The Pharaonic Monuments of Fayoum Egypt | TOP Things to do in Fayoum | The 15 Best Day Trips from Cairo & Historical Landmarks in Faiyum

The Pharaonic Monuments of Fayoum | History Of Egyptian and secrets of all the monuments discovered in the province of Fayoum to tell us about the secrets of the pharaoh kings, the life of the Ancient Egypt and more Things to Do in Egypt.

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The Pharaonic Monuments of Fayoum Egypt

The arches of Lahoon

The history of the construction of the most important Pharaonic monuments and shrines of Fayoum in Egypt and what is the secret of the construction of arches and the stages it went through and more to start your tourist trip to Fayoum.

The arches of El-Lahoon date from the time of the 12th Pharaonic dynasty to the XX  century BC. and rebuilt in solid stone at the entrance of Bahr Youssef at the time of the Mamluk Sultan El-Dhaher Bebars XIIIth century AD. to reduce the current rush and regulate the entry of flood water from the Nile.

The ruins of Kiman Faris

The history of the construction of the most important pharaonic monuments and monuments of the Fayoum in Egypt and what are the most important discoveries of historical statues and temples to tell us the secrets of the civilization of the Egyptian Pharaohs.

Kiman Faris is the oldest site in Fayoum dating from the Fifth Dynasty and the site has been found with a black granite statue of King Amenemhat IIIEgyptian Pharaohs kings” as well as papyri and bronze coins dating from Roman times and the Coptic era, the Gospel of St. John dating from 125 AD.

The ancient name of the area was (mou wer) or the great waters and then (Ta She) or the land of the lake and in Ptolemaic times it was called Crocodilopolis  where the god Sobek was worshipped in his great temple and at the time of Ptolemy II he gave the name of his wife and beloved sister Arsinoe after his death.

Medinet Maadi temple – The Pharaonic Monuments of Fayoum

The history of the construction of the oldest and longest Pharaonic archaeological temples of the city of Medinet Madi in Fayoum in Egypt and which tombs and statues were discovered to become the area of the most important monuments and attractions of Fayoum and more.

The temple of Medinet Madi dates from the period of  the 12th dynasty of Kings Amenemhat III and Amenemhat IV who dedicated it to the worship of Sobek the crocodile, the goddess Renenut the goddess of the harvest and the goddess Isis. Between the ruins found at the site of the Sphinxes with the lion’s body and the human head.

The ruins of Karanis

The history and secrets of the construction of the area of the ancient city of Karanis to Kom Oshim Fayoum in Egypt and the most important monuments and monuments of historical pharaonic monuments and discovered tombs and pharaonic statues from Roman times and more.

The city of Karanis  was  built in the time of King Ptolemy II for the Greek mercenaries who inhabited the city for its fertile lands.

The ruins of the houses  built of brick still exist where utensils and plates were found. The city had  two Greco-Roman temples dedicated to the worship of the crocodile god Sobek one of the two temples is located to the north and the other to the south of the city. We also found in the city a bath of the Roman era.

Fayum Mummy Portraits – The portraits of Fayoum

The history and secrets of Egypt’s most important pharaonic monuments in Fayoum, and what the paintings tell about the lives of kings in Pharaonic, Greek and Roman times, drawings of Egyptian mummies coffins and more.

It is a rectangular or square piece of wood or cloth on which the face of the deceased was drawn that was painted and was fixed to the face of the mummy by linen bandages.

Fayoum’s portraits first appeared in Roman times, most of which came from Fayoum, but similar paintings have been found elsewhere, such as in Sakkara and Aswan.

Another of the most important areas that produced Fayoum’s portraits was the city of Antinopolis,” Sheikh Abada in Minya”.

The first to find Fayoum’s portraits was Flinders Petri, including many exhibits on the first floor of the Egyptian Museum in front of King Tutankhamun funerary beds.

The most important drawings on the mummies of Fayoum’s portraits:

  • The scenes of offerings to Isis and Osiris.

There are other important scenes:

  • The key of life (Ankh)+ snake + horus’ weapons to push his enemies
  • Horus Behdeti.
  • The sign (wee’b) symbol of purification.
  • Water “that is, the water returns again to the deceased”.
  • The sign of the resurrection of the
  • The last pilgrimage of the mummy by boat to The Temple of Abydos.

The ruins of Om El-Attel – The Pharaonic Monuments of Fayoum

The history of the construction of the most important pharaonic archaeological areas of Ezbat Green Fayoum in Egypt and the secrets of the temple of the God Sobek and what are the most important discoveries of statues and drawings found in the area and more.

Ezbet Green Om El-Atel, The Center of Tamia Al-Fayoum.

The ruins of the ancient city of Bakkhias, with a brick Greco-Roman temple dedicated to Sobek,  are located 8 km east of  Karanis. The ruins of the houses of the inhabitants of the city were found as well as large silos to store wheat.

Pyramid of Seila

The history of the construction of the most important Pharaonic monuments and shrines in the village of Rubiyat Fayoum Egypt, what are the secrets of the construction of the pyramid, the architectural design of the Pharaonic pyramid and more.

This pyramid was built by King Senefru the father of King Cheops and this pyramid which dates from the 3rd dynasty is a commemorative pyramid that has no burial chamber and it  was  23 m high but it is currently only 10  m and its base  is  32 m. It is built of white limestone.

