God Nut | Facts Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses | God of the sky, stars, cosmos, mothers, astronomy, and the universe in Pharaonic Civilization & Most Important Ancient Egypt Deities, Mythology Symbols, Definition, Temple, Photo, Who was and more…
the symbol of the sky and stars among the ancient Egyptians and pharaohs | Facts and history of the gods and religious beliefs in the civilization of ancient Egypt, discover myths, temples, tales about him, and more.
The sky god Nut is one of the ancient gods known in the Egyptian religion, and she was usually depicted with a group of stars, indicating her association with the sky, and it was believed in the past that she is the sister of Geb, the god of the earth, and that their father is Shu, the god of air, while their mother is Tefnut, the goddess of moisture, learn more.
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examples of spiritual literature:
Hymn – Hymn to God Nut:
Temples are flooded with joy,
The heavens cry out, the gods applaud,
And human beings love his face.
The great and elevated Neith, who created what exists surrounds his city with joy of life,
While she shines in her palace, she has life, survival and all the strength.
Great Neith, the storm blows, and the rain arrives.
Then the sky shines and the earth light up,
The feast takes place again on the day of the “Rising of Heaven”. And Ta Tenen introduces himself again.
They call Her Majesty Neith and Ta Tenen “Infinite Time.”
Two-thirds of her people, Neith, are men.
And a third is women.
She creates renewable flares,
She expels the darkness,
The sun’s disk leaks with its own brightness.
And hide it in the grain of his eye.
And when it shines, it shows its light,
The god of the sky “Nut
- The name of the sky god Nut is usually written with this symbol.
- Myths say that the goddess Nut is related to the creation of humans, and she is among the members of the “Heliopolis ninth”.
- The Ennead is responsible for creating the world and what is in it. In the past, family members were worshiped in Heliopolis, which is currently Ain Shams.
- Legend says that Nut is the daughter of Shu, the god of air, and thus she is considered a grandson of Atum, the sun god.
- It is also said that Nut married her brother Geb and had four children, including two boys and two.
- The sons are Osuis, Isis, Set and Nephthys.
- According to the legend, Nut was called “Mother of Horus” even though the immediate mother was her daughter Isis, who carried him in her womb.
- It is also said that there is a manuscript bearing the name “Book of the Dead” and that manuscript indicates that Nut is the mother of “Ra” the sun.
- The goddess Nut was painted in the morning in the tomb of Ramses VI, and there is also a manuscript of Seti in which Nut is referred to as the mother of the god “Ra”.
sky goddess
- Nut had an important position among the ancient Egyptians, because she was involved in the rituals of the dead.
- Where the goddess Nut was linked to resurrection and immortality in the afterlife, due to an ancient legend that the dead are raised to her body after death.
- She was not only sanctified, but her children were sanctified as well, and each of them had rituals related to the dead, and some of her children were called the ones who protect the dead.
- She was also known in the past as the goddess of the dead, and her name was mentioned in the texts of the pyramids, and she was referred to as the “healing cow”.
- It was also known as the protector of the dead at the time of their departure to the other world.
- In addition, her name was written on the graves of the dead.
- The role of Nott was confused with Hathor, the lady of the sacred sycamore tree, at the end of the era of the pharaohs.
- It was Hathor who provided food and drink to the deceased, and at one time she also represented the goddess of heaven.
- Therefore, Nut was also known to give food and drink to the dead and take care of them during their journey to the other world.