “Egyptian Pharaohs kings“. Biography: She is considered the first queen to rule in Ancient Egyptian Government and throughout history around the world. Burial Place: Royal

Queen Neithhotep or Neith-hotep | Ancient Egyptian Female Pharaohs, Famous Queens of First Dynasty of Egypt, Discover Ancient Egypt History and  the life of the Pharaonic Queen, her historical facts, and her discoveries in the Ancient Egypt about Ancient Egypt History. Husband “Spouse’: King Narmer Sons: King Hor-Aha “Egyptian Pharaohs kings” Biography: The first Egyptian queen or woman to rule in Ancient Egyptian Government snd in the history of ancient Egypt,

Queen Cleopatra V – Female Pharaohs – Ptolemaic Kingdom The most famous queens of Pharaonic Egypt in the Greek era, the era of the Ptolemies | Discover the secrets of ancient Egyptian civilization and historical facts about the life of the Pharaonic queen and the most important archaeological discoveries related to it in the history of Pharaonic civilization and more Ancient Egypt History. Note: Facts and secrets of the history of the Pharaoh

King Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysus – Egyptian Pharaohs kings – Ptolemaic Kingdom The most famous pharaohs in the Greek era, the Ptolemaic era | Discover the secrets of ancient Egyptian civilization and historical facts about the life of the pharaonic king and the most important archaeological discoveries related to him in the history of the pharaonic civilization and more Ancient Egypt History. Note: Facts and secrets of the history of the Pharaoh kings

Queen Berenice III – Female Pharaohs – Ptolemaic Kingdom The most famous queens of Pharaonic Egypt in the Greek era, the Ptolemaic era | Discover the secrets and historical facts about the life of the Pharaonic queen in the ancient Egyptian civilization and the most important archaeological discoveries related to it in the history of the Pharaonic civilization and more Ancient Egypt History. Note: Facts and secrets of the history of the Pharaoh

King Ptolemy X – Egyptian Pharaohs kings – Ptolemaic Kingdom The most famous pharaohs in the Greek era, the Ptolemaic era | Discover the secrets and historical facts about the life of the pharaonic king in the ancient Egyptian civilization and the most important archaeological discoveries related to him in the history of the Pharaonic civilization and more Ancient Egypt History. Note: Facts and secrets of the history of the Pharaoh kings will

King Ptolemy IX Soter – Egyptian Pharaohs kings – Ptolemaic Kingdom The most famous pharaohs in the Greek era, the Ptolemaic era | Discover the secrets and historical facts about the life of the pharaonic king in the ancient Egyptian civilization and the most important archaeological discoveries related to him in the history of the Pharaonic civilization and more Ancient Egypt History. Note: Facts and secrets of the history of the Pharaoh kings

Queen Cleopatra III – Female Pharaohs – Ptolemaic Kingdom The most famous queens of Pharaonic Egypt in the Greek era, the era of the Ptolemies | Discover the secrets of ancient Egyptian civilization and historical facts about the life of the Pharaonic queen and the most important archaeological discoveries related to it in the history of Pharaonic civilization and more Ancient Egypt History. Note: Facts and secrets of the history of the Pharaoh

Queen Cleopatra II – Female Pharaohs – Ptolemaic Kingdom The most famous queens of Pharaonic Egypt in the Greek era, the Ptolemaic era | Discover the secrets and historical facts about the life of the Pharaonic queen in the ancient Egyptian civilization and the most important archaeological discoveries related to it in the history of the Pharaonic civilization and more Ancient Egypt History. Note: Facts and secrets of the history of the Pharaoh

King Ptolemy V – Egyptian Pharaohs kings – Ptolemaic Kingdom The most famous pharaohs in the Greek era, the Ptolemaic era. Discover the secrets of ancient Egyptian civilization and historical facts about the life of the pharaonic king and the most important archaeological discoveries related to him in the history of the pharaonic civilization and more Ancient Egypt History. Note: Facts and secrets of the history of the King Ptolemy V will be

Queen Arsinoe III – Female Pharaohs – Ptolemaic Kingdom The most famous queens of Pharaonic Egypt in the Greek era, the era of the Ptolemies | Discover the secrets of ancient Egyptian civilization and historical facts about the life of the Pharaonic queen and the most important archaeological discoveries related to it in the history of Pharaonic civilization and more Ancient Egypt History. Note: Facts and secrets of the history of the Pharaoh