Pyramid of Hawara – Hawwarat Al Maqta

The history and secrets of the construction of the most important Pharaonic archaeological pyramids of Fayoum in Egypt, built by King Amenemhat III of the 12th Dynasty around the 20th century BC. The pyramid of  Hawara was built of brick with a layer of limestone cladding.  The pyramid was 58 m high but its current height does not exceed 20 m. It was 100 meters long on each side and 48.25 meters at an angle, with many tombs of high officials around.

Pyramid of Lahoon – Lahun Pyramid – The Pharaonic Monuments of Fayoum

The construction of the most important historical archaeological pyramids from the time of the pharaohs in Fayoum Egypt, built by King Sesostris II, what are its secrets, the discoveries found in the statues, the Pharaonic mummy and more.

King Sesostris II built his brick pyramid on a limestone core – the pyramid is 48 meters high, and each side is 106 meters long. A gold jewel was found in this pyramid representing the royal cobra that was attached to the forehead of the king’s crown.

Obelisk of Sesostris I – Obelisk of Senusret I

The history of the construction of the oldest Pharaonic obelisks in Egypt and what secrets of obelisk and discoveries have been found to tell us the life of the kings of the ancient Pharaonic civilization.

King Sesostris I engraved this 12 m high obelisk in pink granite at the entrance of the Fayoum to commemorate the work done to make the arid lands of Fayoum in arable and productive land as the Fayoum experienced a prosperous period in the time of the Middle Kingdom thanks to the attention given by the kings of the Middle Kingdom to this important nome which is due to its proximity to the capital of Egypt at the time which was called Itet Tawy (Ehnasia Al Madina) today.

Qasr El Sagha Temple:  

The history of the construction of the most important tourist attractions and attractions of Fayoum in Egypt.

North of Lake Qarun– the small temple of Qasr El-Sagha.

It is a temple probably built in the time of the Old Kingdom and the kings of the Middle Kingdom added constructions to this temple. It is located on a site surrounded by villages that probably date from prehistoric times which proves that the site was inhabited  before the time of the Middle Kingdom. The temple includes 7 chapels and statues, Greek-language manuscripts  and pottery have been found on the site.

Qasr Qaroun Temple – The Pharaonic Monuments of Fayoum

The history of the construction of the most important Pharaonic Temples of Fayoum in Egypt and the secret of the sun perpendicular to the archaeological temple, and more to tell us the secrets of the kings of the civilization of ancient Egypt.

The Temple of Qasr Qarun is a Ptolemaic temple dedicated to the worship of the crocodile god Sobek and the Greek god of love Dyonisos. This temple includes 100 rooms and 3 shrines the sun sends its perpendicular rays to the sanctuary where the god’s naos is located once a year on December 21 of each year. The temple is built on 3 floors with 13 m high,19 m wide and 32 m long.

Qarun Lake – The Pharaonic Monuments of Fayoum

The most important attractions and entertainment of Fayoum Egypt, which is the largest natural lake in Egypt and what are the opening hours and ticket prices and for more to start your trip to Egypt.

It is the third but most famous lake in Egypt. The Qarun Lake lies between five meters to the east and 12 meters to the west, with an area of 45,000 acres and is the remaining part of ancient Lake Morris visited by Herodotus  450 BC. Located in the center of the island of the Golden Horn, the Qarun Lake is suitable for all water sports, including sailing, fishing, and hunting migratory birds…

Dimiet Al-Sibaa (Soknopaiou Nesos) – The Pharaonic Monuments of Fayoum

The construction of the most important pharaonic archaeological areas of Fayoum Egypt and the discovered statues, archaeological tombs, temples of the Greek Ptolemaic period and more.

The ruins of Dimiand Al-Sibaa:  

Dimiet Al-Sibaa or Soknopaiou Nesos is a fishing town that dates back to the time of King Ptolemy II who has a small temple that has statues of Sphinx from which comes its name. This city is one of the cities that was created in Ptolemaic times and then they were abandoned because of the negligence of the Ptolemies and  because of the excessive taxes they imposed on the inhabitants.

Fayoum’s 7 water wheels

The construction of the most important attractions and attractions of Fayoum in Egypt and what are the secrets of the seven water wheels   that bring up water dating back to the Ptolemaic era and more valuable information about more than 200 water wheels.

In Fayoum, there are several water wheels that were up to 200 in number that were used to irrigate agricultural land.

 The Antiquities of Atrib:  

The history of the construction of the most important pharaonic monuments in the village of Atrib in Benha Qalyubia in Egypt and what are the most important pharaonic monuments, tombs and temples discovered to tell us the secrets of the civilization of ancient Egypt.

Near Benha, it was the capital of the eighth province, a name for Pharaonic as a “piece of the middle of the earth” and discovered many monuments from different eras.

  • It flourished in the era of the Second Intermediate Period and the New Kingdom.
  • Pharaonic Antiquities of Atrib are on display at the entrance of the Egyptian Museum “Museums of Egypt in Cairo.


Author & Writer The Pharaonic Monuments of Fayoum: Tamer Ahmed Abd elfatah Yousif

 The Pharaonic Monuments of Fayoum | the history and secrets of all the monuments discovered

The Pharaonic Monuments of Fayoum | the history and secrets of all the monuments discovered

About Author

Tamer Ahmed
Eng. Tamer Ahmed | Author & Researcher in History of Ancient Egypt Pharaohs. Booking Your Tours Online Whatsapp: +201112596434