God Isis | Facts Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses | God of Fertility, motherhood, magic in Pharaonic Civilization & Most Important Ancient Egypt Deities, Mythology Symbols, Definition, Temple, Photo, Who was and more…
the symbol of motherhood, magic and fertility for the ancient Egyptians and pharaohs | Facts and history of the gods and religious beliefs in the civilization of ancient Egypt, discover myths, temples, tales about him, and more.
Isis is one of the goddesses of ancient Egypt. She was a symbol of motherhood and magic, as well as fertility.
He is the wife and sister of Osiris, and she was the mother of the god Horus and Anubis. Learn about another set of information about Isis such as her life and center of worship below.
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The legend of Isis:
In a spell of scorpion bites, God Ra’s solidarity with Isis emerges when she was pregnant, telling her: “Accept, goddess Isis, what better to listen, man lives with the guidance of others, hide with your son, that child who accepts us when his body grows and his power is complete, you will make him take over. on his throne and keep him in this position.
He sends her a whale that helps her carry her and live in the bushes like the seven scorpions that surrounded her and her forest, and each of them has a known place in her hands and behind her.
She warns them firmly of the dangers of the road, saying: Do not recognize lions, do not like red, and do not discriminate between the son of the rich and the son of the poor, and keep your eyes on the road, and take care to raise doubts, and follow yourself in search of my hiding place, until we reach (Persoy) the city of the two ladies who are raised, at the beginning of the marsh and at the end of the cage in which we live.
The legends and myths of the pharaohs – The legend of the seven scorpions defend Isis:
Isis approached with her seven scorpions on her way to a lady’s house with a sting and the housewife looked at her from afar and closed the doors in front of them, then found hospitality in a poor woman’s while slipped one of the scorpions to the first lady’s house and burned her house and burned her son, then the lady went out with her son and Isis took the poison out of her body and the fire extinguished her magical spell, and Isis rang and her ability at this place, so she decided to go to the swamp bushes to escape Seth’s beasts.
The legends and myths of the pharaohs – The Legend of the Pain and Legacy of Isis:
Isis’ pain and legacy occupied the vital tragic part of the View of the Secrets of Osiris in Abydos, which took place in the fourth month of the flood season (22-26) of the month, where two virgin women are brought to remove hair from their bodies, wearing a wig over their head and wearing a buried rudder and their names will be mentioned on their shoulders to distinguish Isis from Nephtis and pliers. to leg hair of very long minerals of women:
“I am a useful woman for her brother.
I am your wife, your sister, your mother.
Then come back to me, quickly.
Because I missed seeing your face again, since the time that
I couldn’t meditate on it.
In our eyes, even if he is in paradise.
Heaven and earth are united, and darkness hangs over earth today.
My heart burns to break with you, woe!
My heart burns because you turned your back to me.
I set foot on the ground and never stopped research.
I have warmth in me because I love you.
And ah! Come and see you.
Come to me, hurry up because you see how much I miss you.
Having so much hope that I could meditate on your face.
And, oh, the land of peace will be your temple.
You will protect, protect in peace.
The legend of the four dialogues about Isis’ pregnancy:
The Texts of the Sarcophagi imaged Isis carrying her son Horus in a dialogue scene involving four people, and begins with the launch of the hurricane of the gods and awakens Isis pregnant “And this hurricane was the voice of (Seth) god of thunder and trumpet and he came to threaten to Horus fetus, then the gods who heard her save and told her that the seed of Osiris was formed in an egg in her belly and called her to protect the one who forms in her belly, and the voice of (Atum) preached to reassure her heart.
Then comes the voice of a hidden woman: how do you realize that who is in the egg is the seed of Osiris? Isis replies firmly: I am Isis, the lady of glory and holiness, and the one in my womb is the plantation of Osiris, and Atum supports her, saying: Let the enclosure hide during her pregnancy without the intervention of the gods, and give birth to the child who is the plantation of Osiris indeed, while he will take revenge on the enemy who killed his father. The enemy who cannot harm his sacred egg, and his greatest magician, obey, gods, what Isis says.
The legend of the first conflict between Seth and Horus:
“Let’s turn into hippos and then dive into the water for a battle in the Nile and floating on the surface of the water after three months, the position will not come to him, so he is there, but Isis cried for her son, so she made a copper hook, tied it to the rope and threw it into the water, so the hook stuck to his son’s body who begged his mother to break the hook and then she threw it back and it clung to Seth’s body who begged his sister to break it,” Seth said.
The legend of the beheading of Isis:
Horus came out of the water angry and grabbed his knife in his hand and cut off his mother Isis’ head and he took it in his hands and carried it up the hill and Isis turned into a headless flint statue, so Ra asked about this statue and he knew that it was Isis, and s Ra said we must sign it as punishment Strictly, the Enead went up in search of Horus and saw him lying under a tree, so they penalized Horus to take his eyes out of their place and bury them on the hill to see the earth, and turn the human eye into two buds, and grow to become lotus flowers. They then returned to Seth to tell him that they had not found Horus.
