Tomb of Neferherenptah
- Egyptian Tombs, Pharaonic Tourist attractions in Saqqara
- Bird Tomb, Egypt Archaeological Sites, Egyptian Antiquities, Egyptian Monuments, Egyptian Tombs, Fifth Dynasty of Egypt, Old Kingdom of Egypt, Pharaonic Tombs, Pharaonic Tourist attractions in Saqqara, Things to Do in Egypt, Things to do in Saqqara, Tomb of Neferherenptah, Tourist Attractions in Saqqara
Tomb of Neferherenptah “Bird Tomb” in Saqqara Egypt – Egyptian Tombs Facts about Egyptian tombs and discoveries of mastabas in the history of the Pharaonic civilization in the ancient Egyptian civilization in the Dahshur area of Cairo, the map, the design and layout of the Pharaonic tomb from the inside and how to reach it and more about Ancient Egypt History.. Nefer Ptah worked in the government under the rule of the Egyptian