King Sekhemkhet or Sechemchet | Egyptian Pharaohs kings – Third Dynasty of Egypt – Old Kingdom of Egypt The most famous Pharaohs kings in the Egyptian dynasty Ancient Egypt. Discover the historical facts about the Pharaonic king, Egyptian Antiquities, what are the most important discoveries, secrets of his private life, and more about Ancient Egypt History. Ruled Reign period in Ancient Egyptian religion: 2650 BC “7 years” Father:King Khasekhemwy Mother: Queen

King Djoser | Famous Egyptian Pharaohs kings Facts in Third Dynasty of Egypt, Old Kingdom of Egypt, Reign, Mummy, Pyramid, Tomb, Statue, Biography, accomplishments, When did rule, Discover Who were Djoser and Imhotep? and more about Ancient Egypt History. King Djoser Facts Who was Djoser’s wife? Queen Hetephernebti “Female Pharaohs” Did King Djoser have children? Prince Inetkawes, King Sekhemkhet. Ruled Reign period: 2650 BC “20-28 years” What was Djoser famous