Meir Tombs in Asyut, Egypt | Facts The Necropolis of Meir, History Pharaonic Cemetery, Map, Entrance Fees, opening hours and more Tombs of Mir.
The history and facts of building the most important tombs of the Pharaohs, how much is the entry ticket price, official working hours, and more.
The capital, which was designated or specified to rule Egypt, had changed through different times.
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Meir Tombs
● But from the Assiut governorate, the ancient pharaohs had ruled the entire state or Egypt, and that was specifically in the era of the old Pharaonic state and during the era of the rule of the Sixth Dynasty, and it remained like this until the end of the rule of the Twelfth Pharaonic Dynasty.
● We are here talking about the fourteenth Pharaonic region, in a simple and ancient Pharaonic village called “Mir”.
● And that is where the rulers in this region had built a number of their temples and also their tombs, but until now those tombs called Mir’s tombs are still the witness widely to history.
● The archaeologists and scholars had mentioned that these Pharaonic tombs in particular had a number of inscriptions on their walls that were characterized by the extent of their amazing need for both nature and all the details that existed around them in a very accurate and wide manner..
● And those fees pertain to all those daily actions that the pharaohs of those ages used to do, especially the ancient Egyptians.
What was carved on the walls of those tombs
● You find that those cemeteries or the tombs of Mir have a record full of killing from the effects, as there are on the walls that rise the number of about fifteen tombs pertaining to all those annual sports that were naturally practiced in those times in the past.
● And it contains many of the most important of these important Pharaonic industries, which were already spreading in the ancient or Pharaonic eras of Egypt.
● It also had many of the most important pharaonic celebrations of ancient holidays and celebrations of all religious rituals.
● Not only that, but you will find a number of funerary furniture and a number of wonderful scenes related to both hunting and holding all those recreational competitions.
● The wonderful thing is that its walls are still distinguished, or let’s say they are decorated with attractive and beautiful drawings and colors that reflect the wonderful Pharaonic skill of that wonderful ancient Egyptian artist.
Where exactly are the tombs of Mir located?
● The village or tombs of Mir are located precisely to the west of the center of Al-Qusiya, which is approximately 65 km northwest of the city of Assiut.
● This large village includes a very large group of the most important of these ancient or distinctively carved Pharaonic tombs in the body of the mountain.
● It is a cemetery belonging to the capital of the old province that distinguishes the princes and rulers of the fourteenth district.
● Where the province was known in the past, at the beginning of the Pharaonic era, and this, of course, for nearly 3 thousand years, of course, BC, was known as the city of Kiss.
Who is the discoverer of Meir Tombs?
● It was discovered in the past by the English archaeological engineer, nicknamed Sir “Blackman”, and that was in the year 1919 specifically.
● Where that great scientist had the first credit for that great archaeological discovery and then the scientific publication of all the details that pertain to that large and amazing group of Pharaonic tombs
● This discovery was made with the great support of one of the notables in the West Qusiya region in Assiut Governorate, Sayyid Pasha Khashaba, as it was he who decided to carry out excavations with the help of that archaeologist, Mr. Blackman.
● Where that archaeological place was an ancient area in which both agriculture in Abhi had mixed its images with those rocky mountains.
● Where she was able to film at the end a strange scene, as if he merges in his portrayal between both life and death.
What did that area look like in the past?
In the past, this area looked like a painting that was drawn by a skilled artist’s pen.
Where the mountains appeared as if they were the guard that prevented the Nile from reaching those tombs.
The rulers in the region of Al-Qusiya, as well as the senior officials of those ancient times, carved a number of tombs, but in the hills, those hills in particular that surround or surround the Nile Valley from the east and even to the west.
It was also adorned in its walls with a number of inscriptions and depicting young or wonderful pictures.
It also contained a number of important historical texts, and all this was during the era of the Old Kingdom and the era of the Old and Middle States.
What is the price of a ticket to visit the tombs of Mir for Egyptians?
● The fees for a ticket to visit the tombs of Mir for adults: 10 Egyptian pounds
● As for the ticket fees for visiting the tombs of Mir for Egyptian students, they are: 5 Egyptian pounds
What is the price of a ticket to visit the tombs of Mir for foreigners?
● The ticket fee for visiting the tombs of Mir is 40 Egyptian pounds
● In the event that the visitor is a foreign student, the entry fee is 20 Egyptian pounds