The legend of Isis negotiates with the ferry sailor:
The gods of the pantheon sailed to the central island, and Isis came to the sailor of the ferry (Enety) after turning into an old woman and pretending that she wanted to see her son on the island, but he did not accept her words to move her there until she sprayed him with a golden ring in her hand.
The legend of Isis on the central island:
Isis arrived on the island and saw the Eneade sitting eating bread, so Isis turned into an incredibly beautiful girl, and as soon as Seth saw her he fell in love with her and inspired her, so she lured him with her beauty and then she told him: I was the wife of a shepherd and I gave birth to a son of him, but my husband died, and I have a guard for his father’s shepherds, but a foreign man came and took the flock and threw my little boy out.
When Isis turned to an intuition and shouted out loud to Seth, she said, “Lose your eyes because of you, it’s your mouth that’s going on, if it’s your wisdom that condemns you.” Seth complained to Ra and told him that Isis had disguised herself and had come to the central island, and ruled that gold would be cursed in his city from now on.
God Isis
• Isis was an ancient goddess known in the ancient Egyptian religion.
• Famous for its worship in Greece and the Romans.
• The first time the goddess Isis was mentioned was in the era of the ancient Egyptian kingdom, which was in the period between 2686 and 2181 BC.
• He was referred to as one of the characters in the Osiris myth, and was the heroine who was able to revive her slain husband.
• It was an old belief about Isis that she protects the dead by guiding them to the other world.
• As she was the owner of the magical spell that helps in healing the sick, so the people considered her one of the blessed gods.
• Isis was worshiped by the Egyptians also in the Hellenistic period, which was in the period from 323 until 30 BC, and Egypt was under the rule of Greece in that period.
• But Isis had a different name in that period, which is Serapis, and her site of worship was in the Mediterranean.
• Of the gods also present in that period, the god Harbokratis and Osiris.
• Isis became of the Roman religion, although the sect that used to worship her are few in Romania.
The origin of the goddess Isis
• Did not mention in any evidence of either Isis or Osiris except in the period of the Fifth Dynasty, which was in the period between 2494 until 2345 BC.
• Isis was clearly mentioned in the pyramid texts located in the Nile Delta, near Behbeit El-Hagar and Samanoud.
• It is said that the origin of the name Isis is Ast, which in the Coptic language means the word “may” and the name of Isis came from the Greek language.
• While writing the name of Isis, the symbol of the throne is written, which is a reference to the crown that she wears on her head.
• It is also said that the name Set is its meaning in the Egyptian language “throne”.
Roles of Isis
• Isis was one of the members of the Holy Ennead, a family of 9 gods, all of whom are from the creator god. Some say that he is Ra, and others say that Atum.
• Isis was not alone in this family, but her brothers Osiris and Nephthys were also.
• Isis and her sister Nephthys assembled the parts of their brother and Isis’s husband after he was killed by his evil brother Set.
• Therefore, the goddess Isis took the image of the tragic widow who was devastated by the news of her husband’s murder at the hands of his brother.
• One of the roles that Isis was playing was helping the dead as she helped Osiris.
• Isis was also chanting some magical incantations in which she expressed her desire to cry and anger over her husband’s death.
• It was also prevalent that Isis is the mother of the dead, who provides them with protection and nourishment in the afterlife.
• She was also the mother who protected her son, who gave birth to him after a difficult birth, and her brother’s six was a danger to her son’s life.
• There was also a group of risks, including snakes and scorpions, as well as diseases that may affect fetuses.
• It is said that Horus cut off the head of his adoptive mother during a dispute between them and she replaced her head with the head of a cow.
God Isis, goddess of magic and wisdom
• Among the roles that Isis also played is magic and wisdom, because of her ability to revive Osiris after killing him.
• It was also said that she is more skilled than a million gods, and she even used her magic in the struggle against Six.
• It is said that in one of the incantations, Isis created a snake that bites Ra, the great god, in order to make him sick.
• After that, Isis offered the god Ra to protect him by using her secret magic when he told her his real name.
• She was also one of the most important goddesses in the sky, as she obtained a very important and high position in the sky.
• That position came in the Al-Ahram texts, which were said to have a strong relationship with the flood and the good that comes with it.
• She was also the goddess of the universe who protects the country and is also responsible for the rain, so he called her the lady of heaven.
• Among the other roles played by Isis is the blessing of the dead and the revival of humans through a group of hymns.
Depiction of the God Isis
• The goddess Isis was a woman in a delicate dress with a bundle of papyrus in her hands.
• While the other hand comes holding the key to life, and her hair was covering the sign of the throne, which also comes to write her name.
• The icon of Isis was placed in coffins to protect the dead, but it was painted in the form of a kite or a woman, but with a kite wing.
• It is said that this is due to the presence of a similarity between the sound of women’s wailing with the sound of a kite, as the goddess came in other images, including the pig, which in the past referred to motherhood.
• The cow is also one of the images that the goddess Isis brought.