King Amenhotep II – Egyptian Pharaohs kings – Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt – The New Kingdom The most important famous Egyptian kings of the ancient Pharaohs in the Eighteenth Egyptian Dynasty in the New Kingdom of Ancient Egypt | Secrets, biography and his Pharaonic Egyptian Antiquities, achievements in the ancient Egyptian civilization, tomb, Mummy, life and death of the king, the 18th Dynasty, and more about Ancient Egypt History. King Amenhotep

Ancient Egyptian Sport Pharaohs | Games, Recreation in Ancient Egypt, Children’s games among the ancient Egyptians, the stick and hoop game, the Olympic Games, Senet, athletics, the most famous Egyptian sports in the Pharaonic civilization, and more about Ancient Egypt History. The history of the games played by the ancient Egyptians in the civilization of ancient Egypt. The history and secrets about the game of Checkers, the game of  Senet,