Queen Berenice II Euergetis – Female Pharaohs – Ptolemaic Kingdom The most famous queens of Pharaonic Egypt in the Greek era, the era of the Ptolemies | Discover the secrets of ancient Egyptian civilization and historical facts about the life of the Pharaonic queen and the most important archaeological discoveries related to it in the history of Pharaonic civilization and Ancient Egypt History. Note: Facts and secrets of the history of the Pharaoh

Queen Arsinoe II – Female Pharaohs – Ptolemaic Kingdom The most famous queens of Pharaonic Egypt in the Greek era, the era of the Ptolemies | Discover the secrets of ancient Egyptian civilization and historical facts about the life of the Pharaonic queen and the most important archaeological discoveries related to it in the history of Pharaonic civilization and more Ancient Egypt History. Note: Facts and secrets of the history of the

King Ptolemy I – Egyptian Pharaohs kings – Ptolemaic Kingdom The most famous pharaohs in the Greek era, the Ptolemaic era | Discover the secrets of ancient Egyptian civilization and historical facts about the life of the pharaonic king and the most important archaeological discoveries related to him in the history of the pharaonic civilization and more Ancient Egypt History. Note: Facts and secrets of the history of the Pharaoh

King Philip III Arrhidaeus – Egyptian Pharaohs kings – Macedonian Greeks dynasty, The most famous, Discover the historical facts about the Pharaonic king, what are the most important discoveries, secrets of his private life, and more Ancient Egypt History. King Philip III Arrhidaeus Facts Note: Facts and secrets of the history of the Pharaoh kings will be added soon… Hurghada Excursions Lovers, Best Travel Agency in Hurghada to provide daily tours to

King Darius III – Egyptian Pharaohs kings – Thirty-First Dynasty of Egypt, The most famous, Discover the historical facts about the Pharaonic king, what are the most important discoveries, secrets of his private life, and more Ancient Egypt History. Note: Facts and secrets of the history of the Pharaoh kings will be added soon… Hurghada Excursions Lovers, Best Travel Agency in Hurghada to provide daily tours to visit the Tourist attractions of

King Psammuthes – – Egyptian Pharaohs kings – Twenty-Ninth Dynasty of Egypt The most famous pharaohs, the twenty-ninth Egyptian dynasty | Discover the history of the pharaonic civilization, the secrets of the ancient Egyptian civilization, historical facts about the life of the pharaonic king, the most important archaeological discoveries, his pharaonic Egyptian Antiquities, and more Ancient Egypt History. King Psammuthes facts Period of rule in Ancient Egyptian Government: 391 BC Antiquities: A bronze

King Hakor – Egyptian Pharaohs kings – Twenty-Ninth Dynasty of Egypt The most famous pharaohs of the Egyptian dynasty, the twenty-ninth pharaonic dynasty | Discover the secrets and history of the pharaonic civilization and historical facts about the life of the pharaonic king and the most important pharaonic Egyptian Monuments related to him in the ancient Egyptian civilization and more Ancient Egypt History. King Hakor facts The period of rule in Ancient Egyptian

King Nepherites I – Egyptian Pharaohs kings – Twenty-Ninth Dynasty of Egypt The most famous pharaohs of the Egyptian dynasty, the twenty-ninth pharaonic dynasty | Discover the secrets of ancient Egyptian civilization, facts and history of the pharaonic civilization about the life of the pharaonic king and the most important discoveries of his pharaonic Egyptian Antiquities and more Ancient Egypt History. King Nepherites I facts Period of rule in Ancient

King Artaxerxes I – Egyptian Pharaohs kings – Twenty-Seventh Dynasty of Egypt The most famous pharaohs of the twenty-seventh Egyptian dynasty | Discover the secrets of ancient Egyptian civilization and historical facts about the life of the pharaonic king and the most important discoveries and pharaonic antiquities related to him in the history of the pharaonic Egyptian Monuments and more Ancient Egypt History. King Artaxerxes I Facts Reign period in Ancient Egyptian Government:

King Xerxes I – Egyptian Pharaohs kings – Twenty-Seventh Dynasty of Egypt The most famous pharaohs, the twenty-seventh Egyptian dynasty in the ancient Egyptian civilization | Discover the secrets and historical facts about the life of the pharaonic king in the history of the pharaonic civilization and the most important archaeological discoveries and pharaonic Egyptian Monuments related to him and more Ancient Egypt History. King Xerxes I Facts Period of rule in Ancient

