God Nefertem “Nefertum” | Facts Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses | God of the fragrance and beauty in Pharaonic Civilization & Most Important Ancient Egypt Deities, Mythology Symbols, Definition, Temple, Photo and more about god Nefer-temu…
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God Nefertem
Facts and history of gods and religious beliefs in the civilization of ancient Egypt and more.
● The ancient Egyptian deity Nefertum or as he was sometimes called the beautiful one who closes or the one who does not close.
● He was in the ancient Egyptian myths responsible for the creation of the world, as he is the god who had already arisen from the heart of the primordial waters in Egypt, according to what was mentioned in the myths.
● She also represented the god Nefertum in Nasr, a number of things, such as the first light of the sun, and she also represented her being the wonderful scent that emanates from or comes out of the Egyptian lotus flower.
● And that was after it arose or was born, as they believe, from the primordial water that was present inside a lily of the original Egyptian blue water.
● One of the most important titles that Nefertum obtained was the title of the beautiful and the most famous title for her, which is the water lily, and her name was mentioned in an original copy found for the Book of the Dead.
Who is Nefertum?
● The god Nefertum was an ancient Egyptian deity who was worshiped in Lower Egypt, and then he was considered, since the early era in the history of Pharaonic Egypt, that he was the son of Leptah and at the same time the son of Sekhmet.
● It was also mentioned in the Trinity of Memphis, and its name meant many things, the most important of which was the lotus flower.
● It has been depicted in ancient Egyptian mythology and appears in the form of the symbolic lotus flower
● Almost two feathers were rising from its middle, which were very high in length, as the people considered it, according to what was mentioned in the myths, that it is like a lotus flower that had appeared and sprouted and then emitted from above the body of the god.
● It was also considered that he is like the original flower that the god Ra used to hold, and then he would bring it close to his nose.
● Where that was the well-known habit that was very exciting what was represented by the ancient Egyptians and the pharaohs in their scenes, and then they succeeded in showing through them the kind of noble and great personalities in Egypt while they play their part in smelling the flowers.
The religious importance of Nefertum
● And he attributed to the ancient Egyptian god Nefertum in myths an important and necessary role in creation myths, as he was sometimes called Nefertum Atom or also the god Ra the Younger.
● This is because in the theories of Hermopolis, the god Nefertum was that child who was shining and emerging from the lotus flower within the scope of the Sacred Sea of the Two Seas, and then it was from his tears that the human race came to life.
● Therefore, in the end, the ancient Egyptians believed that Nefertum was the son of the creator god Ptah, and that in some myths he was called the words of the goddess Sekhmet and Bast Hemet, the names of his mother.
● Also, in art and photography, Nefertum was usually portrayed as a man of fuzz, specifically a beautiful young man, but his head was surrounded by a large group of blue Egyptian water lilies.
● Among the most prominent of those images that were known about Nefertum is the head of Nefertum, which appeared in a half-wooden statue, almost as if the young king, Tutankhamun, was depicted in the image of the god Nefertum, and then his head was coming out beautifully covered with a lotus flower.