Tomb of King Amenmesse | KV10 in Valley of the Kings, Luxor, Egypt – Egyptian Tombs Map of Egyptian tombs and secrets of ancient Egyptian civilization and facts and history of the Pharaonic civilization for building the Royal Tomb No. 10 in Gebel El Qurna and what are the Pharaonic discoveries and Egyptian Monuments of the Egyptian Pharaohs kings to learn about Ancient Egypt History. The tomb was built in the era of

King Amenmesse “Amenmesses or Amenmose” – Egyptian Pharaohs kings – Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt – The New Kingdom Facts and history of the Pharaonic civilization of the greatest Egyptian pharaohs | Secrets, biography, pyramid, achievements in ancient Egypt, tomb, Mummy, life and death of the king, dynasty of the 19th dynasty and more about Ancient Egypt History. Ruling period: 1203–1200 BC Duration of rule in Ancient Egyptian Government: 4 years. Father: king Merneptah Mother: Queen