King Darius I – Egyptian Pharaohs kings – Twenty-Seventh Dynasty of Egypt The most famous pharaohs, the twenty-seventh Egyptian dynasty in the ancient Egyptian civilization | Discover the secrets, facts and history of the pharaonic civilization about the life of the pharaonic king and the most important discoveries of his pharaonic Egyptian Antiquities and more Ancient Egypt History. King Darius I Facts Period of rule in Ancient Egyptian Government: 522 BC Date of

King Petubastis III – Egyptian Pharaohs kings – Twenty-Seventh Dynasty of Egypt The most famous pharaohs of the Egyptian dynasty, the twenty-seventh pharaonic dynasty | Discover the history of the pharaonic civilization, the secrets of the ancient Egyptian civilization, historical facts about the life of the pharaonic king, the most important archaeological discoveries, his pharaonic antiquities, and more Ancient Egypt History. King Petubastis III Facts The period of rule in

king Psamtik III – Egyptian Pharaohs kings– Twenty-Sixth Dynasty of Egypt The most famous pharaohs of the Egyptian 26th Pharaonic Dynasty | Discover the history of the Pharaonic civilization, the secrets of the ancient Egyptian civilization, historical facts about the life of the Pharaonic king, the most important discoveries of his Pharaonic Egyptian Monuments, and more Ancient Egypt History. king Psamtik III Facts Reign in Ancient Egyptian Government: 526–525 BC Duration of

king Amasis II – Egyptian Pharaohs kings– Twenty-Sixth Dynasty of Egypt The most famous pharaohs of the Egyptian dynasty, the twenty-sixth pharaonic dynasty in the ancient Egyptian civilization. Discover the secrets, facts and history of the pharaonic civilization about the life of the pharaonic king and the most important discoveries of the pharaonic Egyptian Antiquities related to him and more Ancient Egypt History. king Amasis II Facts Period of rule in Ancient

king Psamtik II – Egyptian Pharaohs kings– Twenty-Sixth Dynasty of Egypt The most famous pharaohs, the twenty-sixth Egyptian dynasty in the history of the pharaonic civilization. Discover the secrets of ancient Egyptian civilization and historical facts about the life of the pharaonic king and the most important discoveries of his pharaonic Egyptian Monuments and more Ancient Egypt History. king Psamtik II facts Period of rule: 595-589 BC Duration of rule in Ancient

king Apries – Egyptian Pharaohs kings– Twenty-Sixth Dynasty of Egypt The most famous pharaohs, the twenty-sixth Egyptian dynasty in the ancient Egyptian civilization | Discover the secrets, facts and history of the pharaonic civilization about the life of the pharaonic king and the most important discoveries of his pharaonic Egyptian Monuments and more Ancient Egypt History. king Apries Facts Period of rule in Ancient Egyptian Government: 589-570 BC Duration of rule: 19

king Necho II – Egyptian Pharaohs kings– Twenty-Sixth Dynasty of Egypt The most famous pharaohs of the Egyptian 26th Pharaonic Dynasty | Discover the history of the Pharaonic civilization, the secrets of the ancient Egyptian civilization, historical facts about the life of the Pharaonic king, the most important discoveries of his Pharaonic antiquities, and more. king Necho II Facts Period of rule in Ancient Egyptian Government: 610-595 BC Father: King Psamtik I

king Tantamani – Egyptian Pharaohs kings – Twenty-fifth Dynasty of Egypt The most famous pharaohs of the twenty-fifth Egyptian dynasty in the ancient Egyptian civilization – the Black Pharaohs. Discover the history of the pharaonic civilization and the secrets and historical facts about the life of the pharaonic king and the most important discoveries and pharaonic antiquities related to him and more Ancient Egypt History. king Tantamani Facts The period of rule in

king Shabaka – Egyptian Pharaohs kings – Twenty-fifth Dynasty of Egypt The most famous pharaohs of the twenty-fifth Egyptian dynasty in the ancient Egyptian civilization – Black Pharaohs. Discover the history of the pharaonic civilization and the secrets and historical facts about the life of the pharaonic king and the most important discoveries of the pharaonic Egyptian Monuments related to him and more Ancient Egypt History. king Shabaka Facts Period of rule: 705-690

king Shebitku – Egyptian Pharaohs kings – Twenty-fifth Dynasty of Egypt The most famous pharaohs of the twenty-fifth Egyptian dynasty – Black Pharaohs, Discover the secrets, facts and history of the pharaonic civilization about the life of the pharaonic king in the ancient Egyptian civilization and the most important discoveries of the pharaonic Egyptian Antiquities related to him and more Ancient Egypt History. king Shebitku Facts Period of rule in Ancient Egyptian Government: